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Summary of the Article

Nicholas Kristof's article criticizing Israel and Hamas for their responses to the current

Gaza war elicited a reaction from a wide range of individuals eager to hear his thoughts on what

Israel should have done. One reader compared Israel's situation to the American response to

regular missile attacks on American cities from Mexico or Canada. When Pancho Villa, the

Mexican revolutionary leader, attacked a hamlet in New Mexico in 1916, the United States

dispatched 6,000 troops into Mexico with Mexico's permission. In addition, in response to the

9/11 attacks, the United States launched military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. America's,

like Israel's, reaction was unsuccessful. Rather than revenge, it is wiser to deal with the problem

wisely. The Israeli attack, according to Kristof, was driven by the prime minister's self-interest in

avoiding corruption charges and potential jail.

Meanwhile, it's essential recalling that other nations have been more patient and wise in

reacting to attacks than Israel and the United States. Instead of attacking Lahore or Islamabad,

India adopted a diplomatic approach. ETA for years, Basque separatists have carried out heinous

terrorist acts in Spain. Spain did not launch any invasions into France or send soldiers to combat

the Basques. Instead, it clenched its teeth and granted the Basque Country independence.

Without question, Spain's and the United Kingdom's moderation was first ineffective but proved

to be the correct course of action in the end.

On the other hand, moderation contributed to the creation of peace, although slowly and

almost silently. The ETA declared its disbandment in 2018, apologizing "deeply" for the crimes

that cost 800 lives. The 1998 Good Friday Agreements established negotiated peace in Northern

Ireland, where the situation was previously much more widespread than the Middle East's

Every time Hamas fires a rocket into Israel, the likelihood of a solution decreases. Every

day, Israel seizes more territory or murders innocent children, making the quest for peace more

difficult. Without a doubt, Hamas committed war crimes by targeting Israeli civilians. However,

the majority of experts think that Israel's attacks on Gaza, which were much more lethal to

civilians than Hamas' missiles, constituted war crimes. A fundamental element of peacebuilding

is putting a stop to terrorist acts.

Critical Response

The article Were My Criticisms of Israel Fair? By Nicholas Kristof's assessment of the

current state of affairs in Gaza is dead on. I agree with the author's viewpoints, which are, in my

opinion, excellent. Israel is without a doubt in charge and has targeted many innocent children

and families over the years. However, in today's society, when the world has progressed in every

manner, and the UN has safeguarded all human rights, war crimes should never occur.

Neither Israel nor Gaza should deploy military troops or attack one another during this

pandemic, as the whole world is aware. Numerous countries and experts from across the globe

have fought to restore peace to Gaza and rescue tens of thousands of innocent children since the

war started. I highlighted Gaza peace mainly since they are the only people exposed to more

destruction than Israelis regularly. As we all know, Israel has killed and destroyed more

Palestinian civilians and children than Hamas during times of superiority. Israelis awoke to the

sound of missiles pouring down on them, according to the account. Israel's leadership has now

experienced what every innocent child has for decades due to Israeli assaults.
The US should abstain from supporting Israel or the Gaza conflict when powerful

developed countries should have halted hostilities and pushed Israel and the Palestinian

leadership to negotiate. Rather than that, an intelligent country such as the US might bring peace

to this area, but they have chosen to sell their weapons to Israel, enabling conflicts to develop.

This may result in the death of hundreds of thousands of children and families, as well as

a violation of their human rights. The United Nations and the United States have long

acknowledged human rights for all people worldwide, but they are all blind and have no rights

when it comes to Muslims. Their actions demonstrate that, whereas Israel values families and

children, Palestinians are not. Many Muslims in Gaza think that this is why many countries have

failed to give Gaza peace and freedom. Consequently, many Muslim nations awoke and joined

with Gaza, aggravating the situation for the peoples of both countries.

Finally, this article does an excellent job illustrating how both countries have been hit by

rockets, causing significant harm to civilians while at war. This is not the moment, in my

opinion, to take sides or declare one's allegiance to a particular country or religion. As many

countries have done in the past, this is the time for a change to advance peace and settle disputes.

This is the moment to become more knowledgeable and learn from many nations' mistakes

throughout history. They must negotiate and put an end to the war crime.

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