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Project OHS and risk management plan

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An introduction about the project

This is a quick-form housing”, a large business that builds houses and apartments in western
australia. The contract requires quick-form housing to build new residential apartment complex in
perth. . The value of construction work is $ 2.5 million.

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Table of contents:

2.1. Onsite requirements for first-aid facilities as per OHS, welfare and risk management
legislation applicable to western australia (wa). ……………………………………………………..4
2.2. Plant and equipment usage policy and practices that require certified operators……5
2.3. Hazard management procedures for the following classifications of hazards:……….5
2.4. Precautionary measures for each classification of each hazard………………………..5
2.5. Safe material handling procedures. ………...……………………………………………..5
2.6. Responsibilities for safe handling of material……………………………………………6

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2.7. Construction safety procedures in accordance with: …………………………………..6

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o Requirements for carrying out construction work as specified in work safe australia.

o OHS, welfare and risk management requirements
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2.8. Company’s responsibility in management of construction safety procedure………..7
2.9. Safety induction procedures for the following information:………………………….7

2.10. Safety reporting processes and documentation based on the legislative

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Summary and review………………………………………………………………………………….7

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2.1. Onsite requirements for first-aid facilities as per OHS, welfare and
risk management legislation applicable to western australia (wa).
On site requirements

 The contents of first aid

 Adhesive dressing strips individually wrapped
 Guaze sqares sterile packets
 Eye pads sterile
 Triangular bandags
 Safety pins
 Scissors (both type)
 Forceps
 Wound dressing

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 Paracetamol

 Non adherent dressing sterilite large and small

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 Cleansing swabs

 Cotton applicator
 Conforming bandages
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 Disposable gloves
 Instruction booklet
 Face shields

 The number of flrst aid boxes and where the boxes should be located ensuring they will
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be readily available
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2.2plant and equipment usage policy and practices that require certified
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Plant is “any machinery, equipment (including scaffolding), appliance, implement or tool and any

component or fitting thereof or accessory thereto”. Plant is machinery that processes material by way of a
mechanical action which

• cuts, drills, punches or grinds

• presses forms, hammers, joins, or moulds material


• combines, mixes, sort, packages, assembles, knits or weaves material. Plant also includes lifts, cranes,
tractors, earth moving equipment, pressure equipment, hoists, plant that lifts or moves people or
materials, amusement structures

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2.3&2.4hazard management procedure & precautionary measures .
Hazard management procedures for the following classifications of hazards

 Working at height: work at height acount more fatality than any other construction activity.the
hazards affecting the risk from working at height include verticle distance of a fall,fragile
roofs,sloping roofs at site should be avoided where possible.head protection required
when working at height.
 Heavy lifting operation: before performing a lifting operation, the workers should plan and
prepare for the task. They should make sure that they know where they are going, that the area is
clear of obstacles.
 Fire safety: identify any fire hazards. Eliminate the hazards or to reduce the risk to as low a level
as reasonably practicable. Working with power tools: keep all tools in good condition with
regular maintenance. Use the right tool for the job. Examine each tool for damage before use and
do not use damaged tools.

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2.5materials handling safety procedures

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 Maintain the correct position: avoid roundabout over and keep lifts close to the body.
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 Lift in a careful, premeditated manner and avoid any hasty lift movements.
 Never lift supplies from a sitting position, or twist to pick up a weighty object.

2.6 responsibilities for safe handling of materials.

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 Employer’s responsibilities. Provide a workplace free from serious recognized hazards and
comply with standards, rules and regulations issued under the act..examine workplace conditions
to make sure they conform to applicable .make sure employees have and use safe tools and
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equipment and properly maintain this equipment.

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 Employee’s responsibilities. Always practice safe lifting and moving. Use material-handling
equipment as an alternative to manual lifting and carrying whenever possible. Watch their backs.

Plan forward. Wear apposite ppe when using material-handling aids.

2.7. Construction safety procedures in accordance with:


 Requirements for carrying out construction work as specified in work safe australia.

To be able to carry out construction work, a person must complete an introductory safety training course
called ‘general construction induction training’. This is also commonly known as ‘white card’ training.

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Under the model whs act, a pcbu must make sure every worker has completed white card training,
including those who have completed training in the past but have not carried out construction work in the
last two years

A white card issued in one state or territory or by the commonwealth is generally recognized australia

Some types of construction work—such as operating certain types of cranes or carrying out scaffolding
work—require a high-risk work license

 OHS, welfare and risk management requirements

 Identify hazards – find out what could cause harm „

 Assess risks if necessary – understand the nature of the harm that could be caused by the
hazard, how serious the harm could be and the likelihood of it happening
 „ control risks – implement the most effective control measure that is reasonably
practicable in the circumstances „

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 Review control measures to ensure they are working as planned.

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2.8 company’s responsibility in management of construction safety procedure

Construction safety officers create, implement and enforce safety policies that reduce the risk of
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accidents. It is their responsibility to determine which policies are necessary for the job site and how
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to enforce them. Safety officers must have updated knowledge about safety methods and standards.

2.9 safety induction procedures for the following information:

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 Hazards and risks specific to the workplace : overhead power lines near the workplace. „
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 Control measures for those risks : no go zones for working near overhead electric lines .

 „ site specific rules that must be complied with : personal protective equipment (ppe) like hard
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hats that workers must wear and use.

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2.10 safety reporting processes and documentation based on the legislative

The model whs act places an obligation on the pcbu to ensure health and safety by eliminate or

minimizing whs risks, so far as is reasonably practicable. administration controls have been implement,

and are effective, in eliminate, or minimizing, serious health and safety risks across the organization.
Importantly, unless a health or safety hazard has been eliminated, there is nearly always some residual
risk that needs evaluating and monitor after reasonable efforts to diminish the risk of wound or illness

have been implement.

Summary and review

By proper uuse of all safety measure and risk management plan we can reduce casualities and injuries
tends to zero.
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eH w
rs e
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vi y re
ed d
ar stu

Student id:
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Trainer name: Page 7
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