CG Questions-Questions Bank

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Computer Graphics Questions Bank

1: by using Inkscape, describe how to draw the following shape ad deal with it as a
one object to move it?

2: by using inkscape programe, how to draw the following shape and make a
gradient for its fill color?

3: using Inkscape, describe how to draw the following shape, making layers for it
and deal with it as one object?
4: using Inkscape, describe how to draw this star and deal with it as a path not
object? (write the main steps only)

5: using inkscape programe , how to design and export this png image and making
specific size and style for the phrase(the sun will shine again)?

6: using Inkscape, write the main steps to design the following phrase and make a
specific style, size, and skew for this phrase?

7: using Inkscape, describe the main steps to design the following button
8: using Inkscape, state the steps that allow you to draw the following smile face?

9: in JavaScript language, use if statement and confirm() function for asking user
whether his name is john or not , if user choose true/yes then a new message will
appear saying ("hello john") ,if user choose false then a new message will ask
him("what’s your name? ")

10: from the following code, which comparison will result in "true" and which
will result in "false"?
11: using JavaScript, Define a function called multiply_three which accepts a
number and returns that number multiplied by 3 ?

12: what will be the output of the following code?

for (var I = 0; I < 10; I++)
if (I % 2 == 0)
console.log (I + " is an odd number.");

13: is Java Script a Client Side Scripting or Server Side, and what's the difference
between client and server side?

14: what is the difference between internal and external code in JavaScript?

15: using JavaScript, define a named function called print() to print ("Computer
Graphics") by using document object and call this function?

16: using JavaScript, define an anonymous function stored in a variable called

print to print ("Computer Graphics") by using document object and call it?
17: using JavaScript language, write a function called draw() which draws the a
simple rectangle, suppose that there is already a canvas tag that has an id called

18: using JavaScript language, write a function called draw which draw the next
shape(rectangle), suppose that there is a canvas tag that has an id called canvas?

19: using JavaScript language, write a function called draw() which draws the
following path, suppose that there is already a canvas tag that has an id called
20: find the mistake(s) in the following code that will generate an error in the

<canvas width="600px" height="600px" style="background-color: green;">

Error Message : not supported browser
function draw()
var mycanvas= document.getElementById("mycanvas");
var mycontext= mycanvas.getContext("2d");

21: using JavaScript language, write a function called draw which draw the next
shape(rectangle), suppose that there is a canvas tag that has an id called canvas?
Hint: Filling a shape by this color "rgb(171,171,171)".
22:in the following shape and code, suppose there is a ball on the canvas moving
once every 10 milliseconds, but the ball is leaving an unwanted trail (line) behind it
because the code is painting a new circle on every frame without removing the
previous one , write the function that allow you to remove this trial of the ball in
the next code?

SetInterval(drawBall, 10);

23: using JavaScript language, write a function called draw which draw a
rectangle, then translate it by (30 , 50) as the next shape, suppose that there is a
canvas tag that has an id called canvas?
24: using JavaScript language, write a function called draw which draw a
rectangle, then rotate it by (25 degrees) as the next shape, suppose that there is a
canvas tag that has an id called canvas?

25: using JavaScript language, write a function called draw() which draws a
rectangle, then scale it by (2,2) as the following shape, suppose that there is
already a canvas tag that has an id called canvas?
26: What are the Three Parts of Synfig Studio IDE?

27: What is the use of green and red button in synfig studio IDE?

28: using synfig studio, describe how to draw circle by synfig studio and fill that
circle with red color, write only steps.

29: find the line that has error and correct the code?
function draw(){
var mycanvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var mycontext = mycanvas.getContext("2d");
mycontext.fillStyle = "red";
mycontext.strstyle = "green";
mycontext.lineWidth = 5;


30: using JavaScript, write an example to use onload Event Handler in body html
tag to print ("Welcome to this page ")?

31: using JavaScript, write an example to use onclick Event Handler in Hypertext
REFerence (HREF) html tag to to print ('Comuter Graphics') using alert function?

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