GEP Level 9B (Vutha Ing) - Writing Task

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How Our Ice Cream Is Made?

The diagram illustrates the process of making ice cream. There are numerous
requirements to the procedure. All of that begins with fresh ingredients like that as milk, sugar,
and eggs, and concludes with transportation and storage to supermarkets.
The first step needs additional supplies and equipment, such as a bowl, a kettle with hot
water, flavoring, and coloring to combine with fresh ingredients. On top of that, the above
technique requires the use of comfortable clothing, an apron, a chef's toque, and gloves. Next,
pasteurization is used to heat the blended components, which takes around 15 seconds at 82-
85°C, and homogenization is used to keep the ingredients smoothly. Following this, its refined in
a large tank, so it can be made with freezing machine around 10 hours at -7°C. In the next stage,
final ingredient become to ice cream; therefore, ice cream is packed to be molded into desired
shape which is this case is ice cream box, and transferring to packer. The molded ice cream is
then wrapped using the company’s packaging with the brand, and transported to stores and

Following this,. In the next stage. Then

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