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University of Halabja

College of Basic Education

English Department

Second stage /Evening Classes


Report Title:

The Renaissance and Religion

Prepared by: Supervised:

Payam Adham Ali D. Barzan H

Contents Page

Title page 1

Table Page 2

Introduction 3-4

Discussion 5-6-7

Conclusion 8

References 9

Renaissance and religion

The Renaissance: It was an important movement and the beginning of an era in knowledge
reroute ,religions reform and artistic progress in Europe.

Renaissance was the days of a crossing middle ages to the new era.

For the first time the French used the {Renaissance}in the 16th century which means {reborn}.

The days of Renaissance referral to the 14th century in northern Italy. The movement assumed
northern Europe in 15th century.

It abided 300 years and it start in Flora and ended in British.

Renaissance in Europe was discovering the residual archaeological of ancient nations

especially those Greek scientific and philosophical masterpiece which in middle age people
were cognizant or in cognizant about them.

As a result these achievements were obtained in moslem {muslims} hand when Islamic
conquests in Bizantin empire ,in 15 c.

A part of them through Afriqa and Andalusion yard which {Spain} now, went to Europe.

The other parts were directly obtained in Europens hand ,who fought the muslims during
christion war and translated to the Europen languages.

This translation and Greek achievements were the cause of filling the phliosphical ,
literature ,and a new science.

These new filling were the most important causes of appearing of Renaissance . Also filling
the west religion in a general way were can see in three stages and they were:

Before middle era, Renaissance era, and new era .

In the period of before middle era less than expectation , human being attended to religion
and religions empire .

In middle era period another change happened to religions story research.

The Renaissance
The period in Europe during the 14th ,5th and 16th centuries when people become interested
in the ideas and culture of ancient Greece and Roma and used these influences in their own
art ,literature,

A situation when there is new interest in a particular subject ,from of art ,etc. After a period
when it was not very popular.

Religion :
The belief in the existence of a god or gods ,and the activities that are connected with the
worship of them ,or in the teaching of a spiritual leader.

A particular interest or influence that is very important in your life.

Renaissance is a French word meaning “rebirth” it refers to a period in European

civilization that was marked by a revival of Classical learning and wisdom.

Renaissance :The revival of European art and literature under the influence of classical
models in the 14th-16th centuries.

Also the culture and style of art and architecture developed during the renaissance.

Renaissance,{French: ”Rebirth”} period in European civilization immediately following the

middle ages and conventionally held to have been characterized by a surge of interest in
classical scholarship and values.

*How did religion affect the Renaissance?

During the Renaissance ,people increasingly began to see the world from a human-
centered perspective. This had a powerful impact upon religion. Increasingly, people were
paying more attention to this life rather than the afterlife.

The culture rebirth that occurred in Europe from roughly the fourteenth through the
middle of the seventeenth centuries , based and Rome. During the Renaissance, America
was discovered ,and the Reformation began; modern times are often considered to have
begun with the Renaissance.
*Causes of the Renaissance
The Renaissance was an important event in European history that stretched from the 14th
century to the 17th century . because Renaissance was preceded by the Middle Age in Europe
and eventually led to the major events of the Age of Enlightenment . In historical terms the
renaissance is important because it led to a major shift in European thought and world view.

While the Renaissance is considered to have begun in the city-states of the Italian peninsula in
the 14th century ,the main idea of the movement eventually spread to all of Europe by the 16th
century. The most significant changes that emerged as a result of the renaissance can be
seen in European architecture , art , literature , mathematics , music ,philosophy ,politics
,religion ,and science. Historians have identified several causes for the emergence of the
Renaissance following the Middle Ages, such as: increased interaction between different
cultures ,the rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman texts ,the emergence of humanism
,different artistic and technological innovations ,and the impacts of conflict and death.
Therefor imply the renaissance the change in the world blankly such as art ,music
,philosophy ,literature and etc.. generally in the 14th 17th century nearly 300 years.

A collection of Danes and philosophers believe that the renaissance is the relationship between
the middle ages and the new century.

 Illation Renaissance with Religion

1-Redevelopment Responsibility

2-Relative historical

3-Profiteer and impend

4-Topical and responsibility

5-System semantic solemn act

6-Methodology and merit system.

7-Philosophy social

8-Behave model
 Renaissance Religion

Humanism encouraged Europeans to question the role of the Roma Catholic church
during the Renaissance .As more people learned how to read ,write and interpret
ideas, they began to closely examine and critique religion as they knew it.
Religion had an important role in people`s lives and the church had until then been
the authoritative source of information about heaven and earth . They were religion
people who believed in the Holy Trinity and feared the God .

*What was the main religion in the Renaissance ?

The main religion of Renaissance Europe was Christianity and the main church
was the catholic church. However , there were new ideas during this time
including a new Christian church called Protestantism and a new philosophy called

* Renaissance Religion
In the 16th century, Martin Luther, a German monk, led the protestant Reformation - a
revolutionary movement that caused a split in the Catholic church. As a result, a
new from of Christianity , know as Protestantism , was created .
The renaissance was a fervent period of European cultural ,art, political and economic
“rebirth” following the middle age .Generally described as talking place in from 14th
century to the 17th century . the renaissance promoted the rediscovery of classical
philosophy , literature and art.

*What is Renaissance and its causes?

Historians have identified several causes for the emergence of the Renaissance
following the middle ages, such as : increased interaction between different
cultures , the rediscovery of ancient Greek and roman texts ,the emergences of
humanism ,different artistic and technological innovations, and the impacts of
*End of the Renaissance

Scholars believe the demise of the Renaissance was the result of several
compounding factors.
By the end of the 15th century, numerous wars had plagued the Italian peninsula.
Spanish ,French and German invaders battling for Italian territories caused disruption
and in stability in the region.
Also ,changing trade routes led to a period of economic decline and limited the
amount of money that wealthy contributors could spend on the arts.
At last we can say renaissance change in the world in the more how much subject
such as art , literature , music etc..
Conclusion :-

Religion and Renaissance

Renaissance or renaissance era was asocial intellectual movement. It began in Italy in the
13 century and continued until the 17th century. That is in the years 1300-1700,that movement

made changes in the economic ,social and artistic .The change had an impact on the
economy ,art ,society, culture and religion . After the renaissance spread in Italy, it gradually
took over European counties and later spread around the world.

The effects on religion were that it supported reason and thought, but the dominant religion at
that time was Christianity , which was very abundant. And religion also trusts the heart and soul

, so they wanted to study religion through reason and interpret religion and Christianity
through reason. Hence ,it brought about changes in religion in general and Christianity in
particular . A collection of Danes and philosophers believe that the renaissance is the
relationship between the middle ages and the new century.
Reference –Sources :-

1-١٣٩١ ‫روزنامە رسالت سال‬

2- ‫منعی رنیسانس قاموسی میعن‬

3- ‫گۆڤاری خاک‬

4- Renaissance pdf

5- www. Britannica. com

6- ‫رنسانس دینی‬

7- What the Renaissance …pdf

8- ‫ماکیاڤیلی و بیری رینیسانس‬

9- kurdipidia .org

10- Oxford Dictionary {OALD}

11- www. History .com

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