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2021 Orphan Report

Human Rights
April 2021

Prepared By
Cansu Nar
Executive Editor
Dr. Ahmet Emin Dağ
Mervenur Lüleci Karadere

For citation: Nar, Cansu. 2021

Orphan Report, INSAMER Report,
April 2021.

Responsibility for the information and

views set out in this publication lies
entirely with the authors.

All rights are reserved. The use of
quotations is allowed only by providing

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Printing: Pelikan Basım

Ulubatlı Hasan Caddesi No. 2
H D Blok No. 19
Başakşehir – Istanbul

INSAMER is a research center of IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation.


Orphan and Orphanhood 1
Social Orphanhood and Child Abuse 5
State of Orphans in the World 8
Orphans as Victims of War 13
Vulnerable Child Refugees 14
Children With Real Weapons Made
of Iron Instead of Toys
Consequences of Child Poverty 17
Child Labor 19
Babylift Operations Continue 21

The Forgotten Ones During the

Coronavirus Pandemic: Child 23

Refugees and Global Child Trade 25

Importance of Education for
Endnotes 32
Annex - IHH Orphan Aid Activity 35

Karagümrük Mh. Kaleboyu Cd. Muhtar Muhittin Sk. No:6 PK.34091 Fatih / İstanbul - TURKEY •


One definition of orphan all cultures agree their parents or both. In the Islamic
on is a pre-adolescent child who has lost tradition, a paternal orphan is a child
who has lost a father while a mater-
either of their parents or both.
nal orphan is a child who has lost a
mother. Apart from these, there is also
the concept of the social orphanhood,
referring to children with at least one
Childhood refers to the period of parent alive who does not fulfil their
childhood and adolescence. The task parental obligations.
of parents is to satisfy both the physi-
ological and psychosocial needs of the The first 18 years of human life con-
child, give them a good education and stitute not only a period of physical
prepare them for life’s challenges. Every development, but can also be defined
child who goes through this most crit- as a period of sociological interac-
ical phase of life without enjoying pa- tions with psychological effects. So,
rental care is considered an orphan. circumstances a child faces early in
life, determine not just their prospects
Today’s social and economic problems
in adult life, but also has serious im-
create new definitions of orphanhood.
plications for the mental health of a
If the necessary precautions are not
society as a whole.
taken with regard to the most fragile
members of the society, it seems in- According to UNICEF (United Nations
evitable that the problem will become Children’s Fund), about 10,000 chil-
much more devastating. Although it dren are left either paternal or ma-
may show variations, one definition of ternal orphans every day across the
orphan all cultures agree on is a pre-ad- world. Internationally accepted figures
olescent child who has lost either of also indicate that number of orphan

children around the world is at least Almost 750,000 people have died in
140 million; however, based on many natural disasters in the last 20 years,
evidences suggesting that there are and as a result, hundreds of thousands
millions of orphan or abandoned chil- of children became orphans or left
dren which are not included in the without parental support. 79% of these
official statistics, this figure is actually deaths occurred in poor Asian coun-
much greater. tries such as Bangladesh, Pakistan,
Indonesia, India and the Philippines,
When a child loses either of their
the countries with the highest number
parents or both, they face so many
of orphans.
economic and mental issues down the
line. For example, an average of 10,000 Another common cause is chron-
children die every day as a result of ic illness or disease outbreaks. Poor
war, poverty, hunger or similar caus- health services or a rapidly-spread-
es. The majority of these children are ing pandemic can lead to a significant
known to be orphan and abandoned. number of loss of lives. While 68% of
The available data show that most of all deaths worldwide are caused by
the countries where the situation is non-contagious diseases, 22.5% are
most worrying are in sub-Saharan caused by contagious ones.
Africa and South Asia.1
Poor health infrastructure is one of
Without a doubt, one of the most the most frequent causes of death for
common reasons leading to children parents in economically underdevel-
becoming orphans is natural disasters. oped countries. It is not known exactly

occurred in Islamic countries.2 Due to

Poor health infrastructure is one of the the war in Syria, which is considered as
most frequent causes of death for parents the biggest humanitarian crisis since the
Second World War, 9,200,000 children
in economically underdeveloped countries.
under the age of 18 lost their homes or
It is not known exactly how many children families.3 Although the actual figures
become orphans each year due to these for Syrian orphans are not known due to
mortalities. the continuous relocation of refugees, it
is estimated that almost 1 million chil-
dren became orphans due to the war.
how many children become orphans
each year due to these mortalities. The When a child loses either or both of
figures show that between 2000 and his parents or when parents do/can not
2014 there were about 15 doctors and fulfill their parental duties, this leaves
33 nurses per 10,000 people in the en- the child exposed to myriad dangers.
tire world. It is reported that in Islamic Orphans or children abandoned by
countries there are 8 doctors and 18 their parents become vulnerable and
nurses per 10,000 people. Available defenseless; whereas children under
data show that Somalia, Niger, Sierra the care of their parents live in a rela-
Leone, Chad and Afghanistan are the tively better protected way in case of
countries in the worst situation in war, natural disasters, poverty or dis-
terms of deaths due to poor health ease. At this point, it must be stressed
services. The number of doctors and that the problems of orphans are not
nurses per 10,000 people is as follows isolated cases; for it should be remem-
in these countries: Somalia (1-5), Niger bered that children without access to
(1-6), Sierra Leone (1-9), Chad (2-3) safe and healthy environments grow up
and Afghanistan (2-7). to become problematic adults, leading
to other serious social problems.
Today, about 140 out of every 1,000
women between the ages of 18 and Orphans and abandoned children
60 die worldwide due to infectious or are barely able to maintain a decent
non-infectious diseases. This means a standard of living, making them more
large number of children left behind likely to be exposed to risks and dan-
who need looking after. gers. Such children can easily fall into
the clutches of malevolent people or
Wars or conflicts are among one of the
criminal gangs in exchange for basic
leading causes of orphanhood. For ex-
needs such as shelter and food or to
ample, in 2018 alone almost 100,000
satisfy emotional needs, like a sense
people died in armed clashes, and
of belonging.
tens of thousands of children became
orphans or were deprived of parental Big migration movements caused by
care in the process. 80% of these deaths war, natural disasters, poverty etc. re-

sult in tens of thousands of children be- reports show that tens of thousands of
ing relocated unaccompanied by their children that migrated to Europe as a
parents or unprotected. It is noted that refugee following the war in Syria are
today in many European countries, now considered missing.4
thousands of children are on the list
of missing children and thousands are Intensive missionary activities in plac-
not included in any list because they es of poverty and famine, especially in
have no birth registration. It is also the countries of the African continent,
known that migrating orphans and un- are among the major threats to or-
protected children are targeted by var- phans. For example, children are taken
ious criminal organizations involved in to orphanages established by Western
human trafficking, either in their own missionary organizations and brain-
country of origin or during migration washed to change their religion; ex-
to other places. For instance, some ploiting their economic disadvantage.


During the childhood, the most impor- Social orphanhood might occur due to
tant period of human life, fulfillment of irresponsible parents, social and family
all physiological and psychological needs problems, extra-marital births, early or
of individuals from nutrition to education unwanted motherhood and many other
is considered as the duty of parents or factors.6 Mental health problems, domes-
the state.5 In today's world, however, it is tic violence, drug and alcohol addiction,
known that there are millions of children physical and mental disability, poverty,
neglected by their parents even though heavy work conditions, working away
they are alive. This state of children go- from the family, socializing outside the
ing through various deprivations due to home, internet and social media addiction
parents' failure to perform their duties is can also lead to a deterioration of fam-
referred to as social orphanhood. In other ily ties and children becoming isolated.
It must be noted here that there is no
words, amounting to a state of parental
acceptable justification of abandoning a
destitution, the condition is referred to
child when at least one of the parents is
as social orphanhood. Yet, the absence
alive. Causing trauma, it also has a neg-
of the family, and therefore the absence
ative effect on the child's physical and
of the parent, which is the first and most
mental health.
basic component with a child's identity
formation, causes serious trauma to the Researches show that 90% of the 2.7
child who is in need of being loved, re- million children living in orphanages
spected, protected and supported. around the world are social orphans.7

While the number of children living on

the streets is not exactly known. Although This state of children going through var-
many children have their basic needs like ious deprivations due to parents' failure
food, drink and shelter met today, they
to perform their duties is referred to as
suffer severe disadvantages in terms of
receiving regular education appropriate social orphanhood.
to their needs and age, and the love, care
and support they need to become healthy emergence of advanced level chronic psy-
adults in the future.8 chological and physiological disorders,
While social orphanhood can be as severe harming the identity of child.10
as orphanhood from loss of parents, it Researches show that about 200 mil-
may cause some other serious psycho-
lion children are subject to sexual abuse
logical consequences. Another aspect of
every year worldwide due to parent neg-
social orphanhood which is not easily
ligence.11 Such abuse may occur in two
noticeable is the abuse. Experts state that
ways. The first is non-physical sexual
a significant amount of children stay-
abuse; sexually explicit talks, exhibition-
ing at home during the Covid-19 has
ism, voyeurism, making the child watch
been exposed to various forms of abuse.
pornographic movies, making the child
Physical, psychological, sexual abuse as
act in advertisements, films and plays
well as online abuse that has increased
with sexual content, etc. The second type
due to dense use of Internet during the
of sexual abuse includes physical contact;
period all pose a great threat for children.
touching and caressing in a sexual man-
It has been proven by researches that ner, touching any part of the body with
children are psychologically harmed at the sexual organ or sexual intercourse,
a high level when their needs of care, prostitution, obscenity are all involved
love, respect, feeling valued and support- in this category.12
ed under any circumstances are unmet.
Psychological violence is a type of abuse A research conducted by the Internet
covering all other abuse forms. Emotional Watch Foundation (IWF) worldwide
violence includes attitudes and behaviors in 2015 and 2016 revealed that Europe
such as yelling, humiliation, intimidation, plays the main role in reproducing, down-
rejection, absence of love, expectation loading and sharing materials such as
of responsibilities over the child’s age, pornographic photos and videos aimed
comparison and discrimination between at child abuse. Click rate of web pages
siblings, excessive pressure and discipline, with child abuse content was about 41%
making the child dependent, overprotec- in Europe and 57% in North America in
tiveness, punishment, forcing the child to 2015 whereas such rates were 60% and
work.9 Such types of abuse are difficult 37%, respectively, in 2016. Emphasizing
to notice but yet the most common ones. the increasing demand for such publi-
They may cause behavior disorders, and cations, child protection agencies state

that studies conducted and laws made their gender. Some studies on child abuse
fall short in prevention of sexual abuse of suggest that children between the ages of
children. Netherlands is the country with 0 and 18 are targeted by the pedophiles.
the largest illegal content of such type in Having turned into an industry due to
Europe. Russia and Turkey sourced abuse films, advertisements, magazines and
elements were discovered in 34,212 web illegal activities, sexual abuse of children
pages used in Europe. It is evident that at is essentially a humanitarian problem
least one child is victimized while prepar- in terms of both its reasons and results.
ing each material, children are abused at This is a universal problem that requires
each view of such content, and those in- immediate action and precautions, as it
dividuals consciously searching for these is not only a problem between the victim
materials are growing the child abuse and perpetrator but also an indicator of
figures in the world.13 social anomaly.

Performance of many processes on the When a child is rejected or deprived

Internet and provision of online educa- of a warm family environment despite
tion at all levels due to the Covid-19 pan- both parents being alive, this may cause
demic, as well as increased dependency life-long traumas, resulting in a mental
to the virtual world with motives such as regression, a feeling of worthlessness, and
being an influencer on social media, are negative perceptions such as not being
the key factors increasing online child loved and loneliness, impacting the entire
life of the individual. For people who ex-
abuse and pedophilia cases.
perience such emotional trauma, they will
Researches show that every child is sub- be more exposed to the risk of hanging
ject to some kind of abuse regardless of out with the wrong kind of people, drug

Experts state that a significant amount of children staying at home during the
Covid-19 has been exposed to various forms of abuse.

and alcohol addiction, prostitution, being In view of its causes and effects, it can
kidnapped etc. In addition, these children, be argued that the issue of social or-
who have problems developing a sense of phanhood affects the entire society with
belonging, often experience anger and political, social and religious implica-
aggression, poor social adaptability and tions requiring a holistic approach. It
criminal intentions. Of course, one cannot is, therefore, clear that addressing the
say that all orphans and social orphans orphanhood as a consequence only is not
live in poor conditions. So much work
sufficient. Determination and elimination
is being done by several governmental
the causes of such consequence is what
and non-governmental organizations to
matters. To this end, government and
improve the conditions of these children,
non-governmental organizations can get
who are guarded and protected by official
their weight behind more awareness-rais-
institutions. It is vital that all institutions
ing projects and support measures to raise
entrusted with these children do their
individual awareness. Strict social and
share of work properly, as it is crucial for
the future of the country and the world to psychological measures must be taken
identify and rehabilitate potential groups about this matter as it constitutes one of
that could turn into a social anomie in the the top priority problems of the society;
future. In summary, for the well-being therefore, establishment of moral and
and development of societies, all children material support centers that are acces-
should be raised in a nurturing environ- sible by all parts of the society will be an
ment and receive a good education. important step forward.


The number of orphans is increasing have lost one or both parents are con-
worldwide due to problems such as sidered orphans, the number of orphans
wars and conflicts, natural disasters, in the world today is estimated to be
epidemics, poverty and mass migration. over 140 million.14 It is estimated that a
Children, who make up 2.2 billion of the total of approximately 15.1 million out
world population which is estimated at of 61 million who live in Asia, 52 million
7.7 billion, remain at risk and exposed in Africa, 10 million in Latin America
every day for various reasons. If all chil- and 7.3 million in Eastern Europe and
dren between 0 and 18 years of age who Central Asia, have lost both parents.15

Humanitarian crises resulting from

If all children between 0 and 18 years of age natural disasters are foremost among
who have lost one or both parents are con- the reasons for children losing their
parents. About 500,000 people lose
sidered orphans, the number of orphans in
their lives and millions of people suffer
the world today is estimated to be over 140 great financial losses every year due to
million. disasters. One of the most devastating
consequences of these disasters is with-
out doubt the thousands of vulnerable
In addition to all these official data, it
children left behind. Natural disasters
is known that many children around
vary in size and severity, causing dif-
the world are not registered as "or-
ferent amounts of damage; for exam-
phans" for various reasons. There are
ple, earthquakes cause loss of parents
many orphans, i.e. “invisible children”,
in countries like Indonesia, Iran and
who have never been registered, or
Nepal while in African countries it is
those who have not been identified as
usually drought and famine. Whereas
orphans because their relatives took
social orphans are more common in
care of them after their parents died,
relatively developed and western coun-
or those who have not been registered
due to technical difficulties and neg-
ligence, which suggests that the men- Since the risks and threats that chil-
tioned figure is much more higher. dren without parents face apply to
Considering all these conditions, the all children who are unprotected for
actual number of orphans around the some reason, it is important to pro-
world is estimated at 400 million.16 vide protection for all these children.
Heavy labor, being recruited as child
Today, it is clear that wars and internal soldiers, being trapped by the organ
conflicts are the main causes for an and prostitution mafia and various
ever increasing number of orphans. other criminal organizations are the
With regard to countries such as Syria, most common dangers to which these
Iraq, East Turkestan, Somalia, Mali, children are exposed. For example, it
Sudan, Palestine, Afghanistan, Central is stated that there are about 300,000
African Republic, Egypt, Kenya, child soldiers in more than 30 coun-
Nigeria, Yemen, Myanmar and Algeria tries,17 there are at least 218 million
has a large number of orphans, these child workers aged between 5 and 17,
are either regions of conflict or are and that at least 73 million of them are
ruled by oppressive regimes with most employed in hazardous occupations.18
of them scenes of large conflicts in re- A major part of these children are ei-
cent history. The number of orphans in ther orphans or abandoned children.
these countries corresponds to almost The number of missing children that
one third of all orphans worldwide. went into the records in the 20 years

from 1987 to 2007 is 1 million. It is es- A study by the World Health

timated that most of these children are Organization shows that suicide-re-
abducted by criminal organizations.19 lated deaths for children between the
ages of 10 and 19 have increased since
One of the most serious problems faced 2002.20 These figures clearly show that
by orphans is social exclusion and iso- the traumas of childhood and ado-
lation, which is not easy to notice at lescence, words which are not even
first sight. Psychological destruction supposed to be used side by side with
experienced due to the loss of one or the word suicide, are not temporary at
both parents can lead to becoming all, contrary to assumptions.
withdrawn, while discriminatory treat- Becoming a refugee or being placed
ment by relatives, peers or the social in the care of foster parents in other
circle can lead to self-isolation. countries is one of the most serious

It is stated that there are about 300,000 child soldiers in more than 30 countries,
there are at least 218 million child workers aged between 5 and 17, and that at
least 73 million of them are employed in hazardous occupations.

problems faced by orphans. In par- creates severe consequences that linger

ticular, orphans or abandoned chil- for generations. For example, 3 million
dren who are also refugees may face out of 8 million children of school age
risks such as abuse, ill-treatment or do not attend school in Syria, which is
discrimination based on religion or estimated to have around 11 million
race. Even if the above-cited threats to children population.22 Although the
children in this category are tackled, war in Afghanistan that has gone on for
assimilation policies in destination years has ended, 42% of the country's
countries for migrants represent an- school-age children are still unable
other lifelong risk. to go to school. And most of these
children are female. In Somalia, 49%
Education is one of the most problem-
of children of school age cannot go to
atic areas for orphans and abandoned
school.23 In Yemen, there are 2 million
children. Many studies today clearly
children with no access to school.24
show that there is a direct link between
parental absence and academic perfor- According to the report of the United
mance. Studies show that the academic Nations Development Programme, the
success of abandoned children or chil- percentage of those who receive only
dren raised by a single parent is lower basic education or learn to read and
than that of children who grow up with write in a non-educational setting are
both parents. When orphanhood in as follows: Southern Sudan and Mali
warzones are brought into the equation, 27%, Afghanistan 28%, Ethiopia 49%,
both the schooling rate of these children Haiti 52%, Pakistan 55%, Bangladesh
and their academic success seem to 57%.25 The figures given here refer to
reduce significantly. Today there are literacy rates rather than continuous
263 million children with no access to education, which could mean that the
school or regular education.21 quality of education in these countries
is actually much worse. It is also es-
An analysis of the common character-
timated that the majority of children
istics of countries with the lowest levels
deprived of education are either or-
of education reveals that these are pov-
phans or abandoned by their parents.26
erty and war zones. Since these coun-
tries are the least developed countries The protection of children, especially
in the world, lack of resources/means orphans, is one of the most fundamen-
to provide basic services like education tal tasks of societies. In this context,

it is very important for governments lion children in Uganda and 310,000

to develop effective social policies to in Sierra Leone were orphaned due to
protect the legal rights of children and the same disease.33 It is reported that
enable them to grow in a healthy and 74% of orphans in Zimbabwe and 63%
safe environment; yet, most countries of orphans in South Africa were also
are way off achieving that. 61 million orphaned by the HIV disease.34 One
orphans on the Asian continent that third of the children in Kenya, where
has the worst track record of protecting there are almost 3 million orphans,
children's rights are reported to be at were orphaned because of this dis-
risk of leading a totally vulnerable life. ease.35 Many children across Africa
India, particularly, needs to take urgent died from this virus, transmitted by
action in this regard as the official fig- their parents. For instance, in Ethiopia
ures put the number of orphans at 31 that has 6 million orphans, it is esti-
million. In India, only 41% of births are mated that at least 85,000 of these are
registered, with diseases and outbreaks HIV carriers.36 It is estimated that more
caused by social inequality, poverty and than 13 million children worldwide
other social problems that arise due to were orphaned by HIV.37
the strict caste system being consid- What countries with a high number of
ered the primary reason for the high orphans have in common is that they
population of orphans in the country. belong to the category of the most un-
It is estimated that there are 4.9 million derdeveloped countries. At least half the
orphans in Bangladesh27 and 4.4 million population of these countries lives below
orphans in Pakistan, 28 which are also the poverty line. It is children that are most
countries on the Asian continent. As severely affected by the chronic poverty
these countries have no policy of birth in these countries. The current negative
registration, it is estimated that the ac- circumstances in these countries clearly
tual number of orphans that are referred threaten children's right to life.
to as “invisible children” is much higher
than the stated figures.

On the African continent, Nigeria is

one of the worst affected countries,
with its population of 17.5 million
orphans.29 It is reported that 2.5 mil-
lion children in this country became
orphans due to HIV.30 In Ethiopia,
another country on the continent,
there are 6 million orphans.31 In the
country, more than 44% of children
under the age of 14 are orphans due to
HIV.32 It is also reported that 2.9 mil-


Wartime conditions are challenging for tered as civilian victims, while hundreds
everyone, especially more so for orphans of thousands try to stay alive, one way
and abandoned children. While orphans or another.
are exposed to the dangers of the war
Today, people who stay at their homes
environment, they have serious problems
to protect from the effects of the global
in accessing basic needs, especially food,
pandemic that started at the end of 2019
shelter, health, security and education;
seem to have forgotten about the pres-
facing all kinds of social, economical
ence of millions of children outside in
and psychological challenges. Children
vulnerable situations.
struggling with problems such as illness,
hunger, disability or abduction are ex- According to UNICEF’s report called
posed to all kinds of abuse under war- 2020 Child Death Estimates, Africa
time conditions. ranks first in death rates of children be-
tween 5 and 14, followed by South Asia.38
One of the most serious problems faced
by orphans trying to survive alone in Communities struggling for life at war-
war zones is their inability to access ade- zones have had to fight against both
quate and necessary healthcare. The lack the political-economical competition
or absence of medical facilities further between the opposing countries and
exacerbates the grievances of children allies, and the Covid-19 pandemic.
in vulnerable situations. Thousands of Meanwhile, UN has called for a cease-
children who lose their lives are regis- fire and encouraged mutual agreements

People who stay at their homes to protect from the effects of the global
pandemic that started at the end of 2019 seem to have forgotten about the
presence of millions of children outside in vulnerable situations.

in order to fight against the pandemic; Figures of child death rates in the
however, let alone failure of the parties UNICEF report are high at a jaw-drop-
to abide by the ceasefire, their actions to ping level. Based on the figures stated
turn the crisis into an opportunity and put by averaging the highest and lowest es-
new political-economical strategies into timates regardless of the reason of death,
practice have left the vulnerable people the top 10 countries with highest death
in these regions faced with several new rates of children between 5 and 14 are
problems. Abandoned children are the as follows:
main ones who are left vulnerable against
No. C ountr y Child Mortality
this infectious fatal disease, which poses a
greater risk under war and conflict condi- 1 Niger 30,292
tions. Children of these under-developed 2 Somalia 25,365
countries who were already struggling
3 Mali 22,123
with the war, inadequate healthcare ser-
vices, poverty, famine, lack of sanitation Democratic
4 Republic of 22,121
and various infectious diseases before the the Congo
pandemic have been completely forgotten
5 Sierra Leone 21,569
due to pandemic.
6 Nigeria 21,268
On the other hand, conflicts that could
7 Burundi 21,322
not be stopped even by the pandemic
continued in Afghanistan, Democratic 8 South Sudan 21,043
Republic of the Congo, Syria, Burkina 9 Benin 19,896
Faso, Mali, Niger and South Sudan in
10 Burkina Faso 17,39139
2020 and 2021.

Vulnerable Child Refugees

Orphans who survive on hot conflict Number of displaced children due to
zones face even greater challenges af- wars and conflicts has gone far beyond
terwards; much tougher prospects come the available numbers to date, reaching
into question for these children, exposed up to 19 million. 12 million children
to new threats on refugee camps or mi- were displaced in 2019, with 3.8 mil-
gration routes. lion having to migrate due to conflicts

Number of displaced children due to wars and conflicts has gone far beyond
the available numbers to date, reaching up to 19 million.

and violence, and 8.2 million mainly grant reception centers at the end of
due to disasters such as floods and a dangerous and obligatory migration
storms.40 Malicious organizations ex- journey, however they neither have the
pecting the orphans as the most sen- chance for social distancing to protect
sitive and vulnerable part of global against the pandemic in crowded plac-
society are lying in ambush on all es nor access to healthcare services,
routes. Human traffickers, warlords, food and means to meet their self-care
organ mafia, physical and sexual abuse needs.
gangs and many more pose a serious
threat to vulnerable children along the Having been away from their country
migratory routes. and family for a long time, 19 million
children must be immediately put
Some sources report that number of
under protection and returned to their
children who had to leave their houses in
families if possible, with the mutual
2020 is about 31 million. Over 17 million
efforts of governments and non-gov-
of these children are displaced in their
ernmental organizations. Specialist
own country; 12.7 million are refugees
teams in the centers must provide
and 1.1 million are asylum seekers.41
the necessary physical and psycho-
Some part of vulnerable children man- logical care for millions of orphaned
age to access refugee camps and immi- children.

Children With Real Weapons Made of

Iron Instead of Toys
One of the most devastating consequenc- 40 million children under the age of
es of war for children is the issue of child 15 are victims of abuse and neglect in
soldiers. It is reported that the number of war zones and that these children need
child soldiers involved in global conflicts regular health and social care.45 For ex-
has increased by 159%42 in five years and ample, it is reported that at least 1,500
that since 2012 at least 300,00043 children children are sexually abused every year
have been actively fighting in more than in Afghanistan, a country ravaged by
30 countries. civil war and foreign occupation, with
those responsible being protected for
Children are used as warriors, suicide
various reasons.46
bombers and human shields on the fields
in conflicts and wars and also as couriers, Moreover, children and orphans who
spies and etc. at checkpoints. are victims of war are targeted by hu-
man traffickers, organ mafias and other
The destruction of educational facilities
malicious organizations operating on
in war zones deeply affects the lives of
border lines with a huge flow of refugees.
children in the long-term, taking away
Research shows that about 1.2 million
their chances for a good future. Targeting
children are trafficked every year.47 A
schools in wars and conflicts costs the
majority of these children are orphans.
lives of thousands of children and ed-
Orphans and abandoned children, tar-
ucational staff. According to a UN re-
geted by many criminal organizations
port covering 2016-2018, 657 schools in
such as organ traffickers, human traf-
Mali, 396 in the Democratic Republic of
fickers, etc. are also sent to different
Congo, 161 in Iraq, 68 in Afghanistan, 67
countries for adoption or forced into
in Syria, 64 in Somalia, 52 in Southern
prostitution or begging. No one knows
Sudan, and 28 schools in the Central
yet what happened to the thousands
African Republic were attacked.44
of children that migrated to Europe
Educational activities are mostly carried especially after the war in Syria, most
out in houses and tents in war zones, of whom were orphans, raising serious
and these are not enough for children to concerns about the fortunes of these
build a good future. These children have orphans.48
their chance of a decent life taken away
Even though it is generally assumed that
from them, either ending up in armed
girls do not take part in conflicts as they
groups or having to work as child labor-
are mostly deployed away from the front
ers under extremely difficult conditions.
lines, this is not an accurate observation.
Cases of child abuse are quite common For example, 30-40% of child soldiers
in war zones. Research has shown that in Africa are girls. Girls are also heav-

personalized care approaches that take

Children are used as warriors, suicide bom- into account the orphans’ conditions is
bers and human shields on the fields in conf- of great importance for the return to
normal life of children who have expe-
licts and wars and also as couriers, spies and
rienced wars.
etc. at checkpoints.
It is a grave violation of humanitarian
values by the states that disregard the
ily exposed to sexual violence. Studies sanctity of human life to further their
show that such abuses increase by 40% imperialist ambitions causing children
in wartime environments.49
who need love and compassion to be
This severe picture shows that all gov- abused, to be forced to fight in wars,
ernmental and non-governmental hu- work in harsh conditions and to be ex-
manitarian aid organizations working in posed to acts of tyranny while migrating
crisis regions should focus not only on due to natural disasters, war and poverty
the shelter and nutritional needs of or- etc. This, without doubt, will produce
phans, but they should also be provided ruthless and hostile generations in the
with protection, psychological support, future, causing so many new problems
treatment and rehabilitation. Developing for societies.


While the economic gap in developing pandemic. Number of poor children in
and undeveloped countries has deep- countries with low to moderate develop-
ened along with the Covid-19 pandem- ment level, on the other hand, has reached
ic, a notable increase is observed in the 150 million, increasing by 15%.50 Progress
number of children living in absolute was made in prevention of poverty thanks
poverty. Absolute poverty, also known to the policies implemented all around the
as multidimensional poverty, refers to world from 2000 to 2014 as well as the
the inability of an individual to meet his support of non-governmental organiza-
needs that are necessary for his survival. tions. However, global poverty started to
The concept includes inequality of access rise again as from 2014. Number of people
to nutrition, shelter, clean drinking water, suffering from hunger escalated from 630
life in a healthy environment, education, million in 2013 to 680 million in 2018 and
healthcare and social services. 690 million in 2019. The researches con-
ducted in 2019 pointed out that at least
According to the data published by
83 million people suffered from hunger
UNICEF in September 2020, number of
due to malnutrition since the Covid-19
children living in absolute poverty has
pandemic interrupted food production,
risen up to 1.2 billion due to Covid-19
distribution and consumption process.

This figure reached 132 million by the end maintain a healthy diet. This applies es-
of 2020, which highlights the increased pecially to 57% of the population living
number of people that will live in absolute in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.
poverty.51 Pandemic seems to have led to According to the report, one-third to
a regression in the problems that were in forth-third (191 million) of children
the progress of resolution. aged below five had a problematic de-
velopment in 2019, which left them
According to UN, malnutrition was most
either too short or too thin.55
commonly observed in Asia with 381
million people in 2020. It is followed Based on 2021 estimates of UNICEF,
by Africa with 250 million people, and a total of 10.4 million children in
Latin America and Caribbean with 48 Democratic Republic of the Congo,
million individuals.52 Number of people Northeast Nigeria, Sahel Region
living in acute poverty has also increased (Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger), South
along with the rise in global population Sudan and Yemen are faced with acute
since 2014. The comparison of nutri- malnutrition problem.56
tion frequency by population suggests
that 19.1% people across Africa suffers It is known that there are millions of
from malnutrition; therefore, Africa is children that are under death risk due
the most severely affected continent to failure to meet their essential nutri-
from poverty. This figure is 8.3% and ent needs. Number of children that are
7.4% in Latin America and Caribbean, under death risk due to acute malnutri-
respectively. The situation in Africa is tion are as follows: A total of 3.3 million
two times worse than that in other con- children in Democratic Republic of the
tinents. If the current trends continue, Congo with at least 1 million at severe
Africa will be home to more than half level; more than 800,000 children in
of the people suffering from chronic Northeast Nigeria with 300,000 at se-
hunger in the world by 2030.53

An average of 10,000 children die every

day as a result of poverty, hunger or sim-
ilar causes across the world. According
to 2020 report of UN, most of these chil-
dren are from Africa and South Asia. It
is stated that orphans and abandoned
children make up the majority of the
mentioned figure.54

The UN report State of Food Safety and

Nutrition Across the World suggests that
purchasing power of globally more than
3 billion people today is not sufficient to

According to the data published by UNICEF in September 2020, number of children

living in absolute poverty has risen up to 1.2 billion due to Covid-19 pandemic.

vere level; about 1.4 million children in age death rate was Somalia with 16,814,
South Sudan; over 2 million children in which is followed by Niger (15,738),
Yemen with 358,000 at severe level; and Chad (15,207), Kamerun (14,339), Ivory
1.4 million children in Yemen.57 Coast (14,307), Mali (13,751), Sierra
Afghanistan, Bolivia, Kamerun, Central Leone (13,670), South Sudan (13,604),
African Republic, Libya, Madagascar, Nigeria (13,441) and Guinea (12,626),
Pakistan, Sudan and Yemen are among respectively.59
the top countries that are mostly harmed
Apart from the absence of any healthcare
by the Covid-19 pandemic.
system to protect millions of children
In 2019, child death rates were high in from diseases in the crisis zones, even
seven out of nine countries, and there the minimum support for such regions
were 50 deaths per each 1,000 live births is blocked by various gangs and groups
among the children aged under five.58
of interest. Intentional contamination
Based on UNICEF’s 2020 Child Death
of clean water, bombing of hospitals,
Estimates Report, it is seen that the re-
kidnapping or killing of healthcare
gions involving the top 10 countries with
highest death rates of children aged five professionals, prevention of healthcare
to nine in 2019 were the suffering zones equipment aid provided externally by
characterized by hot conflicts, acute pov- governments and non-governmental
erty and inaccessibility to healthcare organizations further increase the suf-
services. The country with highest 5-9 fering of orphans in particular.

Child Labor
Shutdown of schools as part of to work in families with a single un-
Covid-19 precautions and the ine- employed parent due to the crisis. The
quality in access to education further possibility of children returning back
densified the available problem in the to school seems quite difficult under
regions with severe poverty. The shock these circumstances as those children
experienced in the fields of economy are the targets of unregistered employ-
and healthcare services due to the pan- ment and low-cost labor. A gain of 94
demic affected the vulnerable popula- million achieved in the fight against
tion of the society most severely. It is child labor since 2000 is also under a
observed that children started to be put serious risk.60 The experts claim that,

apart from the heavy working condi- completely ignored. Yet, it is of huge
tions that child laborers are faced with, importance to increase the efforts to
the working hours have also extended, support the most vulnerable popula-
and children’s health and safety are un- tion of the society, and meet their basic
der a great threat. Some studies show needs immediately, since they are in
that a 1% increase in the poverty rates need of humanitarian aid more than
of certain countries led to an increase ever at the moment.
of at least 0.7% in child labor.61 When
It is required to directly access the
the increasing figure in child labor is
hardship areas in order to determine
read backwards, number of children
the number of children suffering from
that will not be able to continue their
hunger and measure their parameters.
education when the schools reopen
Each precaution taken to prevent the
is obtained.
spread of Covid-19 pandemic, unfor-
The humanitarian crisis experienced tunately, further increases the child
by the orphans has peaked up along poverty. However, increasing the social
with the pandemic. During this period services to be provided along with the
of staying at home due to the obligatory precautions, creating work opportu-
precautions taken by governments, the nities for adults which fit their new
tragedy experienced by children who life conditions, and providing more
try to live in camps, travel alone on support for the education of children,
dangerous roads, or are targeted by will not only prevent the problems
human traffickers, used as soldiers from becoming chronic and much
in warzones or forced to work under more complicated, but will also avoid
heavy conditions seems to have been the future social crises.


The concept of babylift, which emerged countries increased. It was established
in 1975 during the USA-Vietnam War, that more than 91% of the adopted chil-
originally refers to the Americanization dren were younger than eight, that 51%
of Asian children. During the "Baby were younger than two, that 57% of the
Rescue Operation" called Operation Baby children were boys, 43% girls and 20%
Lift, at least 2,000 babies and children mixed race. Relocation of these children
were brought to the USA, and 1,300 to was planned within the framework of an
Canada, Australia and to Europe, total- international adoption program imple-
ing 3,30062 according to official figures. mented between 1970 and 1975.64
Although the United States announced
While the term babylift has turned into
that these children brought from South
a general concept used to describe inter-
Vietnam were taken away because of war
national adoption programs nowadays,
conditions, orphanhood and neglect, it
it is essentially defined as the adoption of
was later understood that not all of these
children from other countries by certain
children were orphans. Vietnamese chil-
wealthy Western families. However, it
dren were taken away from orphanages
has been clearly understood on several
and even their families with all their ties
occasions that these child transfers, car-
severed with their countries and roots.
ried out for ostensibly humanitarian pur-
A decision by certain Western groups poses, are not as innocent as they appear.
who had been working with orphans in When the idea behind it, its functioning
this country for more than 20 years dur- mechanisms and the actors are analyzed,
ing the Vietnam War to urgently evacuate there are serious claims that this process
children from South Vietnam underlies of adoption of children in poor countries
the Baby Rescue Operation. With the col- in Africa and Asia has become a new
laboration of organizations including the instrument of Westernization by cer-
International Children's Services (Holt), tain associations, orphanages, churches
the Travelers Aid International Social and aid organizations operating in these
Service of America (TAISSA), Catholic countries. For it is well known that many
Relief Services (CRS), the World Vision missionary institutions operating in pov-
Relief Organization (WVRO), Friends erty-stricken regions exploit orphans to
of the Children of Vietnam (FCVN) and spread Christianity in these societies
the Pearl S. Buck Foundation (PBF), the under the pretext of humanitarian aid.65
necessary procedures were carried out
Publications on the sacredness of adopt-
and planes evacuated children from the
ing children, the travels of world-fa-
mous artists and actresses to African
It is stated that with the beginning of the and Asian countries who adopt children
operation the number of applications for themselves during these travels coupled
adoption in the USA and other western with the media promote the adoption

of foreign children. Facilitating such questions about the scale of the whole
child transfers through symbolic names operation. It is known that today orphans
encouraged many Orthodox Christian from many countries are being targeted
families in the West to take similar steps, by Western countries, like in 2008 when
and thousands of African children were a French organization (L'Arche de ZoÃ)
given to Western families in this way. It is was caught kidnapping more than 100
reported that missionary organizations, children outside Chad.
whose numbers are increasing day by
day, are leading this initiative, strength- Today, adoption from overseas is con-
ening their scope of impact thanks to sidered an industry, leading to the kid-
the aid they provide in poor regions, napping of children, under false pre-
and operating comfortably by gaining tenses, from countries such as Ethiopia,
the trust of the local population. The Cambodia, Somali, Chad, Afghanistan,
activities of these organizations, which China, and the Philippines. It is com-
collect data on the population in the mon knowledge that such kidnapped
regions, show that the work is done sys- children are sold for cash all around the
tematically within a specific framework globe, including in many countries in
and program. All this clearly shows that Europe and the Americas.66 Practically
one must be careful about missionaries
turning into an instrument to increase
or organizations that want to change the
the population in Western countries, the
beliefs and cultures of orphans via the
adoption policy can have devastating
foster family system.
consequences for children, if we leave
A lack of official figures on internation- aside for a moment the benefits these
al child transfers today raises serious countries may derive from doing so.

expectation of a better life casts a shadow

It is well known that many missionary insti- on the future of source countries.
tutions operating in poverty-stricken regions As is known by all today, the future of
exploit orphans to spread Christianity in countries is directly proportionate to the
these societies under the pretext of human- young population; therefore, still-contin-
itarian aid. uing Babylift operations denotes volun-
tary transfer of power to central countries,
consenting to the loss of self-identity.
This also amounts to a significant loss Considering the war policies of countries
of manpower for the source countries. commanding the global dynamics, espe-
The countries that allowed their minor cially the selection of military personnel
citizens to be adopted and taken away to seems to be varying based on the country
foreign countries, and did not respond to which democracy will be transferred.
diplomatically to abduction of children For example, this policy is clearly reflected
through various ways, faced nonrecov- in Hollywood production war movies:
erable consequences in the past. Letting American soldier of Nigerian origin,
young minds out of the country not only French soldier of Algerian origin, British
leads to interruption of technology, sci- soldier of Iraq origin are the simplest
ence, arts, politics, and socioeconomic examples. Against such a consequence
development, which are the critical ele- meaning pitting brother against brother,
ments constituting a country, but also the each country with future prospects must
destruction of national consciousness. In have the characteristics and resources to
brief, exchange of self-identity with the take care of its own children.


The shock wave experienced due to Sudden migration movements carried
Covid-19 pandemic, a global crisis out in masses leads to a destructive
that has intruded itself into our lives impact for both the countries on the
at the end of 2019, has affected the transit route, and the destination coun-
vulnerable communities to the high- tries. Social, cultural, economical, po-
est degree. While two-thirds of the litical and many other problems arise
world stocked food to survive staying along with the human movement. The
at their houses, destructiveness of the individuals called “refugees” are held in
pandemic made the life much more camps and reception centers on the bor-
difficult for millions of people and derlines, which are extremely crowded
therefore, millions of orphans on the places with no food support or hygienic
migration routes. conditions. Typically with no access to

Having been perceived as a global threat and displaced even before the pande-
mic, millions of people with immigrant or refugee status were completely left
to their fate based on the “disease carrier” perception during the pandemic.

healthcare services in case of any dis- the pandemic precautions, millions of

ease, it is almost impossible to prevent families and children are left simply to
spread of a pandemic at these locations. misery and disease in the dangerous
migration journey they started due to
Having been perceived as a global threat war, famine and poverty.
and displaced even before the pandem-
ic, millions of people with immigrant Occasional opening of border gates as
or refugee status were completely left to a threat between countries, and supply
their fate based on the “disease carrier” of aids, even a little, came to a full stop
perception during the pandemic. with the borders closed due to pan-
demic and government aids suspended,
Refugee camps and immigrant recep- which drove millions of people trying
tion and supervision centers located to hold on to life in the camps into a
on the borderlines and borders are great tragedy. The majority consisting
the places with lowest possibility to of women and children left to the mer-
take control of a pandemic. Millions of cy of malicious people that turned the
people struggle to survive with almost pandemic into opportunity, refugees
no life support or preventive measures and immigrants had to struggle with
at these places where the spread risk all kinds of dangers as well as the pan-
of pandemic is at the highest level. demic. Available data show that the
Considering the modes of transmis- state of people displaced since 2019 has
sion of the virus, it is not difficult at all become much worse, and their humani-
to imagine the risks faced by families tarian needs have increased remarkably.
and abandoned children staying at the Unsupervised and vulnerable children
camps. are, without doubt, the ones that are
most severely affected by these con-
There are several examples proving that
the life conditions in refugee camps and
city reception centers, and the treat- In April 2020, UNICEF announced that
ment of refugees at these places mostly there were 31 million children world-
violate essential human rights. Besides, wide that were obliged to leave their
it is observed that such negative situa- homes; more than 17 million of these
tions experienced before the Covid-19 children were displaced within their
pandemic have got much harder with own country; 12.7 million were in other
the pandemic. With the countries clos- countries as refugees; and 1.1 million
ing their borders completely as part of were asylum-seekers.67 According to the

report Lost at Home published in May abuse during this period. Furthermore,
same year, there are 19 million children an increase is observed also in crimes
across the world who have been dis- such as child labor, child trafficking,
placed due to wars and conflicts only.68 child marriage, child organ trade, forced
In brief, today, 31 million children have child soldiers. All these data point out
access neither to any healthcare system to a terrifying future expecting us on a
to prevent transmission of the virus, global scale. Before it is too late, urgent
nor to a protection facility where their action must be taken to protect millions
essential needs are met. of children who are struggling for their
Countries’ decisions to close their lives under the risk of being the victim
borders and restrict travels as part of of mentioned crimes at any time.
pandemic precautions have also put
It is of great importance that govern-
aside the rights of children to seek asy-
ments collaborate with international
lum and get reunited with their family
and local non-governmental organiza-
members. This amounts to millions of
tions to mitigate the direct and indirect
displaced children worldwide being left
effect of pandemic on the life of vulner-
abandoned. Failure to meet the essen-
able children, and prepare emergency
tial needs of children, deprivation of
children from parental protection, and action plans to meet the essential needs
non-execution of the articles of UN of children such as security, health, nu-
Convention on the Rights of Children, trition and education. Abandoned and
have all made these children more vul- vulnerable children must be pulled away
nerable to dangers; therefore, it would from dangerous environments as soon
not be hard to imagine that there will as possible, their shelter and other needs
be a remarkable spike in the number must be met, and family-based care
of children who are victims of kidnap- and support plans69 must be put into
ping, violence, human trafficking and practice right away.

Refugees and Global Child Trade

Human traffickers operate most actively take adequate precautions despite their
in countries with high rates of war and widespread human trafficking oper-
internal conflicts, poverty and famine. ations. Afghanistan, Turkmenistan,
Majority of the victims are citizens of Iran, Iraq, East Turkistan, Pakistan,
Central Asian and African countries. Kazakhstan, India, Indonesia,
Based on the 2020 Human Trafficking Bangladesh and Myanmar in the Asian
Report by the US Department of State, continent; and South Sudan, Eritrea,
these regions pose a great risk especially Chad, Nigeria, Democratic Republic
for orphans since governments cannot of the Congo, Mali, Kenya, Lebanon,

Human traffickers operate most actively in countries with high rates of

war and internal conflicts, poverty and famine. Majority of the victims are
citizens of Central Asian and African countries.

Egypt, Somalia, Libya, Sudan, Syria devices are used for the abuse of chil-
and Algeria in the African continent dren living at a very long distance by
are the countries with highest number the human trafficking crime organiza-
of victims and highest human traf- tions; for instance, images with abusive
ficking rates. Journeys starting from content of a child in Indonesia can be
these countries usually end up in North disclosed to the entire world online.
America and Europe.
Researches show that crime organi-
The child victim profiles have started zations primarily prefer forced labor
to change rapidly since the crime or- and sex trafficking. The group with
ganizations also make use of advanced highest risk consists of children of the
technological devices. In this context, displaced families, who are abducted
online child abuse, cyberbullying, por- by the gangs, abandoned children that
nographic streams with child abuse fall into the hands of human traffickers
content, and many materials such as during the immigration journey, and
photos and videos featuring children children that are placed in different
as sexual figures are transferred across groups from their families in the ref-
the world by means of technology, ugee camps (a practice seen in some
leading to a serious social problem.70 countries).
A research conducted in 2016 found
that a total of approximately 5 million Another location with the most com-
people worldwide are abducted each mon pedophilia cases is the Pacific
year for sexual abuse purposes, includ- countries. Children in this region
ing 3.8 million adults and 1 million are subject to sexual abuse of various
children.71 The rapid increase in the forms. Sex trafficking is called “tour-
number of children victims used in ism” in mainly Indonesia, Philippines
sex trafficking during the recent years and Thailand, which are known as
reveals the magnitude of danger very the countries with the highest child
clearly. Crime organizations especially crime rates. In 2017, 70,000-80,000
in North America and Europe as the children became sex trafficking victims
destination points of immigrants have in Indonesia.72 Number of pedophilia
a significant role in the preparation and victims is not exactly known in the
marketing of the said materials. Many country where online abuse is com-
pedophilia cases are also reported in mercialized and offered to the global
these regions. Advanced technological market.

It is stated that the refugee and immi- in Iran became the victims of physi-
grant population is constantly increas- cal, psychological and sexual abuse,
ing in Iran where number of human hired for hard labor or sold to other
traffickers also escalated between 2015 countries; majority of these women and
and 2020. As the country of transit to children are reported to be Afghan.73
reach Turkey and other countries after-
wards, Iran has almost become the base Another base used by human traffickers
of local and foreign human traffickers in Syria. Before the war in Syria, more
due to the increasing population of than half of its 23 million population
refugees and immigrants. Abducted was displaced. It is reported that over
in other countries in Asia and brought 5.6 million Syrians immigrated to neigh-
to Iran, victims are then transferred to boring countries as refugees as from
various points of the world. Despite February 2019. During the transit of
the prohibition of prostitution in Iran, displaced Syrian citizens to neighboring
children aged 10 as the youngest as well countries, many women and children
as women are used commercially by were held captive, forced to marry il-
means of mut’a, which refers to tem- legal organization members, and be-
porary marriage. Research by the US came the victim of organized sexual
Department of State reports that more violence. Furthermore, it is claimed that
than 4,000 marriages were recorded in thousands of abandoned children were
2019, which can be classified as com- trained in ISIS camps and houses where
mercial sexual abuse through mut’a. they were subject to all kinds of abuse.
The same research shows that about The fact that Syrian female refugees
7 million children aged from 10 to 15 were held captive by fraudulent groups

Since the human trafficking involves different simultaneous crimes, not

only the traffickers must be stopped, but also a fight must be started against
other potential crimes.

in Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan and Turkey in war and conflict zones, spend any
with the promise of marriage has also deterring efforts aimed at solution of
been broadcast publicly.74 the problem, or even take records of
the confirmed cases.
Since the human trafficking involves
different simultaneous crimes, not only Apart from these, prevention of pe-
the traffickers must be stopped, but also dophilic tendencies, which is on rise
a fight must be started against other across the globe and almost support-
potential crimes. Various international ed in some circles under the cover of
treaties are concluded to prevent hu- modernism and art, and therefore child
man trafficking which constitutes a abuse, depends on the efforts of the
serious impediment against the exercise society and official authorities. Raising
of children rights. One such treaty is parents’ awareness of their children’s
the “Palermo Protocol” aiming both protection, and provision of the neces-
to stop human traffickers and enable sary protection for abandoned children
access of victims to support services; as well as healthcare services, psycho-
“Trafficking Victims Protection Act” logical support and accommodation
was also enacted in 2000. During the facilities for the victims, are the main
recent years, “European Council Action steps to be taken in the fight against
Plan on Trafficking in Human Beings” this issue.
was prepared with detailed provisions Prevention of online child abuse in one
especially on protection of the victims, of the top priorities for the protection
which is an important step taken to of children in today’s world. Strict con-
stop human trafficking. However, the trol of the cyber network is of utmost
desired outcome has not been achieved importance in this field requiring ur-
yet due to reasons such as inability gent response especially for orphans;
of countries to demonstrate the same moreover, there must be heavy penal-
level of sensitivity against prevention ties with deterrence effect in place for
of this crime or their negligence of the those that produce, share and market
issue, and implementation of penal such content. Additionally, audits must
sanctions with no deterrence effect. It be increased concerning social media
is observed that many countries do not and online games played by children,
even meet the minimum standards to with binding legal regulations in place
prevent human trafficking especially and close monitoring.


According to the UN, 263 million chil- ious campaigns and awareness-rais-
dren and young people worldwide can- ing efforts in Islamic countries have
not attend school or receive education.75 produced positive results, and be-
Based on the same data, 53% of the 61 tween 2010 and 2018, enrolment in
million children of primary school age pre-school, primary, secondary and
(6-11 years) who cannot attend school higher education has increased. The
are girls. One fourth of children who figures for the member countries of the
cannot go to school live in countries hit Organization of Islamic Cooperation
by various social and economic crises, 76 went up from 24.9% to 45.3% for
and it is estimated that a significant pro- pre-school education, from 98.2% to
portion of these children are orphans.77 104.4% for primary education and
from 58.4% to 68.9% for secondary
Between 2010 and 2018, global school-
education. However, these figures are
ing rates increased by 20.4% for pre-
currently below the world average.80
school education, by 6% for primary
school, by 10.5% for secondary school The fight for the education of children
and by 3.1% for higher education.78 In and increased schooling rates world-
this process, it was noted that the share wide has come to a standstill during
countries allocate from their domestic the Covid-19 pandemic. Shutdown of
income for education also increased schools as part of the pandemic pre-
along with a more positive approach cautions affected 1.5 billion children at
to education in general. During the the educational age.81 While children in
same period, the global literacy rate developed countries have had full access
was 82.5%. In Islamic countries, this to online education systems during this
rate remained at 73%.79 Indeed, var- period, many children in underdevel-

According to a report by UNICEF, at least one-third of school-age children

worldwide, i.e. 463 million children have not been able to access remote

oped and developing countries have not Schools must be reopened by taking
been able to continue their education the necessary precautions and make-
due to both the inadequate technical up classes must be started immediate-
infrastructure and economical reasons. ly for the disadvantaged children that
According to a report by UNICEF, at were unable to attend education during
least one-third of school-age children the pandemic; the necessary material
worldwide, i.e. 463 million children have support must be provided for access
not been able to access remote educa- to remote education; a new education
tion.82 Continuing education became model must be designed which can en-
impossible for children living in places dure crises and will not allow for gaps
with not even electricity, let alone hav- to occur; and efforts must be focused
ing in-house education equipment such on rehabilitation of children together
as Internet, computers, television. It is with sociologists, social workers and
predicted that such gap in education at educators at all levels. Losing or gain-
hardship areas may trigger emergence ing a generation causes the countries to
of national crises in the future. gain or lose at least 100 years in terms
of social, political, economical, artistic
Education has almost like a life saving and military development. Therefore,
function for children living in regions the most urgent action to be taken for
where the war, poverty and shortage the children is to continue education.
affect the faith of humans. School is a
According to figures based on data from
savior for the children to grow up as
100 countries, South Asia ranks first
qualified individuals for the future of
among the hardship areas with inequality
society, and to protect themselves from
in education by 147 million, followed
child labor, domestic abuse, child mar-
by the entire African continent by 91
riages and many other negative condi-
million, and East Asia-Pacific by 80
tions as well as falling into the trap of
malicious organizations. Yet, abandoned
and vulnerable children with no oppor- It is accepted that there is a direct link
tunity of education in today’s pandemic between the absence of parents and ac-
conditions are the most severely affected ademic success. When poverty, disa-
ones by this situation; therefore, it is the bility and orphanhood in warzones are
responsibility of all humanity to produce brought into the equation, the school-
effective solutions for these children to ing rate of these children and their aca-
continue their lives in a fair manner. demic success are significantly reduced.

well-trained teachers, to make the phys-

According to figures based on data from 100 ical conditions of the schools suitable for
countries, South Asia ranks first among the the disabled and to provide proper ma-
terials and medical support. Investments
hardship areas with inequality in educati-
made in this area during the recent years
on by 147 million, followed by the entire have produced positive results, and the
African continent by 91 million, and East majority of the disabled population has
Asia-Pacific by 80 million. reached a secondary education level, a
step up from primary school. In order to
However, education must be accessible get more effective results, national strat-
and inclusive for all children. Because egies must be developed requiring that
holistic education makes a serious con- especially the rights of orphan children
tribution to the child in terms of social- with disabilities should be respected and
ization, positive character development that the focus must be on measurable
and recovery from trauma. Furthermore,
it is crucial for orphan and vulnerable Social collaboration for rehabilitating
children to rapidly increase the number children will have a lasting effect, and
of educational institutions, especially in consequently, cases of social exclusion
war and poverty zones, and to provide the and violence will also be significantly
essential elements for a quality education reduced. It should be noted at this point
and employ specialized psychologists in that it is not enough to only support
these institutions. Conducting exempla- children's education. Threats faced by
ry activities in this regard, Turkey tries children, especially orphans, should be
hard to provide education to thousands of eliminated and more work should be done
Syrian children and young people. More to increase social awareness.
than 610,000 refugee children receive
education in Turkey, both at schools It should be remembered that there are
operated by the Ministry of Education, many notable figures in world history that
and at institutions established by Syrian did not have a mother or a father who
educators.84 served humanity in leading positions,
like politicians and scientists. For the
Another issue that needs attention and safety of all children, especially orphan
special focus is the education of chil- and abandoned children, governments
dren with disabilities. The education of should initiate awareness-raising cam-
children with disabilities requires special paigns supported by work by non-gov-
planning and professionalism, but the ernmental organizations that reach out
education of orphans who are also disa- to individuals; while aid organizations
bled must be provided with much more that rely on a volunteering workforce
care and attention. At this point, it is of should enhance their scope of impact by
great importance to increase the number setting themselves up more strategically
of special education establishments and on larger territories.

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An orphan supported by IHH is a child who has lost one or both their parents due to
reasons such as wars, invasions, natural disasters, chronic poverty, diseases, accidents,
etc. in Turkey or around the world, and lives with a relative or in an orphanage.


Ք Supporting orphans that cannot maintain a living on their own until they are
competent enough to stand on their own legs, providing them with education,
and preparing them for life with the affection of a family.

Ք Conducting activities on protection of the rights and freedom of orphans

like all other children.

Ք Preparing safe environments for children where their both material and
moral needs are met.

Ք Supporting the humans that grew up in regions where the social order is
disturbed due to reasons such as wars, invasions, natural disasters, etc., and
thus contributing in the establishment of social order.


Ք Warzones, refugee camps, and regions with ongoing effects of the war

Ք Natural disaster areas

Ք Chronic famine and poverty regions



Ք Education
Ք Health
Ք Shelter
Ք Food
Ք Clothing


IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation supports orphans with continuous and peri-
odical aids.

Periodical aids: Collective aids provided to the regions in need on certain timeframes
such as once in every three, four, six months or one year, aids provided on Ramadan,
Eid, and Orphan Solidarity Days, and aids provided for education, healthcare, food,
shelter projects are within the category of periodical aids.

Continuous aids: These are the aids provided through the Orphan Sponsorship
Support System. Thanks to this system, most of the education, healthcare, food and
accommodation expenses of orphans are met by the supporters each month on a
regular basis.


Started in 1992, orphan aid of IHH has gained momentum with the launch of Orphan
Sponsorship Support System in 2005. This system aims to provide protection for
orphans and it satisfies the needs of our orphan children for education, healthcare,
shelter, food and clothing, thanks to regular donations.

In this system, a person, a family, an institution, a group of friends, a class or a school

can be the sponsor of an orphan for 125 TL per month, and contribute in the satis-
faction of orphan’s needs such as education, healthcare, shelter, food and clothing.

Individual, institutional or organizational sponsorships help to achieve project based
activities such as construction and renovation of orphanage / home for orphans,
construction of health centers, furnishing of shelter houses, procurement of school
furniture and other needs, healthcare etc. The projects conducted contribute in the
improvement of orphans’ life conditions.


Except for Orphan Sponsorship Support System and Project Sponsorship, all orphan
donations are collected in the Orphan Support Fund. Regardless of the amount, all
kinds of contributions made for orphans are included in the Orphan Support Fund,
and used in projects such as orphanage repairs, construction of libraries and dormi-
tories for orphanages, clothing for festivals, healthcare services, and social activities
for orphans.

Aiming to raise orphan children in a mentally, physically and spiritually healthy
manner, without breaking their bonds with their own lands and cultures, İHH has
opened 38 orphanages, 1 Orphan Education Center and 1 Orphan Life Center in 13
countries. New orphanages are still being built in Pakistan and Somalia.

IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation started its orphanage works in 2003 by opening
the Msal Orphanage in Pakistan. The orphanage has been providing shelter to orphan
girls for 17 years, and its first guests are now continuing their education at university.
Repairs and furnishings of orphanages are performed regularly, with all the care given
to make those places a peaceful home for the children.


As part of the campaign conducted by IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation together
with the Ministry of Education since 2013, students in Turkey lend a helping hand
to their orphans peers from around the world. With this campaign, it is aimed to
obtain voluntary contribution of preschool, elementary, secondary and high school
students in order to meet basic needs, such as education, healthcare, food, clothing,
sheltering, of the children in Turkey or in another country around the world who
lost one or both of their parents due to circumstances such as wars, natural disasters,
poverty, diseases etc., and thus spread goodness and welfare all around the world.

Hundreds of students from thousands of schools that have participated in the cam-
paign until today have looked out for their orphan siblings from various countries of
the world, and helped to meet their essential needs. Our classes/schools participating
in the “Each Class Has an Orphan Sibling” campaign donated 125 TL for their or-
phan siblings each month. Following the first donation, they received orphan brief
information forms including details about their orphan sibling (child’s name, photo,
country, date of birth, date of his/her father’s death, whether his/her mom is alive,
number of siblings) together with their money-boxes.
According to UNICEF, about 10,000
children are left either paternal or
maternal orphans every day across
the world. Internationally accepted
figures also indicate that number of
orphan children around the world is
at least 140 million; however, based on
many evidences suggesting that there
are millions of orphan or abandoned
children which are not included in the
official statistics, this figure is actually
much greater.

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