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1.1 All about meGrammar Personal

Progress Test B / Possessive determiners

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher

A Listen to part 1 and choose the correct option.

1. Isabella is

a. British. b. Scottish.

2. Megan is Isabella’s

a. best friend. b. mother.

3. Megan has got

a. curly red hair. b. straight brown hair.

4. Isabella and Megan go to school

a. by bus. b. on foot.

5. Megan’s mother is

a. a teacher. b. a basketball player.

B Listen to part 2 and tick the activities Isabella does on Saturdays.

1 2 3
4 5

C Listen to part 2 again. Underline the wrong information.

1. Isabella gets up very early on Saturdays.
2. Isabella and Megan take their cats for a walk in the morning.
3. They go to the swimming pool with Megan’s dad.
4. Isabella sometimes plays video games with her friends.
5. Isabella usually goes to bed after dinner.

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Progress Test B

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher

Read the text.

A busy routine!
Hi! I’m Amelia Brown, I’m eleven years old and I’m
American. I live with my parents and my brother in the
suburbs of New York city. My father is a mechanic and
my mother is an engineer. My brother Mark is sixteen
5 years old and he is a basketball player. He is very tall and
thin. He has got brown hair and brown eyes.
My day starts very early. The alarm clock wakes me
up at half past six because it takes me 45 minutes to get
to school. I get up, have a shower and get dressed. Then I
10 go downstairs and have breakfast with my brother. We usually have pancakes and fruit. I catch
the bus in front of my house at quarter past seven. My first lesson starts at quarter past eight. I
always have lunch in the school canteen, but some of my friends bring their lunchboxes.
After school I have piano lessons and I do martial arts twice a week.
I always do my homework before dinner. After dinner I play video games with my brother
15 or I listen to music. Then I brush my teeth and I go to bed at ten o’clock.

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A Complete the table in note form.

1. Amelia’s age
2. Amelia’s nationality
3. Her father’s job
4. Her mother’s job
5. Mark’s age
6. Mark’s physical description

B Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)?

1. The Browns live in the centre of New York City.
2. Amelia and her brother have breakfast at the same time.
3. She usually takes her lunchbox to school.
4. She does her homework after dinner.

5. Amelia and Mark play video games before going to bed.

C Answer the questions about the text. Use the information in brackets to help you.
1. Why does Amelia wake up early? (lines 7-9)
2. Does she have breakfast with her parents? (lines 9-10)
3. How does she go to school? (line 10)
4. What does she do after school? (line 13)
5. What time does she go to bed? (line 15)

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Vocabulary and Grammar
Progress Test B

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher


Complete with family members.
1. My father’s son is my __ __ __ t h __ __ .
2. My parents’ daughter is my s__ __ __ __ __ .
3. My uncle’s son is my __ __ __ __ i n.
4. My mother’s sister is my a __ n __ .
5. My mother’s parents are my __ __ __ __ d p __ __ __ __ __ __ .

B Write the name of these daily activities. Use the words in the box.
brush her teeth wake up have a shower do her homework have lunch

1. ________________ 2. ________________ 3. ________________ 4. ________________ 5. ________________

A Complete with ’ or ’s.

1. This is Charles______ dog.
2. This is my parents______ car.
3. These are the children______ trainers.
Grammar 4. This is your brother______ T-shirt.
5. These are the girls______ bikes.

B Complete with these possessive pronouns: mine, yours, his, hers, theirs.
1. Alex: Is this cap ____________ , Oliver?
Oliver: No, it’s not ____________. I think it’s Emma’s. Yes, it’s ____________.
2. This is Mr Jones’s car. It’s ____________ .
3. This is Mia and Jacob’s house. It’s ____________.

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C Write the adverb in the correct place.
1. The kids get up at 7 o’clock. (usually)____________________________________________
2. I walk to school with my best friend. (sometimes)__________________________________
3. My brother and I are late for school. (never)______________________________________
4. She has lunch at home (hardly ever)____________________________________________
5. He goes to the park with his sister. (often)________________________________________

D Order the words to form correct sentences. Start with the words in bold.
1. in / breakfast / the kitchen / have / They / .
2. our / We / don’t often ride / during the week / bikes / .
3. she / at home / have / lunch / usually / Does / ?
4. 9.30 / goes / She / to bed / at / .
5. me / to school / My father / every morning / drives / .

E Circle the correct form of the present simple.

1. He listen / listens to music after dinner.
2. We don’t go / doesn’t go to school by car. We usually catch / catches the bus to school
very early in the morning.
3. What time do / does he get up?
He get up / gets up at 7 o’clock.
4. I have / has lunch in the school canteen with my friends every day.
5. My lessons start / starts at eight o’clock. I don’t have / doesn’t have lessons in the
6. After school Philip go / goes to basketball practice.
7. When do / does they do their homework?

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Progress Test B

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher

Write a text about you.

 Name and age
(My name is… / I’m …)
 Physical description – What do you
look like?
(tall/short; blue/green eyes; _________________________________________________________________
wavy/curly/straight hair…)
 Personality _________________________________________________________________
(I’m active/funny/hard-working/lazy…)

In the morning _________________________________________________________________

 What time do you get up?
 What do you do next? _________________________________________________________________
(have a shower, get dressed, have
breakfast) _________________________________________________________________
 How do you go to school?
(bus, car, on foot) _________________________________________________________________
 Where do you have lunch?
(at home, in the school canteen…)

In the afternoon
 What activities do you do after school? _________________________________________________________________
(go to football/basketball practice, have
a guitar lesson…) _________________________________________________________________
 What do you do next?
(have a snack, do the homework, lay the _________________________________________________________________

In the evening _________________________________________________________________

 What time do you have dinner?
 What do you do after dinner? _________________________________________________________________
(watch TV, listen to music, surf the
net…) _________________________________________________________________
 What time do you go to bed?


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