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Zhejiang International Studies University

Application Form for Online Chinese Culture Experience Camp
英文姓名 Family Name: LE First Name: NGOC TRANG Middle Name: THI
中文姓名 Chinese Name: 性别 Gender 婚姻状况 Marital Status:
黎氏玉妆 女 结婚了
出生日期 Date of Birth: 出生地 Country of Birth: 越南 Photo
年(Y) 1992 月(M) 10 日(D) 14
国籍 Nationality: Vietnamese 护照号码 Passport No: 护照有效期 Passport Valid Until:
B7621558 年(Y) 2013 月(M) 03 日(D)12
电子邮件 E-mail Address: 是否孔院学员 Registered in Conficious Institute □是 YES x□ 否 NO
本国地址 Permanent Home Address and Telephone No.
街道 Street_63/6/2 Truong Phuoc Phan

城市 City Ho Chi Minh City 国家 Country Viet Nam 邮编 Zip code 71910 电话 Phone Number

学习经历 Education Background:

学校名称 Name of 专业 开始年月 结束年月 所获学位/年份 Degree
School/College/University Major (mo/yr) (mo/yr) Earned/Year
Electric Power Of University business 09/2010 09/2013 bachelor

汉语熟悉程度 The Chinese Language Proficiency:

口很好 Excellent 口好 Good x 口一般 Fair 口入门 Beginning

你曾经学过多长时间汉语 (How long have you learned Chinese)?
口 600 学时以上/Over 600 Class hours x 口 400-600 学时以上/400-600 Class hours
口 200-400 学时/200-400Class hours 口 50-200 学时/50-200 Class hours
口 50 学时以下/ Less than 50 Class hours
汉语水平考试等级 (The Chinese proficiency test/HSK):
口考过,____级/Yes, band____. 口考过,没有级/Yes, but no grades x 口没有考过/No
英语熟悉程度 The English Language Proficiency
口很好 Excellent 口好 Good x 口一般 Fair 口入门 Beginning
Recommended by _____________________

Phone Number: _______________________

E-mail Address: _______________________

申请人保证:I hereby affirm that:
All the information given in this form is true and correct;
I shall join all the courses in the camp, follow all rules and cooperate with teachers once I sign up.
申请人签字: 日期:
Applicant’s signature: 黎氏玉妆 Date:2020/12/23

中国浙江省杭州市留和路 299 号浙江外国语学院国际学院,310023
College of International Education, Zhejiang International Studies University
299 Liuhe Road, Hangzhou, CHINA 310023
Tel/Fax: +86-571-88213035

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