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Learning through pandemic: the significance of Modern Technology

and its effects as students' aid facing the new normal

Assessment of Students' learning circumstances amidst of corona

Charles Pilapil, Dwight Gambet, Charlie Mato Et Al.

Course #: BSIT -2C

Professor. Andrea Bautista

Assignment due date

Chapter 1


Background if the study

Technology and pandemic, two familiar things that most of us are

dealing with at the moment. We are currently facing a pandemic that is

hindering nearly all of our options to go through our daily lives, as

the technology stands as alternative to ease some problems this

pandemic has caused. Technology brings tools to promote development

and give information, making things easier and solving many problems

for mankind. As it progresses, it makes our lives even more convenient

(DIGITALEDENZINDIA, 2019). It stands as convenience to our everyday

life on these times of pandemic, we use the help of technology for our

work, necessities and to help keep intact on our communication; other

than that, it also serves as an instrument to keep our

studies/academics to carry on. But what really is its relevance when

it comes to our academics? In this study we will apprehend the

significance of technology and will consider other aspects that

affects one student's academic performance that are often overlooked.

It has been more than a year since the novel coronavirus (covid 19)

struck the Philippines. More than 1 million people have been infected

by the said virus and we are sitting on a quarantine since. It has

been affecting many sectors of our country but the most affected is
our economy, On Biswas' (2021) blog about his study on the country's

economy; he stated that:

The Philippines economy suffered a deep recession in 2020 due to the

impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, with GDP contracting by 9.6% year-on-

year. This was the largest annual decline ever recorded since National

Accounts data series for the Philippines commenced in 1946.

As our economy decline it also affects the sector of education, as our

education have been temporarily interrupted. Specifically, the

Philippine Commission on Higher Education (CHED) released a COVID

advisory stating the cancellation of classes and school activities on

may on march 9, 2020(Abel, 2020); And other branches of education just

resumed recently. Also, it adds weight for the majority of Filipino

family that is struggling how can they support their children's


On a study conducted by Rohman et al., (2020) - “Online Learning in

higher Education during Covid-19 Pandemic: Students’ Perceptions”

exhibits that most of the students aren't fond of online learning and

is looked in a negative manner.

This study aims to give information about how can technology and any

other means plays a role on a student's education or way of learning.

It'll give focus on the current circumstances of information

technology students from City of Malabon University.

Statement of the problem

The main objective of this study is to know the significance of

technology to students and and how it can affect the academic

performance of the students from City of Malabon University (CMU)

This study ought to answer the following:

1. The significance of technology to students’ academics during


1.1. The importance of having one.

1.2. How it can reflect on their grades.

2. How can technology support them.

1.1. Does it help them on their academics?

1.2. Is the support it gives enough.

3. How can it be of use on their learning capabilities.

Theoretical framework

As the pandemic continues, we have to use the help of technology. We

need to use the convenience that technology brings to its potent.

Everybody in academic sectors should stress how important the

technology is to us either with pandemic or not.

With the use of technology, it allows the students to help each other

to work along to better understanding material. In a sense, one can

serve as (supervised) teachers – also, learning the help of set of

instructions is known to be highly effective for mastering topics and

solving problems (Brown 2019). Wantulok (2015) also believed that

technology is capable of enhancing relationships not just between

students but also with teachers. Technology helps make teaching and

learning more meaningful and fun if one can find a way to execute it

correctly, there are many things you can find with the use of

technology for academic approach.

According to Jizat & Sulong (2021) the rationality of e learning

approach being implemented is to have better, more convenient, and

effective way to deliver instructions and learning. To make students

academics circumstances during pandemic better. With that being said,

Basilaia & Kvavadze (2020) stated that teacher competencies in both

pedagogy and technology should be in existence still. This transition

to the new normal, from traditional to online classes, every learning

intuition needs to study how successful online learning exist to

provide quality education and outcomes-based education to students.

Scope and Delimitation

This study is focused on students from BSIT department of City of

Malabon University on how important it is to have the aid of

technology and its effects when it comes to their academics.

The study is only limited to BSIT department as it may not be able to

gather information from other departments of City of Malabon


Definition and Terms

To have a better comprehension and understanding of the study, the

following terms given are defined.

Bachelor in Information Technology (BSIT) information technology

students from City of Malabon University.

Technology the application of scientific knowledge for practical

purposes, especially in industry.

Pandemic outbreak of disease prevalent over a whole country or the


Necessities are something that is absolutely needed.

Instrument device or something that is used.

Covid 19 a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. 'CO' stands

for corona, 'VI' for virus, and 'D' for disease. Formerly, this

disease was referred to as '2019 novel coronavirus' or '2019-nCoV.

Gross domestic product (GDP) final value of the goods and services

produced within the geographic boundaries of a country during a

specified period of time.

Philippine Commission on Higher Education (CHED) the governing body

covering both public and private higher education institutions as well

as degree-granting programs in all tertiary educational institutions

in the Philippines.

Coronavirus large family of viruses causing a range of illnesses, from

the common cold to more serious infections such as those caused by

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-related Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and

severe acute respiratory syndrome-related Coronavirus (SARS-CoV).

Higher Education education beyond high school, specially at a college

or university.

Traditional classes are an educational place where the teacher

delivers knowledge to the students in person without any third-party


Online learning Education that takes place over the internet.

Outcome based education is an educational theory that bases each part

of an educational system around goals.

Significance of the study

The research information gathered will provide insight on how

important technology is to BSIT students of City of Malabon University

whilst facing pandemic.

The information acquired on this study will provide information on the

following sectors:

CMU Admin. it will give them insight if the help of technology is

enough for the students to cope up.

Parents. This study will give them knowledge on how critical it is to

have technology’s aid.

Teachers. they will understand the circumstances of students’ learning

associated with technology.

Teachers. will have understanding on how important it is to have

technology to support them and others as students.

Researchers. this study conducted will greatly help future researchers

who will find interest on a similar topic.


The study is conducted to know how the aid of technology is crucial

for students' academic performance as it plays a major role on keeping

up with school works and classes.

Ho: Technology is a huge factor to be considered on students' academic


Ha: The use of technology won't affect the students' performance the




Technology has become part of our lives within the past years. It

helps us to do the given task easily and faster but now technology

plays a vital role for us, especially the students who are studying

amidst the pandemic. One of the changes students notice are they are

not conducting traditional or face-to-face classes instead students

are now using different online learning platforms with the help of


Online learning can be termed as a tool that can make the

teaching–learning process more student-centered, more innovative, and

even more flexible. Online learning is defined as “learning

experiences in synchronous or asynchronous environments using

different devices (e.g., mobile phones, laptops, etc.) with internet

access. In these environments, students can be anywhere (independent)

to learn and interact with instructors and other students” (Singh &

Thurman, 2019). Online learning, as a subset of all distance

education, has always been concerned with provision of access to

educational experience that is, at least, more flexible in time and in

space than campus-based education. The theory of online learning must

acknowledge the change from an era of shortage and restriction to an

era of abundant content; content resources are now so large that

filtering and reducing choice is as important as provision of

sufficient content itself. Interaction has long been a defining and

critical component of the educational process and context. However,

the term itself is used in many ways to describe many different types

of exchanges between different actors and objects associated with

teaching and learning.

According to (UNESCO,2020). These are the online learning platforms

such as Google, TV Broadcast, guidelines, resources, video lectures

and online channels were introduced. The schools must plan on how do

they implement the new forms of teaching during this pandemic and they

must provide a good quality of education to every student who are

facing the challenges during this pandemic. As university is a public

place where the students are vulnerable against COVID-19.

There must be an implementation of a new policies and provide

online learning platforms. Many innovative online learning platforms

had been introduced by the different sectors in the country. This

means that students are not necessarily need to go to school and learn

inside the classroom. The Commission on Higher Education suggested to

strengthen the online platforms and blended learning such as but now
limited to google classroom, zoom, Edmodo, Facebook and YouTube

(CHED,2020). But these online learning platforms would pose a problem

to those students who can’t afford or buy gadgets, computers and

internet connection. On the

report of Akamai (2017), The Philippines has the lowest internet

connectivity in Asia. The government must develop and strengthened the

internet connectivity in the country. Many students are struggling to

attend their class, pass their requirements and compromising their

safety and health during this pandemic due to poor or lacking of

internet connection.

Incorporating the use of several technological applications allows the

students to participate in high-order thinking, enhance communication,

engage in collaborative problem-solving activities and discussions,

critically effect on content and expand digital competencies

(Schindler et al.,2017). The academic achievements of the students had

been improving by the help of using technology in their academics

unlike the students who does not know or use technology in their


The emerging technologies like Facebook can also be used as an

online learning platform in this pandemic. According to (Bond,

Buntins, Bedenlier, Zawacki-Richter, & Kerres, 2020). In using social

media to supplement future endeavors relate to digital learning in the

Philippines, the social media can increase student's engagement in

terms of behavioral, affective, cognitive domains.

The research review's purpose is to show the readers how

technology is important to the students in this pandemic. Technology

is a very important and versatile tool for the students for them to

attend the class in a way of conducting online learning using

different technologies. Although the presence of technology does not

ensure accessibility in online learning, it has the ability to lower

the risk of students against COVID-19. Many studies and researches

prove that technology helps the students to increase and improve their

skill, enhance their achievements in academics and how to use

different online learning platforms.



This chapter explains various methodologies that were used in

gathering data and analysis which are relevant to the research. The

methodologies will include the area such as research method, research

locale, sample and sampling techniques, research instrument and

statistical treatment.

Research Method

The sudden change on the learning of the students in face to face

to online learning due to global outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic that

has spread throughout the world. Technology plays a big role for the

students to continue their studies. In this study will use Google form
that will determine and consider other aspects that affects the

academic performances of the students with the use of technology that

focuses on the students in City of Malabon University during this

pandemic crisis. The students will answer the following question that

correspond to their answers.

Research Locale

The study was conducted at City of Malabon University located in

Pampano Corner, Maya-maya St. Brgy. Longos Malabon City. This study

was been implemented among the student from City of Malabon University

(CMU) from first year to fourth year college. The research study was

implemented among the students of CET department from CMU, this study

has tested how important technology is during a pandemic and how it

contributes to our studies.

Population, Sampling Size and Sampling Techniques

The method of convenience sampling was used to develop the sample

of the research under discussion. According to this method, which

belongs to the category of non-probability sampling techniques, the

sample is taken from a group of people easy to contact or to reach

(Saunders, M; Lewis, P; Thornhill, A., 2012). In the current study,

all of the respondents that we gather provides the information that we

need in our research study.

The researchers used the convenience sampling technique to have

at least 25 respondents as minimum.

Table 1

Distribution of the Respondents in terms of year level

Year level Frequency Percentage (%)

1st year 6 20%
2nd year 12 46%
3rd year 7 23%
4th year 4 11%
Total 29 100%

Research Instrument

We are all aware that there's a pandemic spreading at the moment

and for that reason we used the google forms on distribution for our

group's research survey. With the use of the said platform it will

make the data gathering easier in a more safe and sound manner. The

students of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) are

the target respondents to answer the said survey. The relevant data

collected will be analyzed in addition for our research.

Statical Treatment of Data

For the purpose of analysis and interpretation, the data gathered

were coded tallied and tabulate subjected to the following statistical


Frequency and Percentage

The frequency and distributions were used to categorized the

respondents according to their personal thoughts. The researchers used

the formula below to determine the proportion of students who

P = F/N X 100

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