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Subject : Mathematics Grade : 10 Level : _______ Quarter : 2 Week : 8

MELC : illustrate the center – radius form of the equation of a circle
Competency Code : M10GE – IIh-1

Name __________________________ Section ________ Date ________

School __________________________ District __________________________

A. Readings/Discussions :
A circle on a coordinate plane can be described by an equation that can be written in
different forms.
Task 1. Find the equation of a circle with center at (4,2) and a radius of 4 units.
Discussion: If the center of the circle is at the point C (h,k), with radius r , and P(x,y) is any
point on the circle,then CP = r. By using the distance formula, we get
√(𝑥 − ℎ)2 + (𝑦 − 𝑘)2 = r
(x - h)2 + (y – k )2 = r2
This is called the center – radius form or the standard form of the equation of the circle
with center at (h,k) and a radius of r units. By substitution ,the equation of the circle is
(x - 4)2 + (y – 2)2 = 42 or (x - 4)2 + (y – 2)2 = 16.
Task 2. Find the equation of a circle with center at ( - 6 , 4 ) and a radius of 8 units.
Discussion:Substituting 8 for r in the center – radius form or the standard form of an
equation of a circle with (h, k ) = ( - 6 , 4 ), you will get
[x-(-6)]2+(y-4)2 = 82 or (x+6)2 + (y – 4 )2 = 64.
Task 3. Write the equation of a circle with center at ( - 5 , - 7 ) and a radius of 12 units.
Discussion: By substitution, the equation of the circle is
[x – (-5)]2 + [y – ( - 7 )]2 = 122 or ( x + 5 )2 + ( y + 7 )2 = 144.
Task 4. Write the equation of a circle with center at the origin and a radius of 5 units.
Discussion:If the center of the circle is at the origin, the equation is x2 + y2 = r2.
Substitute 5 for r in the equation is x2 + y2 = r2 ,therefore the equation of the
circle with center at the origin and a radius of 5 units is x2+y2=52 or x2 + y2 = 25.
Task 5. Find the equation of a circle with center at the origin and a radius of 10√3 units.
Discussion: By substitution , the equation of the circle is
x2+y2 = (10√3 )2 or x2 + y2 = 300.
Task 6. Write the general equation of a circle with center C( - 3 , 2) and a radius of 9 units.
Then determine the values of D,E, and F.
Discussion: If the center – radius form of the circle , (x - h)2 + (y – k )2 = r2 , is expanded , it
will result to the general equation of a circle , which is x2 + y2 + Dx+ Ey+ F = 0 , where D,E,
and F are real numbers.
(x – h)2 + ( y – k)2 = r2 → ( x2 – 2hx+h2) + (y2 – 2ky+k2 ) = r 2
x2 – 2hx+h2 + y2 – 2ky+k2 = r 2
x2 + y2 – 2hx – 2ky + h2 + k2 = r 2
x2 + y2 – 2hx – 2ky + h2 + k2 - r 2 = 0
If D = - 2h and E = - 2k ,and F = h2 + k2 – r 2 , the equation x2 + y2 – 2hx – 2ky + h2 + k2 - r
= 0 becomes x2 + y2 +Dx + Ey + F = 0.
The center of the circle is at (h,k), where h = - 3 and k = 2. Substitute these values in the
standard form of the equation of a circle together with the length of the radius r which is equal
to 9 units.
(x – h)2 + ( y – k)2 = r2 → ( x – ( - 3 ))2 + ( y – 2 )2 = 92
Simplify : ( x+3)2 + ( y – 2 )2 = 81
( x+3)2 + ( y – 2 )2 = 81 → (x2+6x+9) + (y2 – 4y +4 ) = 81
x2+6x+9 + y2 – 4y +4 = 81
x2 + y2 +6x – 4y +13 = 81
x2 + y2 +6x – 4y +13 – 81 = 0
x2 + y2 + 6x – 4y - 68 = 0
Answer : x + y + 6x – 4y - 68 = 0 is the general equation of the circle with center
2 2

C (-3, 2) and radius of 9 units. In the equation , D = 6 , E = - 4 , and F = - 68 .

Task 7 : Find the equation in general form of the circle whose center is at ( 0, 3) and passing
through the point ( - 2 , 1) .
Discussion:The equation of the circle can be determined if its center and radius are given.
Thus, find the radius of the circle first by using the distance formula. Hence, we have
r = distance between (0,3) and ( - 2 , 1)
r = √(0 − (−2)2 + (3 − 1)2
r = √4 + 4
r = √8 or 2√2 .
Substituting the radius r and the center ( h,k ) in the form ( x – h )2 + ( y – k)2 = r 2, we
(x– 0) 2 + ( y – 3 )2 = (2√2 )2
(x – 0 ) 2 + ( y – 3 )2 = 8.
Transforming into general equation, we have x2+y2 – 6y +9 = 8 or x2 + y2 – 6y + 1 = 0.
B. Exercises
Exercise 1
Directions: Write the equation of the circle in center – radius form given the center C and
radius r.
1. C ( 0,0), r = 2
2. C (0,0) , r = 6
3. C(0,0) , r = 2√3
4. C (7, - 3) ,r = 7
5. C ( - 8 , 0 ) , r =
Exercise 2
Directions: Write each equation of a circle in general form given its center – radius form.
Show your solutions completely.
1. ( x – 3 )2 + ( y + 4)2 = 16
2. ( x + 4)2 + ( y + 9)2 = 81
3. x2 + ( y – 6 )2 = 18
4. ( x + 9)2 + y2 = 72
5. (x+5)2 + ( y- 5 )2 = 338
C. Assessment/Application/Outputs (Please refer to DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2020)
Part I.Multiple Choice:
Directions : Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is the equation of a circle with center at (0,0) and a radius of 11 units?
A. x2 + y2 = 11 B. x2+y2 = 121 C. x2 - y2 = 11 D. x2 - y2 = 121
2. Which of the following equation describes a circle on the coordinate plane with a center at
(2,-3) and a radius of 5 units?
A. (x-2)2+(y+3)2=252 B. (x+2)2+(y-3)2=52 C. (x-3)2+(y+2)2=25 D. (x-2)2+(y+3)2=52
3. Find the equation of the circle with center at the origin and the radius is 5√3 units.
A. x2+y2 = 5√3 B. x2+y2 = 10√3 C. x2+y2 = 25√3 D. x2+y2 = 75
4. What is the general form of the equation (x-3)2+(y+2)2=25?
A. x2+y2–6x+4y–12=0 B.x2-y2–6x+4y–12=0 C. x2+y2–6x-4y–12=0 D. x2-y2–6x-4y–12=0
5. A radius of a circle has endpoints ( - 4 , 3) and (1, - 2 ).What is the equation that defines the
circle if its center is at the second quadrant?
A.(x-1)2+(y+2)2=50 B. (x+1)2+(y-2)2=50 C. (x+4)2+(y-3)2=50 D.(x-4)2+(y+3)2=50
Part II. Find the equation in general form of the circle that satisfies the given conditions.
Show your solutions completely.
6. center at ( - 3 , 2 ) and radius √10 units
7. center at ( 0, 5) and radius 5 units
8. center at ( - 1 , 2 ) and passes through ( 4, 1)
9. center at ( - 3 , 8 ) and diameter 18 units
10. endpoints of a diameter at ( - 3 , 2 ) and ( 3, - 4 )

D. Suggested Enrichment/Reinforcement Activity/ies :

Directions : Determine which of the following equations describe a circle and which do not.
Justify your answer.
1. x2 + y2 = 100
2. x2 + y2 = 0
3. (x – 1)2 + (y+11)2 +2 =0
4. x2 + ( y+2)2 = 0
5. (x+4)2 – (y+6)2 = 64

Rigor B. Ponsones, Shirlee Remoto – Ocampo,Regina Macarangal Tresvalles ,Wilson
Cordov. (2013). Math Ideas and Life Applications. Quezon City: Abiva Publishing House,
Melvin M. Callanta, Allan M. Canonigo, Arnaldo I. Chua, Jerry D. Cruz, Mirla S. Esparrago,
Eleno S. Garcia, Aries M. Magnaye, Fernando B. Orines , Rowena S. Perez,
Concepcion S. Ternida. (2015). Mathematics Learner’s Module.Pasig City :
REX Book Store, Inc.
Julieta G. Bernabe, Maricel C. Corpuz, Ricardo M. Crisostomo, Soledad J. Dilao, Michael
R. Lee, Alicia L. Padua, Rommel S. Quiming. (2014). Our World of Math.
QuezonCity: Vibal Group,Inc.

Prepared by: Reviewed by:


Teacher III EPS, Mathematics
Division of Cebu Province

For the Teacher: Advise the students to read the reading and discussion portion before they
attempt to answer the practice exercises. Going through the parts sequentially will help them
understand easily the topic.
For the Learner: Read through the self – learning home task from the first part to the last part.
Doing so, will help you understand better the topic.

For the Parent/Home Tutor: Assist your child and make sure that he/she reads the self- learning
home task from beginning to end to ensure proper understanding of the concepts.

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