Film Review "The Internship": Submitted by

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Submitted By:

Charlene Gem M. Bactad

I. Introduction
"The Internship" is a movie about a two salesman Nick and Billy. The two were sales
agent partners in a watch shop, when the shop has closed they had to find another job
and in desperation they found the internship program of Google. This story tells us
that it is important to keep our motivations up. In our way to our goal, we can face
difficulties and struggles. It is important to always love what you do and be
passionate with it.

II. Summary

The story began when the two salesperson Nick and Billy offered a watch to a client
not knowing the shop they were connected with was closing. They were shocked and
confronted their boss immediately. Billy desperately look through online for the
job postings until he found the internship program of google. Nicki on the other hand,
was employed at a mattress store. Billy convinced Nicki to join him on the internship
program and took the interview at a library. They were accepted and were grouped to
a nerd named Yo-yo, Stuart Neha and the head of the group and one of the managers
Lyle. The purpose of the internship is to find for the best team to be employed in the
company. They have to pass the five challenges that was designed for the Internship.
The first task is a physical activity, the competition was tight but they learned the
importance of team work but they lose the 1st task, the second task is to develop an
application. Overwhelmed with the ideas, they decided to take time off and go bar
hopping, they enjoyed and got drunk. Lyle's drunken antics inspire the team to create
an app that has a question and answer before you send a message to prevent you from
sending a drunken message. Surprisingly the next day, Roger Chetty had a great news
that the said application got 10 times downloads. So, they got another point.
Meanwhile, Nicki is flirting with one of the executives Dana. When Billy decided to
take a sauna he bumped in with Graham and was bullied. He was belittled and became
out of focus. The Guy wearing headphones saw the determination of Billy studying the
given task to him, He suddenly approaches Billy and tutors him on to do it. Dana finally
agrees to go on a date with Nick. Billy is confident on doing the task sadly he failed to
log his calls and they lose the point. Feeling guilty, Billy leaves google to pursue a new
sales job with his former boss. The Final Task is announced as sales challenge. The
task is to get a largest possible company to begin an advertising with Google. Nick
finds Billy and convinced him to go back to the internship. Then they return to Google
academy, they found a local pizza shop and discussed to the owner the possible
potential clients and convinced them. Chetty is about to announce that Graham's team
have won, when Billy, Nick, and their team arrive to give a presentation about their
new client. Chetty was astounded that the pizza shop they had persuaded though not a
large company but has a lot of potential in the future.
Graham protests and the man with headphones appeared who turns out to be the head
of Google Search. Nick and Billy's team win the challenge and got the job.
III. Analysis
“The Internship” in connection with the subject Human Resource Management has
reflected the ways how an applicant and a company choose a perfect fit. They may have
lack of skills but with the right determination and training the Human Resource can
find the perfect applicant.

IV. Conclusion
I recommend this film for everyone, the movie “The Internship” tells us that we must
always be positive and motivated with the things we do. Life may throw stones at us,
we may feel lonely and lost sometimes but we can always go back to the goals that we
want to achieve.

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