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Our recommendations
We recommend the following candidates and that voters say yes on Prop 2
and no on Prop 3 and no on the question of The Woodlands incorporation.

Houston ISD Board of Trustees Houston Community College Board of Trustees

30pt 30pt 30pt 30pt 30pt
DISTRICT I — Janette Garza Lindner
While the incumbent has failed to provide the steady influence
DISTRICT30pt 30pt
III — Adriana Tamez30pt 30pt
In 2013, when the editorial board endorsed Adriana Tamez for an unexpired term
Byline_name pellentesque lectu. pendisse arcu. Quisque porta
and smooth leadership that the school board so badly needs,
on the Houston Community NINETEEN INCHESCollege Board
aliquam eros.of Trustees, she represented a breath
Janette Garza Lindner, 45, is a strong candidate with a fierce of fresh air on a board mired
vehicula. with
Cras vitae metuslongstanding
sed do- TWENTYEIGHTissues of cronyism
INCHES Nam and dereliction.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, lor cursus malesuada. Nam laci- pulvinar, metus in porttitor im-
inner drive we believe she can channel into good governance. The
consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc
Two years later, when we endorsed her again — for a full term — it was because
nia, enim vel varius lobortis, eros perdiet, risus nisl adipiscing elit,
mother of two HISD students,
consequat neque Garza Lindner
ac arcu. Maece- grew up in Browns- she impressed us with her stalwart
nisl convallis commitment
turpis, at gravida. sed pellentesqueto workforce
neque mauris development and
nas accumsan
ville, bilingual in Spanish and English,pretium odio. as an adopted daughter of unabashed calls for TWENTY
financial INCHES 20 arcu quis non dui.
accountability inNullam mattis,term.
her first justo si. Today, she’s cam-
ONE INCH 1111111111 Cras tempus magna ultricies imperdiet. Sed TWENTYNINE INCHES sodales
a widow who left school in theest.second
scelerisque grade and never learned to
Proin venenatis paigning on the same platform.
faucibus, Despite
quam vel bibendum dic- some
est, vitae clear
dolor nibh eu on her record these
read. She graduated from lorem non
thelectus. Etiam interdum
University of Texas and is an energy past six years, her steady tum, libero demeanor,
leo consequat purus,wellelit.
educational, financial and managerial
congue velit ac augue.
interdum lacus. Pellentesque ar- et sodale. Maecenas odio eros, dapibus a,
industry consultant and project
cu torto pulvinarmanager.
ut, est. In 2019, she received knowledge and focused grasp
INCHES nulla.remaining
In euismod is.gaps in HCC’s system leads us to
training as a board fellow TWO ofINCHES
Latinos 222222for Education and serves on
Maece- recommend District
name here / credit here
III voters
tincidunt. give
Phasellus ut Adriana
ipsum. Tamez,
THIRTY 57,30another
INCHES nec, varius term representing
nas nec orci vel neque aliquam la- cutline tag with dummy text. cutline tag with dummy text. Praesent varius, mauris sceleris- sed, egestas eget, nisi. Nullam vel
the leadership committee of Arts
cinia. Donec Connect
felis tortor, interdum Houston. Herdummy
cutline tag with storytext.cutline tagsoutheast
with dummy text. Houston. que tempor tincidunt, urna elit risus vel velit egestas gravida. Nul-
lends itself well to representing District
id, lacinia id, pretium at, leo.I,Ali-
which stretches from the molestie arcu, at ornare turpi. lam scelerisque scelerisque tor-
quam sollicitudin risus at velit. EIGHT INCHES 8888 Curabitur risus. Ut sagittis quam vitae lec- TWENTYTWO INCHES amet tor. Morbi nibh elit, tincidun.
Near Northside to the northwest
THREE INCHESacross 3333 Nammuch of the Heights.
at ullamcorper, DISTRICT
magna ac cursus tus. Nullam VIIIid,— Jharett
arcu odio, egestas Bryantt
ligula malesuada dapibus. Ae- THIRTYONE INCHES Curabi-
purus. Pellentesque ligula neque,
faucibus, pede elit rhoncus lec- imperdiet set. nean risus sem, suscipit dictum, tur ullamcorper, magna ac cursus
euismod vitae, iaculis in, sodales
tus, id semper urna arcu sed mas- FOURTEENSince 2009,
INCHES Eva Loredo
Eu turpis has been a stalwart on the HCC board, a former board
sollicitudin a, pellentesque eu, faucibus, pede elit rhoncus lec-
DISTRICT V — Sue Deigaard
id, justo. Etiam vel elit a mauris ul- sa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. ornarechair who
dignissim. hasmollis
Donec provided stability
est. Pellentesque and leadership
turpis. through
tus, id semper urna arcu sed a storm
mas- of scandals.
We recommend votersFOUR keep tempus.
incumbent Sue Deigaard, NINE INCHES 999999 52, inVestibu-
the elit in neque. Aenean pharetra fe- TWENTYTHREE INCHES Lo- sa. Lorem ipsum dolor elit.
INCHES 44444 Cras cur- lum tortor velit, imperdiet sed,
There comes a time, though, when a bold challenger
lis nec quam. Praesent lacinia lo- rem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec-
with fresh ideas can bring
seat representing southwest
sus enim mattisHouston purus. Sedthat id she’s
consequatheldsed, since
et, tur- rem vel new vision
ante. Integer egetto an
odio ac.entity sorely elit.
tetur adipiscing in need
Nunc con- of it.
lumAs such,
tortor velit, we recommend
imperdiet sed, Jharett Bryantt,
sem. Donec pulvina. Suspendisse
Unlike some other trustees seeking re-election, Deigaard didn’t pis. Proin libero mi, consectetur FIFTEEN
32, an INCHES 15 Etiam tris-superintendent
assistant sequat neque ac arcu.for Maecenas
who issed, consequat et, tur-
considered something of a rising
arcu. Quisque porta eros sit amet nec, volutpat eu, semper id, tique, nisl at gravida semper, mi accumsan pretium odio. pis. Proin libero mi, consectetur
take part in a sloppy spectacle in 2018
turpis. Sed placerat quam. in which quam.state regulators tortorstar
vitae sceleris- circles, to represent
TWENTYFOUR INCHES scele-thisnet.
diverse district that stretches from
contend several trustees FIVEviolated
INCHES 555555 theporttitor
Texas Open Meetings
TEN INCHES 10 10 10 Act
Aenean que lacus pede ut ante.Houston
southwest Suspen- risqueto id,
the Portid,of
venenatis Houston.
adipiscing One of his
INCHES Ae-of expertise — college
imperdiet, risus nisl adipiscing non felis id augue faucibus imper- disse in felis eget turpis dignissim vitae, justo. Cras tempus sceleris- nean non felis id augue faucibus
by surreptitiously meeting
elit, sedwith a former
pellentesque neque mau-HISD superintendent
diet. Etiam mi libero, commodo varius.readiness — dovetails que est.nicely
Proin with
lorem mission, and
imperdiet. Etiam mi Bryantt
libero, com- impressed the edi-
and then days later, voting
ris non without public
dui. Nullam mattis, justodebate
in, tempor toat,install
tristique him as
pulvinar, torial
16 Etiam ven- his
nonideas for improving
lectus. Pellentesque arc. HCC’s subpar
modo in, tempor 30 percent
at, tristique pul- graduation rate.
sit amet. felis et curmbpar nam loqat. enatis egestas tortor. Fusce sit TWENTYFIVE INCHES phare- vinar, felis elit sed eros.
superintendent and oust the interim leader. Although
SIX INCHES 6666666 tincidunt
she has two
ELEVEN INCHES 11 Mauris veh- HisAenean
amet odio. proposal to tie
semper nulla graduation
a tra rates
vel, imperdiet eget, to the THIRTYFOUR
pulvinar evaluation of HCC’s chancellor would
impressive challengers, we
dolor believe
nibh Deigaard
eu elit. Morbi haselitthe
congue icula knowledge,
sed eros fermentum laci- felis. bring
Mauris eu much-needed
eros non pede ut, accountability.
est. Vestibulum sit amet ligula. tum lacinia. Lorem ipsum dolor
dedication to studentsvelit
and ac augue. Maecenas odio nia. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
commitment to transparency that
eros, dapibus a, euismod id, pel- consectetur adipiscing elit. Ali-
semper interdum aliquam.
Maecenas nec orci vel neque. sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
TWENTYSIX INCHES Aliquam elit. Aliquam mi nisl, interdum
HISD needs. lentesque eges, laoreet et, laoreet quam mi nisl, interdum no. vitae, dapibus ac, mollis a, dolor. sollicitudin risus at velit. Nam at non, aliquam ac, imperdie.
ut, elit. TWELVE INCHES 12 Aenean Morbi nulla ligula, tristique ac- purus. Pellentesque ligula neque, THIRTYFIVE INCHES posuere
SEVEN INCHES 77777 egestas non quam a turpis posuere condi-
eget, nisi. Nullam vel risus vel velit mentum. Pellentesque habitant
The Woodlands incorporation
cumsan, fringilla sit amet, dapi- euismod vitae, iaculis in, sodales condimentum pellentesque habi-
DISTRICT VI — HollyegestasMaria Flynn Vilaseca
gravida. Nullam sceleris- morbi tristique senectus et netus
bus nec, ante.
On this year’s
fall id, justo. Etiam vel elit.
ballot is the question tant morbi tristique senectus et
of whether The Woodlands — beloved by
TWENTYSEVEN INCHES Mae- netus et malesuada fames ac tur-
After Holly Maria Flynn
que Vilaseca
scelerisque was tortor. appointed
Morbi e. to the board tra, leoresidents for low
ut faucibus pulvinar, urna taxes, low crime,
cenas hendrerit auctor green
neque. parks and
pis egestas. In ac good
lectus. schools — should become
in January 2017, the editorial boardquis,
nibh elit, tincidunt endorsed
tincidunt her for aINCHES
THIRTEEN full term,
Curabitur a neque vestibulum eros, eu blan- Cras cursus enim mattis purus.
a city. We’re persuaded by the argument that THIRTYSIX INCHES Ut sagittis
incorporation, in time, may be the
non. dui. Vivamus commodo sapien ut dit sem nibh quis sapien. Nunc Sed id sem. Donec pulvinar. Sus- quam vitae lectus. Nullam arcu
reasoning that nine months is hardly enough time to garner a right move for The Woodlands. The township and its board already perform many
first impression, let alone demonstrate a breadth of knowledge. of the duties of a city. But no one seemed able to tell us how much costs might go
Through five years, three superintendents and an attempted state up for residents after incorporation. Township officials insist tax rates will remain
takeover of the district, Flynn Vilaseca, 40, has acquitted herself low at least for several years, but voters deserve a better answer than that. We rec-
well on the board as a steady voice and an open mind with a deep ommend a no vote this time, and then a new effort — one much less rushed — can
understanding of education policy. Unfortunately, she also took be made for a future election, one featuring sufficient public input and attention.
place in the alleged “walking quorum” to meet secretly with a
former superintendent and then vote to install him without public
input. She has apologized and given that she hasn’t drawn a
formidable challenger and has maintained an otherwise sensible Propositions
voice on the board, we recommend District VI voters give Flynn There are eight statewide propositions on the ballot this year. We published full-
Vilaseca another term representing West Houston. length recommendations for two.

DISTRICT VII — Lee “Mac” Walker PROP 2. PROP 3

Incumbents only lose our endorsement when there’s a qualified For 30 years, the Texas Constitution has Proposition 3 would amend
replacement and luckily there’s Lee “Mac” Walker, 51, whom we allowed the Legislature to authorize cities to the Texas Constitution to
urge District VII voters to elect. Listed on ballots as “Lee Walker” issue bonds to raise needed funds to more bar any Texas jurisdiction
due to a district error, the parent of an HISD elementary student quickly build roads, bridges and other vital from adopting any limits
is a first-time candidate with a background in business consulting infrastructure. On Nov. 2, and in early voting on religious services. The
whose motivation truly seems to be raising up the district that that begins Monday, voters can give counties Texas Freedom to Worship
raised him. Walker credits teachers at Sharpstown High with help- that same authority. We recommend that they Act, passed this year in the
ing him overcome the hurdles of poverty in a mostly single-parent regular legislative session
do so by voting yes on Prop 2.
home “destabilized by alcoholism, drug addictions (and) crime” forbids government officials
Counties, just like cities, need all the tools
to graduate top of his class. Not only can Walker relate to the from requiring churches to
available to keep up with the basic needs of cancel or limit services when
socioeconomic struggles of many HISD students, but his finance residents. In places such as Harris County, with
knowledge also promises to root out waste and restore transpar- disaster strikes.
more than 2 million residents living in unincor- The idea was a bad one as
ent, responsible leadership to the school board. porated areas, this is not just a good idea but a statute, and even worse as
an urgent necessity. an amendment to the Texas
DISTRICT IX — Myrna Guidry Issuing bonds means taking out large loans Constitution, which would
Last December, HISD trustees unanimously appointed Myrna secured by promises to use a portion of future mean not even lawmakers
Guidry, an attorney, to replace Wanda Adams, who resigned property tax revenues to repay them — usually could act to limit public wor-
after being elected as a justice of the peace. Guidry, 56, has so at low interest rates and over decades. Doing ship in the face of a health
far displayed a willingness to learn and engage, and she listens emergency.
so means residents’ daily lives are improved
to the experts and her constituents. She is involved in a range of It could have severe
right away rather than years later.
civic organizations and displays a solid grasp of the inequities “unintended consequenc-
facing many in District IX and throughout HISD. Guidry has proven This is especially important here, where
the population of the Houston metro area is es,” making it a gamble not
a steadying influence on a board that’s been plagued by dysfunc- worth making. Vote no.
tion and has earned our support for a full term. expected to double by 2050.

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