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務傷t疏 霧
Life is shOrt;10vc is 10ng。
.Tllcrc Oncc was a cooPcr WhO,frOm thc cttns hc
built with his Own hands,rcalizcd hOw iinPcrmanCnt

意 芯 軍 Lr廿 盤 甘 ど 驚 現 ∬ l∬ 嶽 ξ 喘
could rcnt Only a thatchcd hut in C)sakao Hc livcd in
a manncr bcrltting thc p00rer scction of Tcmina.
There was also a girl whO surpasscd all thc Othcrs
wh0 1ivcd in hcr rcmOtc villagc.Hci complc On was
IB。 。
whitc cvcn to thc cars and hcr fcct wcrc not staincd
` %。 by cOntact with thc sOil. On Ncw Ycar's Evc of hcr

BゝεIBα ι
τε[Lα ′
ετ thirtcenth ycar hcr paFCntS Wcrc short thc sun■ Of silver
rcqulred as a villagc tax,which amOuntcd t0 0nc‐ third

Bι ι

of their incOmと ,and so thc giri was scnt tO scrvc as a
lady's maid in an imposing city― housc ncar Tcmina。
As dme wcnt On hcr natural disPOsidOn alld ready
ふ 屹
76 こ q4ら ′
9ι σ ら
らにノ 」
震れ ヽ 毬 」 9%Bα ι 腸 逸τBι 可 じ1。/∠ ″ 77
“ “
wit came to bc apprcciatcdo SAc was solicitous toward pcoplc Of the ncighborh00d bccausc thc commOn wcll
thc old couplc,plcascd thc lady of thc housc,and was was bcing clcancd. Thc pcOple living in rcntcd hOuses
wcll thought of by ali the cthcrs. Latcr shC Was on thc sidc lancs Participatcd in this clcaning and kept
a110wcd frcc access to thC inncr storcroorrl whcic all watcr on thc bOil fOr tca to be sと rvcd tO thc wOrkmcn.
thc flnc things werc kCpt. Everyonc thought so highly ハLftcr most of thc dirty watcr had bccn scOoPcd out,
Of hcr that it was said: ``What wo■ ld happcn to this thc bottom Of d■ c wcll was scrapcd and uP camc a
housc if Oscn wcrc not around P''This was all bccausc varicty 9f things nlixcd in with Pcbblcs. A kitchcn
Of hcr intcnigCncc. knifc,thc disappcarancc of which had puzzlcd PcOPlc,
Oscn kncw nothintt of thc ways of lovco She had camc to light, and sO did a bunch Of scawccd into
SPCnt all of hcr nights in a manner which some nlight which a nccdlc had bccn thrust.I wOndcr why that
think unworthy of hcr― alonc. Oncc whcn a light‐ was donc.l Thcn,On furthcr tcarch,mOrc things camc
hcartこ d fcllow pullcd her drcss shё rこ s,ondCd With up including somc 01d POny― dcsign coppcrs, a nakCd
a full‐ thrOatcd shrick,lca ng thc han to bcwail this d01l without a facc, a onc― sidcd swOrd_handlc Pcg of
unfortunatc turn of cvcnts. Aftcr that no man wotld crudc workmanshiP, and a patchcd― o'cr baby's bib.
cvcr sPcak nirtil■ gly to hcro Pcoplc IIlay criticizc 9scn You can ncvcr tcll just what you will flnd at thc
fOr such bchavior, but it would probably bc a good bottom of an uncOvcrcd, outsidc wcll.
thittg if all mcn's daughtcrs actcd as shこ did。 Thcn,whcn thc wcll clcancrs got down tO thc barrcl
Our story bcgins ott thc scvcnth day of aututtn,thc Planking c10sc tO thC Spring, an old two_hcadcd nail
Tanabata Fcstival day, whcn silk clothes一 guaranteed camc loosc and dlC Planki,g camc apart. They scnt
ncvcr to havc bccn worn before一 arc PilCd uP scven for thc cOoPCr wc havc incntioncd tO makc a ncw hOoP
high, right slccve ovcr lcft, to be rcntcd to celebrants. fOr thc barrclo When he had succccdcd in stOpping
It is amusing to scc hOW thc uppcr_class ladics cclcbratc up thc slowly lowing water,thc c00per noticcd an Old
by tying familiar p∝ ms to lunipCr twigs whilc dl, woman with a crOokcd back who was fondling a livc
poor pcoplc dccoratc thcir houscs with gourds and lizard.
lTo put a cursc or cast a sPcll upoh sOmconc an cttgァ
Persirrlmons on thc branch. of scawccd
with a nccdic through it was stuck to a trcc or cast into a wcll.
This particular day wls a Spccial occasion fbr thc
7ε 9ι 研二WO″ ι″ ゝ ゝοttЪ σノ
=Ъ “
%Bα ι“腸 んt Bι ι
可犠′ィん ″ 79
Hc askcd hcr whatit was,and shc answcred:“ This Of dle Onc hc 10vcd,and as hc bcat On the bOttOm Of
is a ncwt which iust now was brought up frOm thc the cask hc lct himsclf bc cariicd away by his Own
wcll. Don't yOu rccognizc one whcn you scc itP If words,pou ng out a11 0f his stOry t6 thc 01d w6興 an.
you put this lizard in a ban■ boO tubc and burn it,and “Thc Onc 1 10vc dOes ■Ot livc far awa,. 1 lovc Oぶ cn,
thcn sprinklc its ashcs in thc hair of thc pcrsOn you thc inaid Of thc hbusc here. I have scnt hcr a hundred
lovc, that pcrson will 10vc you in tuin." Shc spokc icttcrs without gctdng a wOld in rcply.''
with a grcat dcal of convictiOn. ThC 91d WOman noddcd and said: “You dOn't necd
This wOman was forrrlcrly an abortiOnist known as any ncwts tO win hcr. I can bridgc the strcatt of
Kbsan frorn Myoto Pond,but whcn this prOfcssiOn was lovc fOr you. I win disPcrsc the c10uds and makc
prohibitcd she gavc up hcr crucl practicc and workcd your 10vc succcssful in nO timc at all."
at rnaking n00dlc_lour with a mortar. Bccausc Of thc Thc c∞ pcr was suTriSCd tO hcar hcr undcrtakc the
hand=to‐ mouth naturc Of such an OccupatiOn, shc had matter sO lighdy.“ If this will inv01vc a grё at dca1 0f
to work so hard that shc did not cvcn hcar thc tcmplc moncy, I aIIl afraid l wOn't bc ablc tO supply iち 五o
bcll sounding thc cnd Of thc day. Howcvcr, as shc mattcr how much l wOuld likc tO,fOr this has bccn a

sank lowcr and lowcr in thc social scale she lcarncd thc
lcsson of k〔 lrma and shc thought inorc about thc futurc Xポ it.lI翼 量I:L鶏 上sl葛 LI
lifc。 kimOnO dycd tO your ttking at Ncw Ycar's and a tct
Whcn shc told thc coopcr about the tcrriblc things of Nara_hcmp clothcs of sccOnd quality fOr thc nlid_
that would happcn to pcoplc who did wrong in thi, summcr festiva1 0f(D_BOn. Is it a bargain P"
world,hc paid nO attcntion to hcr. Rathcr, hc qucs´ Lovc that can talk that way must bc bascd On scli

tioned her thc mOrc intcntly about thc cttcacy of burn‐ 1霧
ing a ncwt tO hClp in onc's lovc aIIairs. ゝul罵 凛 r:環 ■ aliltti毛 窯よ

Naturally,shc bccamc morc sympathetic as hc talkcd

tO hcr with such carncstncss, and shc inally askcd:
「 to fccl 10vc fOF you.In my lifctimc I'vc hclPcd thOu―
sands Of Pc9plc, and always with success. I'1l scc tO
“Who is it that you lovcP I wOn't tcH inother soul." it that you incct her befOrc thc Chrysanthcmum Festival
Thc coopcr forgot himsctt so muCh Was hc thinking in Scptcmbcr.

″′′″キルα ″ ル αレ″みθο′″多′′″ノι
〃 ″

ル″∫ “ ル揚 α勁 ′″′力θヵα
ルθ ″
Prr″ 々 θ
ノ ′̀だ ο″ノ ο
わ″′ ′″″ “畿 ん″′ ο ル ″′
′′arfο ″″ り s乃 “
ノ .″

ο 〃ルカα α
′′ルα “
′0/rο ″〃
ψ を を′′

& 9ι q偽 ″ た ` 跳 ∠ フ
暉ノ ∠ 凛 %Bα ιτこ腸 んt Bι ι
ィ L′ ο
F_ん み
“ “
Our sOuls arc dark indccd. And it was so dark thc
This sct thc namcs of lovc burning morc ACrccly in
twcnty― cighth night of July that hanging lantcrns
l:P滞 漱鶴♂lmfl:u靴 鮒ざ潔 thrCW n。 light undcr thc cavcs Of hOuscr∞
tca thc rcst of.your lifc." . dancers, hOping tO sustain thcir rcvcls till dawn,
In this l″ orld n0 0nc knows how long a PcrsOn may shOutcd,“ JuSt onc morc day tO dancc till thc mOnth is

livc, and it is amuξ ing to think that lovc should have OVCら "but dlcy too rcluctantly brOkc up and rcturncd
adc him prOInisc so much. to thcir hOmcs. Evcn thc vigilant dOg of FOur COrncrs
fcll fast aslccP。

At this latc hOur 01d Nanny, thc FniSChicvOus crOnc

角島 ι
in whOm thc c00pcr had put his trusち
nOticcd that

」′ ::″
thc cntrancc tO the grcat land10rd's hOusc was stiH opcn,
Shc burst iュ , slaniincd thc d。 0ち
and tumblcd dOwn
onto thc kitchcn 100r9 crying: ``oh, Oh, it's tcrriblc.
Givc inc a drink Of watcr!''
Thcrc arc scvcn mystcrious things in thc Tclnina scC‐
'11:│し shapcd namc bcforc thc To thOsc within thc hOusc shc appcarcd on thc brink
tion of Osaka: thc umbrclla‐
of dcath,but hcr cOntinucd brcathi,g cncOuragcd thcm
Dalkyo Tcmplc;thc boy without hands at Shimmci
to caH hcr back to cOnsciousncss, and withOut morc
Shrinc;2 thc topsy‐ turvy lady at Sonczaki;3 thc Phan_
ado shc camc tO lifc.
tom noosc of Elcvcnth Avcnuc; thと Crying mOnk of
“What can you haVC sccn that was s6 tcrrifyingP"
Kawasaki;thc laughing cat of lkcda_machi;and thc
asked thc land10rd's wifc and hcr agcd mOふ cr_in_law.
slnouldcring Chincsc mOrtar at the Bush‐ Warbler's
``Well,it's a shamcful thing fOr an Old woman tO
MOund.But thcsc arc lust thC magical tricks of old
admち but l went Out walking thc strccts tOnight. I
fOxcs and badgCrs. Much morc to bC fCarcd arc thosc
wcnt tO bcd carly and cOuldn't gct to slccp,sO I dccidcd
dcmons in hlllnan form who play havoc with dlc livcs
Of ignorant incn. 10 gO SCC thC dancingo Mb it was wOndcrfuH I
couldn't gct cnough Of it csPccially thc Kudoki4 songs
2A Shinto shrinc frcqucntcd by homosexual prostitutc,.
3QuartCr knOwn foF itS femalc Prostitutes.
`A lOng ballad in which onc tunc was rcpcatcd Ovcr and Over.
■ 9ι ∝ ` S″ ε″ υ tt。 ノЪ“ノ Jら ¨ 郵 εBα ι 腸 んt Btι ィ ュ′イ ム % あ

with rhymcs nlade up using y′ ″″and″ α
ぉ″. Therc houschold. Oh, hc was sO frightsomc! Hc had a
was onc fc110w down in frOnt of d■ c Nabcshilna man‐ grcat n9sc, hiS facc was nushcd with fcver, and his
sion whO sang cxactly likc Nihci, thc grcat Doncn6 c,Cs giCamed, just as if he wcrc possessed by thc ″
ノ″ 8
singcr of Kyoto. whosc ngurc is paradcd bcforc dlc Sumiyoshi fcst `F″al
I pushcd my way through a crOwd of lncn and
“ proccssion. I was so frightcncd that l had to run in
watchcd thc sho、′vrith my fan as an cyc‐ shadc so hcre.'
that Pcoplc couldn't scc what an old woman l was. Evcryonc who had crowdcd around to hcar hcr
But the mcn kncw what was what,cvcn in the dark. story was aghast, and thc housch01dcr's agcd father
I wigglcd my 01d hips in a most nirtatious way and was wcpt a ttic.
rcally quitc scxy in this whitc gown and black sash. “TO bc unhappy in lovc,'' hC‐ Said, ``is not unhcard
But n0 0nc sO much as pinchcd my bottom.`A WOman Of。 Oscn is 01d cnOugh to get marricd now,and、 wc
ls a somctllnc thing。 shOuld kccP this lnan in mind if hё has a suitablc livcli´

“So l started homc again,iny lnind rccol19cting the hoodo PrOviding ho is,ot a gambler or widow chaser,
01d days of my youth, and suddcnly ncar your gatc I and is thrifty a,d frugal,hc rnight inake a good choicc。

was halicd by a ha■ dsomc young fc1low of twc,ty‐ four Of cOursc,I do not kn6w thc man at ill,but I,an
sympathizc with him."
or twcnty‐ ■vc. Hc was dcspcratcly in lo'c,sO torturcd
by his fatal passion that hc had only a day or two to
By thc long silcncc which fol10WCd,it was Plain
that thc Othcrs syttpa,hiZed widl him too.Thc shFCWd
livc in this Flccting World. It was thc crue1 0scn,
old hcn ccrtainly knew hcr buβ incss whcn it came to
hc said,upon whom his hcart had ixcd itsclf so hopc‐
promoting a lovc afair.
lcssly.7 Hc sworc that within a wcck aftcr his dcath
It was■ ow past midnight and,aftcr shc had bccn
his'ghost would comc to kill cvcry icmbcr Of this
hclpcd to hcr fcct, old Nanny rcturncd to hcr hovcl.
6D。 ″′ ι ∫力′――a typc of ballad madc poPular by Doncn Canzaburo
"‐ “
Of Kyoto during thc Jokyo cra(1684-88). While shc lay thcrc plotting her next movc,dawn brokc
ち“a wOman“ md量 Ю ° through theこ ast windowo Nearby she could hcar thc
7Thc languagc uscd is that ass ::∬ 『 継tFTttdh」 :li:i con.
ccrning human passions, according to which obscssiOns of thc soul sOund Of lint On stcel, as a ncighbor startcd up his
奮力″ ′
″ Will, if unsatisicd or uniclicvcd during a Pcrson's lifctimc, 8Fabulous bcing reprcscntcd with wing= and an cxtrcmcly long nosc.
rcturn aftcr dcath to l″ rcak'cngqュ nce uPOn thc obicct Of that pa,S10n.
9ι ヽ 0れ こ
た Wttο 」
ら ワ 毎 Bα t“ 脇 ん t Bι ι2/L′ OF∠ ,α 駒
“ “
“ SOmcwherc an infant bcgan tO cry. SIccpily thc Picklcd in thc Nara stylc and wrappcd in a lotus
tcnants of that squalid quartcr chascd out thc mos― icaf,which shc sct down oh a bundlc Of flrcwood.
quitOcs which had slippcd through thc brcaks in their “Pcrhaps you would likc it with somc soy saucc,",hC
papcr ncts and plagucd them thrOughOut thc night. said mOdcsdy and madc to go gct it without waiting
One minutc thc womcn's flngers wcrc pinching at the fOr thc Othcr's thanks.
ncas in thcir undcrc10thcs, dlc ncxt pinching fOr sOmc “Wait,"thc old woman insistcd.“ It is bccausc of
odd coins on thc sanctuary shclf With which tO buy a yOu that l am about tO dic bcforc my timc,and sincc
fcw grccn vegetableso Still,amidst thc bittcr snggic l have nO daughter Of my own,you must pray for mc
fOr cxistcncc,pleasure could yet be found by thosc、″hO, whcn l am gonc." Thcn,rcaching intO a hcmp baskct,
thrOugh wcdlock,had wOn partncrs for their bcds. In shc brought Out a pair of purplc sOcks widl rcd ribbons
what dclights may thcy nOt havc indulgcd, with and a patchcd‐ up rOsary bag,frOn■ which shc rcmoved
pillows t6 the sOuth9 and mattrcsscs in uttcr disarray, hcr divorcc papcFS・ ThC socks and bag shc gavc to
violating thc vigil of Kinoc´ nc Pl° C)scn,saying thcy would bc kccpsakcs.
At last thc sun rOsc to shinc upon a brisk, brcezy Imprcssionablc,is most women arc,Oscn bclicvcd
autumn d,y. Thc 01d wOman ticd hcr hcad up in a thc story and wcpt。 ``If thcrc is truly somconc in lovc
tOwcl and trcated hcrsclf for a hcadachc,calling upon with mc,why didn't hc comc for hclp from a 10vc_wiSC
thc scr ccs Of Dr. Okalima withOut w9rrying how PCrSOn likc yOurscifP If l had known his intcntions,
thc bill would bc Paidi Shc had iust sCrvcd hcrsclf I shOuld nOt havc spurncd him lightl'0''
sOmc bioth Of fresh herbs,whcn Oscn camc in from 01d Nanny saw that this was as good a tin■ c as
thc back allcy to visit hcr。 any to comc out with dlc wholc story. “ Thcrc is no
``HOw arc you todayP" C)sen inquircd swcctly, as rcason to hidc anything frOm yOu nOw. He did comc
fr9■ ■hcr icft siccvc shc brought fOrth half a mc10n tO me many dmcs,and thc dCCP Siュ ccrity of his lovc
9Whilc ЬOth husband and wifc wcrc alivc thcy sicPt with thCir pil‐ fOr you was morc touching and Pitiful than l can say.
│。 ws at thc sOuthcrn cnd Of thc bcd, widows and widowcrs placcd If you should rcicCt him now,my rcscnmcnt will fall
thcir pillows tO thc north as a sign'of mOurning.
100n this night a vigil was kcPt in honor of thc COd Of Picnty and upon no onc but you." Shc spoke with ali the cicver_
contincncc was to bc obscrvcd until midnight. Childrcn cOnccivcd at
thi3 tim OWcre thOught tO bこ comc criminals.
ncss that ycars of widc cxPcricncc had givcn hcr, _、

曇 馨 饉
gぷ 9ι σε %妬 に′
2 q夕 %。 4。 こ
ノん g`

and, as was only to havc bccn cxPcctcd, C)Scn s∞ n


“I shall bc glad tO mcct hiin anytimc,'' shc cricd,

dizzy with cmOtiOn.

Thcrcupon the 01d cronc, delightcd tO lavC Obtained

such a prOmisc,whisPcrCd: “It iust OCCurrcd to mc

hOw yOu might bcst mcct him. On thc cleventh day

of August you must inakc a sccrct pilgriinagc tO Isc.11

Travcling a10nc tOgcthcr, you would becOmc fast

fricnds and cOuld sPcnd your bedtiinc hOurs swcctly,

hcart murmuri,g to hcart of undying lovco And you

knOvら '' shc addcd casually, 1`hc is nOt at all bad 100k_


Without furthcr pcrsuasion and bcforc shc had cven

sccn hiln,Osen was consumed with lovc fOr this,an。

“Can hc writc lctters himsclfP Docs his haif fall 10ng

and Prctty bchind his hcadP I′ supposc, sincc hc is

a craftsman, his back may bc a littic stoopcdo Wcll,

whcn wc sct Out from hcrc,I should likc tO stOp at

n00n in Moriguchi Or I‐ Iirakata,so wc can gct a room

and go to bcd carly."

Shc was babblng on like this whcn thc chicf maid‐

servant was hcard calling outsid9: “ Miss C)scn, you'rc

wantcd!'' ″′

・ ο ∫ ′解α々̀′ ∫″″θ′Pr亀 ″ g`′ οル
│″ ′ ′. 7ra″ ″ g′ ′
1llt was a popular custorn to FIlakC thc Pilgrimagc to lse without thc “ ““ ο ″θ″み ″ο″′ル∫ ″ あα ″′ ′ο ″

οg′ ′
ル″′ノ ィ″′θ ″`″ ‐
knowicdgc of Onc'8 ParCntS Or mastcr. Whcn thc pilgrim returned hc
″ み“
″″ 解 “
′乃ο″ ″″ ノ 力
′″ ″″ “″ルg
was suPPoscd tO bC forgivcn, not ccnsurcd for his ict. 、 ノ″ rJ∫ タ
'0/ル ルgあ ″
“ “

″ ル`″ ク ′。…

9ο εヽ
9ι σ s_れ Wtt。

σノ ZЪ 。
こ %Bα ι
露傷 αんt Bιι
ィ L′ a/ョ島 “ 9′
Oscn quickly t00k hcr icavc: ``It'S all sct for thc littcr shOuld bc scnt at thc usual rising timc tO my
clcvcnth thcn.. sister's hOusc in Tcniinbashi."
Shc put all dlc arrangcmcnts in thc chargc Of Oscn,
whO attcndcd thc lady upOn her rctircmcnt lnto an
。 4 α4
J. 4、 洗丘こι `ん 4mplc mosquito nct,at thc four cOrncrs of which littic

:止 bclls iingiCd Whilc Osen gcntly fanned her tO slccP。

寄盤笠 ι
芳""産 Imaginc sO much fuss Ovcr nOthing but sOmc lowcrs
in yOur back yard!
But Pcrhaps such vanit, iS nOt thc wcakness Of
“The morning_glorics arc in bloom and it would be womcn alonc. At this timc thc mastcr Of thc hOusc
nice to have a 10ok at them tomOrrow carly― _nice and was probably wasting hiinsclf and his mOncy on Miss
cool, too;" thC lady of the hOusc addcd as shc bcgan Nokazc Of Shiinabara and 〔 iss(Dgin0 0f Shiinmachi,12
hcr instruご tiOis tO d■ c scrvants that cvcning. ``I want b ying both Of thcrn thc samc day, onc fOr cach cnd

you to arr`tngc somc scats out ncar thc back hcdgc, Of his carrying― P01c. ThOugh hc sPOkc Of visiting Tsu‐
away frOrn thc housco SPrCad out thc lowcr_mats,put mura Tcmple cach moining,and carricd a shOuldcr
bakcd ricc and toothpicks in thc diffcrcnt cOmpart“ pad13 for that purposc, it is much morc likcly that
mcnts of the picnic box,and don't forgct thc tca bOttlc. hc wcnt straight to thc liccnsed quarter for a morning
I shall takc a bath iust bCfOre six in thc morning and Of spOrt and Plcasurc.
then l want my hair dOnc uP sittPly in thrcc Plain JuSt bCfOrC dawn on thc clcvcnth Of August old
r9ns. As for a gown, let mc havc thc hcmPcn onc Nanny hCard a light tapping on thc d00r of hcr shanty.
with opcn slcccves and a pink lining. I shall wear “It is Osen,"the gir1 0utsidc"hisPCrcd as shc thrcw
my gray‐ satin sash with circ17 dcsigns On it, the in_ in a bundle whith had bccn hastily wrappcd in a largc
[Ormal,twepiccc onc dottcd with our family crcst. I kcrchicf. Rcturning imlncdiatcly tO her lnastcr's
want yot to takc thc utmOst carc in cvcrything bccausc housc,(Dscn did nOt rcalizc that thc 01d cronc wOuld
12 Namcs uscd by high‐ class Pr9,titutcs in thc liccnscd quartcr3 0f
wc may bc sccn by PcoPlc in thc adiaccnt Strccts. So
cach of yoll must drcss in dcccnt‐ loOking clothcs◆ A Kyoto and osaka rcsPcctivcly.
13An item Of priestly vcstment3 SOmCtimes carricd by lay dcvOtccsi
92 9ι に ヽ Qれこ れ Wtt。 」%匪 ノ コ らに %Bα に 免α 昴 ′。
F.ん 斃 95
10sc nO timc in scarching through thc bundlc tO scc `gthavc
shiini aftcr you Bιtakcn mc tO mcct this manP"
what was thcrc:flvc strings of cash worth about onc shc rcplicd tacticssly,for shc had nOw nO pa,icnCC Wi山
farthing of silvcr cach, and Pcrhaps cightこ cn ″ο″ %θ
,′ anything that might uPsct thc head10ng progrc,s of
Of pOny― cngravcd silvcr picccs; ncarly a pcck Of pol‐ hcr aFalr.
ishcd ricc;a dricd bOnitO;twO COmbs in a charln bag;a JuSt as thcy wcrc crossing thc Capital Bridgc,a10ng
onc―piccc sash Of lnany colors;a silvcr and brOwn gar_ camc Kyushichi, a manscrvant in thc samc hOusch01d
ment for c001cr wcather; a lightcr gOwn, wcll worn, as C)scno Hc had cOmc this way to watch thc mOrning
witt a fan pattern;cottOn s6cks,thc solcs Of which changc Of guard at C)saka Castlc, but, his curiOsity
wcrc uninishcd; sandals with 10osc straps;、 and a arouscd whcn thc twO wOmcn camc by, Kyushichi
paraso1 0n which(Dscn had naivcly writtcn hcr address! incvitably bcca c a furthcr Obstaclc in thc pad1 0f thc
Thc 01d wOman quickly sct about erasing the telltale lovers.
char琴 〕
tcis in such a way as 10 1Cavc no unsightly smcar “WhL I havc bccn thinking fOr sOmc timc Of inak_
upon thc Paras01. As ζ hc did sO,sOmconc grcctcd hcr ing thc samc pilgrilnagc and thcrc cOuld bc nO bcttcr
frOm thc cntranccway. companions fOr thc,OurnCy than yoursclvcs. IuSt iCavc
“C)ld Nanny, I shaH go on ahcad noⅥ ら" thC C00Pcr your baggagc for mc tO carry. FOrtunatcly, I havc
callcd in On his way past. plcnt,Of spCnding moncy and can scc tO it that you
Latcr Oscn appcarcd,trcmbling a littlc. “SOrry to sulcr n0 1ncOnvcnlcncc On that scOrc。 ' From his cx_
bc late. I 、vas dctaincd at thc house." ccssivc politcncss Onc cOuld gucss that Kyushichi was
Thc old woman thcn toOk up the bundic Of PcrsOnal insPircd by sOmc sccrct acsign on Oscn,and old
bc10ngings and hastcncd with Oscn dOwn an un‐ Nanny's hostility was imlncdiatcly arouscd.
fanliliar byway. “It would bc a grcat cffort fOr mc, “A young lady travcling in thc cOmpany Of a man!
but pcrhaps for thc sakc Of the pilgriinagc l shOuld NOw wOuldn't dlat sccm mOst cxtraordinary tO thc
accompany you to lsc,''Old Nanny suggcstcd. pcoplc whO saw us! Bcsidcs,thc gods Of lsc frOwn
C)scn was Plainly upsct. “ It's a long trip for an on that sOrt of dling. I havc hcard and sccn cnough
cldcrly woman and you would ind it hard goillg。 Of pcOplc whO Willfully disgracc thcmscivcs bcfOrc
Why don't you takc thc night boat down fronl Fu‐ ‐
s∝ ictyo PIcasc dOn't f0110w us."
9ι ∝ 9/。 ′
露″ Wtt。 」
らα %Bα ι“Z揚んτBtⅢ ′。/_ん “ 95
“WcH, I hardly CxPcctcd to run into obicctiOns Of “You loOk as if yOu wcrc going to lsc t00," old
tliS SOrt.Bclicvc mc,I havc nO dcsigns on Miss Oscn; Nanny addrcsscd him.`IBut why gO alonё P You sccm
faith a10nc mOvcs mc to this.In 10vc,the gOds will to bc an agrccablc fc110w and wc'd likc tO havc you
assurc my succcss,Without my ha ng tO solicit thcir spcnd thc night with us sOmcwhcrc。 "
protcction, for my hcart is truc, truc as thc road wc Thc c∞ pcr was dclightcd,Of cOursc.“ It's sO truc:
shall travcl togcthcr. If thc sun and moon favOr us `1]hc kindncss Of Othcrs always brightcns a ,ournc,。 '

and Miss Osen so inclincs,wc can travcl anywhcrc― I am ccrtainly gratcful fOr thc invitation."
to ttc capital Pcrhaps.This would bc ivst thC tittc Kyushichi, On thc Odlcr ha,d, 100kcd bcwildcrcd.
to spcnd four Or flvc days thcrc,sccing thc rnaplcs of It sccms a littlc Odd, csPccially with this young lady

TakaO in thcir bright fall c010rs and thO b100■ ling along,tO havc sOmconc,Oin us whcn yOu dOn't cvcn
mushrooms of Saga. Thc mastcr gcncrally stops at a knOw whcrc hc's going."
hotcl in Kawara‐ lnachi,but l think wc would flnd it
“Oh,"thc 01d wOman rcPlicd,“ God watchcs Ovcr
awkward thcrco Wc could dO bcttcrr'Kyushichi con‐ cvcrythi,ge And with a stout fcllow likc you a10ng,
tinucd as if h9 would havc cvcrything his Own way, what can Pos,ibly happcn P''
“by taking sOmc cOzy roolns at thc wcstcrn cnd of
Thcrcaftcr thc fOur Of thcm slcpt in thc samc inn
Third Avcnuc. Thcn thc 61d lady hcrc could visit thc
cach night. Kyushichi,watChing carcfully fOr any
Tcmplc of thc C)riginal Vow,On Sixth Avcnuc.
opportunity tO Satisfy his sccrct dctircs, rcmovcd Onc
By this tiinc thc autimn sun was up Ovcr the moun_ of thc slding d00rs which scparatcd h n from thc
tainside,and thc travclers wcrc halfway past thc Pinc‐
ladics and would Pcck in at thё m On his way to dlc
shadcd banks of thc Yodo Rivcr whcn thcy ran upon bath.At night,whcn thc fOur Of thcm sicPt in a rOw,
a man who lookcd vcry c8nsPicuous,scatcd bcncath a hc strctchcd out his hand and tipPcd up thc Oil lamp
cat's,Paw wil10W as if waiting for somconc. On c10scr so as to smodlcr thc light.
cxamination thc 01d crOnc rccognizcd hiin as thc Thciゝ ,ust aS it Was ab()ut tO fail, thc c001Pcr cX‐
coopcr. From thc look in hcr cycs hc cOuld tcll that daimed,“ It's awfully warln fOr fall,"and Opcncd thc
somcthing had gonc wrOng; it had nOt wOrkcd Out window ncar him so that bright m∞ nlight shOnc
as planned〔 lftcr hc wcnt On ahead of thcm. through upon dle four sleeping ngurcs. 「

96 9ι σε q降 られに″ qル ∠Ъσε
ο ん σεノ “ 郵 εBα セ んα

んに37ιィL′ o/“ん
“ 97
Again,whcn Oscn madc a prCtCnsc“of snoring and man's horsc and PrOcccdcd On their iOurncy with oscn
Kyushichi movcd his right icg ovcr upon hcr,hc was riding in thc nliddlc and thc mcn mountcd on cithcr
qvickly dctcctcd by thc coopcr, who PrOmptly startcd sidc Of hcre Funny though an On100kcr wOuld havc
uP a SOng about thc Soga brOthcrs,``Lovc Plays nlischicf fOund dlis arrang, cnt,thCrc was somcthing,whcthcr
with a11。 。。 whilc bcating dmc with thc cnd of fatiguc Or simply plcaturc, which madc thc ridcrs
his fano C)scn thcn abandoncd thc Prctcnsc of slccPing ObliViOus to thcir abζ urdity.On Onc sidc Kyushichi
and startcd tO talk with 01d Nanny. fOndicd C)scn's toes; On thc Othcr thc c06Pcr rcaChCd
“Thcrc is nod■ ing so calamitous as to bring a giFl‐ up and put his arlln around hcr waist; and cach play‐
child intO thc world. I havc bccn thinking that it fuHy indulgcd his sccrct dcsircs as bさ st hc cOuld in a
wOuld bc a g9od idca to bccomc a novicc at thc Fudo manncr dlat sccms somcwhat amusing tO βny6nc who
ChaPcl of KitanO ncxt Ncw Ycar's and cvcntually knOws what cach was aftcr.
bccOmc a nun。 ' Nonc of tlc grOuI)had any rcal i,tcrcSt in thc Pil_
``Vcry good idca,"thc cronc answcrd slccPily. “Bct‐ gr・ nagcitsclf. At lsc thcy failcd t6 visit thc lnncr
tcr than to livc on ln a world full of disappoinmcnts." Shrinc Or thc sacrcd bcach at which hOmagc is paid tO
Thus thc two mcn stood in cach othcr's way thc thc Sun,stOpping Only at thc Outcr Shrinё fOr a fcw
wholc night ttrOugh. Thc uPshot of thcir bcdthnc minutcs and purchasing as thcir Only sOuvcnirs a ptri´
acti dcs was onl,thiS:that Kyushichi,whO startcd Acat10n brOach and sOmc scawccd.
thc cvcning with his Pil10W tO thc wcst, wriggicd On thc way back thc twO mcn kept thcir cycs on
around and wound up with his hcad to thc south and ,aCh OthCr,sO nOthing of cOnscqucncc happcncd, Whcn
his undcrc10dling missing― a shocking piccc of care ,hCy rCachcd dlc capital,Kyoto,and Kyushichi had
lcssncss for a pilgriin with moncy in his waistband; guidcd thcn■ tO thc hOtcl hc kncw,thc c00pcr rcckoncd
whilc thc coopcr slcPt witt a rcscntful scOw1 0n his in his hcad what hc 9wcd Kyushichi fOr bills thc lattcr
facc,,wad of tissuc paPcr in his hand,and a clamshcll had paid, thankcd him fOr his trOublc, and t00k his
full of clovc oil14 bcsidc him. icavC with a bow.Thinking that hc wOuld icnccfOrth
Thc nё xt morning at Mt.Osaka thcy hircd an Otsu have Oscn tO himsctt KyuShiCli WCnt Out and bOught
14u8Cd likc tollct watcr. ,any prcscnts and souvcnirs for hcre Hc cOuld hardly ′
Ⅳο οノ″′grο ″ ′ルノα ″ ノ″θ′′ル″′富′力 ′ 力θ′〃をガ解α
0″ θ
′′Ky″ ∫
′ θ ル′ο∫
θ ο ′ο
"t′ “
″′ 力′0′ 力″ ′

′ "θ
ル∫〃.∠ ′f∫ θ″ッ ル勝ノ′
′ θ〃カルル′f″ ″′ ″Sル ル′

第 Ъ

:,1,51;″ tソ lZメ 1′ 7::1:`二 fill%[′ :lZilχ ,″ __ ο″″′″″θ
0″ ′
ノレα εル.… ∫
′ο ルgο ″
″″′/ο ′αル″″ノ η″′

夕′ ′ル′
,.¨ .

″ 4 ″α″″
′ οttθ ″力″ ′″ ∫
み′′f`′ 解∫ ∫
′ ルg..¨
`″ “
ァ 9ι ε
れ ヽ ゝ。 ノЪσ
ε ヽ 。れε
σ ε
ノ コらσ 郵 g3α ι /4露
たτ3ι 晰 ノ ο
7こ 傷。 ′

wait for night to fall,but dCCidcd to whilc away thc “My back aches. Sorry,'I hc rcPlicd.
tilnc visiting sOmconc hc kncw n thc ncighborh00d And when thcy stopPcd to rcst in a wisteria grove
Of Karasumaru. bcfOre thc C)rcat Buddha of lnari,thc womcn had to
In thc IIIcantime old Nanny lcft thc hotcl wi,h ・
Pay for their own tca。
Oscn,ostcnsibly tO visit Kiyornizu Tcmplc.Thcy went
dircctly to Glon-lnachi, to a littic shop which sold bOx
ldnchcs, and thcrc found a card upon which was
4ガ ι αμ ε
writtcn“ Gimlct and Saw." Rccognizing this as thc
cobper's way of identifying hilnsclf,(Dsen slipPcd lntidc
allnost unnotictably. UPstairs shc found hcr lovcr,and
寃 け ιれ ε" ′εατιだ`ο

togcthcr thcy drank thc ctP of betrothal, Plcdging “If yOu had told us you wantcd tO go on a pilgriinagc,
thcmsclves tO cach othcr forcvcr. wcヽ″Ould havc scnt you in a littcr Or on hircd horsc_
Thcrcupon old Nanny rctircd dOWnstairse Thc
“ back. But tO makc a sccrct pilgriinagc in thc fantastic
watcr hcrc is silnply dclicious," shc cxClainlcd as shc way you did, and comc back with βll thcsc PrCSCnts
guzzlcd cups of tca onc aftcr anothcr. bought by lord knows whOm― why,it's―一it's iust thC
Having won from Oscn tllc■ rst installmcnt on thcir sort of thing onc ncvcr docs,not 9vcn marricd couplcs。
n■ arriagc, thc cooPcr l「 ft carly for C)saka by day boat. And travcling to thc capital togethcr, drinking and
C)ld Nanny and C)Scn,upon thcir rcturn to thc hotcl, slceping togcther― who would dare go that farP
gavc notiCC of inllncdiatc dcParturC・ Kyushichi Plcadcd “Oscn is iust a woman,and it may bc too much to
with thこ m to stay fOr a fcw morc days of sightsccing, CXPCCt that shc could rcsist thc urgings of Kyushichi.
but thc olだ Iwoman was dctcrmincd. But Kyushichi,the smart alcck,thinks hc must tcach
``No, ■oo What Would your nlistrcss say if shc thc innOccnt gods what manlincss is, and tcach this
thought(Dscn was Chasing around with IIlcn P" So off innoccnt girl..."
thcy startcd. Thcir mistrcss was in a frighful rage. Kyushichi's
“I knOw it's a lot to ask,but this bundlc is So hCavy。 cxplanations had nO cfFcct On hcr at all,and thc poor,
guiltlcss fc110w was inally dischargcd,wittout waiting
on't you hdP us witt it,KyushichiP"
′02 9ι σ ηε
εQι も′ ″ Wた。 ‐ σ
ε ε
ノ ソらσ ワE Bα ιτι んt Bι ィュ Fム ∝ ア
fOr thc rcgular biannual rcPlaccmcnt tilnc of ScPtcm‐ Whcn hcr `″ `ο
mastcr and nlistrcss hcard this, thcy“
ber flfth. Latcr hc workcd several tcrlns in a wholcsalc dccidcd to do cvcrything in thcir powcr tO bring C)scn
hOusc caHcd Bizcn_ya in KitanO and marricd a driftcr15 and thc cooPCr tOgcthcr in wcdlock.Nanny was callcd
namcd Longic of Eighthbridgco Now hcと arns a living in fOr a cOnsultatiOn。

″∫ 16 vcndOr On Willow Lanc and has silnply

︱ ︱ ︱
as a ∫ /2ノ “C)scn," thc 01d cronc said craftily, “has told mc
scvcral tiincs that shc would not havc a hand laborcr

︱ ︱
fOrgottcn about C)sё n。

︱ ︱

C)scn wcnt back to thc uncvcntful routinc of housc_ fOr a husband,and shc isn't surc whethcr Or not thc

︱ 日 構 囃 博 認 撼 博 潟 橿 Ⅷ 欄 欄 機 欄 媚 機 職 欄 蠅 鷺 棚 職 棚 機 翻 欄 欄 棚 爛 爛 瀾 瀾 爛 岬
hold dutics, but she was unablc to forgct hcr brief C00PCr will do. But it scclns to mc that shc is being
romancc with thc coopcr or gct hiin out of hcr mind. unnccessarily choOsy. Ifl in SPitC of all, thcy can iuSt
Shc bcgan to ncglcct hcrsclf, bcconling shabby in ap‐ gct along in lifc tOgcthcr, shc should bc satisflcd."

PCarancc, carclcss in conduct, and littic by littlc morc

Ha ng hcard old Nanny's idcas on thc subiCCt,
gaunt aid Palc. Finally,losing contr01 0f hcrsclf,C)scn C)scn's cmploycrs scnt for thc coopcr and concludcd
startcd to wail throughOut thc night likc a sick hcn. a marriagc contraこ t with him.Soon aftcrward,Oscn
Abott thc samc timc a scrics of furthcr misfOrtuncs had hcr slccvcs scWn up and hcr tccth blackcncd in
ovcrtook thc houschold. Thc grcat cauldron rustcd so prcparation fbr thc marriagc, an ausPicious datc for
that its bottOm fcll out; thcrc was a suddcn changc whifh had alrcady bccn choscn. Hcr dOwry consistcd
bctwccn brcakfast and suppcr in dlc tastc of the prc_ Of twcnry‐ thrcc iterns, including a secOnd― gradc chcst
with a natural inish,a wickcr hampcr for hcr trOus‐
Parcd bcan― pastc; and lightning struck thc roof Of thc
storchousc, sctting flrc to thc shinglこ s. All of thcsc scau,a folding pastcboard bOx,two CastOfF gowns from
tings had a pcrfcctly natural cxPlanation,ヽ but pcoplc hcr rnistrcss, quiltcd bcdclothes, a mosquito nct with
fclt that in this casc thcy had somc sPccial signincance. rcd lining, and a scarf of classic colors. With a1l of

Somconc said: :`It is thc implacablc spirit of thc man thcsc, morc than a pound of silvcr was scnt to thc
C00PCr's housc。
who is madly in lovc with Oscn‐ 一thc coopcr."
15 LitcraHy, ``lotus‐
Thc ncwlywcds provcd quitc compatiblc and thcir
lcaf woman"― ―a prostitutc hircd by a busincss
organization to cntcrtain travcling mcrchants. Shc noatcd, llkc a lotus luck was good. Honcst and industrious, thc husband
icaf On thc watcr, from onc man to anothcr.
16 cakCS of cold, cookcd ricc toppcd with cggs, 6sh, ctc. _ , kcpt his hcad bcnt assiduously Ovcr thc work of his
%Bα ιτε ttα ′
Lt Bι ι
ィL′ ο
/4σ こ ア

craft,whilc his g00d wifc t00k up wcaving striPcd c10th

Of dark_dycd Fushikanc thrcad. Night and day they
workcd and ncvcr failcd tO mcct thcir dcbts on thc

Ⅲ last day 6f thc ycar Or thc day bcfOrc thc BOn Fcstival.
C)scn t00k cspccially g00d carc Of thc c00pcr. In wintcr,
on windy days Or whcn it snOwcd,shc carcfully covcrcd
his rice tO kccP it warm when hc t00k it 6tt. In
summcr shc kcpt a fan c10sc tO hcr pil10w tO c001 hiin
with. Whcn hc was Out Of thc hOusc shc 10ckcd thc
gatc and ncver 100kcd at anOthcr inan. If shc had Occa_
sion tO spcak Of anything,it was always ``Iny husband
this,Iny husband that." EOcn whcn,aftcr scvcral ycars
and mOnths, shc bOrc twO childrcn, C)scn did not fOr_
sakc hcr husband fOr thcm。
Alas, hOwcvcr, mOSt wOmcn arc icklc crcaturcs.
Captivatcd by somc dcliciOus 10vc stOry, or dcludcd by
thc latcst dramatic pr6ductions Of DOtOm_bori17 thcir
souls arc caught up in giddy corruption. Ainidst thc
falling chcrry b10ss9mS Of thc TclnPlc Of thc Hcavcnly
Ki,gs or under a b100■ ling wistcria trcnis, thcy fall
hcad Over heels in 10vc with sOmc handsOmと fcl16w。
And so,upon rcturning homc,thcy ind 10athsOmc thc
man whO has supportcd thcm fOr many 10ng ycars.
Thcrc is nO grcatcr 101ly than this. FrOrn thc
Sο ο″′ル・ ″α″ノ,0∫ 乃αノ力″jノ ′ ∫ ′″″ ′α ″ノカ ′ カ

`′ `″
・ `ク `∫ “ `″ ``′
momcnt of thcir scductiOn such wOmcn abandOn all
ノノ ″ ′κ′″α ″ο ″メο″′ た 解α ″ ″
ルr′ α
"α “
′ あ″∫
′αた ノ θ
″ ″力をみ 力α ノ α″θα々 み ″″
∫σ″ .″
ヴ 17 Thcatrc scctiOn of Osaka。

ノ ″″‐

どο″Tり rθ ″∫カメ ′ど ο ′
″ θ r/1″ θ
′ル ∫ .¨
ア 9ι

ヽ 0燿 ε ε
た Wtt。 ふ σノ コらに %Bα τ“腸 んι3に ι
ィノ0/4,“ ′07

prudcncc alld frugality, light grcat flrcs in thcir oVCns But thcrc arc gods and thcrc is rctributiOno Evcry
and lcavc thcm untcndcd, burn lamps thoughtlcssly sccrct win bc madc known. How IIluch to bc drcadcd
whcre no lamp is necdcd,and whilc thcir family for‐ ――this ruinous rOad!
tuncs dwindlc, wait iinpaticntly fOr icisurc hours tO
sPcnd away frOm hOmc. Suchヒ larriagcs arc drcadful
And should thcir husbands dic,in scvcn days these 5・ 4 ιう

ιετ`ブ ″ α
womcn arc out looking for other husbands. E)ivorccd /2/2ぶ ο滋″ο
凛基 ル`α ο洗′
oncc,thcy marry and divorct again,six Or scvcn tilncs. `00ι

That,unfortunatcly,is what thc mOrals of thc lowcr οα

7カ を 舟 ′ ″″ο″″ε
θα ″/0″ ″α
″ノ ′∫″クク′
classcs havc sunk tO, but this sOrt Of thing,Of cOursc, 乃 グα ″ η2ノ 乃ο″′ ο″ ″力θ ∫″′
′ ′
′″″力 ″′
κノ. r ∫″。″′

ncvcr cvこ r happcns among thc uPPcr classcs. A wottan カ′乃ο″ο″οノノο″″σ οη′α″ノ
g″ ′ ノα
′ ′′″ ′´
′力α ″
′″g ノ .

ο ′ク″ο″ルθ“″″.18
shOuld givc hcrsclf t0 0nly onc man during hcr lifc_ PoS.G″ θ 二 ′
な″0′ 腸′ノ′ ″ο″ノ ο ノ′
tiinc. If trOublc ariscs or nlisfortunc strikcs, cvcn

whcn shc is young, it is quit,Possiblc fOr hcr tO bc_ Chozacmon, thc ycast makcr, found thc ycars and
comc a nun in thc Convcnt of Kaga or in thc Hokkcil months passing as if lifc wcrc only a drcamo Alrcady
Nunncry di thc SOuthcrn Capital, for this has bccn it was flfty ycars siFiCC his fathcr dicd, and hc had

donc inany timcs bcfore. rcason to congratulatc hilnsclf on living long cnough
Thcrc arc」 many ottcrs in the Flccting World who 10 ccicbrate such an annivcrsaryo According to tllc
livc in sin witll sccrct lovcrs,but whcn thcy arc dis‐ ancicnts: “ Whcn onc gocs into mourning on thc
covcrcd,cithcr thcir husbands scnd thcm homc withOut flfticdl annivcrsary of his fathcr's dcath,it is customary

taking dlc llnattcr to court,for fcar Of crcating a scnsa´ tO abstain fronl lncat in thc mOrning,but cat ish for
tion,or,in thc casc of husbands grccdy for gold,somc suppcr and drink and sing throughout thc cvcning,
kind of dcal is made and thc mattcr drOppcd. Thus having thcrcaftcr nO furthcr ObligatiOns to pcrform。 "
18Thc samc invitation was scnt to all gucsts. Frcqucntly thciF
sinful womcn arc sparcd through laxity in punishmcnt,
namcs wcrc listcd in ordcr of prOmincncc, but this formality could bc
and fOr this rcason adultcry cannot bc stampcd out. disPcnscd v′ ith by adding thc abOvc nOtc.
′Og ¶,ι σε ヽ ο″ 2ε ″ Wttο _raσ こノ ∠Ъσこ [フアこ Sα τ
τこι βε れル′o/ザごЪσε
t Bτ こ フ

Sincc th(〕 sc、 ″crc tO be thc last scrviccs,chOzacmOn did
yOur hair was donc up most bcautifully. How could
not bcgrudgc a littlc cxpcnsc in conducting thcm it bccomc disarrangcd so suddcnlyP"
prOpcrlyo Thc 、 vivcs Of thc ncighborh00d ,Oincd in C)scn,with a clcar conscicncc,rcplicd calinly: ``Thc
thc prcparatiOns. Thcy gOt out thc w00dcn bOwis, mastcr was taking sOmc bOwis down frOm thc shclf
trays, crockcry, and difcrcnt kinds Of w。
Odcn platcs and onc fc1l on mc. That's how it happcncd."
uscd Only on spccia1 0ccasions, dustcd dlcnl, and sct
But thc ladyヽ Ⅳould not bclicvc hcr at all. ``Indccd!
thcII1 0n thc sldcbOard.
A bowl falling oF dlc shclf in broad daylightl WVhat
It happcncd that thc cOopcr's wifc was on fricndly a playful bOwi that rnust bc. If you ask mc,sOmcbody
tcrrl■ s、 ′
ith thcsc PcOplC,SO shc t00 drOppcd in t0 0fFcr fcll into bcd without going to slccP and hcr hair camc
hcr scrviccs.“ Isn't ttcic sOmc work tO bc donc五 undonc.Of all dlillgs for an oldcr man to bc doing;
thc kitchOn P" whcn hc is supposcd to bc mourning for his fatllcrl"
Oscn was knOwn as an intclligcnt and capablc In a violcnt ragc,shc pickcd up somc sliccs of frcsh
PCrSOn, and thcy gavc hcr a dclicatc ,Ob. “
Thcrc arc ish,which had bccn cut and arrangcd with much carc,
somc s、 vcctS ln dlc bcdr00mo sct thcrn Out On thc and bcgan throwing d■ cm about thc kitchcno No
dccp trays。 ''
mattcr what anyonc clsc talkcd Of during thc day,
Oscn bcgan hcr iOb of arranging d■ c impc vincgar or 10ur or anydling, shc would drag in thc
pcrsilnmons, Chincsc wainuts, falling‐ g00sc candics, SubiCCt Of Oscn and not lct it droP,tO thC Complctc
and t00thpicks Of kaya and cryptOmcria w00do whcn disgust of all who hcard about thc incidcnt latcr.
shc was almOst flnishcd, fastcr ChOzaclnOn carnc in tO Truly it is thc grcatcst of misfortuncs for a man to
fctch a ncst Of bOwis frOrl■ thc shclf, but in dOing so havc a wifc of such flcrcc,ca10usy.
hc clumsily drOPPcd Onc On C)scn's hcad sO that llcr At irst Oscn put up paticntly with thc lady's rant‐
hairdO camc apart all at Oncc. Hc apo10gizcd prOfuscly. ing, though shc could not hclp bcing annoycd by it.
``Oh,it didn't hurt at all,''osen assurcd him as shc Latcr, thC morc shc thought abOut it thc mOrc bitter
hastily ticd up hcr hair and wcnt intO thc kitchcn. and dcprcsscd C)scn bccamc。 ``卜〔y slccvc is alrcady wct
hcn thc lady of thc housc saw hcr, hOwcvcr, shc with tcars.Having suFcred thc shamc,血 crc is nothing
was immcdiately arOuscd。 `Until a fcw minutcs ago lcft to losco l shall lnakc lovc to Chozacmon and tcach

.… ′
“ θ α
ノノ 々 溜′
∫ ′∫θ722′ ι
θノ ノノ ι〃ノ ″′οι ″ルカθ′gο liag′ θ
ノ″′“ カルg∫“ノ
α″グル″力 αfr″ 解′夕 ″ノο .0チ α 〃′ ο

″ ′
oだ ′ ル ノο ′″g′ ″ル な∫″′′ο∫ノ


′解ο″ πル gノ ο″カ カ
"た′ル ′



ァ2 9ι に 91/0″ ε
′2Wた0_r。 けノ ふ σこ %Bα ι
露Jttα β
zτ Bτ 饒/ttr ο
/=ら σ
ε アフ

″Oman a lcsson。 '' And,dwclling upon dlis idca,

that 、 Chozacmon quickly thrcw oF thc bcdcovcrs. Nakcd
shc arOuscd in hcrsclf a passiOn fOr ChOzacmOn which and tcrriflcd, hc dashcd Out and ran a grcat distancc
soon rcsultcd in a sccrct cxchangc of prOrniscs bct、 vccn tO the housc Of a c10sc rclativc, barcly cscaPing With
thc t、 vO. Tllcy waitcd only for a suitablc Occasion to his lifc.
fullH thcir dcsircs. C)scn, rcalizing that it was a hopclcss situation for
Thc cvcning of January twcnty∼ sccond,in thc sccond hcr,plungcd thc bladc Of a carpcntcr's planc intO hcr
ycar of″ okyO (1685),sccn・ Cd a prOPitious onc fOr 10vcrs hcart and dicd. Hcr cOrpsc、 vas cxPoSCd in thc Shamc

sincc thc wOmcn and childrcn Of thc ncighbOrh00d Ficld with that Of thc scOundrcl ChozacmOn whcn hc
wcrc ainusing thcrllsclvcs at thc traditiOnal spring was at last cxccutcd. Thcir namcs,knOwn in countlcss
pastimc Of drawing strings for prizcs. On intO thc ballads and songs,sPrcad tO distant provinccs with thё
night thcy playcd, complctcly absOrbcd in thc gamc. warning: This is a stcrn world and sin ncvcr gocs
Somc 10st and quit, Othcrs won and kcPt On with in‐ unPunlshcd.
satiablc cnthusiaslno Sti11 0thcrs dOzcd Off and startcd
to snorc。 111lc coOPcr turncd dOM′ ll his lamp and wcnt
tO bcd carly, apparcntly sO tircd frOrn thc day's tOil
that hc wOuld nOt havc a、 vakcncd cvcn if sOmcOnc had
‖ Pinchcd his nOsc.
││11‐ │11‐

ChOzacmon fO110wcd Oscn hOmc frOm thc Party.


│:│‐ │.│

Now is thc timc to fulll1 0ur mutual prOmisc,"hc
urgcd, and C)scn, unablc tO rcfusc hirn, t00k chOzac_
mon into hcr hOusc.
Thcn bcgan what was tO bc thcir irst and last
attcmpt at 10vc_lnaking.
NO s00ncr had thcy rcmovcd their undcrc10thcs than
thc cooPcr a` VOkC. “HOld On! If l catch you,1'1l ncvcr
ict you gol'' hc shoutcd。

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