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Environmental Education

College Admission no- 1763989 Hall ticket no- 2159124543

Question - Write a short note on Earth’s Biosphere
Answer – The Earth is a Habitable Planet with thick atmosphere
Containing elements like –
Nitrogen (78%)
Oxygen (21%)
Argon (0.18%)
Carbon-di-Oxide (0.5%)
Other (0.32%)
The Atmosphere consists of
Ozone (O3)
These components together make up the atmosphere.
Next we have Lithosphere
From the word as we know Lithosphere means terrestrial
habitat i.e, on land
The Earth is made up of 29% of land mass which is about
147.929 million km2 of area.
This land contains various forms of living and natural habitats
such as tropical forests, tropical rainforests, mangrove forests,
deserts, mountains, hills, plateaus, plains, ice sheets etc.
All terrestrial living beings including humans live of land i.e, the
Inside the earth there are three layers of solid rock in different
The three layers are –
The Crust
The Mantle
The Core
The Crust – The crust consists of all the elements and natural
resources that we have found till day
It contains 46.5% Oxygen and solidified rock
The Mantle – The Mantle is below the Crust inside the Earth’s
surface. It contains molten rock, which then spews out as
magma or lava during volcanic eruptions.
The Core – The deepest point inside the Earth’s surface is it’s
Core. The Core Temperature of the Earth is around 5200°C
The Earth’s Core is mostly made out of Iron.
Next We Have Hydrosphere –
As the name suggest Hydrosphere is relating to water.
The Earth is 71% water consisting of seas, oceans, lakes, ponds,
fresh water reservoirs etc.
97% of the water of Earth is unfit for human consumption due
to the dissolved salts.
The rest 3% is consumable as it is fresh water.
Nearly all multicellular organisms depend on water for their
So now coming to the main question
What is Biosphere?
Biosphere is basically the unification of Atmosphere,
Lithosphere and Hydrosphere.
So when these three essential life-supporting natural resource
combine (unify) to form a habitat that supports the survival of
so many organisms
We Human Beings depend on Atmosphere for breathable air ie
Depend on Lithosphere for living on land since we are
terrestrial beings
And Depend on Hydrosphere for consumption of life-
supporting natural resource called water.
So these play and important role in many organisms’ survival
Hence we multicellular beings live in a Biosphere for our

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