English 4 Module 1 FINAL

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A Theological Institution of the

Christian and Missionary Alliance Churches of the Philippines, Inc.
Developing Servant Leaders

English 4
Self-Paced Learning Module
SY 2021-2022

Module 1: A Mother’s Love
Weeks: September 13-18; 20-25, 2021
By: Mary Jane P. Lungan
Name of Pupil/Student: ___________________________
Grade Level and Section: ___________________________
Address: ___________________________
Contact Number: ___________________________

“Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.” 1 Samuel 7:12

P.O. Box 166 Calarian, Zamboanga City 7000 Telephone No: 983-0628
maryjanelungan@gmail.com Mobile No: 09666874462
Basic Education Department of Ebenezer Bible College and
Seminary, Inc.
2021 Edition

Ebenezer Bible College and Seminary, Inc. Copyright 2020.

All rights reserved. No part of this learning kit may be reproduced,

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electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording without prior written
permission from the school.

Every precaution has been taken by the school and curriculum

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respect to the use of any information or examples contained herein.

All references or borrowed materials mentioned or included in this

learning kit are owned by their respected copyright holders.

Prepared and Produced by:

Ebenezer Bible College and Seminary, Inc.
Calarian, Zamboanga City 7000 Philippines

This Learning Module was collaboratively developed by Ebenezer Bible College

and Seminary, Inc. and reviewed by the Task Force Quality Assurance Committee
headed by Ms. Mona Rose R. Martin, Principal.

This module shall be used solely for self-paced and independent learning of our

Reproduction and distribution of this material is strictly prohibited.

This module is owned by:

(Learner’s Name)

(Grade Level and Section)
MODULE 1: Mother’s Love

This module focuses on mother’s love. In this module, you will read and understand stories
about how children should show their love, respect and appreciation to their mothers. You will
also learn in this module how to find the meaning of unfamiliar words using context clues, infer
feelings and traits of characters in a story read, analyze characters and settings in a story,
identify and use collective, concrete, abstract, count, and mass nouns. In addition, you, in this
module, will write 2-3 sentences about the characters that you have read in the story and write
2-3 directions using signal words.

Lessons and Coverage

In this module, you will do the following as you study the lessons below:
Lesson Title Competencies
1 Literature: Use context clues to find the meaning of
Mother and Son unfamiliar words
Language: Infer feelings and traits of characters in a
Concrete, Abstract and Collective story read
Nouns EN4RC-If-25
Identify and use concrete nouns and
abstract nouns
Use collective nouns
Write 2–3 sentences about the characters in
a literary text listened to or read
2 Literature: Note significant details in a literary text
Philippine Myths EN4RC-Ia-2.2
Analyze a story in terms of its setting
Language: EN4RC-Ib-2.1.1
Mass and Count Nouns Sequence events in a story or narrative
Use graphic organizers to show
understanding of texts (story sequence
Use clear and coherent sentences
employing appropriate grammatical
structures: Kinds of Nouns – Mass Nouns
and Count Nouns
Write 2–3 step directions using signal

Core Values Christlike-Attitude, Love for Reading, Appreciation for Mother’s Love
Subjects Filipino and Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (ESP)
Bible Truth Ephesians 6:1-3 “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, because this
is right. Honor your father and mother which is the first commandment
with a promise – that it may go well with you and that you may have a
long life.”

Instructional Materials and References

Cajili, R. & Caneo, V. (2018). English Edge Integrated Language Arts Series. Quezon City:
Abiva Publishing House, Inc.

The Power of a Mother’s Love. Retrieved from


The Honor Code

I understand that academic integrity shall be upheld at all times. Any form of academic
dishonesty shall not be tolerated and as stipulated in the Handbook, be dealt with accordingly
by the School for this defeats the purpose of quality Christian education, disgraces our school’
philosophy, vision, mission, goals and objectives, and ultimately dishonors our God, above all.

Therefore, I pledge, as indicated by my signature, in accordance with the Honor Code, that I
will not engage in any form of dishonesty in my academic activities, and I will not tolerate
such dishonesty by other students.

Signature Over Printed Name

How Much Do You Know?

Let’s find out how much you already know about the lessons. Please answer all the items. After
taking this short test, take note of the items that you were not able to correctly answer and look
for the right answer as you go through this module.

Circle the letter that you think best answers the question.
For items 1-2, refer to the story below:
A son took his old mother to a restaurant for dinner. Mother, being very old and weak,
dropped food on her skirt while eating. Other diners watched her in disgust while her son
remained calm.

1. Who are the characters in the story?

A. Sister, diner, and priest C. Father and son
B. Mother, son, and diners D. Waiter and diners

2. What is the setting of the story?

A. Restaurant C. School
B. Church D. House

For items 3-4, refer to the story that follows:

After the mother finished eating, her son who was not at all embarrassed, quietly took
her to the washroom, wiped the food particles, removed the stains, combed her hair, and
adjusted her spectacles firmly.

3. What kind of a person is the son?

A. Rude C. Shy
B. Fearless D. Responsible

4. Cite evidence of the son’s admirable traits.

A. He carried his mother. C. He became irresponsible.
B. He was not at all embarrassed. D. He didn’t care at all.

5. “He combed his mother’s hair and fitted her spectacles firmly.” What is the meaning of the
underlined word?
A. Shoes C. Eyeglasses
B. Dress D. Earrings

6. “Mother felt weak and exasperated with Piña’s unending questions. What is the antonym of
the underlined word?
A. Peaceful C. Angry
B. Irritable D. Happy

7. Which of the following is a mass noun?

A. A truck of gravel C. A family
B. Twelve roses D. Trust

8. “Her humility as a president is beyond compare.” What is the abstract noun in the
A. Humility C. Beyond
B. President D. Compare

9. “Everyone in the class received a consolation prize.” What is the collective noun in the
A. Everyone C. Consolation
B. Class D. Prize

10. Which of the following is the best example of a concrete noun?

A. love C. Class B
B. honesty D. Sunlight
Lesson 1: “Mother and Son”
Concrete, Abstract and Collective Nouns

During the learning period, you can:

1. Find the meaning of unfamiliar words using context clues;
2. Infer feelings and traits of characters in a story read;
3. Identify collective, concrete, and abstract nouns;
4. Use collective, concrete, and abstract nouns in a sentence;
5. Appreciate your mother’s love by sharing her significance to your life; and
6. Write 2-3 sentences about the characters in the story “Mother and Son”.


Hi kids! How are you

doing? I am so excited to
see you soon! At the
moment, I will walk you
through exploring your
first lesson for this module.
Are you guys ready?


In this lesson, you will study and understand how to find the meaning of unfamiliar
words using context clues, how to infer feelings and traits of characters in a story read, and
how to identify and use collective, concrete, and abstract nouns. As you go through this lesson,
remember to search for the answers to the following essential questions:

How can you show your love, respect and appreciation to your mother?


ACTIVITY NO 1: Using the bubble map, write words that you can associate with the word
Process Questions:

1. What is the role of a mother?


2. How do you describe a mother’s love?


A mother takes the role of a manager for the family, a teacher for her children, the
world's best chef, a household nurse, a financial controller, and many more. One of the
meaningful roles that a mother play is to nurture her children. When a mother nurtures her
children well, love and goodness are awakened in the children’s hearts. Because of our
mother’s love, we learn to love as well, and we feel God’s love more profoundly.

The words “mom,” “ma,” or “mama” are pretty universal sounds for mothers because
babies’ first words typically start with the “m” sound.
- https://www.first5la.org/article/hooray-for-moms-ten-fun-facts-for-mothers-
In this lesson, you will learn more about finding the meaning of unfamiliar words
using context clues, inferring feelings and traits of characters in a story read, appreciating your
mother’s love by sharing her significance to your life, identifying and using collective,
concrete and abstract nouns, and writing character analysis.


Let’s Read!
According to Robinson (2019), “a mother is a caregiver and unconditional love giver,
housekeeper, cooker, baker, taxi driver, psychologist, doctor, and discipliner. They are the
ones who bear the burden of everything good and bad as the days grow on. They are the ones
who might get left behind; as they do so much, they don’t get as much appreciation.” But what
can we do as children, to show our appreciation to them?
Before we read our selection, let us first develop your vocabulary. Find the meaning
of the underlined word using context clues. Encircle the word that means the same as the
underlined word.
1. Other diners watched her in disgust. They revolted at what they have observed.
2. Her son, who was not at all embarrassed, quietly took her to the washroom. He was not
at all humiliated with what he was doing.
3. He combed his mother’s hair and fitted her spectacles firmly. Her eyeglasses were
about to fall.
4. The diners could not grasp the embarrassing situation. They could not understand what
was going on.
5. The old man retorted. He replied loudly so that people will hear what he said.
Now, let us read the selection below and find out how the son shows his appreciation
and love to his mother, and how it leaves lessons to the people.

Mother and Son

A son took his old mother to a restaurant for dinner. Mother, being very old and weak, dropped food
on her skirt while eating. Other diners watched her in disgust while her son remained calm.

After the mother finished eating, her son, who was not at all embarrassed, quietly took her to the
washroom, wiped the food particles, removed the stains, combed her hair, and adjusted her spectacles firmly.
When they came out, the entire restaurant was watching them in dead silence, not able to grasp how someone
could embarrass themselves publicly like that.

The son settled the bill and started to leave with his mother. At that time, an old man amongst the
diners called out to the son and asked him, “Don’t you think you have left something behind?” The son replied,
“No sir, I haven’t.”

The old man retorted, “Yes, you have! You left a lesson for every son and hope for every mother.” The
restaurant went silent.

ACTIVITY NO 2.1: After reading the story “Mother and Son”, let us check your
understanding of the lesson by answering the given questions.

1. How did the other diners react upon seeing the mother drop her food on her skirt?
2. What attitude did the son show when her mother dropped food on her skirt? What did he do
to help his mother?

3. What is the message of the story?


Love for our mother is one of the precious and priceless gifts that we can offer. In the
story, we learned how much the son loves his mother by understanding and taking care of her.

Now, can you still remember what is a noun? What are the nouns that you have
encountered in the selection? ___________________________________________________
Let us read the following sentences:
1. The mother went to the class of her son.
2. My family enjoyed the vacation last summer.
3. Mother felt the coldness of the wind.
4. I turn on the radio so that my mother can listen to the music.
5. I ask my mother to give me freedom.
6. The loyalty and sincerity of my mother are much appreciated.
What are the underlined words? ____________________________________________

Collective, Concrete, and Abstract Nouns

There are three other kinds of nouns aside from common
and proper nouns. These are collective nouns, concrete nouns
and abstract nouns.
A collective noun is a noun that, even when it is singular, names
a group of people, animals, things, and others.
Examples: audience, family, batch, team, class
A concrete noun is simply a person, place or thing that is
experienced through one or more of your five senses.
Example: flower, apple pie, lotion, ice cream
An abstract noun names an idea, a feeling, a quality or a
Example: beauty, patience, intelligence

To find out more about the lesson, click the videos or link/button below.
Nouns: Concrete and Abstract Collective Nouns

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOQAOVqJBZQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6s1-GgHvRhY


ACTIVITY NO 2.2: After reading the concept notes and watching the videos about concrete,
abstract and collective nouns, let us check your understanding of the lesson by doing the given
A. Underline the noun in each of the following sentences and identify if it is a Collective,
Concrete, or Abstract noun.
__________ 1. Please wear a jacket while going out in winter.
__________ 2. He is a son with so much simplicity.
__________ 3. The people in the restaurant are judgmental.
__________ 4. Everyone in the group received a door prize.
__________ 5. The flower smells so good.
B. Determine if each of the following nouns is a collective, concrete, or abstract noun. Then,
write a simple sentence using the noun.

mountain courage ice cream

team choir happiness

Collective Noun Concrete Noun Abstract Noun

1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.

Always remember that abstract nouns are used to denote an idea, state, a feeling, a
quality, or a characteristic, whereas concrete nouns are something that can be seen, touched,
tasted, heard, or smelled. Collective noun pertains to a group of people, place, things, or

ACTIVITY NO 3: To check and reinforce understanding of the story Mother and Son and
collective, concrete, and abstract nouns, you will synchronously play a gamified quiz at
joinmyquiz.com as facilitated by your teacher.

Process Questions:

1. In the Philippines, we have a saying that the mother is “Ilaw ng Tahanan (The Light of the
Home)”. Why is this so?

2. Why should we show our love, respect and appreciation to our mother?

Mothers in the Philippines are called by different names such as Ina, Nanay, Mama and
Mommy. Mothers are often called “ilaw ng tahanan,” meaning the light who brings warmth
and comfort to her family by taking good care of them, putting her family first before herself,
and protecting them the best she can as an ultimate sacrifice a mother could give to her
child. http://phildigest.jp/mothers-day/
Our mother deserves our love as she did a lot of sacrifices for us. We can show them
our love by helping then in doing household chores, assisting them in cooking the meals, and
many more.



Every mother always makes sure that their children are safe and happy. It is the love for
their child that a mother feels that drives these feelings. No one can describe in words the feeling
that a mother has toward her children. Most people do not understand unless they become a
mother themselves. Love always encourages us in any falls which come in life.

Now, let’s explore more about a mother’s love by clicking the videos or links below.
A Mommy’s Sacrifice Thank You, Mum

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4xCHVlttWo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZaEpe6RcPo

ACTIVITY NO 4: After watching the videos, let us check your understanding of the material
viewed by answering the given questions. (4 points each) (16 points)

1. What are the qualities of a mother?


2. Based on the videos, what characteristics or traits are shown by both mothers? Present
evidences from the videos.

3. Why is a mother significant to one’s life?


4. How can you show your love, respect and appreciation to your mother?


In the selection, “Mother and Son”, we have learned that even when our mother is
already old enough and weak, they still deserve our love. They need our care and
understanding even more. This lesson is discussed in out Filipino subject we read a lot of
Filipino stories about the importance of our mother and as a child, it is our responsibility to
take care of them as they grow older. It is our time to give back to them the love and support
that they offered to us.
As children, it is your role to help your mother or your parents in doing household
chores, cooking, or assisting them in taking care of your siblings. In that way, you are not just
helping them, but you are making them happy as you show your love for them through your
service. As Ephesians 6:1-3 “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, because this is right.
Honor your father and mother which is the first commandment with a promise – that it may go
well with you and that you may have a long life.” As you serve and honor your parents, they
are not the only ones who are very much pleased, but above all, God who is very much


ACTIVITY NO 5: Analyze the characters in the selection “Mother and Son”. Write 2-3
sentences about the traits of any of the characters in the story. Use concrete and abstract nouns as
you construct the sentences. (12 points)
Rubric in Paragraph Writing
Criteria Exemplary (4) Satisfactory (3) Developing (2) Needs Score
Improvement (1)
The writing The writing The writing has The writing has
has sentences has sentences generally some general
Content that show that show varied and and repetitive
exceptionally consistently descriptive words that may
precise, appropriate word choice be inappropriate
specific, word choices that are or ineffective to
descriptive and that are appropriate for the character
vivid word generally the character being described.
choice. precise, varied, being
and described.
Demonstrates Demonstrates Spelling, Some spelling,
exceptional correct punctuation punctuation and
spelling, spelling, and capitalization
Convention correct use of correct use of capitalization errors occur that
punctuation punctuation errors occur detract from the
and and but do not overall quality of
capitalization. capitalization. detract from the the paragraph.
Precise use of Precise use of overall quality Occasional
grammar and grammar and of the grammar errors.
vocabulary. vocabulary. paragraph. Vocabulary
Contains some words are
minor grammar misused or
errors. Few inaccurate.
words are
misused or
Some thoughts Thoughts are not
Thoughts are Thoughts are
are organized organized that
Organization exceptionally organized and
and could still made the writing
of Ideas organized. could be easily
be understood. hard to

DIRECTIONS: Determine whether each noun in the box is concrete or abstract. Write the
words in the correct chart below.

faith mountains disappointment candidates backyard

confidence kindness sunlight sister anger

Concrete Nouns Abstract Nouns


Character is a person, animal, being, creature, or thing in a story.

Character Analysis is understanding the character’s thoughts and actions that helps you to
better understand and appreciate the story.
Context Clues are hints found within a sentence, paragraph, or passage that a reader can use
to understand the meanings of new or unfamiliar words.

Answer Key

1. A mother takes the role of a manager for the family, a teacher for her children, the world’s
best chef, a household nurse, a financial controller, and many more.
2. A mother’s love is priceless and immeasurable. There’s none like a mother’s love.
(Answer may vary.)

1. revolted
2. humiliated
3. eyeglasses
4. understand
5. replied

1. They went to a restaurant.
2. The diners watched her in disgust.
3. The son was not at all embarrassed. He accompanied his mother to the washroom and
helped her remove the stains.
1. jacket (concrete), winter (concrete)
2. son (concrete), simplicity (abstract)
3. people (collective), restaurant (concrete)
4. group (collective), prize (concrete)
5. flower (concrete)
Collective Noun
1. team
2. choir
Concrete Noun
1. mountain
2. ice cream
Abstract Noun
1. courage
2. happiness

1. Mothers in the Philippines are called by different names such as Ina, Nanay, Mama and
Mommy. Mothers are often called “ilaw ng tahanan,” meaning the light who brings warmth
and comfort to her family by taking good care of them, putting her family first before herself,
and protecting them the best she can as an ultimate sacrifice a mother could give to her
child. http://phildigest.jp/mothers-day/
2. Our mother deserves our love as she did a lot of sacrifices for us. We can show them our
love by helping then in doing household chores, assisting them in cooking the meals, and
many more.
1. mountains 2. candidates 3. backyard 4. sunlight 5. sister 6. faith 7. disappointment 8.
confidence 9. kindness 10. anger

Lesson 2: “Philippine Myths”

Mass and Count Nouns

During the learning period, you can:

1. Note details by asking/ answering questions about the story read;
2. Analyze and sequence the events in a story read;
3. Sequence the events in a story using a graphic organizer;
4. Use mass and count nouns in a sentence;
5. Complete sentences using mass or count nouns; and
6. Write 2-3 step directions using signal words.


In this lesson, you will study and understand how to note important details from the
story read, analyze and sequence the events of the story, use mass and count nouns, and write
directions using signal words. As you go through this lesson, remember to search for the
answers to the following essential question:

Why should we show love, respect and appreciation to our mother?


ACTIVITY NO 1: Where do you think pineapple came from? Write your answer in the box.

Process Questions:

1. What is a myth?
2. Why do we read myths?
Myths are stories that are believed to be the origin of a practice, phenomenon, or things and
places. They impart lessons on how to live well with other people.


Myths are a part of every culture in the world and are used to explain natural phenomena,
where people came from and how their civilization developed, and why things happen as they
do. At their most basic level, myths comfort by giving a sense of order and meaning to what
can sometimes seem a chaotic world.
- https://www.pbs.org/mythsandheroes/myths
In this lesson, you will learn more about noting details by asking/ answering questions about
the story read, analyzing and sequencing the events in a story read, and sequencing the events
in a story using a graphic organizer. You will also learn more about using mass and count
nouns in a sentence, completing sentences using mass or count nouns and writing 2-3 step
directions using signal words.


Let’s Read!
Pineapple is considered one of the most nutritious fruits in the world, as it is loaded
with vitamins and minerals. But have you ever wondered where it came from? Before we go to
the story, let us first find out what antonyms are.
To determine the meaning of unfamiliar words, context clues are used in a sentence, in
the preceding, or the following sentence. These context clues can be words with an opposite
meaning (antonym).
Before we read our selection, let us first develop your vocabulary. Encircle the context
clues which show the antonym of the underlined word in each item.
1. Piña had become lazy, inconsiderate, and self-centered. She never showed benevolence
to others.
2. She grumbled and resented that her mother was sick. She wanted her to get well.
3. Mother felt weak and exasperated with Piña’s unending questions. She decided to get
some peaceful sleep.
4. Mother prayed to all the gods and let out a curse to Piña.
5. Piña simply vanished into thin air and appeared with many eyes.
Now, let us read the selection below and find out how the daughter treats her mother.

Why Do Pineapple Fruits Have Many Eyes?

There was once a pretty little girl called Piña, who was loved dearly by her mother to
the point of spoiling her. As Piña grew older, she had become lazy, inconsiderate, and self-
centered. Yet the mother didn’t mind her daughter’s behavior, because she wanted Piña to
depend on her forever.
One day, the mother felt ill and could not bring herself to cook food for Piña, while the
young girl kept complaining that she was hungry. This time, Piña’s mother had to be firm for
the young girl’s sake. On the other hand, Piña forced herself to go to the kitchen, grumbling
and feeling resentful that her mother was sick. The girl half-heartedly set out to cook lugaw or
rice porridge the way her mother instructed her.
While in the kitchen, Piña kept asking where her mother kept the things she needed.
“Mother, where is the rice keeper?” The mother had to shout her answer several times
over because Piña took ages before she could find whatever it was, she was looking for.
“Mother, where are the woods for the stove?”
“Mother, where’s the soup ladle?”
“Mother, where’s the salt?”
“Mother, where’s the bowl?”
To all of Piña’s questions, the sick mother had to shout at the top of her lungs, which
only made her feel worse. Feeling weak and exasperated with Piña’s unending questions, the
mother finally lost her temper and let out a curse; “Heaven forbid, Child! But I call on all the
gods to put eyes all over your face so you can see the things you’re looking for.” Tired and
weak, Piña’s mother fell asleep.
When the mother woke up, the house was dark and quiet. She called, Piña but there
was no answer. The mother willed herself to investigate where Piña could be, but she only
found the unfinished cooking task. The mother was saddened by the thought that Piña decided
to leave her because she was sick and could no longer take care of her daughter.
As she was about to leave the kitchen, she saw something that was lying on the floor,
thinking all the while that it was one of Piña’s many things. She picked up the strange-looking
object, which was shaped like a human head with tufts of leaves atop its crown.
The mother had an uncanny feeling that the brown circles scattered all over the object
reminded her of Piña’s beautiful brown eyes. Horrified, the mother remembered that she let
out a terrible curse on her daughter before she fell asleep- in fact, she called on all the gods to
put eyes all over Piña’s face. Thus, the strange-looking fruit was called pinya or pineapple,
since Piña simply vanished into thin air.

ACTIVITY NO 2.1 After reading the myth, “Why do Pineapple have Many Eyes”, let us
check your understanding of the story by completing the graphic organizer to sequence the
events of the myth.

First: Next: Afterwards:

Finally Then:

We must learn how to do household chores so that we can help our parents especially
when they are sick. We cannot always depend on them; we need to do the chores all by
ourselves, too. In the story, Piña only depends on her mother and doesn’t know any chore that
leads her to ask a lot of questions while her mother lies on the bed sick.

The words that you can see in each box in the graphic organizers are called signal

Signal words are words that show

connection of thoughts or logical
relationship in a paragraph.
They can be used to signal time and
Examples: first, second, then, next,
afterward, finally.
They can also be used to signal comparison.
Examples: also, likewise, but, in the same
way, in contrast, however.

Now let’s take a look at the sentences below:

1. Mother where is the grain of salt?
2. I gave my mom three roses yesterday.
3. My mother loves kittens.
4. My mom asks me to buy 5 kilos of rice.
What are the underlined words? ____________________________________________

Mass Nouns and Count Nouns

Count Nouns are nouns that can be counted.
Examples: one song, three kings, five fruits, one
hundred visitors
Mass Nouns are nouns that cannot be counted because
they are always considered as a group, volume, mass, or
Examples: a pail of water, a pound of butter, a liter of
oil, a drum of gasoline, a kilo of rice

To find out more about the lesson, click the video or link/button below.
What are Count Nouns and Mass Nouns


ACTIVITY NO 2.2: After reading the concept notes and watching the videos about count
nouns and mass nouns, let us check your understanding of the lesson by doing the given

Determine if each of the following nouns is either a count noun or mass noun. Then write a
sentence using the noun on the lines provided.

1. grain of salt

2. four slices of bread


3. two pairs of eyeglasses


4. seven kittens

5. a truck of gravel

Always remember, count nouns are nouns that can be counted, while mass nouns are
nouns that cannot be counted.

ACTIVITY NO 3: To check and reinforce understanding of the lessons, you will

synchronously play a gamified quiz at https://wordwall.net as facilitated by your teacher.
Process Questions:

1. What advice can you give to a child, like Piña, who is impolite and disrespectful toward her

2. How can you show your love, respect and appreciation to your mother?

Pina is a child who is disrespectful toward her mother, then we can give her some
advice that being disrespectful is not nice, she needs to show love and respect to her mother
because it is our responsibility. We can show our love, respect, and appreciation to our mother
by helping them in doing the house chores, saying “I love you” and “thank you”, and many

Most mothers get their strength from their children. Because of their children, they
work so hard that sometimes they forget about themselves. See how mothers work so hard and
how children should help by clicking the videos or links below.

Mother I’ll Love You Forever

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWU4tqUFpJI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pk4XUWcK9a8

ACTIVITY NO 4: After watching the videos, let us check your understanding of the material
viewed by answering the given questions. (4 points each) (16 points)

1. What are the responsibilities of a mother?


2. Based on the videos, what characteristics or traits are shown by both children in the way
they treat their mothers? Present evidences from the videos.

3. How does a disrespectful character affect the relationship between a parent and a child?

4. Why should we show love, respect and appreciation to our mother?



Myths are stories that are based on tradition. Some may have factual origins, while
others are completely fictional. But myths are more than mere stories and they serve a more
profound purpose in ancient and modern cultures. Myths are sacred tales that explain the
world and man's experience. Just like the story “Why do Pineapple Fruits Have Many Eyes” it
is a myth that tells where the pineapple came from. It also shows the culture of Filipinos on
how children show their love, respect and appreciation to their parents.
In Filipino subject we also learned about myth and we have read a lot of Philippine
Myths. In Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao subject, we also learned how to give respect not just to
our family but also to our elders. In the light of the lesson’s focus question “Why should you
show love, respect, and appreciation to your mother?” As Ephesians 6:1-3 “Children, obey
your parents in the Lord, because this is right. Honor your father and mother which is the first
commandment with a promise- that it may go well with you and that you may have long life.”


Showing directions is very important especially if one is looking for a place. It is also
important to write directions to facilitate time and to remember where you are going to avoid
getting lost. For better instructions, we can use signal words.

ACTIVITY NO 5: Make a simple map with directions and landmarks of places leading to
your house from your school. Write on the lines 2-3 step directions on how to go to your house
from your school. Use signal words to help locate your house. (20 points)


Drawing Rubric

Criteria Exemplary Satisfactory Developing Needs Total

(4) (3) (2) Improvement
Labels and The map The map The map The map only
Feature of includes includes includes few includes a few
Map accurate mostly, labels of labels and
labels of accurate landmarks directions but
landmarks labels of and directions are not
and landmarks, that are properly
directions and directions correctly drawn.
that are that are drawn.
clearly carefully
drawn with drawn.
Neatness and The map is The map is The map is The map is
Clarity of Map presentable, neat and readable but somehow
neat, and readable some feature readable,
readable. needs to be however,
distinguished neatness needs
with help. improvement.

Rubric in Paragraph Writing

Criteria Exemplary (4) Satisfactory (3) Developing (2) Needs Score

Improvement (1)
The writing The writing The writing has The writing has
has sentences has sentences generally some general
Content that show that show varied and and repetitive
exceptionally consistently descriptive words that may
precise, appropriate word choice be inappropriate
specific, word choices that are or ineffective to
descriptive and that are appropriate for the character
vivid word generally the character being described.
choice. precise, varied, being
and described.
Demonstrates Demonstrates Spelling, Some spelling,
exceptional correct punctuation punctuation and
spelling, spelling, and capitalization
Convention correct use of correct use of capitalization errors occur that
punctuation punctuation errors occur detract from the
and and but do not overall quality of
capitalization. capitalization. detract from the the paragraph.
Precise use of Precise use of overall quality Occasional
grammar and grammar and of the grammar errors.
vocabulary. vocabulary. paragraph. Vocabulary
Contains some words are
minor grammar misused or
errors. Few inaccurate.
words are
misused or
Some thoughts Thoughts are not
Thoughts are Thoughts are
are organized organized that
Organization exceptionally organized and
and could still made the writing
of Ideas organized. could be easily
be understood. hard to

DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blanks with appropriate mass or count nouns.

Once upon a time __________ Boy Scouts with __________ heavy bags each hiked
toward a long winding road. Each had a __________ of water and __________ pieces of
__________ bread. They met an old man with __________ young boys both eating a
__________ of grapes and a __________ of bread each. The old man had a __________ of
bread too and __________ apples. They proceeded to the camp site where they filled their
containers with __________ water.


Sequence of Events refers to the order of events in a story in which they occur. To sequence
events, one must be able to identify the beginning, the middle, and the end of the story.
Setting is the place where the story happened and the time when it happened.

Answer Key

1. Myths are stories that are believed to be the origin of a practice, phenomenon, or things
and places.
2. They impart lessons on how to live well with other people.

1. benevolence
2. get well
3. peaceful
4. prayed
5. appeared

Possible Answers:
First, there was once a pretty girl called Piña, who was loved dearly by her mother, but she
became spoiled and lazy.
Next, the mother got sick and could not cook food on her own, so she asked Piña to cook some
food so that she could already eat.
Afterward, Piña, who was so lazy and did not know what to do, kept on asking questions to
her mother. The mother felt exasperated because of her unending questions.
Then, the mother lost her temper and let out a curse for gods to put eyes all over Piña’s face so
that she could see what she’s looking for.
Finally, the mother fell asleep and when she woke up, Piña was no longer there. What she saw
was a strange thing which was shaped like a human head with many eyes. She believed that
the strange thing was Piña, and the strange-looking fruit was called pinya/pineapple.

1. Mass nouns
2. Count nouns
3. Count nouns
4. Count nouns
5. Mass nouns

1. Pina is a child who is disrespectful toward her mother, then we can give her some
advice that being disrespectful is not nice, she needs to show love and respect to her
mother because it is our responsibility.
2. We can show our love, respect, and appreciation to our mother by helping them in
doing the house chores, saying “I love you” and “thank you”, and many more.


Answers may vary.


Now that you are about to finish this module, write about your thoughts using the prompts

Here’s What: Describe one very important concept/skill that you learned during this lesson.

So What: How can you practice or use this concept/skill so you will know that you
understand/remember it?

Now What: How can you use this concept/skill to help you become a better reader, writer,
or problem solver?

Post Test
Let’s find out how much you have already learned about the lessons. Please answer all the items.
After taking this short test, take note of the items that you were not able to correctly answer and
look for the right answer as you go through this module.
Circle the letter that you think best answers the question.

For items 1-2, refer to the story that follows:

After the mother finished eating, her son who was not at all embarrassed, quietly took
her to the washroom, wiped the food particles, removed the stains, combed her hair, and
adjusted her spectacles firmly.

1. Cite evidence of the son’s admirable traits.

A. He carried his mother. C. He became irresponsible.
B. He was not at all embarrassed. D. He didn’t care at all.

2. What kind of a person is the son?

A. Rude C. Shy
B. Fearless D. Responsible

3. “Her humility as a president is beyond compare.” What is the abstract noun in the
A. Humility C. Beyond
B. President D. Compare

4. “He combed his mother’s hair and fitted her spectacles firmly.” What is the meaning of the
underlined word?
A. Shoes C. Eyeglasses
B. Dress D. Earrings

5. “Everyone in the class received a consolation prize.” What is the collective noun in the
A. Everyone C. Consolation
B. Class D. Prize

6. “Mother felt weak and exasperated with Piña’s unending questions. What is the antonym of
the underlined word?
A. Peaceful C. Angry
B. Irritable D. Happy

7. Which of the following is the best example of a concrete noun?

A. love C. Class B
B. honesty D. Sunlight

8. Which of the following is a mass noun?

A. A truck of gravel C. A family
B. Twelve roses D. Trust

For items 9-10, refer to the story below:

A son took his old mother to a restaurant for dinner. Mother, being very old and weak,
dropped food on her skirt while eating. Other diners watched her in disgust while her son
remained calm.

9. What is the setting of the story?

A. Restaurant C. School
B. Church D. House

10. Who are the characters in the story?

A. Sister, diner, and priest C. Father and son
B. Mother, son, and diners D. Waiter and diners

Answer Key: 1. B; 2. D; 3. A; 4. C; 5. B; 6. A; 7. D; 8. A; 9. A; 10. B

Congratulations! You have accomplished this module.

The next module takes you to more exciting stories, and the lessons on Possessive Nouns, and
the Simple Present Tense of a Verb.

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