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1. Exercises such as chin-ups and bend-over rows provide what advantages for a power lifter?

A. Optimized muscle balance

B. Stabilize the agonist

C. Optimize aerobic endurance

D. Increased prime mover strength

2. Which of these is being implemented by a rowing athlete who performs barbell bent over rows and
leg presses for enhanced performance?

A.The agonist/antagonist theory

B. The SAID principle

C. The resistance training concept

D. Push/pull split

3. What is the ideal frequency, program duration and time to hold each stretch for consistent flexibility

A. 60 seconds, twice a week for 8 weeks

B. 30 seconds, everyday for 4 weeks

C. 30 seconds, twice a week for at least 5 weeks

D. 15 seconds, 4 times per week, for 10 weeks

4. Which of the following methods may be most beneficial for utilising the adaptations associated with
being at altitude?

A. 12-14 days of living and training in altitude

B. Training at altitude several times per week

C. Living at altitude and training at sea level

D. Spending several months living and training at altitude






6.which of the following movement specific exercises is best for a tennis player?

A. Incline bench press and power clean

B. Flat bench dumbell fly, lunge, bend-over lateral raise

C. Bench press, box dip, kettlebell swing

D. Overhead press, lateral dumbell raise, medball chest throw

7.which of the following training loads is appropriate for improving sport-specific power in basketball

A. Power snatch 1-2repetitions at 80-90% 1RM

B. Power clean 3-5 repetition at 75-85% 1RM

C. Jump squat 10 repetitions at 30% 1RM

D. Hang clean 6-8 repetitions at 665% 1RM

8.which of the following can bee used to ensure sufficient volume with limited training time?

A. Reduce the weight on the barbell back squat to reduce needed rest time

B. Substitute leg press for back squat

C. Superset bench press and dumbell row

D.Perform fewer sets of core exercise

9. Which of these is the highest intensity aerobic training type?

A. Pace/tempo training

B. Fartlek training

C. LSD training

D.High intensity interval training (HIIT)






11. The sequential execution of which of these exercise combination allows for the best recovery for
each group of muscles between sets?

A. Leg curls and deadlifts

B. Incline DB press and push ups

C. Bicep curls and walking lunges

D. Bench press and dumbell bench press

12.which of the following training methods is least recommended for improving sprint time?

A. Sled pulls

B. Incline sprinting

C. Over Speed training

D. Loaded depth jumps

13. For an off season college volleyball athlete, which of these is the best core exercise?

A. Leg extension

B. Triceps push down

C. Sit ups

D. Deadlift














17. What is the volume-load for an athlete executing 3× 10reps of a 100lb bench press?

A. 60lbs

B. 300lbs

C. 30lbs

D. 3000lbs

18.which of the following athletes should generally avoid high-intensity plyometrics?

A. Prepubescent soccer forward

B. Senior varsity sprinter

C. Collegiate female volleyball player

D. Master's division track and field competitor

19.when performing aerobic exercise and plyometric exercise, which of the following statements is

A. Aerobic exercise should be performed first for maximum benefit

B. Aerobic exercise should be performed after plyometric training

C. Plyometrics should be used as aerobic conditioning

D. Plyometrics should not be performed in the same session as aerobic training

20. Which of the following exercises would be considered a core exercise?

A. Back squat

B. Sit-ups

C. Prone plank

D. Bicep curl
21. Assesing both the athletes and the sports requirements involves which of these?

A. Movement analysis

B. Needs analysis

C. Exercise selection

D. Periodization

22. A 400m swimmer is tapping into which molecule as the primary energy substrate?

A. Liver glycogen and fatty acids

B. ATP and ADP

C. Muscular glycogen and glucose

D. Creating phosphate

23.which of these describes a group of sequenced repetitions executed before rest?

A. Load

B. Repetition

C. Set

D. Series

24. Which of these programming protocols can assist athletes to maximize performance for a specific

A. Detraining

B. None functional overreaching

C. Tapering

D. High volume , low intensity

25. The active rest period or second transition phase should last how long?

A. Less than 5 days

B. 1 week at most

C. 3 weeks

D. 2 months











28. Which values are affected by repetition volume?

A. Intensity

B. Interval period

C. Volume

D. Frequency
29. Adaptation takes place during which portion of a training program?

A. Cool-down and stretch

B. Recovery

C. Dynamic stretch warm-up

D. During concentric muscle action the transverse plane of motion, which head of the deltoid moves during abduction?

A. Posterior

B. Anterior

C. Lateral

D. Medial

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