Read An Email From The President of The Residents' Association of Taman Kluang Barat. Underline The Mistakes and Correct Them. (23 Mistakes)

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Read an email from the President of the Residents' Association of Taman Kluang Barat.

Underline the mistakes and correct them. *(23 mistakes)

Subject: Cleanliness Campaign

Dear residents,

Recently we, the committee members of Taman Kluang Barat, realise this neighbourhood have (has)
become extremely dirty. Rubbish is strew (strewn) everywhere at residents' convenience. This have
cause (caused) an eyesore to the whole neighbourhood.

Here we suggest all and sundry in Taman Kluang Barat to give your utmost cooperation by not only
keep your own compound clean, but to lend a help (helping) hand during the upcoming gotong-
royong. It is difficult to upkeep the resident (residents) area if we just rely on a few cleaner
(cleaners). We must set good example to the younger (young) generation.

We also intend to start recycling efforts in this neighbourhood. Thus residents is (are) advise
(advised) to separate your wastes beginning (begin) 1st April. The recycling bins for plastic (plastics),
paper (papers) and cans is (are) place near the (-) Taman Kluang Barat's market.

Beside (Besides) educate children of the important of maintain (maintaining) cleanliness, parents
must let their children know that poor hygiene habits cannot be condone. Thus we must not let the
children to simply urinate as they please in the common areas, especially at the playground. The
place will (be) stink if this aspect is not emphasise (emphasised).

For pet lovers especially dog owners, please carry plastic bags with you while take (taking) your dog
for a walk. After your dog has defecate (defecated), scoop up the waste in the plastic bag and throw
it in the dustbin. For cat owners, do not let your cats go astray to prevent them from urinate all over
the place.

If you have any question (questions) regarding this issue, please do not hesitate to get in touch with
any of the committee member (members). Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciate
(appreciated). I am sure I can help to look after the needs of this community. Thank you.

Kind regards,
Halim Hamid
President of the Residents' Association of Taman Kluang Barat

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