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‘GEK – Class II’

19‐Jan‐11 School of Marine Engineering 1

19‐Jan‐11 School of Marine Engineering 2

Learning Objectives

 Principle of operation (no chemical reactions)

 Marine Application of batteries
 Most common type of marine batteries
 Construction of lead-acid and nickel cadmium type
 Salient characteristics of each type
 Comparison of both types
 Charging characteristics
 Charging circuit
 Sealed battery

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Learning Objectives

 Maintenance
 Safety

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Past Questions on Batteries

Year Mar Jul Oct Dec

2010 NO YES NO Yes
2008 NO NO NO NO

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 Electrochemical devices that store electrical power

 For safe, smooth and efficient operations public buildings

such as airports, hospitals, hotels, railway stations,
supermarkets etc. require uninterruptible power supply

 This need is catered through battery packs which take over

seamlessly when the main supply fails until power is restored

 Major use of batteries (combination of cells) on ships is also

along those lines

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Types of cells

 Primary cell: a cell that cannot be RECHARGED after it

has discharged, e.g. AA

 Secondary cell: a cell that can be RECHARGED, e.g. car


 On board ships, rechargeable batteries are used i.e.

secondary type”

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Cell combinations

 Basic unit of a battery is a cell

 E.M.F. of a cell is quite small (typically 1 – 3V), for

 Lead-Acid cell nominal voltage = 2V
 Alkaline cell nominal voltage = 1.2V

 Different configurations (e.g. series), to form a battery,

yield larger and more useful voltages to be available
 Nominal supply voltage of 24V
 Bigger loads supplied at 110 – 220V

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Battery Power Consumers

Essential Loads1 Emergency Loads2

Switchgear operation Emergency generator start up
Navigation lights Emergency lighting
Fire & gas detection
Internal communication
Some radio communication
Alarm system

1. Two sets working on Charge/Discharge Cycle

2. Used in Standby Mode

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Some Advantages of Batteries

 Available in wide range of sizes

 Ability to supply electrical power instantly – if maintained


 Portability

 Multiple use - chargeable

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How Do they Work?

 A battery consists of positive electrodes* and negative
electrodes, separated by/ immersed in an electrolyte
which conducts ions between the two electrodes.
 Electrolyte chemically reacts with one of the electrodes
producing an E.M.F across the electrodes – i.e. current
flows out of terminals
 Charging the battery (supplying the current) reforms the
battery bringing it to its original charged state

Electrode: an electronic conductor which acts as source or sink of 

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How Do they Work?



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Essential Components

Connector Post

Positive Plates Negative Plates

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Essential Components

 Dissimilar electrodes (positive & negative)

 Electrolyte
 Separator: a thin, usually porous, insulating material to
prevent the two electrodes from touching each other.
The pores are filled with electrolyte and the ionic current
is conveyed through these pores.
 Housing (container)

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Battery Ratings

 Rated in Ampere-hours
 The amount of current [A] a fully charged battery can
supply for 10 hours without terminal voltage having to
fall below:
 1.73V (approx.) for Lead-acid type
 1.14V (approx.) for Alkaline type
 A 350 Ah battery would be expected to provide 35A for
10 hours
 35A

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Lead-acid types

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Lead-acid cells

 Active material of positive electrode is lead per oxide ‘PbO2’

 Active material of negative plates is lead ‘Pb’

 Cells are separated by insulating separators

 Arrangement is immersed in an electrolyte – dilute sulphuric 
acid ‘H2SO4’

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Hydrogen  Vent cap
– +

Spongy Lead Lead
(Pb) Per

Solution of H2SO4
and distilled water

Mud space Lead‐acid cell

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Lead-acid cells

 Under high discharge rates, active* material may

dislodge and gravitate to bottom. This may cause short
circuit. To avoid this occurrence sufficient clearance is
therefore left at the bottom of the battery.

The material in the electrodes that take part in the

electrochemical reactions which store-deliver electrical

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Source: D T Hall

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Discharge Action (LA)

 H+ of electrolyte combine with O2 of the positive plate –

forming water

 Water formation, as the cell discharges, dilutes the electrolyte

and its ‘specific gravity’ or ‘relative density’ decreases

 Therefore, for Lead-Acid batteries, state of charge can be

obtained by measuring (with hydrometer) the SG or RD of the
 Fully Charged: 1270 – 1285 (1.27 – 1.285)
 Fully Discharged: 1100 (1.1)

 Voltage should not fall below 1.8 V or permanent damage

may be caused

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Overview (LA)

State Plate Material Voltage SG of

Charged Lead per Spongy lead 2.0V 1270-1285
oxide (+) (–)
Discharged Lead Lead 1.73 V 1100
sulphate sulphate

Note: density values quoted are based on ambient

temperature of 15°C. Corrections are made for temp.
Variations. (Correction factor +/- 0.007 for each +/- 10°C)

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Advantages/disadvantages (LA)
Advantages Disadvantages
High voltage/cell Relatively heavy
Lower cost/unit Poor low temp. characteristics
Higher efficiency Cannot be left in discharged
SG indicator of charge state condition for too long without
being damaged
When not in use, requires
charging to compensate for self
Limited performance under
high discharge rates

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Nickel-cadmium cells

 Active material of positive electrodes is nickel hydrate

‘Ni O (OH)’
 Active material of negative plates is cadmium ‘Cd’
 Cells are separated by insulating separators
 Arrangement is immersed in an electrolyte – potassium
hydroxide ‘KOH’

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Hydrogen  Non‐return vent 
– +

Cadmium Nickle 
Cd KOH Hydrate
Ni O (OH)

Potassium hydroxide

Nickle‐cadmium cell

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Nickle‐cadmium battery

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Electrolyte RD (Ni-Cd)

 RD (1.21) does not change during charging/ discharging

 Therefore, RD gives no indication of the state of charge
 State of charge may be checked by measuring the
terminal voltage while on load
 Nevertheless, RD should be checked regularly which
may fall as battery ages

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Overview (Ni-Cd)

State Plate Material Voltage SG of

Charged Nickle Cadmium 1.2 V 1170
Hydrate(+) (–)
Discharged Nickle Cadmium 1.0 V 1170
Hydroxide Hydroxide

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Advantages/disadvantages (Ni-Cd)

Advantages Disadvantages
Robust construction – Low voltage per cell
withstands vibration Expensive than lead-acid
Does not require trickle Risk of electrolyte
charge poisoning from CO2
Longer life span Lower efficiency
Good high rate discharge
without damage
Low temp. performance

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 Type of charging and degree of charging affect:
1. Discharge performance of a battery
2. Life span of a battery

 Insufficient charging gives reduced discharge capacity

 Excessive overcharging without controls reduces battery life
 Charging current (D.C.) is adapted from mains (A.C.) through
 When charging, battery is disconnected from the load
 Positive and negative terminals of the battery connect with the
positive and negative terminals of the charger respectively
 Reverse flow of the current reverses the discharge action of the cells

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Emergency battery 
Charging circuit

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 In normal conditions batteries on standby

 In standby load switch L is open and charging switch C
is closed
 This position of switch is held by the electromagnetic coil
against spring pressure
 In case of power failure coil de-energises so that L is
closed and C is open
 Batteries disconnected from mains charging (C open)
 Batteries are now supplying power to emergency load (L

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Safe Working Practices

 When charged, batteries ‘gas’ – hydrogen (-ve plates) and oxygen
(+ve plates)
 Hydrogen is explosive (4 – 57% concentration in air)
 Keep battery rooms well ventilated
 Verbal warnings/ safety posters must be displayed
 No source of ignition
 No smoking, electric sparks, naked flames or non-safe
electrical equipments
 Keep ambient temperature within 50°C
 Higher temperatures reduce battery life and efficiency
 Avoid shorting the connections (terminals)
 Keep cell tops clean and dry, vents clear & free from deposits

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Electrolyte hazards

 Burns
 Cause injury to the skin
 Burns of cornea (eye)
 Metal corrosion

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Effects from electrolyte

Hazard Measure
Burns of skin or eyes Wear protective apron,
gloves and goggles.
FA: wash with plenty of
water and neutralise.
Seek medical attention
Corrosion Electrolyte resistive floor,
electrolyte resistive paint
and limit spread of liquid

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Explosive charging gases

 On charging hydrogen and oxygen gases are formed as

a result of electrolysis of water
 A content of 4% hydrogen in air is explosive
 Sources for ignition of hydrogen gas
 Naked flame
 Flying sparks
 Electrical sparking equipment
 Mechanical sparking equipment
 Electrostatic charge

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Batteries – Past Question

December 2010 – Q11

a) Sketch a circuit showing how the emergency generator

is started, connected to the emergency busbars and
how the main busbars are disconnected in the event of
a blackout. (6)
b) Explain how an emergency generator can be tested to
ensure that it is capable of satisfactorily delivering the
rated power (4)

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Batteries – Past Question

December 2010 – Q11(a) (suggested answer)

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Batteries – Past Question

December 2010 – Q11(b) (suggested answer)

 Plan the test well in advance (documentation, duties,
 Communicate with the deck department
 Test must not jeopardise the safe operation of the ship
 Make preparations for the test, (fuel, charge, etc.)
 Simulate the blackout by operating the CB supplying
loads through the emergency busbar (EBB)
 Note timing of the connection to EBB and connect
emergency loads
 Let it run for some time and note the running parameters
of the EG and the loads

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Batteries – Past Question

July 2010 – Q11

a) Sketch a circuit that allows both trickle charging and fast

charging of lead acid batteries (6)
b) State with reasons why trickle charge and fast charge
provision is necessary (2)
c) Explain why lead acid batteries may have to be taken
off charge in hot climates (2)

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Batteries – Past Question

July 2010 – Q11(a) (suggested answer)

Emergency battery 
Charging circuit
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Batteries – Past Question

July 2010 – Q11(b) (suggested answer)

 LA batteries lose charge gradually over a period of time

– trickle charging is necessary to make up for the loss of
charge. On standby, supply current is adjusted to supply
a continuous constant current which compensates for
losses which are not the result of external load.
 Fast charging - when batteries have been discharged on
load the trickle current is insufficient to recharge the

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Batteries – Past Question

July 2010 – Q11(c) (suggested answer)

 Battery life is shortened

 Battery capacity is reduced

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Batteries – Past Question

April 2009 – Q11

a) Sketch a single cell of the nickel-cadmium battery of the

sealed type. (6)
b) Explain how a nickel-cadmium battery is able to operate
sealed, under normal charge conditions (4)

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Batteries – Past Question

April 2009 – Q11(a) (suggested answer)

Sealed +

+ –

Ni (OH)3 Cd

Cd (OH)2

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Batteries – Past Question

April 2009 – Q11(b) (suggested answer)

 Regular (Ni-Cd) batteries release oxygen (+ve) and

hydrogen (–ve) when approaching full charge

 Overcharging causes increase in release of gasses

 Gasses are released through non-return vent to prevent

pressure build up

 Hence topping up of electrolyte is required because of loss

through gassing

 Sealed batteries are designed to operate without such

problems – evaporation and gassing

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Batteries – Past Question

April 2009 – Q11(b) (suggested answer)

 Loss of electrolyte through normal evaporation is

prevented by replacing the vent with a seal

 Gassing is inhibited by modifying the plate design

 Negative plates are made with surplus cadmium


 Surplus ensures that negative plate is partially charged

when positive is fully charged – any overcharge will not
cause gassing since there is always some active
material available

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