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000€ 12 APR 2021


14th JUL 2021

Architecture is the branch of knowledge that shapes a patchwork of all those issues, where designer man-
and structures places for human activities. It gives an ages to blend and structure them together with sensi-
answer to several and various issues, where solutions bility and control. YAC aims to promote contemporary
embody designer’s creativity and intellect. Architectural projects that embody a temporal and personal approach
quest doesn’t simply resolve itself nor in a stylish, nor a to architectural space. Idea is the keyword, Architecture
functional, nor an economic, nor a technological answer. is the answer and project is the medium through which
A genuine architectural answer comes through making intuition transforms into concrete reality.

> BRIEF ne in the sky during cold winter nights – the Aurora
commodation facilities can combine hospitality and un-
spoilt nature?

Home to Santa Claus- the Scandinavian myth that con- This is the challenge of Arctic Hotel, the competition or-
Some places may seem straight out of a fairy tale, but quered the world through tales and folklore, the town of ganized by YAC and Rovaniemi to create a place where
they exist in the real world. In some places, a blend of Rovaniemi had been considered inaccessible and remote people can experience the most authentic North, re-
legends, landscapes, memories, creates something that for most of its history. Until last century, when it became specting its isolation and magic.
cannot be described in words: something humans per- the destination for visitors and tourists, who wanted to
ceive but cannot express, something science explains feel its magic and see the fascinating Northern Lights. On Ounasvaara Hill, overlooking one of the most remote
but does not own. bases ever built, architects will have the opportunity
Today Rovaniemi is no longer a prerogative of expert to imagine a structure that blends with the forest, the
Rovaniemi is one of those places. travellers and explorers, and new hospitality models are snow and the sky. A place where visitors can find shel-
necessary in order to protect the remote identity of this ter from the freezing temperatures of the Arctic Circle,
Capital of Finnish Lapland, Rovaniemi is one of the few land. An identity that is characterized by primitive beau- gather around a fire, and enjoy the rarest and most mys-
cities in the world located at a few kilometres from the ty and harmony, and inaccessibility and the absence of terious spectacle of nature: the Aurora Borealis.
Arctic Circle: legacy of people with colourful clothes and humans greatly contributed to its shaping.
special traditions, reindeer farmers and sleigh builders. Yac thanks all architects who will accept this challenge.
Rovaniemi is a place made of snow, perpetual dawns How can we make places like this accessible, as inac-
and dusks, and it is home to the dancing lights that shi- cessibility is a key part of their charm? What kind of ac-


map and land use at:

> SITE depending on the latitude, and the same is true for the
bright daylight. For these reasons, Finland is among the
most evocative locations architecture can find. Here fol-
source of livelihood. Every Finn has, at least once in their
life, looked for wild fruit or mushrooms in the forest,
every Finn knows their taste in the local dishes of this
low some factual information that can be useful to in- land. The society of Finland is welcoming and friend-
A sun that rises a few minutes after it set. An unpredict- spire architects in designing a place to enjoy the multi- ly, and the inhabitants’ favourite places of aggregation
able, enchanted sky, where veils of light illuminate 200 faceted culture and natural marvels of Finland. are the birch smelling saunas and the open-air baths
nights a year with blue and emerald glows. An ancient, – both part of a cycle of psycho-physical wellbeing, in
ever-present forest covered in soft snow during the long 1. Finland and Lapland: one of the most sparsely a mix of folklore and medical knowledge. Finland has
winters; green, rust and golden during ruska- the Finn- populated nations of Europe, Finland is a land of snow, always been, and still is, about snow, ice fishing, skiing
ish autumn, with sounds and colours that have no equal water and forests. Historically disputed between the (practiced since 1500 b.C.), sleighs and reindeers, which
in any other parts of the world. Words are not enough, bordering nations (special mention should be made to in the past were the only source of livelihood for indig-
pictures do not do justice to one of the last natural sanc- the Swedish, Russian and, most recently, German influ- enous populations. The reindeers were used for their
tuaries of Europe. Here, at the outermost bounds of the ences), Finland developed a unique culture and society, meat, their milk, their leather (for houses and clothes),
Earth, every expression of nature becomes extreme: with characteristic features that make it popular around their antlers were carved to create objects and tools for
cold, night, day, fear, and beauty appear extreme and the world. Firstly, Finland is about its connection with everyday use.
extremely expanded. Snow appears in October and lazily nature, in particular with the forest, which is considered
disappears in May. The night can last up to 2 months, a natural right of every citizen, a place of leisure, and a 2. Rovaniemi: Rovaniemi is one of the most visited

places of Finland and its second most international city, the analysis of one of the most singular and ancient cul- giveness and give back part of what had been taken from
it represents the values and lifestyle of the country. Mas- tures of Europe. Sami people are the ancient inhabitants Mother Nature. Today in Finland, still live almost 10,000
terpieces by Alvar Aalto are present in several areas of of the Scandinavian Peninsula: a strong population, able Samis of the total 80,000 registered all over the Scan-
the city. Rivers run through the centre, embroidering it to adapt to one of the most inhospitable and extreme dinavian Peninsula. Modern Samis are not nomad nor
with a huge quantity of water, which is frozen for a good areas of the world and at the same time develop time a do they live in tents anymore, but they are still proud of
part of the year, making the Kemijoki and the Ounasjoki positive attitude towards life, expressed in the creative their traditions, of their history, language, and identity.
rivers streets of ice. Ounasvaara hill overlooks the city, and colourful traditional clothes. Nomads and reindeer For such reasons, the Sami ethnic group is protected in
with its forest of spruces, and birches. The hill is a day farmers, Samis are the embodiment of the most authen- the different nations as it is considered a precious herit-
trip destination for the population, as it is full of paths, tic Scandinavian spirit of nature and forest, whose ex- age, legacy of ancient times, with deep, ancient roots in
viewpoints and ski slopes. The city airport is located at a pressions are deified, and whose good spirits (the halde) Northern European history.
few kilometres from the centre. Rovaniemi is renowned are venerated and respected in the Sami religion. The
for being the city of Santa Klaus: according to tradition, halde used to live in the sieidi, monumental rocks that Northern lights: Finland can offer many spectacular
the village of the old toymaker is not far from the centre, are still visible near lakes, rivers, or trees. But nature is views, but special mention must be made to Northern
and letters from millions of children from all around the not the only important component of the Sami religion: Lights. Aurora Borealis is a phenomenon that has al-
world arrive here every year. the emotional attachment to animals was so strong that ways existed, under many different aspects, and it has
when they were killed, part of them (especially bears) always charmed and terrified people coming from all
3. Sami culture: The study of Finland must include was buried, in a ritual that was aimed at asking for for- over the world. For the Finns, Northern Lights were fires

provoked by the tail of a mythological fox; for the Sami looking Rovaniemi – Ounasvaara – the Arctic Hotel sons with reduced mobility;
people, the Lights had to do with the dead, in line with an will replace an old pre-existing structure. Any kind • the complex must be sustainable;
idea of holiness that is shared by all Finnish people. Still of intervention will be accepted, provided that: • the pre-existing buildings must be demolished;
today, Samis don’t like to talk in presence of Northern • it does not exceed 8m height; • excavations and the creation of underground con-
Lights, because they believe – just like their ancestors – • it does not exceed 3.000 sqm; structions are allowed.
that the best way to show respect to the “dancing souls” • it is contained in the area object of the competition
is silence. Modern science, starting with the studies (dwg file);
of Richard Cristopher, can explain the nature and the • it is in harmony with the surroundings.
reasons for this phenomenon: reaction of gases in the
atmosphere to solar plasma “winds”. However, North- Moreover, participants must consider that:
ern Lights are still complex to understand, and many
aspects are very evocative and fascinating: an example • materials used must interact with the surround-
is the “auroral chorus” phenomenon, a melody that can ings: they can be compatible or distonic, tradition-
be recorded with a low frequency system during Aurora al or high-tech, but architects must guarantee that
Borealis. the overall design is aimed at enhancing the natural
• Constraints: located on the summit of the hill over- • the complex must be available for visits, also by per-

> PROGRAM world accessible, without jeopardising its identity. The goal
is to allow visitors to enjoy the marvels of nature, without
sacrificing the sense of solitude and meditation that char-
ties; however, the choice of one scenario over the other,
the modifications or adjustments made, the composi-
tion of such scenarios, are up to the participants, and
acterizes the experience of Northern Lights. The Finnish are object of the competition.
Geoids, observatory houses, glass domes. There have people have a strong connection with their land, architects
been many architectural attempts to establish a dia- must find a solution to open the forest to visitors while 1. Arctic Sky Resort: the hotel will be interpreted as
logue between Lapland visitors and Northern Lights. protecting its spirit at the same time. Only going beyond the centre of a network of services aimed at guaran-
Despite this, the challenge of finding a connection be- traditional tourist accommodation models and aiming at teeing a holiday experience with every comfort, where
tween nature and contemporary architecture is still one creating nature sanctuaries, architecture can establish an Northern Lights and the location inside the forest are
of the most controversial topics of contemporary Fin- effective dialogue with such mystic places in an authentic part of an exclusive tourism. Elegant suites concealed in
land. It’s as if the Finnish landscape had two souls, the way. The Arctic Hotel can be interpreted in many different the surroundings, a classy restaurant, and sophisticated
ancient and the modern, struggling to prevail, opening ways – shelter, getaway, retreat immersed in the Finnish open air pools to enjoy the Aurora Borealis from the wa-
to the world while defending itself, in order to safeguard ruska – and it can become anything spanning from a niche ter: these are just some possible ideas in line with this
the characteristics of a place that is normally isolated. destination, for hard-to-please tourists, to a “social” des- vision. Consistently, the area must guarantee access to
It is necessary to find a language, a method, a solution, tination, rooted in the concepts of adventure and nature. the territory and be independent and self-sufficient at
in order to make one of the most charming places of the Thus, here follows a list of different functional possibili- the same time.

idea of protection and promotion of the territory, pro-
2. Arctic Landscape Hotel: the hotel will be inter- posing intellectual, educational, or sports activities.
preted as a point of reference for a less exclusive tour-
ism, for those who love nature, winter sports, and nat- 4. Arctic Art Hotel: the hotel will be interpreted as
uralistic excursions. Thus, the hotel will be a starting a hybrid structure, somewhere between hotel and mu-
point, a platform to discover the area. A simple place, seum. A place where visitors can rest and enjoy art at
with essential services, in which the rattling of the wind, the same time. Equipped with conference halls, amphi-
the warmth of the fire, and the combination between ar- theatres, permanent and temporary exhibitions, artist
chitecture and landscape are the main source of enter- ateliers, thematic rooms, the structure will be unique,
tainment for the tourists. located in the perfect context of Finland, under the sky
of Northern Lights.
3. Arctic Sky Centre: the hotel will be interpreted as
a point of reference for those who want to live a relaxing,
entertaining, and educational experience in which the
sky and the forest are absolute protagonists. A school of
winter sports and a research centre to study and protect
the Finnish natural heritage, an accommodation facility
with educational functions and contents, in line with an

12/04/2021 “early bird” registration – start 1° PRIZE
8.000 €
16/05/2021 (h 11.59 pm GMT) “early bird” registration – end
4.000 €
17/05/2021 “standard” registration – start
13/06/2021 (h 11.59 pm GMT) “standard” registration – end 2.000 €

14/06/2021 “late” registration – start 500 €

11/07/2021 (h 11.59 pm GMT) “late” registration – end GOLD MENTION

500 €

14/07/2021 (h 12.00 pm – midday - GMT) material submission deadline 10 HONORABLE MENTIONS

19/07/2021 jury summoning
All the awarded proposals will be transmitted to architectural magazines and websites
06/09/2021 results announcement and will be hosted in international exhibitions. All the finalist proposals will be published

Fulfilling an “early bird”, “standard” or “late” registration does not affect the submission
deadline, which is uniquely set on 14/07/2021.


During the whole contest, until 14/07/2021- submission deadline - competitors can ad- Cover - Svalbard Global Seed Vault by Snøhetta
dress any question to YAC staff will individually answer the compet- pg. 3 - Kežmarská Hut by A8000
itors by e-mail and will weekly publish updates in the FAQ section of the competition pg. 5 - Fleinvær by TYIN Tegnestue and Rintala Eggertsson
website. Answers will be published in English and updated on Facebook and Twitter. pg. 6 - Solobservatoriet l by Snøhetta
Surely, YAC staff will be providing technical support in case of technical and functional pg. 7 - Svart hotel by Snøhetta
problems during the upload procedure. pg. 8 - Skýli by Utopia Arkitekter

1. The registration procedure must be carried out according to the online process Participants must upload the following materials in order to correctly take part in the
describe as follows. competition:
2. The registration steps are one consequent to the other one: it is not possible to
complete any of the steps described below without having completied the previous ones. • n. 1 A1 board (841 x 594mm) in .pdf format, maximum size 10 mb, horizontal or ver-
tical layout, to be uploaded on the personal login area. This layout must contain:
a. registration of a team:
• access: i. design concept / conceptual idea;
• fill in all required fields with complete and truthful information; ii. graphic framework aimed to illustrate the project (e.g. plans, facades, cross-sec-
• at the end of the process, you will receive an e-mail to activate your team account, tions) – the choice of what to display and at which scale is up to the competitor’s
this email contains the Team number (“Team ID” automatically and randomly as- choice;
signed by the web system) and the password; in the event you do not receive this iii. 3D views (e.g. renderings, model pictures, hand sketches);
e-mail, check the “spam” folder”;
• click on the activation link included in the email mentioned above to confirm the File name: A1_TeamID_AH.pdf (i.e. if “TeamID” is 123, file must be named A1_123_
registration of the team; AH.pdf)

b. registration of the team members: • n. 1 A3 album (420mm x 297mm), .pdf format (maximum size 10 MB), horizontal
• once the registration of the Team has been confirmed, you should login into your layout, maximum 7 pages (boards) long, to be uploaded on the personal login area.
team account on YAC’s website; The A3 album must contain:
• select the competition you would like to join;
• add the members of the team by filling in all required fields with complete and iv. one general plan on a 1:500 scale;
truthful information; please note: it is required to select a “Team Leader” among v. significative plans on 1:200 scale;
the team members as the responsible person towards the Organizer for the infor- vi. at least one significative cross-section on 1:200 scale;
mation provided within the competition, including the information about the other
members; the invoice for the payment of the registration fee will be issued in the File name: A3_TeamID_AH.pdf (i.e. if “TeamID” is 123, file must be named A3_123_
name of the Team Leader; AH.pdf

c. payment: • n. 1 cover .jpeg or .png format 1920x1080 pixel size. It should be a relevant image
• login to YAC’s website; showing the project that will become its avatar icon:
• select the competition you would like to join; at least the Team Leader will have to
have already been included as a Team Member; File name: Cover_TeamID_AH.jpg (i.e. if “TeamID” is 123, file must be named Co-
• pay the registration fee following by clicking on “Pay Now” and by following the in- ver_123_AH.jpg)
• once the payment is done, the Team Leader will receive the related invoice by email. Texts must be brief and written in English. The materials cannot contain any name or
reference to designers. The materials cannot report the Team ID number on them. This
d. Materials’ upload: number is only meant to appear on the file name, since the jury will not be enabled to
• login to YAC’s website; seeing it during the voting procedure.
• select the competition for which you paid the registration fee;
• upload the materials following the indications;
• the Team Leader will receive a confirmation email for each material uploaded;
should you not receive them, please, check the “spam” folder;
• repeat the abovementioned steps for each material required by the brief.

3. Itishighlyrecommendedtocompletetheregistration,paymentanduploadproceduresinad-
vance in regards to the given deadlines.

> RULES 2.16. By violating the participation rules, the participant and their teams will be dis-
qualified from the competition without any getting a refund of their registration fee,
which will be definitely acquired by the Organizer;
2.17. The authorship of each project is equally attributed to each member of the Team;
2.18. By registering and participating in the competition, participants fully accept all the
rules, terms and conditions of the competition. Any exception will be excluded;
1. PREMISES 2.19. The Organizer has the right to change dates or other details in order to improve or
fix aspects of the competition. In this case, the contestants will be noticed within a
1.1. This Regulation includes the rules that regulate the Competition, as defined below, from reasonable time frame through all the Organizer’s media channels;
the registration to the website of YAC srl, to the definition and announcement of the 2.20. The Organizer is not responsible for web malfunctioning, technical difficulties or
Winners and subsequent adjudication of the Prizes to the Winners. failure to receive or upload materials; it is highly recommended to complete the
1.2. The Competition is not, in any way, an event in accordance with Article 6 of the Italian registration, payment and upload procedures in advance in regards to the given
D.P.R. 430/2001 and the publication of the Rules is not an offer to the public. When deadlines; participants are invited to notify the Organizer via e-email in case of
registering to the website of YAC srl, each user declares to fully know and accept technical problems;
the Rules of the Competition. 2.21. All the material that is available and useful for the competition’s purposes is avail-
1.3. This Regulation applies the following Definitions: able in the download section of the competition website www.youngarchitectscom- regardless of registration in the competition; it is allowed to use ad-
• “Organizer of the Competition” or “Organizer”: YAC Srl, with its headquarters in ditional material collected by participants.
Bologna, Via Borgonuovo n. 5, VAT code 02509200412;

2. GENERAL RULES 3.1. Any participant - either participating individually or in a team - can be excluded from the
2.1. Participants must respect calendar, registration and fees deadlines and rules; competition. Participants can be disqualified when:
2.2. Participants must respect all the instructions regarding the required materials; a. the submitted material is not written in English;
2.3. Participants can join the competition either individually or with a team; b. the materials show names or references to the designers. The Team ID is con-
2.4. Participants can be students, graduates, freelance architects even when they be- sidered a reference to the designers. Therefore, it can only appear in the file
long to a team. It is not mandatory to be experts of architectural disciplines or name, since jurors will not see it;
members of architectural associations; c. the uploaded materials are incomplete or inconsistent to the criteria included
2.5. Each Teams must include at least one team member aged from 18 to 35; in the chapter “MATERIALS”;
2.6. There are no restrictions on the maximum number of team members that a Team d. the materials are not submitted according to deadlines or to the procedures of
can have; the competition;
2.7. Teams can include members coming from different countries, cities or universities; e. Teams do not include a participant younger than 35 (if the Team only has one
2.8. By paying one registration fee, participants are allowed to upload one project; member, the member is not younger than 35);
2.9. By paying additional registration fees, participants will be allowed to upload more f. team members try to contact a juror for matters relating to the competition. In
than one project; the amount of the fees depends on the competition’s calendar; this case, the participant and their team will be automatically disqualified;
2.10. Prizes are fixed and established (and include bank commissions and taxes) re- g. participants have work or family relationships with one or more members of the
gardless of the number of members of the Team; jury of the competition;
2.11. A technical staff appointed by the Organizer of the competition will evaluate the h. participants disclose their competition’s materials before the winner of the
eligibility of the projects: this is not binding for the purpose of the jury’s work; competition is announced; they will be disqualified together with their team;
2.12. The jury’s verdict is incontestable; i. participants are not the owner or authors of the submitted project or parts of
2.13. It is forbidden for participants to contact jurors for matters related to the compe- such project; they will be excluded together with their team.
2.14. It is forbidden for participants to disclose the material regarding their projects
before the winners are officially announced;
2.15. It is forbidden for participants to join the competition in case they have business
collaboration or blood-relations with jurors of the competition; 4. NOTES CONCERNING THE MATERIALS
4.1. By taking part in this Competition and accepting the Rules, Participants recognize, 5.1. The processing of Participants’ personal will be carried out by the Organizer for the sole
from now on, to the Organizer the non-exclusive right to: i) publish the Materials or purpose of the participation in the Competition and distribution of the Prizes in
part of the Materials in any way or form and with any means of communication and/ compliance with the applicable regulation ex art.13 UR Reg. 2016/679. We invite all
or support, including online platforms, social media channels and printed publica- competitors to read it carefully.
tions; ii) distribute the Materials or part of the Materials in any way or form and with 5.2. Participants will be held accountable for the data - including personal data - they pro-
any means of communication and/or support, including online platforms, social vide. The Organizer does not assume any responsibility for wrong data provided. In
media channels and printed publications. any case, according to privacy policies, the Organizer has the right to verify partic-
4.2. All the projects that will win a money prize and any (available) intellectual property ipants’ personal data by requesting a copy of an identity document that reports the
right and/or industrial right on the projects are definitively acquired by the Organiz- same data entered for the registration;
er. The organizer acquires the exclusive right of economic exploitation of the project 5.3. The Organizer is not responsible for participants’ false data provision.
and the permanent, illimited, irrevocable, exclusive, internationally-acknowledged
right to use, realize, adapt, modify, publish in every media, display, reproduce and
distribute the project also for marketing and advertising purposes, review the edi-
torial, create works based on the project or giving the project or parts of it to third
parties in any means, way or through any technology also including the freedom of
panorama without any limitation in time or place. 6.1. The publication of the results according to the calendar of the competition has to be
4.3. By taking part in this Competition and accepting the Rules, the Participants award- considered a provisional publication. It shall be bound by the verification of the req-
ed with a prize money or with a mention (projects receiving a honorable/finalist uisites defined by the Competition;
mention) undertake, from now on, to provide, if needed, any further digital mate- 6.2. Once the results will be published, the Organizer reserves the right to collect and verify
rials (i.e. 3D models) regarding the project to help the Organizer better report the a copy of the identity cards of the Winners and the papers signed by the Winners as
results of the competition. requested by the Organizer.
4.4. The Materials must be new and original and the outcome of the intellectual activity of 6.3. Prizes will be awarded after verifying the identity of the Winners and after they sign a
Participants: works and/or materials that do not comply with these features must self-declaration certifying that they fully accept the terms of the Competition and
not be submitted. Therefore, Participants agree to indemnify and hold the Organ- the declarations of the transfer of rights regarding the Materials and the indemni-
izer harmless from any cost or damage connected with the infringement of any fication required by the Organizer for the use of the Materials.
third-party intellectual property right. By taking part in this Competition and ac-
cepting the Rules, Participants declare to be authors (and/or co-author in the event
the Team is made of more members) of the uploaded Materials.
4.5. The Participants of the Competition guarantees that the submitted Materials do
not infringe, in any way, the industrial and intellectual property right of third parties
and commit to hold the Organizer harmless from any connected request that might 7.1. the Italian law regulates the rules of this competitions. Any controversy that might arise
arise from third parties. shall be of exclusive competence of the Court of Bologna.



Angelo Micheli Rodrigo Duque Motta Dagur Eggertsson Ulla-Kirsikka Vainio

AMDL CIRCLE Duque Motta & AA Rintala Eggertsson Municipality of Rovaniemi

Angelo micheli was born in 1959. In 1986 he Rodrigo was born in Santiago, Chile, in Dagur Eggertsson is together with Sami Ulla-Kirsikka Vainio graduated in Architec-
graduated with a university degree in Archi- March 1976. He received his architecture Rintala the founder of Rintala Eggertsson tural studies at the University of Tampere
tecture. In 1986 he founded the group “Sol- degree from Pontificia Universidad Católi- Architects, a Norway based architecture and obtained a Masters’s degree in Adminis-
id” and from 1987 to 1988 he participated in ca in 2001. In 2007 he received the Award of
the group Memphis, coordinated by Ettore the Architects’ Association of Chile for best firm, which bases its activities on public art, trative Sciences at the University of Tampere,
Sottsass. A partner in the Studio De Lucchi architect under 35. In 2012 he founded an architecture and urban planning. Since the eMBA in 2019. Entrepreneur and business
from 1988-1998, he continues to collabo- initiative that brings together Chilean archi- establishment in 2007, Rintala Eggertsson owner of the Architectural Agency Arkkiteh-
rate with Michele De Lucchi on projects re- tects around the problem of urban housing, Architects have developed projects around tikonttori Vainio & Ekman from 1996 to 2010
lated to design, architecture and graphics. and the relationship between private devel-
His work as architect and designer involves opment and public life. He is Architecture the world and their work has been exhibit- winning various architectural competitions,
research on contemporary projects as well design professor at Pontificia Universidad ed at the Venice Biennale, Maxxi Museum in she was a leading building inspector at the
as a personal research on the character Católica and has run his own architecture Rome and the Victoria & Albert Museum in Municipality of Lempäälä and Nokia before
of representation. He continues to believe studio since 2003.In his studio has devel- London amongst others. The company has her election as the Mayor of Rovaniemi in
in the importance of design and painting oped projects in a wide range of areas. In the
as expressions of personal experience. He hotel sector highlights the Casino & Hotel received prestigious awards over the years 2020.
is currently working on projects for Auto- of Talca and the Elqui Domos Astronomical such as The Global award for Sustainable
strade S.p.A., EnelPower, Febel, Nescafè, Hotel; in industrial area the development Architecture, Architizer + Award and the
Mandarina Duck, Martinelli Illuminazione, of projects for Quintay and Emiliana Vine- Travel & Leisure Award. Their projects and
RAS, Rheavendors, Solzi Luce Telecom, and yards; in the institutional sphere the Faculty texts have been published in renowned ar-
Unilever Best Foods. He has held a faculty of Economics of UDP and in residential de
teaching position at the European Institute development of Duque House, with which chitecture magazines around the globe. Da-
of Design of Milan since 1998, at the Euro- he won the prize for the best work in the gur Eggertsson has taught architecture in
pean Institute of Design of Turin since 2001, residential category at the Architecture Bi- Europe and North America. He is currently
and at the University of Architecture of Ven- ennale of Santiago in 2004. His works have a Gensler Visiting Professor at Cornell Uni-
ice (IUAV) since 2000. been published in specialized magazines in
more than 15 countries. versity in New York.


Tarja Outila Nicodemos Tsolakis Lukas Rungger Tue Hesselberg Foged

University of Oulu Kyriakos Tsolakis Architects noa* network of architecture EFFEK

Tarja Outila is Professor of Urban Design Nicodemos completed his Graduate Diplo- Lukas Rungger (born 1977) graduated in ar- Tue Foged received his BA at the Aarhus
and Planning at the University of Oulu, her ma in Architecture at Nottingham Univer- chitecture from the Technical University Graz School of Architecture and his Masters de-
alma mater since 2018. She is a Doctor of sity with a specialization in environmental (AT) and after additional studies in Brussels gree from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine
Science in Technology, D. Sc. (Tech.) in Ar- design. He worked at Squire & Partners (BE), he first worked as an architect with Arts School of Architecture. He is one of the
chitecture. Before that she worked as a City in London & at Omiros One Architects in Prof. Hans Gangoly in Graz (AT), then with two founding partners of EFFEKT and focus-
Architect and as a Head of city planning and Melbourne, Australia. Partner of Kyriakos Softroom Architects in London (UK) and fi- es to create inclusive projects with clear val-
design in the City of Rovaniemi for altogether Tsolakis Architects, based in Nicosia and nally in Milan (IT) with Matteo Thun. After ues and tangible visions to respèond to the
nine years. She has also worked as a head of London, he was awarded distinction at the having completed his thesis in New York needs of clients, users and the whole local
Land Use department at the Lapland Envi- Cyprus State Architecture Awards 2016 and City (USA) followed by his professional qual- community. Among his projects, the Camp
ronmental Centre, principal lecturer at Oulu has been the project architect for Cyprus’s ification as an architect from IUAV Venezia Adventure Forest Tower (2019) which en-
University of Applied Sciences, researcher first purpose built women’s shelter which is (IT), Lukas has been extensively involved in a tered the list of TIME Magazine’s 100 Great-
at the University of Oulu. Her own architec- nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Award wide range of projects mainly in the field of est Places of 2019 shortly after the official
tural studio was active 1995-2003. She has 2017. Nicodemos is currently project archi- masterplanning, housing, hotels and interi- opening and the GAME Streetmekka Viborg
worked as a juror in several national and in- tect for a number of projects particularly fo- or architecture of bars and restaurants. He that was awarded Olympic Gold by the In-
ternational architectural competitions and cusing on environmental sustainability, in- was a member of the RIBA Royal Institute ternational Olympic Committee as well as
Outila’s architectural studio has won nation- cluding the Troodos Observatory. of British Architecture and is now a mem- ArchDaily’s Building of the Year.
al competitions as well. Altogether she has ber of the Architectural Chamber of Bozen/
over 30 years’ experience in urban design Bolzano.
and planning as well as building design.


Ari Vuorentausta Sanna Kärkkäinen Mario Cucinella

Lapland Hotels Visit Rovaniemi MCArchitects

Ari Vuorentausta graduated at Turku Busi- After obtaining a master’s degree in commu- He graduates in Architecture in 1968, collab-
ness School, MBA and worked as Develop- nication sciences, marketing and tourism, orates with Renzo Piano in Genoa and Paris.
ment Director for Eräsetti Safaris and as Sanna has dedicated herself to prestigious In 1992 founds in Paris the Mario Cucinella
General Manager for two hotels of the Scan- activities aimed at promoting tourism in Fin- Architects (MCA) studio and in 1999 opens a
new base in Bologna. Currently he is pro-
dic Hotel chain for four years. He has then land. Member of the tourism committee of fessor at the Faculty of Architecture Feder-
been working for 15 years for the Lapland the Lapland Chamber of Commerce, since ico II di Napoli, he is Honorary Professor at
Hotels and he is now the CEO of this im- 2010 she is the CEO of Visit Rovaniemi, the the University of Nottingham in the UK and
portant chain of hotels in Finland including official organization for tourism informa- Guest Professor in Emerging Technologies
17 indivisual hotels range from the urban tion and promotion of the city of Rovaniemi at the Technische Universitat at Munich. He
cityscapes of Finland, the hearts of urban founded in 2007. Through several cultural, is an international point of reference regard-
fells, the hottest ski resorts, and the edges martketing and communication initiatives, ing sustainable design. In 2012 he founds
Building Green Futures, a no-profit organ-
of great wildernesses to the rugged land- Visit Rovaniemi has, over the years, achieved ization which aim is to join environmental
scapes of northern¬most Lapland. important goals and obtained distinguished culture and technology in order to create
awards such as the “International Travel an architecture able to guarantee dignity,
Marketing Award” in 2015 and the “Tourist quality and performance respecting the en-
Company of the Year” in 2017. vironment. He can boast numerous and val-
uable awards, one of the most recent ones
is the RIBA International Fellowship 2016
award. His best works are Sino Italian Eco-
logical Building (SIEEB) in Beijing, the Ku-
wait School in Gaza, the building One Airport
Square in Accra in Ghana, the San Raffaele
Hospital in Milan.

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