Laguage Movement Final Part

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Language Movement of Bangladesh
Course Code: 1105
Course Title: Bangladesh Studies

Semester: 1 Date: 13.8.21

Course Credit: 3

Submitted by: Submitted To:

Name:Seam Hasan Khan Name:MD Sajedur Rahman
Class Roll:1822 Associate Professor
Exam Roll:200961 Department of Government
Regi No:20203252193
Jahangirnagar University
Jahangirnagar University
Language Movement of Bangladesh (1948-1952)
The question as to what would be the state language of Pakistan
was raised immediately after its creation. Muslim scholars and
leaders logically believed that Urdu, only spoken by 7%, should be
the lingua franca because it had gained a reputation as the cultural
symbol of subcontinental Muslims. However, eastern Pakistanis
regarded Urdu as the language of the elite, not the language of the
people in the eastern province - who made up 56% of Pakistan's
population - where Bangla was the mother tongue. The first
movement on this issue was mobilized by Tamaddun Majlish
headed by professor Abul Kashem. Tamuddun Majlis (Cultural
Society, an organization by scholars, writers and journalists
oriented towards Islamic ideology) in a booklet titled State
Language of Pakistan: Bengali or Urdu? demands Bengali as one
of the state languages of Pakistan. Its plays a important role in this

The Beginning: Student rise their voice

Serious preparation was being taken by Pakistani elite to become
the urdu as a state language of Pakistan. When Fazlur Rahman the
central education minister, said to make urdu the only state
language of Pakistan. To get the information the students of east
Pakistan became agitated and held a meeting on the Dhaka
varsity campus on 6 December 1947, demanding that bangla be
made one of the state languages of Pakistan. The meeting was
followed by student processions and more agitation. The first
Rastrabhasa Sangram Prishad (language action committee) was
formed toward the end of the December with professor Nurul
Huq Bhuiyan of Tamaddun Majlish as the convener.
Voice Of The parliament
February 23, 1948
In constituent assemble of Pakistan was in session. It was
proposed that the members would have to speak either in Urdu or
in English at the Assembly. Direndranath Dutta, a Bengali
opposition member, moves a resolution in the first session of
Pakistan’s Constituent Assembly for recognizing Bengali as a state
language along with Urdu and English. The resolution “… was
opposed by Liakat Ali, the Prime Minister of Pakistan and other
non-Bengali members in the Assembly. Regrettably, this was
opposed by Khawaja Nazimuddin – hailing from the eastern wing –
and a few other Bengali collaborators of the West Pakistanis in the
Assembly. Later, D. N. Dutta came up with a few amendments to
the original resolution, and every time these were opposed by the
west Pakistanis and their Bengali stooges. The West Pakistanis
were uncompromising to such a genuine demand of the majority
Bengalis. Then students, politicians, intellectuals of east Pakistan
became very agitated. Newspaper such as Azad also criticized of
the politicians who had rejected the motion.
The movement continues with initial success
A new committee to fight for Bangla as the state language was
formed with Shamsul Haq convener. On 11 March 1948 a general
hartal was observed in the town of the east Pakistan in protest
against the omission of bangla letters in Pakistani coins and
stamps, and the use of only urdu in maximum sector. The
movement also repeat the early demand to made the Bangla is of
the state language of Pakistan. And the official language of
Pakistan. But in processions, picketing and slogans, leaders such
as Shawkat Ali, kazi Golam Mahboob,Shamsul Huq, oli Ahad Sheik
Mujibur Rahman,and others were arrested.
Under such circumstance the government of Pakistan had to give
in. Khwaja Nazimuddin signed an agreement with the student
leaders. However, Pakistani Government agreed with some
conditions but hey not agreed with the language demand of
Mohammad Ali Jinnah’s declaration in Dhaka
21 March 1948
Mohammad Ali Jinnah, governor-general of Pakistan at the time,
visited Dhaka. Addressing a large audience, he stated that the
Bengali language could be use in east Pakistan but Let me clear
one thing need not doubt the state language of east Pakistan
going to be Urdu no other language. Anyone who tries to mislead
the decision is against the government.
When he was said then instantly the people of east Pakistan
became very agitated and the mass movement spreading all over
the country. The Dhaka University language Action Committee
was formed on 11 march 1950 with Abdul Matin as its convener.
The Khawja Najimuddin Declaration
By the beginning of 1952, the language movement took a serious
turn. Both jinnah and Liaquat ali khan were died
The economic condition of east pakistan of deteriorated. The
people of East pakistan feel the deprivation of west Pakistan in all
sector. In this situation the language movement got a new
momentum in 1952.
On 27 January 1952, khwaja Nazimuddin came to Dhaka from
Karachi.Addressing a meeting at Paltan Midan he said that the
people of east Pakistan might use Bangla language as a provincial
Language but the main language of Pakistan wound be the
Urdu.In this situation the people of East pakistan agitated and
respond with the siogan,Rashtrabhasha Bangla Chai(we want
Bangla as a state Languages)
21 February 1952
A strike was observed at Dhaka University on 30 January.The leaders
and peoples of many political parties organied and held a meeting
on 31 January chired by Mawlana Bhasani.All party central Language
Action Committee was formed with Kazi Golam Mahbub as its
convener. At the same time the government also proposed that
Bangla be written in Arabic script. This proposal was opposed by the
east Pakistan peoples.
The language Action Committee decided to call a hartal and
organized demonstration and processions on February 21
throughout East Pakistan.
As preparations for demonstrations were underway, the
government-imposed Section 144 in the city of Dhaka banning all
assemblies and demonstrations. A meeting of the Central Language
Action Committee held on 20 February. Opinion was divided as to
whether or not to violate Section 144.

The students were decided to violate Section 144 and held a

student meeting at 11.00 am on 21 February on the Dhaka
University campus, then located close to the Medical College
Hospital. When the meeting started, the Vice-Chancellor, along with
a few university teachers, came to the spot and requested the
students not to violate the ban on assembly. However, the students,
under their leaders - Abdul Matin and Gaziul Haque were adamant.
Thousands of students from different schools and colleges of Dhaka
assembled on the university campus while armed police waited
outside the gate. When the Student shouting slogans, the police
stated baton charge. The students of the east Pakistan started
throwing brickbats at the police. Unable to control agitated students
police fired upon who were proceeding towards the Assemble Hall.
Then Rafiq Uddin Ahmed, Abdul Jabbar, Abul Barkat were fatally
wounded and died. Also, Abdus Salam and a 9 years boy named
Ohiullah was also killed.
The next day 22 February was also a day of public demonstrations
and police reprisals. The public performed a janaja and brought out
a mourning procession,
Which was attacked by the police and they fire upon and there were
happened some death a young man named Shafiur Rahman many
people were injured and arrested. On 23 February at the spot where
student has been killed a memorial was erected.

The Success
Pakistani Constituent Assemble adopting both Bangla and Urdu as a
state language of Pakistan. While assemble was debating on the
language issue, Member Adel Uddin Ahmed made a important
amendment proposal which was adopted unanimously by the
assembly (16 February 1956). Both Bangla and urdu were selected
as a state language.

Root of our independence

1952 language movement was very important for our
independence. People of east Pakistan face very difficult situation
and feel the west Pakistan violent behavior. And feel they are
nothing and they deprived socially and economically.
Mother language day
Since 1852, 21 February has been observed every year to
commemorate the martyrs of the Language Movement. In 17
November 1999 UNESCO proclaiming 21 February as International
Mother Language Day. It is an honor.

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