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NCM 107 LEC – MIDTERM COVERAGE ⚫ Description: woman and partner move

through emotions such as narcissism and

Healthy Adaptation to Pregnancy
introversion as they concentrate on what
Assessment for pregnancy begins before the they will feel like to be a parent. Role-
pregnancy. playing and increased dreaming are
⚫ Evaluate the woman’s health status
⚫ THIRD TRIMESTER: Preparing for the baby
⚫ Nutritional intake(sufficient intake of folic and end of pregnancy. Preparing for
acid) Parenthood
⚫ Lifestyle(drinking and smoking habits) ⚫ Description: woman and partner grow
impatient with pregnancy as they ready
⚫ Identify any potential problems
themselves to birth.
⚫ Identify the woman’s understanding and
Events that could Contribute to Difficulty Accepting
expectations of conception, pregnancy, and
1. Learning that the pregnancy is a multiple
Nursing Diagnosis:
1. Anxiety related to unexpected pregnancy
2. Learning that the fetus has a development
2. Altered breathing pattern related to abnormality.
respiratory system changes of pregnancy.
3. Pregnancy less than 1 year after a previous
3. Disturbed body image related to weight one.
gain with pregnancy.
4. Relocation during pregnancy.
4. Deficient knowledge related to normal
5. Moving away from the family or back to the
changes of pregnancy.
family for economic reasons.
5. Imbalanced nutrition less than body
6. Job loss
requirements, related to morning sickness.
7. Marital infidelity
8. Illness in self, husband or relative.
9. Loss of significant others.
10. Complications of pregnancy.
11. Having friend or relatives who have had children
born with health disorders.
12. A series of devaluing experiences.
⚫ FIRST TRIMESTER: Accepting the Pregnancy
13. History of previous miscarriage., fertility,
Description : woman and partner both spend time problems, traumatic births.
recovering from shock of learning they are pregnant
14. Previous fetal loss, neonatal loss.
and concentrate on what it feels like to be pregnant.
A common reaction is ambivalence, or feeling both Emotional Responses to Pregnancy
pleased and not pleased about the pregnancy.
⚫ Ambivalence (conflict feeling)
⚫ SECOND TRIMESTER: Accepting the Baby
⚫ Grief
⚫ Narcissism (self-centeredness) Fertilization

⚫ Introversion versus extroversion Oval makes for 24- 48 hours

⚫ Body Image and Boundary - zona pellucida

⚫ Stress - corona radiata- cell cover the ova

⚫ Couvade Syndrome – men experience same Fetus- 6- 7 m

physical symptoms of pregnancy.
at birth- 7m
⚫ Emotional Lability (unstable)
puberty- 300,000
⚫ Changes in Sexual Desire
reproductive lifetime- 300- 400
⚫ Changes in the Expectant Family
Fetal development
Antenatal nursing
⚫ Pre-embryonic period
⚫ Starts from conception and fetal
⚫ Embryonic period
development to the beginning of labor
⚫ Fetal period
⚫ Encompasses all aspects of health care
delivery of the childbearing individual Fetal Development
⚫ FERTILIZATION : the union of the sperm and ⚫ Immediately after fertilization, the fertilized
the mature ovum in the outer third or outer zygote stays in the fallopian tube for 3-4
half of the fallopian tube. days, during which time rapid cell division is
taking place. The developing cells are now
⚫ General Considerations:
called blastomere and when there are
1. Normal amount of semen per ejaculation = already about 16-50 blastomeres ,it is now
3-5 cc, which is = to 1 teaspoon termed as morula. In this morula form, it
will start to travel ( ciliary action and
2. Number of sperms/cc = 120-150 million
peristaltic contractions of the Fallopian
3. Mature ovum is capable of being fertilized tube) to the uterus where it will stay for
for 12-24 hours after ovulation. Sperms are another 3-4 days. When there is already a
capable of fertilizing even for 3-4 days after cavity formed in the morula, it is now
ejaculation termed blastocyst. Finger like projections,
called trophoblasts, around the blastocyst
4. Normal life span of sperm = 72 hours and these trophoblast are the ones which
will implant high on the anterior or
5. Sperms once deposited in the vagina, will
posterior surface of the uterus.
generally reach the cervix within 90 seconds
Implantation, also called nidation.
6. Reproductive cells, during gametogenesis, divide Therefore, take place about a week (6-
by meiosis; that is why they contain only half the days) after fertilization.
number of chromosomes, reproductive cells only 23
Fetal Circulation
chromosomes). Sperm have 22 autosomes; ova
contain 22 autosomes and 1 X sex chromosomes. A. LEFT UMBILICAL VEIN
The union of an X-carrying sperm and a mature
ovum results in a baby girl(XX); the union of a Y- ⚫ Receives oxygenated blood from placenta
carrying sperm and a mature ovum results in a baby and shunts most of it to ductus venosus;
boy (XY). small amount goes to the liver to nourish it.
⚫ Closes with cord clamping at birth and later 1. Once implantation has taken place, the
becomes LIGAMENTUM TERES uterine endotelium is now termed decidua.

B. R & L UMBILICAL ARTERIES 2. Occasionally, a small amount of vaginal

spotting appears with implantation because
⚫ Receive unoxygenated blood from
capillaries re ruptured by the implanting
trophoblasts implantation bleeding.
placenta for oxygenation
Implications: this is not menstrual period
⚫ Functionally closes at birth with m(LMP) when estimating for the EDC.
establishment of respiration

⚫ Permanently closes in several months to

Throphoblast Differentiation
failure to close results to patent ductus I. Cytotrophoblast – inner layer
II. Syntiotrophoblast – the outer layer
E. FORAMEN OVALE containing fingerlike projections called
chorionic villi, which differentiate into
⚫ Shunts blood from the right to the left
auricle `A. Langhan’s layer - believed to protect the fetus
against Treponema Pallidum . Present only during
⚫ Functionally closes at birth with
the 2nd trimester of pregnancy.
establishment of respiration
B. Syncytial layer – gives rise to the fetal membrane
⚫ Permanently closes in few months (2-3
months or 1 year) 1. Amnion – inner membrane which gives
rise to
F. HYPOGASTRIC ARTERIES : two vessels that branch
off from the INTERNAL ILIAC ARTERIES and become a. umbilical cord
umbilical arteries when they enter the umbilical cord
b. amniotic fluid
Fetal Circulation
Auxillary structures
⚫ Oxygenated blood enters the umbilical vein
⚫ Fetal membranes
from the placenta ---- enters ductus
venosus--- passes through inferior vena ⚫ Placenta
cava ---- enters the right atrium --- enters
the foramen ovale --- goes to the left atrium ⚫ Umbilical cord
--- passes through left venttricle --- flows to
Umbilical cord
ascending aorta to supply nourishment to
the brain and upper extremities--- enters ⚫ Contains two arteries, one vein
superior vena cava --- goes to the right
atrium --- enters right ventricle --- enters ⚫ Wharton’s jelly – prevents kinking of the
pulmonary artery with some blood going to cord
the lungs to supply oxygen and ⚫ Formed by the amnion and chorion
nourishment --- flows to ductus arteriosus
--- enters descending aorta (some blood ⚫ Transports oxygen and nutrients
going to the lower extremities) --- enters
⚫ Has approximately same length as that of
hypogastric arteries--- goes back to the
the baby
⚫ Blood vessels
A. General Considerations
- 2 arteries which carry the most ⚫ Functions :
unoxygenated blood to the placenta.
1. protects the fetus from trauma, blows
- 1 vein which carries the most and pressure
oxygenated blood to the fetus.
2. allows freedom of movement thereby
permitting symmetrical growth and development of
musculoskeletal system.
⚫ Length:
3. acts as an excretion and secretion system
- 50-55 cm long and 2 cm in diameter
4. maintain a constant temperature
- appears dull white, moist and covered by
amnion. 5. source of oral fluid for the fetus who
swallows it.
Origin :
⚫ Appearance:
- originate from the yolk sac and umbilical
vesicles. - it should be clear and colorless to sraw
Wharton’s jelly
- green tinged or meconium stained
- a gelatinous substance found inside the
amniotic Fluid in breech presentation signifies fetal
⚫ Cord insertion:
- golden colored amniotic fluid signifies
- central insertion – normal, the cord is hemolytic disease such as Rh or ABO incompatibility
inserted at the center of the fetal surface of the
- gray colored AF indicates infection.
pH – 7.0 to 7.2 , reaction is neutral to alkaline
- lateral insertion – when the cord is
inserted away from the center of the placenta but ⚫ Aids in diagnosis of maternal and fetal
not at its edges. complications

- velamentous insertion - ⚫ Aids fetal descent during labor by providing

lubrication in the birth canal
⚫ During labor, as long as the membranes are
⚫ Volume
intact, the amniotic fluid protects the fetus
- 500 to 1200 ml, average is 1000ml from uterine contractions

- the volue of amniotic fluid increase from ⚫ It also aids in effacement and dilatation of
the first trimester until 38th week, diminished slightly the cervix
until term.
⚫ Prevents pressure on the cord
⚫ Composition
⚫ Diagnostic functions of amniotic fluid
- 99% water and 1 % solid particles, contains
a. amniocentesis – removal of amniotic
albumin, urea, uric acid, creatinine, lecithin,
fluid to diagnose chromosomal abnormalities
sphingomyelin, bilirubin and vernix caseosa.
b. meconium –stained amniotic fluid in non-
- early in pregnancy it is chiefly composed of
breech presentation is a sign of fetal distress.
maternal serum. When the fetus begins to urinate
after the 10th week of pregnancy, fetal urine 2. Chorion – together with the decidua basalis. Gives
contribute to the volume of AF. rise to the placenta, which starts to form at 8 weeks
gestation age. Before this time, it is the corpus - Nervous system
luteum which produces the hormones necessary to
- salivary glands, mouth cavity
maintain the pregnancy. Develops into 15-20
cotyledons. B. MESODERM – middle layer; develops into:
⚫ Placenta serves the ff purposes: - cardiovascular system, blood
1. Respiratory system – exchange of oxygen - Reproductive system
and carbon dioxide takes place in the
placenta, not in the fetal lungs. - Connective tissue, musculoskeletal system

2. Gastrointestinal system – nutrients pass to - urinary system (except the bladder)

the fetus via the placenta by means of
C. ENDODERM: inner layer; develop into:
diffusion through the placental tissues.
- Bladder, Thyroid, Thymus
3. Circulatory system – feto-placental
circulation take s place by selective osmosis - Respiratory tract
via the umbilical arteries and umbilical vein.
- Linings of GIT, liver, pancreas
4. Renal system – waste products are excreted
through the placenta (note: it is the mother’s Fetal Membrane (amnion and chorion) appear by
liver which detoxifies the waste products of the the second week
fetus). Nervous system appears by the 3rd week. (dizziness
5. Endocrine system – it produces the following is said to be the earliest sign of pregnancy because
hormones: of the depletion of the mother’s glucose stores
which the embryo needs for proper brain
a. Human Chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)- development.
“orders” the corpus luteum to keep on producing
estrogen and progesterone, that is why there is Fetal heart begins to form as early as the 16th day
amenorrhea during pregnancy. It is basis for of life.
pregnancy test.

b. Human Placental lactogen – (HPL) or Second Lunar month (8 weeks)

human chorionic somatotropin- promotes growth of
the mammary glands necessary for lactation. Also a. all vital organs are formed by the 8 th
has growth-stimulating properties. week.

c. estrogen b. placenta develops

d. progesterone c. sex organs (ovaries/testes) are formed

6. Protective – inhibits the passage of bacteria and d. meconium is formed in the intestines by
th th
large molecules to the fetus. the 5 -8 week.

Sequential Stages of Fetal Development

1. First Lunar Month ( 4 weeks) Third Lunar month (12 weeks)

Germ Layers differentiate by the 2nd week a. kidneys are able to function – urine is
formed by the 12th week of pregnancy.
Embryonic Germ Layers
b. buds of milk teeth form
A. ECTODERM – outer layer; develops inot
c. beginning bone ossification
- hair, nails, skin (epidermis)
d. feto-placental circulation is established
by selective osmosis; no direct exchange between Normal Adaptations in Pregnancy
fetal and maternal blood.
Systemic Changes
Fourth lunar month (16th weeks)
1. Circulatory /cardiovascular
a. lanugo hair appears
a. gradual increase of 30-50% in the total
b. buds of permanent teeth form cardiac volume, reaching its peak during the 6 th
month of pregnancy. This causes a drop in
c. heart beats maybe audible with
hemoglobin and hematocrit values since the
increase is its plasma volume- physiologic anemia of
Fifth lunar month (20 weeks) pregnancy.

a. vernix caseosa Consequences of increased total cardiac volume are:

b. lanugo covers entire the body a. easy fatigability and shortness of breath
because of increased workload of the heart
c. quickening felt
b. systolic murmurs are common due to the
d. fetal heart beats very audible lowered blood viscosity
Sixth lunar month (24 weeks) c. nosebleeds may occur because of marked
congestion of the nasopharynx as pregnancy
a. skin markedly wrinkled
b. attains proportion of fullterm baby
-Palpitations are due to :

* sympathetic nervous system stimulation

Seventh lunar month (28 weeks) during the first half of pregnancy.

a. alveoli begin to form (that is why 28 th * increased pressure of the uterus against
week AOG has a lower limit of prematurity, baby the diaphragm during second half of pregnancy.
usually dies.
-Because of poor circulation resulting from pressure
Eight lunar month (32 weeks) of the gravid uterus on the blood vessels of the
lower extremities
a. fetus is viable
* edema of the lower extremities occurs.
b. lanugo begins to disappear
Management : raise legs above hip level.
c. nails extend to ends of fingers
* varicosities of the lower extremities
d. subcutaneous fat deposition begns
Ninth lunar month (36 weeks)
* use/wear support hose or elastic stockings
a. lanugo and vernix diasppear to promote venous flow, thus preventing stasis in
b. amniotic fluid volume decreases lower extremities.

Tenth lunar month (40 weeks) * apply elastic bandage – start at the distal
end of the extremity and work toward the trunk to
a. has all the characteristics of a normal avoid congestion and impaired circulation in the
newborn distal part; do not wrap the toes to determine
adequacy of circulation.
* avoid constricting garters * pats of butter before meals

-Varicosities of the vulva and rectum appear. * avoid fried , fatty foods

Management: side-lying position with hips elevated * sips of milk at frequent intervals
on pillows or do modified knee-chest position.
* small, frequent meals taken slowly
- There is an increased level of circulating fibrinogen ,
* bend at the knees, not the waist
that is why pregnant women are normally
safeguarded against undue bleeding and predispose * take antacids ( milk of magnesia)
to blood clot formation. Implication: pregnant
women should no be massaged since blood may be Heartburn is known as pyrosis
dislodged, leading to thromboembolism and possible
3. Urinary
a. urinary frequency during first trimester
- Gastrointestinal
due to increase blood supply to the kidney and third
a. morning sickness (nausea and vomiting) during trimester is due to pressure of enlarged uterus on
the 1st three months of pregnancy) due to increased the bladder (lightening = descent of the fetus into
HCG and due to increased production of gastric acids the pelvic brim).
or to emotional factors.
b. decreased renal threshold for sugar
Management: eat dry toast or crackers 30 minutes because the increased production of glucocorticoids
before arising in the morning (or dry , high cause lactose and dextrose to spill into the urine of
carbohydrates, low fat and low spices in the diet). pregnant women, and effect of increased
b. Constipation and flatulence are due to
displacement of the stomach and intestines, thus c. increased susceptibility to urinary tract
slowing peristalsis and gastric emptying time and infection because of increased diameter during
due to increased progesterone which inhibits gastric pregnancy and decreased peristalsis of the ureters
4. Respiratory – shortness of breath
a. increased oxygen consumption and
* increase fluids and fibers in the diet production of carbon dioxide by the products of
conception during the first trimester.
* establish regular elimination time
b. increase uterine size causes diaphragm to
* avoid enemas pushed or displaced, thus crowding the chest cavity.
* avoid laxative Management : Lateral expansion of the chest to
compensate for shortness of breath increases
c. Hemorrhoids due to pressure of enlarged uterus
oxygen supply and vital lung capacity.
on the intestines.
- Musculoskeletal
Management: cold compress with Epsom salts
- A. Because of the pregnant woman’s
d. Heartburn , during the last trimester due to
attempt to change her center of gravity, she
increased progesterone which decreases gastric
makes ambulation easier by standing more
motility and thereby causing reverse peristaltic
straight and taller, resulting in a lordotic
waves which leads to regurgitation of acidic stomach
position (pride of pregnancy)
contents through the cardiac sphincter into the
esophagus, causing irritation. b. Due to increased production of the hormone
relaxin, pelvic bones become more supple and
movable, increasing the possibilty of acidental falls
due to the wobbly gait. Note: advise use of low- e. Gradual increase in insulin production but the
heeled shoes. body’s sensitivity to insulin is decreased during
c. Leg cramps are caused by:
- Weight
* increased pressure of gravid uterus on the
lower extremities a. during the first trimester, weight gain of
1-3 lbs, 2nd and 3rd trimester, weight gain of 10-11 lbs
* fatigue and muscle tenseness; chills
per trimester is recommended.
* low calcium, high phosphorous serum
b. Total allowable weight gain during entire period of
pregnancy is 20-25 lbs or 10-12 kilograms.
Management of Leg cramps :
c. Pattern of weight gain is more important than the
* frequent rest periods with feet elevated amount of weight gain.

* comfortable, warm clothing d. Distribution of weight gain:

* increase calcium intake fetus 7lbs.

* do not massage – blood clots may be placenta 1 lb.

dislodged and cause embolism.
amniotic fluid 1 ½ lbs.
* most effective treatment : press the knee
increased uterine weight 2 lbs.
of the affected leg and dorsiflex the foot
increased blood volume 1 lb.

increased weight of breasts 1 ½- 3lbs.

-Temperature – slight increase in the basal
temperature due to an increased progesterone, but weight of additional fluid 2 lbs.
the body adapts after 4th month of pregnancy.
fat and fluid accumulation 4-6 lbs.
20-25 lbs.
a. addition of the placenta as an endocrine organ,
Emotional Responses:
producing large amounts of HCG, HPL, estrogen and
progesterone. a. First trimesters : the fetus is an unidentified
concept with great future implications but without
b. moderate enlargement of the thyroid gland due to
tangible evidence of reality. Some degrees of
hyperplasia of the glandular tissues
rejection, disbelief, denial and repression.
and increased vascularity. Could also be due to an
increased basal metabolic rate to as much as +25%
because of the metabolic activity of the products of b. Second trimester: Fetus is perceived as a separate
conception. entity. Fantasizes appearance of the baby.
c. Increased size of the parathyroids, probably to c. Third Trimester: Has personal identification with a
satisfy the increased need of the fetus for calcium. real baby about to be born and realistic plans for
future child care responsibilities. Best time to talk
d. Adrenal cortex hypertrophies and its activity
about layette, infant feeing methods and family
increases, increasing the amounts of circulating
planning. Fear of death, thought, is prominent.
cortisol, aldosterone and ADH,
Local Changes:
all of which affect carbohydrates and lipid
metabolism. 1. Uterus
a. weight increases to about 1000 gms at full term * White , patchy, cheese-like particles that adhere to
vaginal walls.
b. change in shape from pear-like to ovoid
*Irritatingly itchy and foul-smelling vaginal
c. enormous change in size and shape of the uterus
is due to the increase amount of fibrous and elastic
tissues. Treatment: mycostatin vaginal suppositories

d. change in consistency of lower uterine segment Moniliasis is seen as oral thrush in newborn acquired
causes extreme softening- Hegar’s sign, seen at 6th during delivery.
week gestation
3. Abdominal Wall
e. Mucus plugs in the cervix, operculum, are
a. Striae gravidarum – increased uterine size results
produced to seal out bacteria.
in rupture and atrophy of connective tissue layers,
f. Cervix becomes more vascular and edematous, pink or reddish streaks.
resembling the consistency of an earlobe, Goodell’s
b. melasma or chloasma /”mask of pregnancy” =
extra pigmentation on cheeks and across the nose
2. Vagina due to increased production of melanocytes by the
pituitary gland
a. increased vacularity causes change in color from
light pink to deep purple or violet, Chadwick’s sign c. sweat glands activated.

b. due to increased estrogen, activity of the 4. Breasts – all changes due to increased estrogen.
epithelial cells increases, thus increasing the amount
a. increase in size due to hyperplasia of the
of vaginal discharges, leukorrhea.
mammary alveoli and fat deposits. Proper breast
c. the pH of the vagina changes from normally acidic support with well-fitting brassiere to prevent sagging
(because of the presence of the Doderlein bacilli) to of breasts.
alkaline (because of increased estrogen). An alkaline
b. feeling of fullness and tingling sensations
vaginal environment is said to protect against
bacteria, it favors the growth of: c. nipples more erect.
1.Trichomonas , a protozoa or flagellate. d. montgomery gland become bigger and
Trichomonas vaginalis/ trichomonas vaginitis protruberant
Symptoms: e. areola become darker and diameter increase
• Frothy , greenish, irritatingly itchy and foul- Minor Discomforts of Pregnancy
smelling discharges.
⚫ Nausea and Vomiting
• Vulvar edema and hyperemia secondary to
irritation from discharges. Management :

• Treatment : vaginal suppositories of 1. eat dry toast or crackers before rising from bed
Trichomonilial compounds. Acidic vaginal
2. eat small frequent meals rather than 3 large ones
⚫ Frequent urination
2. Candida albicans, a fungus. Moniliasis or
Candidiasis. The fungus loves to thrive in 1. limit fluid intake before bedtime
environment rich in carbohydrates
2. kegels exercise to improve to of muscles
Symptoms: that controls urination
Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy * Second trimester

⚫ Presumptive Signs ⚫ Positive Signs

1. Amenorrhea – 1. Fetal Heart tone can be detected by

doopler at 12 weeks, fetoscope at 16 weeks
2. Breast changes-
, stethoscope at 20 weeks
3. Urinary frequency-
2. Funic suffle – a swishing sound synchronous
4. *Quickening with fetal heart beat caused by blood
rushing through the umbilical arteries.
5. Easy fatigability-
3. Fetal movement felt by examiner from 20
6. Leukorrhea weeks onward
7. Nausea and vomiting 4. X-ray visualization of fetal skeleton as early
as 14 weeks
8. *Skin changes
5. *Ultrasonographic evidence of pregnancy.

⚫ Abdominal pulse echo sonography can

* Second trimester
detect intrauterine pregnancy at 4 to 5
⚫ Probable Signs weeks

1. Hegar’s sign ⚫ Small white gestational ring can be detected

after 6 weeks
2. Uterine growth
⚫ Fetal brain and heart action is
3. *Ballotement – refers to the rebound that demonstrated by eight weeks using Doopler
occurs when the examiner’s fingers tap the or real time sonography
floating fetus within the uterus and caused
by the fetus floating away and returning ⚫ Fetal heart and thorax can be identified by
back to its previous position. ( begins at 6-8 14th week.
* First trimester
4. Uterine suffle – a muffled swishing sound
heard over the abdomen in union with the
mother’s heart beat. ⚫ Primary factor in the improvement of
maternal and infant mortality and morbidity
5. Goodell’s sign – softening of the cervix
6. *Braxton- Hicks contraction – painless palpable
⚫ To ensure the success of prenatal care
uterine contraction
7. Fetal outline – palpable at 24 weeks
⚫ 266-280 days
8. Positive pregnancy test- time that can be
⚫ 38-42 weeks (average is 40 weeks)
⚫ 9 calendar months
- 8 days after fertilization (2-3 days)
Components of a Prenatal Visit
- 23 days after LMP
⚫ History Taking
- 5 days before the expected menstrual
period a. Personal data- name, age, civil status
b. Obstetrical data ⚫ History of pregnancies- labor,
delivery, abortion, complications
* gravida
⚫ History of exposure to medications
* past pregnancies
⚫ History of chronic illness- epilepsy,
** method of delivery DM, HPN, IDA, endocrine disorders

** where? ⚫ Genetic disorder-

** risks involved ⚫ Urinary and Bowel problems- UTI,

hemorrhoids, constipation
* present pregnancy
⚫ Sexual history/Gynecologic history
** chief concern
⚫ History of STD
** danger signals
⚫ Surgical history including female
- vaginal bleeding genitalia mutilation or
circumcision, blood transfusion
- swelling of face or fingers
⚫ History of dysmenorrhea or
- severe, continuous headache
- flashes of light or dots before the
⚫ History of sexual function
⚫ Contraceptive use
- pain in the abdomen
Other Components of Prenatal Care
- persistent vomiting
1. History Taking
- chills and fever
2. Physical Examination
- sudden escape of fluid from the
vagina ⚫ Weight
- absence of FHS ⚫ Height
⚫ Medical data – history of : ⚫ Blood Pressure
* kidney disease ⚫ Examinations of face and conjunctiva and
palms for pallor
* heart disease
⚫ Abdominal exam, fundic height, fetal
* liver disease
position, presentation, FHT
* hypertension
⚫ Examination of breast
* STDs
3. Treatment of diseases
* tuberculosis
4. TT immunization
⚫ TT1 anytime during pregnancy
⚫ Health history
⚫ TT2 one month afterTT1
⚫ Menstrual history- length, amount,
⚫ TT3 six months after TT2
regularity, pain, bleeding
⚫ TT4 one year after TT3 or next pregnancy ⚫ Height of fundus is used to determine AOG,
fundic heigh is determined by palpatio and
⚫ TT5 one year after TT4 or next pregnancy
by relating to the different landmarks in the
abdomen; umbilicus, symphysis pubis
xiphoid process.
5. Iron supplementation
⚫ 12 weeks – level of symphysispubis
6. Health Education
⚫ 16 weeks – halfway between umbilicus and
7. Laboratory Examination symphysis pubis
8. Oral Dental Examination ⚫ 20 weeks – level of umbilicus
9. Referral when necessary ⚫ 24 weeks – 2 fingers above umbilicus
History of Present Pregnancy ⚫ 30 weeks – halfway between umbilicus and
xiphoid process
⚫ Expected Date of Delivery
⚫ 34 weeks – just below xiphoid process
⚫ Naegeles Rule – add 7 days to the first day
of LMP, count back 3 months and add one ⚫ 36 weeks – level of xiphoid process
⚫ 40 weeks – at 34 weeks level due lightening
Example :
⚫ JOHNSON’S RULE is used to calculate fetal
LMP 6 - 3 - 11 weight in grams.
-3 + 7 + 1 Fundic height (cm) – N X K = fetal weight
EDC 3 - 10 - 12 K = 155 (constant)
Note: start on April to Dec., for Jan to March – add 9 N = 12 if engaged
months and add 7 days
N = 11 if not engaged
⚫ If the woman cannot remember her LMP,
ask her when she first felt the fetus move ⚫ HAASE’S RULE is used to determine length
of fetus
To get EDC for primigravida, add 22 weeks to the
date of quickening a. During the first half of pregnancy, square
the number of months
To get EDC for multigravida, add 24 weeks to the
date of quickening b. During the second half of pregnancy,
multiply the number of months by five.
⚫ Assessment of Fundic height – is measured
to estimate AOG, EDC and fetal growth rate. Leopolds Manuever
Measure fundic height from top of
⚫ First Manuever: Fundal Grip
symphysis pubis to the top of the fundus
with the bladder empty. Purpose:

MC DONALD’S RULE is used to calculate AOG 1. To determine fetal part lying in the fundus

Fundic height (cm) X2/7 = AOG in lunar months 2. To determine presentation

Fundc height (cm) X 8/7 = AOG in weeks Procedure: using both hands, feel for the fetal part
lying in the fundus.
⚫ BARTOLOMEW’S RULE is used to calculate
Findings : if the nurse-midwife feels the head which Using thumb and finger, grasp the lower portion of
round, smooth with transverse groove of the neck, the abdomen above symphysis pubis, press in
the fetus is in breech presentation. slightly and make gentle movements from side to
⚫ Cardinal Rule – instruct woman to empty
her bladder first. 1. The presenting part is engaged if it is not
⚫ Place woman in dorsal recumbent position,
supine with knees flexed to relax abdominal 2. It is not yet engaged if it is still movable.
muscle. Place a small under the head for
⚫ Fourth Manuever: Pelvic Grip
⚫ Drape properly to maintain privacy.
1. To determine degree of flexion of fetal
⚫ Explain procedures to gain cooperation.
⚫ Warm hands . Colds stimulate uterine
2. To determine attitudes or habitus
Procedure: facing foot part of the woman, palpate
⚫ Use palm for palpation not fingers.
fetal head pressing downward about 2 inches above
If the nurse-midwife feels the buttocks which is soft the inguinal ligament. Use both hands.
and angular, it means the fetus is in vertex
1. If descended deeply, only a small portion of
Second Manuever: Umbilical Grip
the fetal head will be palpated.
2. If cephalic prominence or brow of the baby
1. To identify location of fetal back is on the same side of the small fetal parts,
the head is flexed.
2. To determine position
3. If cephalic prominence is on the side of the
Procedure : one hand is used to steady the uterus on
fetal back, the head is extended.
one side of the abdomen while the other hand
moves slightly on a circular motion from top to the Laboratory Test
lower segment of the uterus to feel for the fetal back
⚫ Urinalysis –
and small fetal parts. Use gentle but deep pressure.
Benedict test to detect glycosuria
Acetic acid test to detect proteinuria
Small fetal parts feel nodular with numerous angular
nodulations. Urinalysis to detect present of bacteria
Fetal back feels smooth hard, like a resistant plane. ⚫ Blood test
⚫ Third Manuever: Pawlick’s Grip HCT – 37 to 47 %
Purpose: Hgb – 12 to 16 mg/dl
To determine engagement of presenting part. ⚫ Determination of blood type and Rh factor
Procedure: ⚫ Rubella antibody titer degree of protection
against German measles.
Health Teaching ⚫ Advantages:

⚫ SCHEDULE OF CLINIC VISIT – 1. Strengthen the muscle to promote their

quick return to normal condition after
From first visit to 32 weeks – every 4 weeks
From 32 weeks to 36 weeks – every 2 weeks
2. Promote circulation, prevent and relieve
From 36 weeks until delivery – every week problems like varicosities & hemorrhoids

Steps to Follow in Prenatal Care 3. Relieve tension and anxiety

15) Encourage the woman to come back for return 4. improve posture and appetite
5. Improves metabolic efficiency
At least 4 routine antenatal visits
Bed rest is recommended for women with:
1 visit: before 4 months
⚫ Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
2 visit: 6 months
⚫ Pregnant with 2 or more fetuses
3 visit: 8 months
⚫ Women with growth retarded fetus
4 visit: 9 months – return if
⚫ Women with several heart disease
undelivered within 2 weeks after the EDC.
General Considerations:
Pregnant women who do not come for prenatal
care should be visited at home. ⚫ The pregnant woman should not start a
new exercise regimen during pregnancy.
Health Teaching
⚫ Exercise should be individualized and
⚫ Normal signs and symptoms of pregnancy
adjusted to the stage of pregnancy
⚫ Minor discomforts, preventions and
⚫ No activities or sports that involves of
bodily harm such as contact
⚫ Danger signs and symptoms
⚫ Exercises should be performed in
⚫ Nutrition and diet moderation, should not cause fatigue.

⚫ Rest, exercise and relaxation ⚫ No holding of breath while exercising, no

pointing of toes, no hyperextension of the
⚫ Avoidance of drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and back.
too much caffeine
Recommended Exercises
⚫ Clothing
⚫ Pelvic Rocking – relieve low backache
⚫ Sexual relations
-Strengthen the muscle of the lower
⚫ Employment back
⚫ Travel ⚫ Squatting and Tailor sitting – stretch and
strengthen perineal muscles, improves
⚫ Preparation for baby’s birth, labor, delivery
circulation in the perineum
and puerperium
⚫ Rib cage lifting - relieve shortness of breath
⚫ Exercise -to strengthen the muscle used for
labor and delivery. Proper exercise during ⚫ Calf stretching – relieve leg cramps
⚫ Shoulder circling – relieve upper backache - wash with water only, no soaps and
and numbness of arms alcohol

⚫ Abdominal muscle contraction – strengthen

abdominal muscles in preparation for labor
⚫ Employment
- continue working as long as their job is not
⚫ Modified knee chest – relieve hemorrhoids,
involve lifting heavy objects, standing and sitting for
vulvar varicosities and low backache
long periods and emotional strain and exposure to
⚫ Leg elevation – relieve swelling, fatigue, toxic substances
varicosities of lower extremities
- avoid : exhaustion, discomfort, strenuous
⚫ Leg raising – strengthen abdominal muscles exercise, extreme temperature, smoking areas,
ladder climbing, straining, running, overtime.
⚫ Kegel exercise – strengthen perineal

⚫ Dental Care

1. Dental check up early in pregnancy ⚫ Travel

2. Dental caries should be treated during - no travel restrictions during pregnancy,

pregnancy avoid long trips on the third trimester. The best time
to travel is on the second trimester.
3. Alkaline mouthwash is used to counteract
the acidic saliva during pregnancy - when traveling: 15-to 20 minutes rest
period every 2 hours on long rides
⚫ Clothing
⚫ Sexual Relations
a. light weight, non-constrictive and loose
fitting, absorbent and washable 1. Sexual desires continue during pregnancy
but sexual drive and responsiveness vary
b. void constricting garters around the leg,
among women at different stages of
abdomen, and breast
c. flat heeled shoes
- first trimester – decrease sexual desire
⚫ Bathing-
- second trimester – increase sexual desire
- daily bath to keep fresh and clean
- third trimester –decrease sexual desire
- tube bath is discouraged because of the fear of hurting the fetus and
- can go swimming but not diving
Contraindications sexual intercourse:
- contraindicated when there is vaginal
bleeding, ruptured membrane - deeply presenting part

⚫ Breast Care - rupture bag of water

- well-fitting and larger size of brassiere, - vaginal spotting or bleeding

with wide strap and deep cups
- incompetent cervical os
- nipple rolling between thumb and
Last 6 weeks of pregnancy, coitus is discouraged.
⚫ Alcohol – refrain from drinking any
alcoholic beverages

⚫ Smoking – avoided to prevent small

gestational age baby.

⚫ Caffeine – avoided 4 cups of caffeine

containing foods and beverages

⚫ Drugs – should not take any drug not

prescribed by a physician

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