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Evaluation of Time Management of Students in Online Learning

A Research Study

Presented by:

Avy Dean Claire Acbang

Marvilyn Mendoza

Rio Renz Pacia

Jay Windel Calaluan

Research Adviser

Divine Word College of Calapan – Pinamalayan Campus

Sta. Rita, Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro 5208

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know how the students manage their time in online learning.

Specifically it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the major activities as perceived by the senior high school students of Divine Word

College of Calapan in context of time management?

2. How many hours do the students of DWCC-PC actually spend to study/doing activities and

quizzes in a day?

2.1. Less than 2 hours

2.2. 2-4 hours

2.3. 4-6 hours

2.4. More than 6 hours

3. How many students use or create a daily planner or to do list to manage their time?

3.1. Less than 30 students

3.2. 30-50 students

3.3 More than 50 students

Significance of the Study

The people who will be benefited of this research entitled “Evaluation of Time

Management of Students in Online Learning” are the students, educators and future researchers.

The researchers hopes that this study will help them to understand, to increase prior and

knowledge about the importance of time management, to gain the interest of future researchers to

conduct a deeper and more intensive study about how do the students handle or manage their

time, to inspire other students to have this kind of research about education and lastly the

researchers also hopes that this study will give them the idea to properly manage their time.

The purpose of this research study was to evaluate and determine how the senior high

school students of Divine Word College of Calapan – Pinamalayan Campus manage their time in

online learning since the pandemic started. This research also aims to know if students are using

their time correctly and how are they using their time to finish all online activities The major

activities as perceived by the senior high school students of DWCC – PC in context of time

management will be determined to know if it has an effect to the time management of the

students that will lead them to know their priorities and their planning strategies to avoid

procrastination. The hours of doing the school activities will be separated from the activities

done in a day to know how many hours they spend in doing the activities which is one of the

most important thing a student can do to pass the requirements on time.

Scope, Assumptions and Limitations

This research study was focusing only in knowing how the students of DWCC-PC manage

their time in their houses since online class started. It was divided into two major steps: the

making of survey forms through google documents and the releasing of the surveys. A group of
60 learners in senior high school at DWCC-PC would be an ideal coverage to know how the

students manage their time. In conducting this evaluation it was assumed that the respondent’s

answers will help the researchers to achieve what is the goal of this study. This research study

also focused only up to how many hours do the students of DWCC-PC actually spend for making

activities and quizzes, how many students use a planner or weekly schedule to pass their

requirements on time and what are the major activities as perceived in the context of time

management. Other than that, the study will not cover topics beyond the scope of the researcher

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarification, the important terms used have been defined operationally

and conceptually to properly guide the readers of this study.

The following terms are as follows:

Demographic Profile – This refers to a description of a particular type of students,

including their age, gender, financial support, learning goals, range of students’ characteristics

that compromise the comparison between traditional and distance education, etc.

Managing – This refers to the skills or ability of a person that can have that will greatly

help them to do their stuffs without being short or without procrastination.

Online Learning – This refers to the new mode of learning aside from the modular

learning that became one of the solutions to continue the school year in the midst of the


Planning- This refers to the process of thinking about the activities or tasks required to

achieve a desired goal.

Prioritization- This refers to the activity that arranges items or activities in order of

importance relative to each other.

Procrastination- This refers to the act of delaying or putting off tasks until the last

minute, or past their deadline.

Study and Teaching Methods- This refers to the methods of how students get their

modules for them to study and how students are taught by their teachers.

Time Management- This refers to the process of planning and exercising conscious

control of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency and


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