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(PA250 - Advanced Research and


Student: Julius Prospero Marcelino


1. What is Public Administration Research? How important is public administration research to

government thrust for development? Why?

Public Administration Research is a type of research which mainly focuses on the field of governance
such like the government’s policies, operations, and all the other essential things which make the
government do its function and serve its purpose.

Public administration research is very important. The government serves as the anchor of mankind to
keep itself afloat and in order, without the government, there will be definite chaos. As such, excellence
in governance is needed in order to achieve a progressive nation or community. I believe that excellent
governance is achievable through the help of public administration research since it will help them have
a better understanding on the matter that they are dealing with. Consequently, it will give light to the
issues and matters that the government needs to focus on, address, or enhance in order to come up
with good resolutions and make their plans systematic and effective.

2. Explain thoroughly how to conceptualize a good research proposal for public

administration. What are your considerations and procedure?

In order to conceptualize a good research proposal for public administration, a researcher must be
resourceful and creative and has at least a basic knowledge over the matter that he chooses or assigned to
study. The researcher also needs to formulate a plan before the actual process of his research.
Furthermore, the researcher should have a good understanding of why is he doing the research in the first
place. He should know how is he going to conduct it, who will be the participants and how is he going to
evaluate the data that he gathered from the research.

The procedure will start from choosing a topic related to public administration, followed by collecting of
background information, organizing of information and citations, evaluating of information and writing of
research question, writing of draft, making of necessary corrections and revisions, and finally writing of final
draft and cited reference.

3. What is Research Ethics? What is the importance of Ethics in conducting public

administration research? How to become ethical in the whole research process?

Research Ethics refers to the appropriateness of the researcher’s behavior in relation to the rights of
those who serve as the subject of the study or those that are affected by it.

Ethics is important in conducting administration research because it promotes the aim of the study
such as knowledge, truth, and avoidance of error. Aside from these, it will also guide the researcher
on how properly conduct his research while adhering to the norms of the particular subject if there are
any. Furthermore, ethics in general, will maintain the integrity of the research thereby making it
successful and reliable.
II - Research Proposal Development:

Chosen Title:
Effects of Compensation to Work Performance


Human resources professionals are the lifeblood of the company, because their job is to
ensure that the business gets the most out of its employees. In other words, the human resource
department needs to provide a high return on the business’s or office’s investment in its people.
Compensation is human resources management function that deal with every types of
rewards individual receives in exchange for performing organizational tasks organization
compensates employees through wages and salaries, bonus and benefit such as health insurances,
vacation times, and pension programs. These activities are important to increases the
performance of employees (Dessler & Gray, 2015).
Compensation is very important for the performance of the employees. Therefore they are
very important for the organization too. The purpose of this research is to measure the impact of
compensation on employee performance.
Statement of the Problem
The researcher is motivated to conduct this study on this topic to identify those factors which
affect the performance of employees and consequences of compensation system issues on the
employee‘s performance.
Specifically, researcher would want to set answers to the following basic questions:
1. What are the major compensation packages practices in the organization?
2. What are the major impacts of compensation on employee’s job performance?
3. What factors that affect the compensation systems of the organization?
4. How does the compensation systems and performance related?
5. What are the different methods of compensation to increase employees’ satisfaction?
Significance of the Study
The researcher hope that outcome of the research would have the following significances:
 The study would help the managers/HR officer to indicate good methods of
compensation system in the organization.
 The study would be an important input for the managers when designing a compensation
packages for employees.
 The study would provide valuable information for managers on the impact of good
compensation packages in terms of enhancing employee’s performance.
 In addition to this the study would serve as a reference for future researches on the topic.

Scope and Limitation

This research would assess the effects of compensation on employee performance and the
various methods that lead to increase employee performance. Geographical of the study focused
on the employees of the City Government of Koronadal.
The responses to the questionnaires reflect only the perception of the individuals that
filled in the survey.
Review of Related Literature
Incentives and Rewards
Reward can generate as important role for employee performance. A good employee feel
that value of the company is working for the also enhance the batter work they are well being.
Taken seriousness by their employee and their career self assessment also taking care by their
commonalty employee are the big part of organization like engine of the organization which else
and fund the reward knows organization scan attain any objective with its employee (Akerale,
2013) also blame the productivity of the workers on several factors provide adequate failure
compensation for hard work (Mark & Ford, 2011) Mention the real success of organization from
employee from employee willingness to use their creativity and among how the employee
increases the positive employee inputs and rewards practices in place.
Brayfield et al. (2014) provide a definition job satisfaction. They assume that job
satisfaction can be expected from one's attitude toward his work. Moorse (2014) argues
that basically, job satisfaction depends on what one desire from their work and what they earn.
The least satisfied are those who have the most desire, but get the least. While the most satisfied
are people who want a lot and get it.
Employee Performance
Employees who are the most efficient are like to be they are motivate to perform.
According to Medina (2012), this relationship mean that rewards and employee performance is
expecting theory which means that employee are most to be motivated performance is more
performance to receive the rewards and bonus.
Working Condition
The conditions under which employees work has a tremendous effect on their job
satisfaction. According to Desslar (2003) working conditions include aspects like employee
voice, employee recognition, quality of the working life, work/life balance, and talent
management. The provision of modern equipment and facilities, quality furniture, well ventilated
offices, well-spaced offices, secured, well-spaced staff quarters, among others are the conditions
that are required to prevent job dissatisfaction in the organization.

This part of the study describes and focuses on the method and procedures used to obtain
the relevant data that will help attain the objective of the study.
Research Design
Based on its basic purpose, the major focus of this study was on description of data
related to effects on compensation on employee performance; so the most appropriate research
design for this study was descriptive.
The study will be conducted at Koronadal City’s new city hall which is located in
Barangay Zone III.
There are 252 city government employees who are based in the new city hall. The
researcher has only randomly selected 100 respondents. This is around 39% of total population.
That is, n= n/N, 100/252= 39% where: n- sample size N- Target total population

The researcher was used simple random sampling technique; because simple random sampling
methods in which each element has equal chance of being selected in to the sample and in order
to the reduce the bias when researcher select as a sample from the whole population.
Data gathering Procedure
In this study, the researcher was used different instruments to gather data. Due to low
cost, validity, free from bias and due to consideration of time the researcher was used
questionnaire and interview to collect primary data. Both open ended and closed ended
questionnaires were distributed and collected from the employees of the bank. Semi- Structured
interview scheduled to the relevant managers to collect data on the compensation policy and
practice of the bank. On other hand researcher was used different staff documents, internet and
other published and non-published journals as a secondary source of data.
Treatment of Data
Once the data is collected from respondents the error and omissions detected by using in
house editing and correct as possible. Then the data was grouped based on similarity or on the
basis of common characteristics. To do so, the data has been summarized, categorized,
rearranged and tabulated to indicate the events, percentages, cumulative percentage and
frequency distribution data interpretation used to interpreting and analyzing. For the simplicity
the researcher was used percentage to interpret and analyze the findings.
(please see questionnaire on the next page)


Dear respondents,

The main objective of this questionnaire is to collect data about compensation’s effects on
employee’s work performance. To acquire success in obtaining the necessary and accurate
information, your honest cooperation is highly appreciated on answering the questions. The
information you provide will be used only for the research purpose and the researcher invite
you in advance that these information will not be disclosed to other party.

 It is not necessary to write your name

 Thick this(√) in the provided boxes appropriate

I. Background of the employee/personal information

1. Sex: Male Female

2. Age: 20-30 30-40 40-50 above50

3. Educational level:
Certificate First degree

Diploma Second degree PhD degree

4. Service year: 0-3 3-6

9 and above
5. Your basic salary in PHP
7,000-8,000 9,001-10,000 11,001-12,000
8,001-9,000 10,001-11,000 above 12,000

II. Compensation Information

6. Does your monthly salary sufficient in according to your living standard?

Yes No
7.How often salary increment it given?
Every one year every three year
every two year above three year
8.How do you see the amount of salary (basic salary) you receive compared to what others
receive (Those holding the same job position in the office)?
Very high Fair Very low
High Low

9. How do you the salary you receive in the office compared to what others receive in other
department, holding the same position?
Very high Fair Very low
High Low

10. To what extent are you satisfied with your basic salary?
Very satisfied Very unsatisfied Neutral
Satisfied Unsatisfied
11. Is there any other type of compensation you receive than you basic salary?
Yes No
12. If “yes‟ in question 11, what are they?
Medical and health insurance Housing allowance
overtime payment Transportation allowance
specify if any other………………
13. How often you receive (example bonus)
every six month every two year every three year
every one year above three year
14.Does the additional compensation benefits you receive is fair compared to what other
similar office, if any
Yes No
15. If “yes‟ in question 14 what other kind of additional benefit-you get. Please mention

16. Do you get allowance payment?

Yes No you think that the compensation you get motivated toward better performance?
Yes No

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