Birth Weight-An Infant With A Birth Weight

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1. Nulligravida: a woman who has never 11. Parturient- a woman in labor 5.

dysmenorrhea- painful menstruation

been pregnant
12. Puerpera- a woman who has just 6. Bradypnea- heartbeat fewer than 60
2. Primigravida- a woman pregnant for the delivered (within six weeks after delivery) beats per minute
first time
13. Live birth- a live birth is recorded when 7. Dyspnea- difficulty of breathing
3. Multigravida- a woman who has two or the infant born shows signs of life:
8. Arrhythmia-abnormal heartbeat
more pregnancy breathing, spontaneous movement of
voluntary muscles and heartbeat 9. Dysuria- painful Urination
4. Para- the number of pregnancies that
reached viability or the number of 14. Stillbirth- an infant born without signs 10. Glycosuria- glucose in the urine
pregnancies that reached 20 weeks or of life
more, or number of fetuses delivered birth 11. Jaundice- yellow color
15. Early Neonatal Death- death of
weight of 500 grams or more 12. Menopause- cessation of
newborn 7 weeks after birth
5. Nullipara- a woman who has never menstruation
16. Late Neonatal Death- an infant who
delivered a fetus that reached the age of 13. Lithotomy position-on back, bullocks
died between 7 to 29 days after birth
viability. Such woman may or may not near the edge of the table legs well flexed
have been pregnant before 17. LGA- Large for gestational age- an
infant with birth weight above the 90m and separated
6. Primipara- a woman who has
percentile rank. A term infant with a birth 14. Menorrhagia- profuse menstruation
completed one pregnancy to viability
weight of more than 4000 grams
7. Multipara- a woman who has 15. Nausea- desire to vomit
18. SGA- Small for gestational Age/Low
completed two or more pregnancies to the 16. Tachycardia- fast heartbeat, greater
birth weight- an infant with a birth weight
viability than 100 beats per minute
below the 10't percentile rank, A term
8 Term Infant- an infant born between 38 infant is considered low birth weight it the 17. Lochia- drainage form vagina after
and 42 weeks gestation birth weight is less than 2500 grams delivery
9. Postterm infant- an infant born after 42 1. Acetonuria-Acetone in the urine 18. Obese-overweight
weeks gestation
2, Albuminuria- albumin in the urine 19. Oliguria-scant urination
10. Preterm Infant- an infant born before
3. Ambulatory - walking 20. Pyrexia- elevated temperature
38 weeks gestation
4. Amenorrhea- absence of menstruation
21. Pyuria- puss in the urine

22. Auscultate- to listen for sounds

23. Diuresis- large amount of urine voided

24. Palpate- to feel with hands or fingers

25. Micturate/Void- to urinate or pass


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