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publishing Monitoring Underground Construction A best practice guide Urea Marl ten eet = 3 eeeeeee CEE Monitoring Underground Construction A best practice guide TUNNELING Society British Tunnelling Society Zz ote by CE ubsing, 4 Mash Wal London #14 Ful tas of CE Pabishng les mpresenatinsn atis canbe bund at ‘ws ielivary crete ‘Ao avalabe fom ICE Publishing Sactation for Turling Tieton ri Tuan Sac dist of Ci rine Bevoveon7 30708 Tun! ing Con Gute. rte TerntingScty ndnsiuon of Co Eger Ipousvea.7277 2006 (x Spesiatn Gund esti, Second aan te estan Constuctn Ses Ste esignn tring lei. SBN 976-07277 38055, [cE ana of Gatch ging Buran Chopra, Ser 3 Br es ISousrea.7277 36529 (2 wanes) -Asodate Commisioring Eto: Jefe Barat ‘rota ator iran Mis "tate! Bevspent ene: Catan de Ga iui om Actos reco for his tank able Hom he Bh Lay {© Tha eld Lite 201 Frhees et ld, hha he ntnon oC sas eto arse, seve cpt a emit bythe Copy. sins and Ptr ‘86, no grt hs puesto maybe ero, eral rebiedeten or earurtedn 2 fom or at mers, cecwon ecard. setecenyg or ae, ent er ‘vktn peice te Rhee Piting, 6 Mah Wal oman 8ST “ts cok subhedon the undead tha he author isle espe a he statements mae ard opnors eres and at is pbleston dos ret rece key Eat sh Satenants andor apni rl! he ir or pins of he pues vy eet Farbeon mae oe ht he sneer ade oe aon urea hs publesdon ect apd acre gu, no by or epost cat be cai sept ty he fethor opus “yest by cade + Teo Ingecrestea by deny Speci Ui, Move, East Sis Fe nd bound ret tan by CA tony fae Ltd, Chipeta 2 ature —— Contents sept epee papa oped. papa ‘Acknoegerets Introduction iin The pupae of is ule 12) Thesapeof ts use 13. poplin 1 Tht Tunneling Scene Objectives of monitoring Pinpes or planing efectve montoing syrtene ey eian eben 32. pea tees Consideration for dsignng effective monitoring systems 422, Manton pam unetonleuteents 427. Spe tayo recdoney 42a Spnm eeston 43. Manta ser mairerance equate 410, Ott car nfuening We ee ero) {OT Regus for daa proce {112 Regurere fr ta peta an rei 4013, Requree for data esa to ates 4014 Reeve fr dataport {015 Requemes for espa monn Considerations for operation and management ST Opestonal ce 52, Reson resutng and competency 53) Danansvaten of conplane wit reqernts 54. ata procesng ad rans. 55. reten of mantaing das wth vers 56 Daaimeprtsin andere 55. Gontraey pans 58. Daa presertaon so sata 55, Cowaunconpieten ces Condusons and commendations Monitoring system speciation cect Cention monitoring proders Monitoring eport example Fr onto se sy 2 B Mantorng est 2 Bi Memtorng est 3 Et Mentorng cae say & ES Montorng ase Say 5 S Momtorng cae Sua) 6 ography Ind ” st Acknowledgements “Teor spread by he eich Toning Sey scomt Or Damion Met (Chrmar Dosallos Anat Lint Davit Coot Mot MesDoel Dani Ter, London Bridge Associates (formerly Morgan Sina) Prk Minap. Tasport fo London ‘Ane Ble, Vin! Bo Nua Trae Morgan Sindh fear Chale, Tables Cola Sims, Neon Ral Rand Waki Tramp Londo rms Monn Sad) Sea Wale tomen eerrrr=—~—ti—‘“CCC—s—sCSCS=sCE Tpuasrias eeeeate inane ce, OSEAN Seopa a nee ae rere, el [ ES | ‘eine hat he document wl be Bei tal pres wh ae ‘poms for avis of ht type. Aarne sages he ret wl Into, amon other cen signe and omar. The ude mis ah bof Inert prs wo oor manage eng wc may Need by aden nderound wok ry ler rocae and wis ee | ‘The aubjois eat at he ef ey peices The ude doe no tempt re technol Je whch es ot te, The ue ether Feed on sting ccc state peg be ee pecan of "ontsing stems ams io epi ede oi roles wich have eae a Theat ds toca hw se seg an en roe anes or pi ison ‘penton ed manage fon kn 0 hag he obs adresses The ey oi ofthe ude rgd atl! wn the int, They to To the bss fora ess chr ogni ‘ions for conan with tite indy aoad patie. Chapter 1 Introduction 14. the purpose 1 of this guide 12. thescope of 1 this guide “his document is intended to provide best-practice guidance to aust those who have respon hat regis the se of monitoring ss to manage kin ‘ndergound constrveon, This includes eens, projet manager, designers and contactor whoa have date tire sages ofa proj. The guance ay ‘bo be rlvaa to othr partes rach a iseers and actinic nr, ‘who hve interes in underground works “This uide oss on the pcp fo veal deg aco, which mast be adopted to ensure hat such sons ae safe, elleetve and ee. The pose Summari inthe chess (Appt B) a he erues which woud be expected fo te present ina bestpractoe tma ach stage in he Proj ‘Tae guidance is based on am eased timsine of «project and is oasis wees in ‘managing pvicule motoring ks tat over at ch sap. ‘The idence Is ot ntnded tobe pressive in eno tl design which recognised o change rltivlyexpily with advance in technology, Nov sit Intendod that this guid wil addres specie the ecology (bth hardware ad soltware) of monitoring sen, ‘This uid i ime principally at poten and struct monitoring asst with Underground eonsirston. Underground contacto is eonsieed to plage ‘ew tunneling works, modiation and repair of exiting anne and other Soop ‘xcavation process sucha hal and doo box excavations. Thee ay alge ie ‘ovsmilarmonsorng ise. ‘The guide adeses monitoring of parameters relevant o structural behaviour (such a displacsnent, sre sti, tempeature and proundwater press) The ise logs no stout to special adden environmental monitoring (sch entaminaton, noise and vibeation). Nonaka itis ocomied that many Princigks of good practice may be cnson to boi spe of monitoring, Mostorng Prins wil also apply to many oer constuction proce, "he pice sims to inctade monitoring undertaken fora rangeof dierent objectives un bea of various sakeboldere ei therefore intended to Inelse monitoring fnew ubderground works (or eartonverfeston and conto) and of existing Inasractre affected by underground contraction for inastractre potion), The nnd to integrate monitoring information with Works progres data To facitate interpretation and soosrstionmanagemet slo discs Seton 2 dicuses the range of possible monitoring objeives eb Nght which parts may be of pacticular importance to cach wet group, The remaining sons Sissi soqune, te ie ang the pins sage fs poet ‘Section 3 sonidrs the planning of mnitorng wich teas th ception phase of proj, and dal with ston necessary to deburge the obligations tha all ‘icy onthe ein. These may inlae esponsbiles such a kl compan, ‘sablsing roles and responsi, creating a competent et ensting tt Project insraneisavaiabieandaddresing te requirements of hid parts who ay be ipacted bythe propos work Scton 3 play aed at cheats. will ako be of intrest to designerspeoject manages oes to whom the cleat delegates responsiblity fo planing» ‘monitoring ssa, od oti paris wh may reqs the monitoring sem co Provise hem with normation for arsaranc papos. onoing Uaerpound Consuction 1.3. Application 4.4, The British Tunnelling Society interest, 7, Seton 4 elas to he proj design phase and adds the pete rinses of ‘montoving system design. This deals rma withthe design phase ations which ar the responsiblity of those speing te monitoring This rates ages to ‘stblshing performance requiements or the stem which ae adequate 1 ensure thatthe chen overall reqrements ae met efesively and etsy. The principal anda for Section wll e the monitoring dapat. This scton wil ‘ho be of poteatl intrest to project managers espana for procuring the monks fnd contro responsible for implemetig he Wook. Seton 5 relies to the implementation phase ofthe proket. is primarily ‘concerned with ation hat abou be undertaken by those repo fr Iexiling, commssoneg, operating, interpreting ad recting othe montring ‘seen Thee ue Hilt clude the eoaioring sytem splits, contactor, fame spies ‘Somparsns of changes measred by diferent types of momtonae During the islalliton of he monitoring yer, dus considera shouldbe given tothe sting ot ofthe sytem wth rpc othe work. Ths partially important fortune! wosk, wha he ponidon ofthe work elie t0 exsing tetas not uly obvious, cet wher the primary objective of manitoring to determin the fects af tnnling works om exiting infastractr, eprint hat the scope of the toitoring ako ices dct monitoring af he adjacent grown This wil prove & ‘onto for determination of he acta voume loss induced By tanning thot the complicating effet of the ground-arucur interaction. ‘monitoring t spell dtingish btwsen the fests of ice wor. THs ay prtct the poet fom claims not atibutabe ois works Strace or subrrfaceprond monsoring may abo he used io povie advance indiation of kel changer do to anaeling at heaton of rupee Inastrctere. Ira tunel bag een toward wy for xarpl, it may be Fpl to dtrnne what change are actualy oscurring wt thevame depth he ‘bly i an eater sation of he tne dive “The acuracy aml precision of measurement requted wil depen nthe sage to Be ‘nai of the at, Many modern wearer system fle vers igh dees of reso: ts sometimes tempting wo over spec the poet reiement spy cone ofthe aaa meserement ehnalogy, bat with ao ea bent “The designer shuld amen cial the amount of change thal of practical Sizes the post an spec hese acorn, Haye tht relatively Sole low-pesson mates wl be suftent for many’ puzpons td wil rows the mos fice solitons, Coase, eis inpotat tht teste acura is "ant to aly disingach between diferent reper ewe or emtngey plans “The monitoring sytem specication wil lo now fo lo a nication ofthe tntpated range of measurement, hi may once he cole of syste. The ‘esigner wl nee to consider both the maxim pred art i themes prumetery and the appropriste margin to allow Tor uexpeted behaviour. Thee ‘ay bea selaonsip fete nsument ange und accuracy nse tems Ith must be considered nay be appropri to speiy sere whch are ale of being eased ithe measurements al rwith apart rane The monitoring rguency may depend on 3 mumbo ffi. These cade 2 the tea which change expected t develop 1 feedback rquement for practical certo a construction process | | 48. Baseline ‘measurements ‘the requirments of any entagency or mergsnc pan 1 the stage of the works (gt conimon pave to ve edued frequen ving background monitoring and close-out monitoring compared fo the main nostrction ps) ‘iderakings even ost hid pots. Ta some eatons maybe appropri ote activated dts gathering a an strane to mositoring sa defined eguency. Consideration soul Be pen 0 Taking measurmens at speie age of consrction, mifeation or rept process ‘The montringfequeney should be sfcet allow am effective espe to ‘bration Homer, very hgh nloring rege tent aays bei ‘cme the quay of data may rest problems with data mamtgemea ad Aha the entiation of nica res which measurements an be obiine, and this nade to be coohidered nthe te Spesifeaton Frequencies of data colection and routine sept wil ot neces match “There wil commonly be regula reviews of ta colected vera priod of tine. As a real sts cat ay be ued to tgger a contingency pln wil require some fom arming netomat independent ofthe regular review proces Te soa heated that he conf ortring nat oem dielly propor the frequency of moniter for ll sve Ineresing the ego fr somes, ‘sch thn invaving mann mesarements, wil however cry 2 sigan est Pens Insuch eases itmay be esomable and fn o target prea ares for Niger fequncy monitoring at rte sage ofthe works while the remade of he ‘Stes motored ata loner eqn. “The term reatne” is commonly wed in relation to monitoring underground works buts problematic as tore hve been, and stl are, fering interpretations of ts ‘eaing Ite tem wed in dean i shuld be careful dnd A tre alte Seem woul ensure that rains are avalable freeview immediatly after ‘lection, Thier achivabe wih a aumter of monitoring instrament ype ut may be considerably more expensive than, sy, system gving hourly readings. The ‘nbmced frequency for etain operations may Be warranted, but perhaps Bt cost eseline menses ar edd 1 abi the tai of any mentoring syste Pelor to the works The dats fom belie mcsuerent ate commonly ured a Fefrenoe aginst which susoguea chang measured. Good-qualtbaslne Ineasarements are therefore een for subsequent interpretation, “The bstne messrements should ako be wed to detrne any exising movements Sense to temperature changes and my move ia daly or seasonal ees. These ‘changes may have bo ocuring for many yar ad may be completly beign IF they arent propery understosd, owen, hy nay hase concer when they ‘re mensred Is important hath fet of changes fom other soves are mot incorety buted to construction projects {Wis importante dterninc an appropiate basctve monitoring duration. tong period basin mantoring wl ineremecofence, bt ts may nel fo be balanced ‘gst ther factrs such as te i fda tothe works Tze sno prescpine ive to what i ecesar. The designer wil eed to ety Ukely envronmetal trends which may afect monitoring Enginceing judgement mus ease ‘scrmining the period of basing monitoring which vile, with resonable onion, he ambien bear othe wast fing monitored. Factors to conser in ceaching th dson uy incu natural diy, snsonal und il movements ‘nd alo atl inacoces such a ali turbance und theft of anon! ‘orks In many cases the proses in quston wil be temperature related ts Ustllysdisabi to log tempertue change and corte ft with ober results to aid interpretation. There may also e pei hirpartyrequreents ht act the baseline monitoring duration ‘Moniorng Unerpound Contin 47. system reliability and redundancy. 48, system Verification System rab snort as ack of monitring rests may rs tations ‘on morks o even spension of constuction operations The eos OTs stoppage 0 projuctmay consorbly ese any cos sings fom lower peiaion ‘montorng system ‘Where the consequences ofa monitoring stm flare are mace project ‘hore sbnld be suet redunaney bitte the tem so that ost of dserete foment oat ase Ts ofthe ete mntering syste. hee ass ts Bd race to provide scoaday monitoring sate capable of soming ec o be fated out oa the piny sistem, o of proiding key informaton ia the eveat of los ofthe mainstem. Both stems shouldbe abl tm operateindependey- There isfurher bene inte two systems aig of dierent types a is wl edu the lkatbod of stematic error. Certain type of monitoring stem are inlet ineeuptions dee to obtractd ines feght or ober potictabe eternal ilerfernces, The Hkly impacto external factors asst be considered in deg, [A moaitoring system needs to operat na false fashion. System malfonetons tnd failures ned tobe noted where pos apd emedil ats inated. The ‘stom must be despned sich that each seston can he vee operating forrecly. Comiertion aso az 19 be pve to how the cestngFaetion i ves ‘Where designers have specif monitoring systems thst ey upon survey networks (eg: the ue of Robo Total Station (RTS) or RTS-base Slaion) they should tv siicant consideration to the robusiness of the survey network. The designer ‘ont cael comer the peomety ofthe rey network, theleatons fr RTS nd whore fens eens eam be phe fom. AdiGonaly, may be nesta to ave clear ines of lght to other RTS locaton inthe survey tor, There tay be er constant to conser n urban stings, sch as ised balding: (which require onsent to atach monitoring equlpmeat to), wbaton fom wafeains and tbsroeted fines of sight duet folage ‘A monitoring system slleing from power lose should Be capa of nosing thi {UPS}, the power supply ean be toritona and ancl orator nse tnt when the power supply alr and the UPS activate. Voltage of batter nga boxes a be monitored and lar sent when am unacceptable eve! approaches {Consideration sould he pve to specication of pare ars regan and ‘naateanceaprenmcats for monitoring stems, Amaitenanes or echnical spore "prement with response time appropriate to the sysem objectives shoud be ‘spe Icon tothe realty and rdundaney of instrumentation bara, onsiserton neds be gien to proving runny inthe data management System il Ero rappin tem re commonly nse event minor dat Funding sas casing the wholes to fa Isl param to conser ecotery plang tthe vea of sat Jos. This rogue ome eration ofeach Sage inthe procs rom data election to reporting tne Sytem clock settings may be an se in Some appcstons. tn he UK, it may bo pret to stay on Grech Mean Tie rather than follow Betis Sumer Tine "hangs (hich resulta the te Metin misng readings nthe spring a ‘patent dupiations in ine readings nthe tumnn). The ded ofthis my De speed to helt the ane system employed tothe ond srs the dt 11s important o hae condensin the monitoring rst ina. The monitoring ssn must cone how the bekavigr af he sytem can be fered and any fae ‘arms expe. Enectve stems of calration ae sequel for most typ of monitoring equipment ‘nd the rguirements shoul be sete ath dgh ofthese. [Xsommon eor wih crn ier of monitoring system th the respons ofthe instrumentation and software not etd frst aca few ofthe works sete. Thi can rest in ezoncous reading an # ned for crete ston For ‘ample, more han one setlemeat monitoring system has ntl reported heave hapa Coates or designing effete month sists | inn of sen inp Bonanno he wong | ‘yond oren sores dps cotenn sb opened ine aa | 4, We acttagullgns neta coe yeitiog ater wags Say a | {emg yom Gein ie as rong comely oe te mre | np ea ts oun | 5, Koel tm osc eng sae son ck. Tiina aly | indecgs ive chng ot natant ad iting wee peed ai | ‘orl Forcunpe nan ctl team sea sem tay be pole {Spe am sha Sina noe ans doce were ete | one ncn oe en aes st rag er) typ hh ptt eon of he change lr ‘iy esto may wt ce ste ey bt ok | fou prone spas des he kculoesuc eee ot tosses hat coy eed id ps oe ore alan fos abe ed. Siar Shes on dose nos 4.9, Monitoring 1. Most monitoring systems rgure some azces for maintenance. The monitoring ‘system signer mus consider hw this can best achieved. In some ces, nd | maintenance components may ned tote easy accesible inorder wo be sete o epiced requirements ‘thot compromising thers teat. The eel of edundany in Hem ‘may nol to he asa osoabeconinvows monitoring wile iene acuiis fr undertaken | 2, Most contrastion-eated monitoring tems are opera for a period of beweon 2 | few day and ow years. Where longer tm monitor is stashed, for example 1p weord strona behaviour ove he whole design Ife ofan ase, particaar ‘Soteidration sould be give to ure proofing ofthe sysem, In parc, ture “vallbity of omponents nay bea signin! ination for eeetrons tons tibet pial component eye my he relate shor 4. The longer sity ofslronc stems may he uncertain in Some environments to mbich they may be exposed Por ths reason lative spleens sh a ‘ibrating wie sain grog ae fen favoured fe cera longterm applications | Jn underground suctrs 4, Maintenance requeteats may ao be ffvenood by how close tix maim ‘apace stem operstes, Some instrument, an in psrtolur hoe with moore ‘omponents, my he more sep to overeating and mechanical gradation if they are consents ed com t thr maim posse ate ‘5. Monitoring system reqs routine cheeks aod aatnanc, A maltnanc pla whch Schedles the ati recommended and sou inde dtl ofthe necessary ‘intenane personel and the alg requrements. 6, Blog of mntenane undertaken onthe sem recommended. This should recor the dt the mater ofthe work nd who undertook. This ul or oe tracing anda chana in contr procdezes 2, Any retictone using fom exclu ofthe monitoring pte should be Dphlhted, paul fr those where nreased malatnance is equied a es 4.10. Other factors 1, Ayurt rom he cps © monitor dhe rgd parameter other factors wil affect influencing the the choice of inrmenttion ecology. These may al nflece the stn choice of ‘peccaion and ned to be tated seary fn the dg bas and rected in he technology She a Ea ce ‘or of aces dating monitoring: 6g if monitoring equ in an area without fe sce sch live rllay tunnel stomated stem may be regu, 1» Spe avalabe for monitoring euipment isaltion, which may require ‘Sonsidration of gauge cetrance td lines of sgt in anaportaion funnels 1 esstion on appearance and dang, for xample onthe facades of estat bung 1 compatibility with ther existing or panne fre stems 1 nce curse fects on isramentatin from udacet power ales 0 ee Nontoig Unserpoun enstucion data processing an. Requirements for data interpretation and review 43. Requirements for data presentation to stakeholders 1 Induced cure effats on ancet sense equipment (such aly Signaling) om instumenttion s_poteton fom the or vandals Commercial actor may sk he siicant. Tere lined of spit monitoring supplies many of whom have expertise in pata yes of syste. As $eoul is pose forthe monitoring seem speciation to advert eee ‘oraia suppers if the spetation i unduly precip ale han prforianoe based Coat may influence system design. Ther to sme extent opponuniy to tde off ‘expt cost agains operating cot in many cl eginering Motoring ystems For ‘xamp conventional manual surveys hay have a sallntaltion cost Dat ‘ese high operating costs when compared to thet of astamated stems The Tenth of te node or the tuner of monitoring eps may therefore bea mah insnce onthe cis of stem ps “The dat processing system mst be designed to accommodate the impact of foresacble stem chines and maintenance, ach the replcenent of deectve or ‘ncllvated oasrs,re-baseling ofthe ssian or routine amerdncts of datum, ‘ales, te, Sach aconimodaton sbould he controle by clear otc with ll recording and reporting a wher and when soc changes were api othe sete, ‘Rave data wil peal ned Some form of processing fo cont tem into wef Infomation fr review. IisSorable tht the data can be expred 1 commonly ‘come format ach as a spreadsheet, Dala procesing in nereingy sured nd some depres of eicaton wil be reed (wheter the prces anil "tomatic fo eau that eror are not itu. The syste spp tay lrely ‘etrsne the deal ofthis proces sits ely actude bese software. TH is Fariher reason for wesifying the performance ofthe tem as a who, icing he proaung ar, one thas been stalled. The requterent for mich tng shold especie ‘omstracon wri this process wl tpl vate daly or mel onitrng reve ‘metings with epesenaties ofthe cent and cotatoe whoa ilar withthe [Review mecitas provide a important forum where deions or the works can be made tased onthe data received and the Knowledge of ongoing ts operations. The ‘monitoring system deiner nods to indicate wat would beam ppropiat eine focroutine review of dt, taking acount of actions which ma fallow From monitoring observations. Thi may ince the speiestion of Ky output, woh as Seumary graphs of key parameters which are to Be proved oma role ban. The ‘ontacorinplmenting the work sie to organ the reves and shoul nas thatthe proces aes the design has reqement. The reve lo ends ‘conser any Mutations est aiig frm sem maintenance. These are 2 Potential sure of fale slums and inappropriate respons. Fal invohement of third-party est oer il eit in understanding the saree roqiements fo ‘onion the asete and the rested frequency of reve stn There secng shoul inform al are of any pln mimteance oF

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