Business Law Assignment 1

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In this assignment, the differences and similarities between the Courts of Law and Courts of Equity will

be identifies and analyzed.

Courts of Law are defined as a model of court that grant legal decisions for an award of
monetary damages; however, Courts of Equity are a model of court that grant remedies (legal
means to enforces personal rights or to correct a wrong). In many states these courts have been
merged, as both are civil means to retain justice; in addition to preserving the rights of
individuals and institutions in a society.

However, that’s where their similarities end, as each model of court has set distinctions
that differentiates them from one another. The first distinction is that a jury is allowed in a Court
of Law, and they make the final verdict regarding the case; on the other hand, in a Court of
Equity, the final verdict is fully the responsibility of the judge.

Another difference between these two courts is that each has a set time limitation for
filling a lawsuit, after which the filed claim will be dismissed. In Courts of Law, the time
limitations are set in various statues of limitations, which are legislatively created and usually
measured in years. The purpose of statue of limitations is to ensure no delay in bringing the
claim to the court; also, to ensure that evidence on both sides is still fresh and that witnesses are
still available. Alternatively, Courts of Equity are bound by the doctrine of laches, meaning that
an individual is required to sue within a reasonable time period, or else this individual will loss
the equity court’s assistance, as there was a lack of persistence by them to retain their right.

The final difference, between these two models, is that while Courts of Law purpose is to
provide monetary damages for plaintiffs (or money to replace what they had lost due to the
actions of the defendant), Courts of Equity provide plaintiffs with other kinds of reliefs labeled
equitable remedies. The purpose of equitable remedies is providing solutions for disputes
without requiring the payment of money damages.

Omar Shmaitelly

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