Research Observation Chart

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Research Observation Chart

Instructions: Complete the Research Observation Chart for any of the assigned readings this week. Fill in
several copies of the chart or draw the chart in your notes. Use the charts for discussion board, journal,
prewriting, and drafting assignments. For Unit 2, select passages that answer questions from discussion board
questions and/or journals that will help you with your Essay #2: Research & Rhetoric in Practice

Objectives: By doing this assignment you will:

 bring your prior knowledge and experience to the reading

 construct meaning from the reading
 gain insight into the significance of the larger issues in America
 create clear, organized notes with quotes you and reference in your essays


 Passage: Select 5 passages that engage you and that you find significant for some reason.
You can also do this for passages that seem ambiguous, that confuse or puzzle you or when
an important key term or concept is defined in the reading. For Unit 1, select passages from
the readings that speak to, respond to, or help you answer the questions from discussion
boards and journals.

 Response: Write a 2-3 sentence response to the passage you have chosen. Consider the
following questions as you respond:

a. Why were you drawn to this passage?

b. How does the author use evidence in this passage?
c. What research method did the author use to write this passage?
d. How does this passage illustrate an important idea or concept detailed in the assigned
e. How does this important idea relate to larger American issues or help answer the
questions from the Discussion Board or Journal?
f. What are the literary devices of your passages?
g. What do you think is the author’s purpose of writing this passage?
h. Who is the audience/reader of this passage?
i. Based on this passage, what do you think is the author’s argument?
j. For ambiguous passages, explain why you were drawn to it or what you think the
passage’s ambiguities might mean. This is a great way to have a conversation with
yourself about the work, break it down, and ponder aspects you find confusing,
mysterious, or complex.
k. List a question if you have one, about your passage. See if, by the end of the article,
you are able to answer your question.
Close Reading Chart
Directions: Select 5 quotes and find examples of passages that speak to you in a humanly important way.
Then respond to the passage by describing what research method Abdurraqib used to write said passage.
Quotation, Passage, or Scenario Page Response: Observation of Research, Reflection,
1. The officer snapped at me. 112 What do you think is the author’s purpose of
Asked, of course, if I thought writing this passage?
anything was funny. The author shows the injustice on the part of the
Demanded to know what I was police officer. Demonstration of emotion by a
so excited about. This, before black person is negatively perceived. Although he's
even addressing the white not guilty of anything.
driver for his infraction

2. His neighbor called the police 113 Who is the audience/reader of this passage?
on him because he heard the I think the author writes for people like this man
black man raising his voice to a who called the police. He knew that his neighbor is
level that the neighbor wasn't black men and called the police at the first
used to hearing. When the opportunity. So, the author hopes that after reading
police arrived, it turned out the this passage, people will shame and would better
man was just singing. understand people needs.

3. I was laughing loud, as my 112 Why were you drawn to this passage?
mother would, at a joke a friend in The author describes his emotion of laughter as
the backseat told to loosen the paralleling his mother's laughter. He emphasizes
mood. the fact that his laugh was the same as hers.
Emotions are feelings data from birth, this is

4. Our fights aren’t going to be equal 113 What do you think is the author’s purpose of
in the world, but if we are pushing our writing this passage?
backs against the same barriers of The author cannot accept the fact that more than
injustice, I would like my anger to live ever and more than ever injustice continues to
in the world as your anger does. grow.
Reasonably, with expectations that it
doesn’t make me who I am. It is a task,
some days. To think about your
consistent kindness as, instead, a
product of restraint.

5. She was not smiling, but kind 115 Why were you drawn to this passage?
to the white man behind the I liked how he finished his essay on a good tone.
register, offering short but polite Message from this passage when you are a kind
responses to his questions. When and respectful person, you're not only helping
handing her back change, he others, you are helping yourself, too.
looked at my mother and said,
“Everything okay? You just
seem so mad today.”

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