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IS 15087:2001


Indian Standard

ICS 93.160

0 BIS 2001


NEW DELHI 110002

December 2001 Price Group 2

Water Resources Planning, Management and Evaluation Sectional Committee, WRD 6


This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Water
Resources Planning, Management and Evaluation Sectional Committee had been approved by the Water
Resources Division Council.

There is no 1S0 standard on the subject. This standard has been prepared based on the practices prevalent in
the field in India.

The composition of the Committee responsible for formulation of this standard is given in Annex A.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particul~ requirement of this standard is complied witli, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, kbould be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2:1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )’. The number of significant places retained
in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 15087:2001

Indian Standard
1 SCOPE about 1 m can be seen causing no rise of moisture at
the surface and not permitting sufficient growth of
This standard lays down the guidelines for planning crops.
and design of drainage system in irrigation projects
including the guidelines for dealing with the problem 5 FACTORS LEADING TO RISE IN SUB-SOIL
of drainage in the command areas of irrigation projects. WATER TABLE

2 SOIL MOISTURE AND PLANT GROWTH a) Seepage from water bodies;

2.1 The particular moisture content of a soil which b) Over-irrigation;

is best for plant growth is the optimum moisture content. c) Excessive rainfall;
It varies for soils of different texture and to some extent
on different types of crops. The plant roots extract d) Inadequate natural drainage;
water from the thin film surrounding the soil particles.
e) Obstruction to drainage;
The amount of water adhering to the particles in fine
grained soil is greater than in a coarse grained soil f) Poor subsoil condition;
on account of greater surface area of the fine particles.
The optimum moisture content corresponds closer to @ Adverse gee-hydrologic regime ( say,
existence of hard pan at shallow depth,
the amount which renders the soil most tliable and in
etc ); and
the best condition for cultivation. When moisture
exceeds this optimum limit, the pore space becomes h) Leakage and spillage from canals and field
partly filled with moisture, aeration becomes deficient channels.
and the conditions are less favorable for cultivation
and plant growth. This results in what is commonly 6 SALINITY
known as water-logging. 6.1 When ground water table rises, water in the sub
soil rises to the surface by capillary action. When
2.2 In water-logged soils the air content of the soil
water reaches the surface it evaporates due to the action
. is low because most pores are filled with water. The
of wind and temperature leaving behind the dissolved
exchange between the remaining air in the soil and
salts on or near the surface. This phenomenon is known
air in the atmosphere above gets restricted by these
as salt-efflorescence and leads to formation of saline
conditions. In consequence, plant respiration is
restricted by oxygen deficiency while at the same time
carbon dioxide accumulates to toxic levels. This impairs 6.2 The real trouble is not due to salt-eftlorescence
root growth and the roots ability to absorb nutrients. because this can be washed out of soil by flooding
The water-logging also indirectly affects the plant following drainage, but due to the effect of alkalinity
growth by its adverse effects on soil biological life on heavy soil. Alkalies have dispersing or defloculating
and on the structure of the soil. The excess water in action on clay causing the soil to lose its tilth and
the soil also adversely affects the soil workability and become impervious and highly retentive. The
the farm operations are impaired. circulation of air is completely stopped with the result
nothing is able to grow in the soil. Areas of this type
are devoid of vegetation.
A zone of soil sufficient for the growth of roots of
6.3 The salinity of a soil is measured by electrical
deep rooted crops is essential. Usually a depth of
conductivity ( EC ) of the soil samples in water
about 1 to 1.5 m of unsaturated soil is sufficient for
suspension 1:2. Soils with EC value Oto 1 mmhos/
expansion and growth of the root system of the crops.
cm are termed as non saline, those with values be~een
4 CAPILLARY ACTION 1 to 3 mmhos/cm are termed as slightly saline and soils
with EC values greater than 3 mmhos/cm are termed
In fine grained and well compacted soils the capilhuy as saline soils. There are some salt resistant crops
action is greatest. In fine grained soils water rises to like rice which can be grown upto EC value of4 mmhosl
the extent of 1.2 to 1.5 m by capillary action bringing cm.
the salts to the surface. On the other hand in coarse
grained soils even free ground water to a depth of 6.4 The alkaline deposits changes the pH value of
IS 15087:2001

the soil. ThepH value of 7.0 to 8.5 gives normal yield. A carrier drain is a drain which collects water
When the value is between 8.5 to 9.0, the yield from seepage/tield drains and carries it to the main
decreases. WhenpHrises above ll.O, thesoil islikely drain.
to become infertile. Main drain or outfall drain is normally a drain
7 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS constructed along natural drainage path by remodeling
the existing drainage path. The carriers drains normally
7.1 Necessity of Drainage
outfall in the main drain. Sometimes, seepage/fields
Suitable drainage of agricultural land is a necessity drains also directly outfall in the main drains.
for high level agricultural production. Drainage
7.3.2 Sub-Surface Drains
maintains the productive capacity of soil by removing
excess water, improving the soil structure, improving Sub-surface drainage is useful for laying drainage
the air circulation and reducing salt content and system quickly and where deeper outfalls are available.
erosion. When large areas are brought under irrigation This also saves the land for cultivation. No culverts/
atleast a part of the land warrants proper drainage. crossing are required in sub-surface drainage system.
Irrigation and drainage are complimentary practices.
7.4 Design Criteria of Surface Drain
7.2 Types of Drains
7.4.1 The designed capacity of the surface drain will
7.2.1 Ground water drainage is based on the principle depend on the following:
that controlling the ground water level can provide
the best unsaturated conditions for the plant growth. a) Area to be drained,
The ideal situation is to control the water within certain b) Pattern of rainfall,
limits, which means enabling the water in the saturated
zone to move from the soil body to some outfall where c) Soil characteristics,
the natural lateral movement of ground water exists. d) Crops grown, and
This should be permitted by artificial gravitional means.
Where the ground water is locked in the area it means e) Natural ground slope.
taking the water out against gravity. 7.4.2 The area to be drained successively increases
7.2.2 Horizontal and Vertical Drainage for afield drain, carrier drain and main drain. Surface
drains are designed for removal of excess rainfall in a
There are two types of ground water drainage. predetermined period. Usuallythe basis is the maximum
Horizontal through pipes or open ditches and vertical rainfall occurring in 24 hours once in five years. The
by lifting or pumping from wells. The horizontal surface run-off depends on the infiltration
drainage system usually consists of pipes or open characteristics, natural ground slope and vegetative
ditch system. cover of the soil. The run-off coefficient will vary
In some cases particularly in flatter areas, vertical with the different soils. The excess rainfall can not
drainage may be a better approach. The water received be disposed off immediately, a period of 3 days is
from vertical drainage may be suitably mixed in canal generally allowed for paddy, sugarcane, banana, etc,
water provided it is of suitable quality or may be and 1 to 1.5 days for other food crops and vegetables.
disposed off by surfacelsub-sur face drainage. The surface drains designed for disposal of run-off
from rainfall are generally adequate for disposal of
7,3 Types of Drainage System excess irrigation water.
There are two main types of drainage systems. 7.4.3 The indicative designed capacities are as given
a) Surface drains; and in Table 1 in Litres/Second/Hectare.

b) Sub-surface drains. 7.5 Design Criteria Sub-surface Drain

7.3.1 Surface Drains 7.5.1 Drainage Coefficient Surface drainage is the orderly removal of excess Based on the experience in the Deccan Canals the
water from land surface through constructed or expected drainage discharge in the drains is of the
improved natural channels and supplemented by order of 30 litres per second for a 100 hectare block.
grading of land surfaces. The designed discharge is usually taken 1.5 times this
discharge allowing for excess drainage factor for safety. Seepage drains are provided along the canals
The expected drainage discharge is a fimction of type
to intercept seepage water.
of soil, the crops grown, topography, method of A field drain is a graded channel that collects application of irrigation water and may vary from place
excess water from a field or a holding. to place.
IS 15087:2001

Tablel Indicative Designed Capacities

( Clause 7.4.3)

sl Zone Design Rainfall Soils Run-Off Design Availaabk Design Design

No. in 24 h Coefficient Runoff Time Runoff Capcity
mm mm days mm/days I/s/ha

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

i) Heavy rainfall 250 Paddy fields and 0.5 125 3 42 5

clayey soils

ii) Heavy rainfall 250 Mummy soils 0.25 62 1.5 42 5

iii) Other areas 100 Clayey soils 0.5 50 1.5 33 4

iv) Other areas 100 Murumy soils 0.25 25 1.5 16 2

7.5.2 Gradient of the Drain taking preventive measures to see that the land does
not get damaged and resort to artificial drainage only
The bed slope of the drain should allow a non-silting
when it becomes necessary. In the preventive measures
velocity and the gradient should as far as possible
the most effective method will be application of
be uniform. Depending on the topography and other
controlled irrigation water so that no excessive water
conditions, gradient may vary between 1:150 to 1:1000.
accumulates within the root zone.

7.5.3 Spacing of Drains
The spacing of the drain is given by equation given
Proper maintenance of the drainage system is very
essential for successful drainage. If drains are not

properly maintained lands will not be adequately
8 KhD drained and will result in darnages due to water-logging
L2 and salinity, The main items ofmaintenance are removal
where of silt, removal of vegetative growth, repairs of side
slopes and maintenance of road bank and other
drainage discharge or coefficient structures.
( recharge) ( m/day ),
hydraulic conductivity of the soil
( m/day), To identi~ the problem of water-logging well in time,
it is necessary to monitor the ground water table
height of water table midway between the
conditions. For this purpose observations of ground
drains ( m),
water table using existing wells in the command area
equivalent depth to impermeable as well as by making auger holes where necessary is
substratum ( m ) accounting for radial essential. The ground water table should be monitored
flow and any depth of the impermeable twice in a year that is before and atler monsoon. The
layer, and quality of water as well as soil should also be regularly
tested for EC value to ascertain the salinity problem.
spacing between the drains ( m).
Where the tendency of ground water is to rise above
Knowing the values of K, D, h and q, the spacing of the root zone, preventive measures by controlled
drains can be computed fkom above equation. irrigation as well as effective drainage schem~s should
8 PILOT DRAINAGE PROJECTS immediately be taken.

Before the drainage system in the affected command While executing the distribution network for irrigation
area is constructed, it is advisable to take up a few project, it would be better to reshape the existing natural
pilot projects. As per the experience gained, the drains in such a way that the command area is well
drainage system in full affected conunand area may drained and remains free from water-logging.
be constructed. Subsequently atler the irrigation application and
monitoring the area if damages are noticed, drainage
9 PREVENTIVE MEASURES schemes in the form of laterals joining the natural drains
Drainage problems can best be tackled mainly by may be constructed to reclaim the area.

IS 15087:2001

( F’oreword )

Water Resources Planning, Management and Evaluation Sectional Committee, WRD 6

Organization Representative(s)

Central Water Commission, New Delhi SHRIR. S. PRASAD

MEMBER( WP&P ) ( Chairman )
Bhakra Beas Management Board, Chandigarh DIRECTOR( DESIGN)
( Planning) ( Alternate )

Central Board of Irrigation and Power, New Delhi SHRIC. V. J. VERMA

Central Electricity Authority, New Delhi SHRIP. K. KUMAR
SHRIS. D. DUBEYA( Alternate )

Central Water Commission, New Delhi CHIEFENGINEER( PAO )

PA ( North ) ( Alternate )

Geological Survey of India, Lucknow DR A. K. SINHA

Irrigation Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh, CHIEFENGINEER( Major Irrigation ) “

( Alternate)

Irrigation Department, Government of Haryana, Chandigarh CHIEFENGINEER( R&D)

( Alternate)

Irrigation Department, Government of Karnataka, Bangalore DIRECTOR
Irrigation Department, Government of Punjab, Chandigarh CHIEFENGINEER

Irrigation Department, Government of Maharashtra, Nagpur
( Plant Designs ) ( Alternate )
SECRETARY( 1. M. ) ( Alternate )

Irrigation Department, Government of Rajasthan, Jaipur CHIEFENGINEER

( Design Research) ( Alternate )

Irrigation Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow CHIEFENGINEER( Yamuna Valley )

Surmrurvmwmw ENGINEER ( Irrigation
Construction Circle ) ( Alternate )
Ministry of Environment and Forests, New Delhi DR S. MAUDGAL
) NALINIBHAT( Alternate )

National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Ltd, Faridabad SHRIR. N. KHAZANCHI


Planning Commission, New Delhi Jouw ADVISER( I&CAD )


Public Works Department, Government of Tamil Nadu, Chennai ENGINEER-IN-CHIEF

Jonrr CHIEFENGINEER( Alternate )

Water Resources Department, Government of Madhya Pradesh, CHIEFENGINEER( BODHI )

Bhopal ( RATES& COST) ( Alternate )

Water Technology Centre ( IARI ), New Delhi DR A. K. SINGH

DR A. SINGH( Alternate )

University of Roorkee, Roorkee PROFU. C. CHAUBE


BIS Directorate General SHRIS.S. SETHI,Director& Head ( WRD )

[ Representing Director General ( Ex-oficio )]

Joint Director ( WRD ), BIS


Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and
attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications maybe reproduced in any form without
the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the
standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to
copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue
of ‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards : Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. WRD 6 ( 191 ).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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