Version 3.5 Alpha: Rules Are As V3 Flames of War Except Where Noted

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Version 3.

5 Alpha
Rules are as V3 Flames of War except where noted.

Movement is now divided into three speeds: Stationary, Tactical, and Dash. Individual teams in a
platoon may move at different speeds.

At Stationary speed, a team may not move at all. A Stationary team may Dig In or attempt to Gap
Obstacles. They will fire at full rate of fire as long as they don’t perform an action that would reduce it,
such as digging in.

At Tactical speed, a team may move up to the distance indicated on the chart under the “Tactical”
column. A team that moved at Tactical speed fires at half their normal rate of fire, rounded down. This
does not apply to vehicle machine guns. A team must move at Tactical speed to assault (they may move
0” and stay in place during this move). Units moving at Tactical speed are not slowed by terrain, but
must make a bogging check for each Difficult or Very Difficult terrain piece they move through at any
point in their move.

At Dash speed, a team may move up to the distance indicated on the chart under the relevant “Dash”
speed column. A team that moved at Dash speed may not perform any other actions that turn. A team
may not Dash within 8” of an enemy team, unless that team is an Independent team. Dash speeds are
divided into three types:

 Cross Country Dash is the distance the team may move while Dashing across clear ground,
avoiding terrain.
 Terrain Dash is the distance the team may move while Dashing through terrain. They will still
need to take Bogging checks while doing so.
 Road Dash is the distance the team may move while Dashing if they are on a Road for their
entire movement.

A unit that Dashes must end its movement facing in the direction of travel, and must take the straightest
possible line to their end point (bending around terrain or to follow roads as appropriate)
V3.4 Movement Distances Table
Mobility Rating Tactical Terrain Dash Cross Country Dash Road Dash
Tracked Tank Teams
Standard Tank 10” 12” 18” 20”
Fast Tank 12” 16” 24” 28”
Light Tank 14” 16” 28” 32”
Slow Tank 8” 12” 14” 15”
Very Slow Tank 6” 8” 8” 8”
Other Tank Teams
Jeep, motorcycle 12” 12” 18” 40”
Half-Tracked 10” 12” 18” 32”
Wheeled 10” 10” 14” 32”
Slow Wheeled 8” 8” 10” 24”
Wagon 6” 6” 6” 8”
Gun Teams
Man-Packed Gun 6” 8” 12” 12”
Light Gun 4” 4” 6” 8”
Medium Gun 2” 4” 6” 8”
Heavy Gun 2” 2” 4” 6”
Immobile Gun - 2” 4” 4”
Infantry Teams
Infantry 6” 8” 12” 12”
Cavalry 10” 10” 20” 20”

The following rules modify speeds:

Unreliable: -2” to Cross Country and Road Dash Speeds

Detroit’s Finest: +2” to Cross-Country, Terrain, and Road Dash Speeds

Truscott Trot: +2” to Cross-Country and Road Dash speeds for infantry and man-packed guns

Hunters: +2” to Terrain Dash speeds for infantry and man-packed guns.

Jeep, Motorcycle, Half-tracked, Wheeled, Slow Wheeled, and Wagon teams get +2” to their tactical
move if they are on a road for their entire move.
Hit Allocation (shooting, bombardment, planes)
After rolling to hit, the shooting player allocates their shots to teams in the platoon they shot at, subject
to the following restrictions.

 The first hit for each must be allocated to the team the shooting team shot at, unless that team
already has a hit. Ignore this rule for aircraft and bombardments.
 Hits may only be allocated to teams the shooting team can see. For artillery or aircraft, hits
must be allocated to teams under the template.
 Hits must be spread as evenly as possible; you cannot apply two hits to a valid target until all
valid targets have at least one hit assigned to them. This applies both to number and kind of
hits, you cannot assign two tanks only machine gun shots and give the last one two 85mm shots!

Mistaken Target
The defending player may choose two teams in a platoon that are within command distance of each
other and are valid targets of an incoming attack. The defender may not swap hits between teams in
bulletproof cover and teams not in bulletproof cover.

The defender then rolls a dice, and determines success using this table:

Command team Infantry or Man-Packed Other team type

Attacker is farther than Automatic 2+ 3+
4” away
Attacker is at 4” or less 3+ 3+ Impossible
or is a Sniper team

If the defender succeeds, he swaps all hits on the two teams, and then may attempt another Mistaken
Target check. If the defender fails, he may not make any more Mistaken Target checks. A team may not
swap hits more than once against a single platoon’s shooting.

Weapon mountings and Armor Arcs

Gun teams draw Line of Sight from the breech of the gun.

For a hull mounted weapon or a gun team to target an enemy team, that team must be entirely in front
of a line drawn across the front edge of the shooting team. Gun teams with Turntables ignore this rule.

When determining side arcs, a team is considered to be in the side arc of the opponent if any part of the
team is past a line drawn across the front edge or turret of the target team.
Direct Fire Smoke
Weapons firing Smoke must fire before other teams in their own platoon, and will conduct their smoke
fire before they fire any secondary weapons (such as machine guns). Hits from Smoke firing weapons
may not be reallocated using the Mistaken Target rule. For each hit a weapon firing smoke makes, place
a 2” diameter ball of smoke touching the hit team from the direction the shooter fired from.

The penalties for firing through smoke depend upon the distance. Any team within a smoke ball, or
firing through one, suffers a +1 to hit penalty against targets within 8”, a +2 to hit penalty against targets
within 16”, and cannot target teams beyond 16”. These modifiers are not cumulative with Concealment
or Gone to Ground.

Man-Packed gun teams have a 3+ save at all times.

Light, Medium, Heavy, and Immobile guns have a 4+ save at all times.

If a Warrior team (such as a company commander) would be destroyed, they may make a 3+ save to
attempt to move to a new unit of the same type within command distance.

AA Fire
Self-defense AA may fire at any aircraft within range at RoF 1. They do not get the normal +8” range
bonus for conducting AA fire. They do not need to be attacked to conduct AA fire.

AA fire against an AOP may be performed when the player declares the AOP is spotting for a
bombardment. This is an exception to the normal rule that AA fire must be done after all normal
shooting but before Aircraft attack. Note that teams firing AA fire in response to an AOP will still lose
Gone to Ground and other benefits for not firing as normal. If the AOP is destroyed, the controlling
player may still spot for the bombardment with another observer, as the AOP is destroyed before it can
All platoons with a Staff team start the game with one Ranged In marker, placed after objectives but
before any platoons are deployed. It must be clear which marker belongs to which platoon.

Artillery targets a point on the table, with the difficulty of ranging in determined based on the
bombarding platoon’s skill. An Observer team, Company Command team, or member of the
bombarding platoon must have line of sight to the target point. A spotter may only spot for a single
bombarding platoon in a turn.

The bombarding platoon then places their template, with the arrow on the template pointing to the
center of the bombarding platoon. If the template would touch a friendly unit, the bombardment is
called off.

A platoon takes a skill check to range in, modified as shown on table A. Each unit gets three attempts
to range in. If a platoon has multiple skill ratings for bombarding teams, use the lowest skill level.

Once a platoon is ranged in, it rolls to hit each team under the template based on the target’s skill as
normal shooting (vets are hit on a 4+, trained on a 3+, etc.), plus the specific artillery modifiers. These
modifiers are shown on table B.

An artillery platoon may repeat bombardment, skipping the range in roll, if it ranged in on that same
point previously and has a staff team. If an observer does not have line of sight to the point, this
repeated bombardment suffers +1 to hit.

Ranging In Penalties To-Hit penalties

Situation Penalty Situation Penalty
Observing team is a company command +1 Repeating bombardment +1
team without observer
Any part of the template is touching +1 Target Team is an Armored +1
concealing terrain, or the observing team Tank or Transport Team
is observing through concealing terrain. Platoon Ranged In on the +1
second attempt
The observing team is observing at night +1 Platoon Ranged In on the third +2

Determine effects from number of guns as per V3.

Smoke bombardments may be placed at any point. Place a line of 2” diameter smoke puffs, with the
number of puffs equal to the number of guns firing. They may be oriented however the player
wishes, but must be in a straight line and touching each other. The puffs count as the template when
attempting to range in, and are not placed if the unit fails to range in. Smoke bombardments ignore
Danger close.
If a fleeing team cannot get 5” away from all enemy assaulting teams when breaking off from an assault,
they are captured and destroyed.

A company commander may allow a platoon he has joined to use his morale rating (in addition to the
normal re-rolls) in an assault.

A platoon takes a morale check if, after attempting bail in checks at the start of the turn, the platoon has
more destroyed teams than active teams. If the platoon passes the check, it remains on the board. If it
fails the check, remove all active teams from the board and destroy all Bailed or Bogged teams.

Warrior and independent teams that have temporarily joined a platoon are not removed if that platoon
fails a platoon morale check.

A company needs to take a company morale check when it has lost at least 75% of its HQ, Combat,
Weapons, and Brigade/Regimental support platoons. Other Support platoons are never counted for any
company’s morale. Each Company in a force takes company morale tests separately. If the company
passes, it continues fighting on. If it fails, remove all remaining platoons from that company as if they
had failed a platoon morale check. If all of a player’s companies have failed company morale tests, that
player loses the game. Support units do not run if the company they were bought for fails a company
morale check, but will run if all of a player’s companies are destroyed or flee.

Units may only move up to their Terrain Dash speed at night.

Force Composition
A player’s force may be made of multiple Formations, each made from a standard company (soviet
battalion). All companies must be from the same book (including digital supplements). Only one
company may take Support units other than Brigade or Regimental support.
A player with units in reserves may not deploy more than 60% of the agreed points total on the table at
the start of the game. The remainder must be held in reserves.

A platoon that makes any combat attachments to a platoon deployed at the start of the game is counts
its points against the 60% limit. Air support in reserves may not be rolled for until it comes on from
reserves. If multiple platoons are bought together from a single entry, they are either in reserves or on
the table together, and roll to arrive as a single unit.

Agreed Fieldable
100 60
500 300
700 420
900 540
1000 600
1100 660
1200 720
1300 780
1400 840
1500 900
1600 960
1700 1020
1800 1080
1900 1140
2000 1200

National Special Rules

Fire Bursts – A Japanese platoon with Fire Bursts counts as having 3 guns bombarding as long as they
have 2 guns.

Mission Tactics – Nominate a new platoon command team of the same type, within command distance
of the old platoon command team, and from the same platoon.
Proposed but not in for sure:
Roll one dice to determine if aircraft come in, using the following table. If they arrive, roll for flight size
as normal.

Sporadic 5+
Limited 4+
Priority 3+

Once per game, a player may decide to automatically have their aircraft come in without rolling. Flight
size is rolled normally.

Dedicated interceptors use the following table. Ground attack craft are always treated as sporadic for
interception, and neither type may automatically intercept.

Sporadic 6+
Limited 5+
Priority 4+

Certain planes may opt to intercept other ground attack aircraft with greater odds, though this is
generally limited to fighters with light ground attack loads. Those aircraft may opt to arrive as sporadic
aircraft on their next turn in order to intercept as dedicated interceptors. They may not use their
automatic arrival on a turn they do this.

All air support choices gain the option for interceptor cover at the following points cost, at the same
priority level as their normal air support options. This takes the same force slot as normal air support:
you may only have one.

Sporadic 25 points
Limited 50 points
Priority 75 points

Waveoff distance is 12” from friendlies

Digging In
All infantry and gun teams start the game dug in, no matter the mission.

A team that failed to dig in the previous turn may re-roll future attempts to dig in.
Bunker Busters
A tank hit by a Bunker Buster suffers a Bailed Out result before rolling armor saves. It still suffers the
result of the save.

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