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1. What are the stories’ plot?

EXPOSITION - They say the apartment next door has always been haunted. That it
was first owned by a secretive and solitary woman who had woven one too many
spells or cooked up one too many schemes, and that the darkness which grew in one
of its corners had eaten her alive. 
RISING ACTION – Milton dreamed about the haunted apartment next to them,
containing the creatures that either are befriended human, which is the green girl.
That his aunt told him the story about the green girl and Milton start talking behind
the wall.
CLIMAX – Milton crept out of the house while his mother is sleeping. He
touched the sparse glass growing his hand went right through and touched the
wall. And the wall itself shimmered and swallowed Milton, he found himself
trumbling into the garden next door, where the creature is.
RESOLUTION - The creature has horns, ridges down the spinned and have maw
and ask Milton for a friendship or the creature will eat him.
FALLING ACTION – Milton rejected the friendship that the creature offered
and its shadow dissolved and all that happened is just a dream.

2. What are the theme of the stories?

- The story of Green Girl implies Filipino superstitions, rituals and current
news such as peer pressure and economic conditions. Social forces
control people by telling things they are supposed to do and observing
their every move. Every character in the story cannot simply do the
things they want to do because of the social hierarchy that separates
them. Each of them has laws to follow. You'll find in the story that
Milton's mother was one of the characters who had the power to
control how character traits, such as Tiya Hilda and Milton, decide and
move while another character who has the power to decide is Milton.

3. Who are narrating in the stories?

- Cyan Abad-Jugo is the narrator in the story.

4. What are the time and place of the stories?

- The overall happenings in the story happened in the apartment which
Milton and his mother live. Particularly in their kitchen, living room and
in the garden next to the other apartment. And Milton experience it in
his vacation.
5. Who are the characters? What do they represent in the stories?
- The main character because of him circulates the whole story.
- Nephew of Hilda.
- Width person because its characteristic has not changed until the story ends.
- The aunt of Milton.
- She told Milton about the mysterious green woman.
- Competitor
- She restricts Milton to lean or play near the wall and she also tells his son
that Milton's father is in the country or abroad.
- Round person because her first goal was to eat Milton but she still offered
her friendship.
- She offered her friendship with Milton.

6. How are the stories structured or organized? How are the parts related to one
- They are related to each other because they are both horror superstitions.

7. Is there a relationship between the beginning and the end of the story?
- There is no relationship between the beginning and the end of the story.

8. What recurring patterns (repeated or related words, images, symbols etc.) can
you find? What is the effect of these patterns or motifs? Cite the lines from
the stories.
- The recurring patterns repeated in the stories is when Milton facing the wall
because he said that he hears a strange noise and her mother told her that
there might be a snake there that may bite him.

9. How do various elements of the work reinforce its meaning?

- The various elements is categorized in the late century of the literature. The
story is not common in other literature because it contains superstitious
10. What figures of speech are used? (metaphors, similes, etc.) Cite the lines from
the stories.
- There is no figures of speech used in the story.

11. What are the observable difference of 21st Century Literature and literature
from earlier period based on the stories read?
- There is no difference in the earlier period of literature and the new period of
literature because they both have horror superstitious events and fiction


1. What are the stories’ plot?
EXPOSITION – In the barrio of Libas, the boy was just 12 years old and he goes there
in the river and he found an old lady and that was the called Witch named Minggay
RISING ACTION - That is when the town have a problem they blame the witch named
Minggay just because she is a witch.
CLIMAX - When the guy comes in Minggay Awok's house and found out that it have
many bottles that have different bugs.
FALLING ACTION -  The old woman was not wrong, but without the knowledge of the
boy, though he is afraid of Minggay, he perfectly catch many shrimps and medicines
for the wife of Tio Sabelo. After learning that the old woman is Minggay Awok.
RESOLUTION - He then goes away from the river and when he is far away from
Minggay, he run away and stop. As he walked again, the string of shrimps kept
brushing again the side of his leg. So he detached it from his belt except for the three
small ones because those are not belonged to Minggay. Angrily, he hurled those
shrimps back in the river.
2. What are the theme of the stories?
- The theme of the story is that not all we see, touch, hear is true, we can’t
judge a thing or idea that only see by our eyes. We also can’t just believe a
story that was just said by people without a proved even it is popular or not.
Proving, explaining an idea is not a bad thing, as long as we don’t hurt, affect
someone's feeling and as long as we have enough data, proves that we can
relay on.

3. Who are narrating in the stories?

- Edilberto K. Tiempo is the narrator in the story.

4. What are the time and place of the stories?

- The overall happenings in the story happened in the Barrio of Libas
Southern Leyte, Philippines.

5. Who are the characters? What do they represent in the stories?

- Round character (Antagonist)
- She was speculated as the witch in the story and she was blamed for all the
unfortunate Incidents that happened in their place.
- Flat character (Protagonist)
- He has portrayed in the story as an obedient and a dutiful lad. He was easily
affected by the rumors surrounding him, to the point of almost believing them
without reasonable proofs.
- The head teacher of the barrio school.

6. How are the stories structured or organized? How are the parts related to one
- They are related to each other because they are both horror superstitions.
7. Is there a relationship between the beginning and the end of the story?
- The Witch is a story that talks about a witch who is allegedly on a vengeful
path. The kind of conflict in the story can be classified as conflict between man
vs. man. The story ends with a happy tone after the suspected witch turned
out to be a helpful woman.

8. What recurring patterns (repeated or related words, images, symbols etc.) can
you find? What is the effect of these patterns or motifs? Cite the lines from
the stories.
9. How do various elements of the work reinforce its meaning?
- The various elements is categorized in the late century of the literature. The
story is not common in other literature because it contains superstitious

10. What figures of speech are used? (metaphors, similes, etc.) Cite the lines from
the stories.
- There is no figures of speech used in the story.

11. What are the observable difference of 21st century literature and literature
from earlier period based on the stories read?
- There is no difference in the earlier period of literature and the new period of
literature because they both have horror superstitious events and fiction

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