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Nama : Haekel Ibra Nur Hakim

NIM : F041201016

Answer the following questions based on Today Material entitle : “Settlers Seek Fortunes and
Freedoms in Southern Colonies”

1. Discuss the early problems faced by the Jamestown settlers and show how they were

 the first problem is that most of them have never done any strenuous physical
work and are then faced with the dire need to cut down trees and build their own
shelters, not to mention growing crops and growing crops for food.The second is
Indian attack
 The way captain john smith handles the first problem is by making strict rules,
and men who did not do their share of the work were denied their share of the
food. for indian attack problem, he handle it in two ways, first, he build an fort in
which the colonist could take refuge in case of attack. second, smith tried, for a
time successfully, to persuade the indians to help the colonists by giving them

2. How was the settlement of Maryland different from the way other colonies were settled ?

 Because of the unusual charter to one of the original stockholders of the virginia
company, the first lord Baltimore, in 1632

3. In what ways did the Grand Model affect the settlements in the Carolinas ?

 When the people of Carolina had enough of the straitjacket of the grand model, a
group of them appealed to the king to change their form of government. The
colonists also had dissatisfaction toward the rule of noblemen. Two Carolina
settlements were three hundred miles appart, causing them to develop along
different lines. After considering the case, the king divided the colony into two
parts, North Carolina and South Carolina, making a separate royal colony under a
governor appointed by the king.

4. Give four reasons for the settlement of Georgia.

 James though that he knew their strengths and their weekness, and he believed
that he could found a colony better than any of the other twelve before
 He also thinks that the debt-ridden people in Great Britain will start a new life and
become a good society
 The general was also disturbed by persecution of protestants in Germany
 He worried about the presence of Spanish colonies not far south of the Carolinas.
If a strong colony could be founded between South Carolina and the Spanish
settlements, he though, all the northern settlers would be safer in case of trouble

5. In which of the southern colonies would you have preferred to settle ? Why ?

 I prefer to stay with the virginia colony, because no matter how bad the problem
they face, they can overcome it besides that, their development and expansion is
quite fast and neat compared to other colonies

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