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JuiceNotes 2019

Financial Risk Manager (FRM) - Part I © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Book 1 -Foundations of Risk Management Concepts
Sr. No Name of Reading Page No.
1 Risk management : Helicopter View 1
2 Corporate Risk Management : A Primer 7
3 Corporate Governance and Risk Management 10
4 What is ERM 13
5 Risk Management, Governance, Culture, and Risk Taking 15
6 Financial Disasters 18
7 Deciphering the Liquidity and Credit Crunch 2007-08 21
8 Getting Up to Speed on the Financial Crisis 25
Risk Management Failures
The Standard Capital Asset Pricing Model
Applying CAPM to Performance Measurement
Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Multifactor Models
13 Principles of Effective Data Aggregation and Risk Reporting 42
14 GARP Code of Conduct 47

Book 2 - Quantitative analysis

15 Probabilities 51
16 Basic Statistics 57
17 Distribution 65
18 Bayesian Analysis 72

19 Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals 76

20 Linear Regression with One Regressor 84
21 Regression with Single Regressor 88
22 Linear Regression with Multiple Regressors 92
23 Hypothesis Tests and Confidence Intervals in Multiple Regression 95
24 Modeling and Forecasting Trend 100 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

25 Modeling and Forecasting Seasonality 104

26 Characterizing Cycles 106
27 Modeling Cycles : MA, AR, and ARMA Models 109
28 Volatility 111
29 Correlations and Copulas 115
30 Simulation Methods 118

Book 3 - Financial markets and products

31 Banks 122
32 Insurance Companies and Pension Plans 125
33 Mutual Funds and Hedge Funds 131
34 Introduction ( Options, Futures and Other Derivatives) 133
Mechanics of Future Markets

Interest Rates
Hedging Strategies Using Futures

Determination of Forward and Future Prices

39 Interest Rate Futures 156
40 Swaps 159
41 Mechanics of Options Markets 166

42 Properties of Stock Options 169

43 Trading Strategies Involving Options 171
44 Exotic Options 174
45 Commodity Forwards and Futures 178

46 Exchanges, OTC Derivatives, DPCs and SPVs 181

47 Basic Principles of Central Clearing 183
48 Risks Caused by CCPs 185
49 Foreign Exchange Risk 187
50 Corporate Bonds 190
51 Mortgages and Mortgage-Backed Securities 192
Book 1 - Foundations
of Risk Management

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Risk Management : A Helicopter View

LO 1.1 Concept of Risk
Risk arises from uncertainty regarding an entity’s future losses as well as future gains
Risk as Unexpected loss
Watch video with important
testable concepts here
Value-at-Risk Economic Capital

Ÿ Loss in terms of it’s chances of Financial cushion that a bank

occurrence i.e. the confidence employs to absorb unexpected
level of the analysis losses
Ÿ Useful in :
i. Liquid Position
ii. Normal market conclusion
iii. Short time period

ª Risk = Variability of unexpected adverse outcomes

ª Financial Risk = Volatility ( A special case of variability ) of unexpected losses

r Ÿ
What it is NOT

Size of a cost/loss.
Expected loss
Peril = Cause of loss
Hazard = Condition that increases
(frequency/severity) of loss
What it is

It is potential for unexpected

Ÿ Variability of unexpected loss or
adverse outcome

LO 1.2 Risk management process


Ÿ Identify the risk

Ÿ Quantify and estimate the risk exposures or determine appropriate methods to transfer
the risk
Ÿ Determine the collective effects of the risk exposures or perform cost benefit analysis
on risk transfer methods
Ÿ Develop a risk mitigation strategy
Ÿ Assess performance and amend risk mitigation strategy.

Two key problems - 1.Identifying the correct risk


2.Finding an efficient method of transforming the risk.

Challenges in the risk management process

Ineffective policies
Risk must be dispensed No overall risk due to derivatives
among willing and able Failure in preventing elimination rather trading leading to
participants market disruptions and transforming of risk overstating of the
(failed in 2008 financial accounting frauds from one party to financial position and
crisis) another understanding the
level of risk
1 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 1.3 Measuring and Managing Risk
ª VaR is useful in: Ÿ Liquid positions
Ÿ Normal market conditions
Ÿ Short time period

Tools and procedures of Measuring and Managing Risk

Enterprise Risk
Quantitative Qualitative

1.Scenario analysis: 1.Integrated approach to

Worst case scenario : Effects of risk management
2.Economic capital
macroeconomic scenario 2.Uses economic capital
2.Stress testing: and stress testing
Financial outcome based on 3.Consider entity wise risk
stressed inputs.

LO 1.4

of goods
Expected Loss
Ÿ Loss in the normal course of business
Ÿ Can be computed in advance with ease:

For financial institutions, it could be

recovered by charging commissions or
è For retail business, it is priced into cost
Unexpected Loss

Loss outside the normal course of

Ÿ Very difficult to predict

Ÿ Correlation risk drives up the potential
losses to the unexpected levels.
by implementing spreads.
LO 1.5 Risk and Reward

Relationship between Risk and Rewards

Publicly traded securities Non-Public traded securities

Ÿ It is much easier to examine through It is very difficult because there is market price
credit risk that is accounted in yield spread validation.
Ÿ But liquidity risk, taxation impacts and risk

tolerances disguise the trees relation

between risks and returns.

Impact of conflicts of interest on management

1. Poor risk management leads to
a)overstating of potential returns
b)understating of potential risk
2. a)Due to no adjustment for risk
b)Due to ignoring correlation risk
3. Compensation based on ‘mark to market’ or ‘mark to market’
4. Profits are paid today that may turn out illusory, while the cost of any associated risk is
. pushed into the future.
Financial Risk

Credit Risk Market Risk

Gap risk

Ÿ Interest rate risk

Loan portfolio risk Transactional risk Ÿ Trading risk
Foreign exchange risk
Ÿ Commodity price risk
Ÿ Equity price risk

Correlation risk
Concentration risk

Portfolio maturity risk

Liquidity risk
Default risk
Bankruptcy risk
Downgrade risk
Settlement risk
Ÿ General Market risk
Specific risk or idiosyncratic risk

Ÿ Systematic Risk:
Failure of one institution leading/triggering a chain reaction/domino effect on other institutions and
consequently collapse of entire financial market and even the global economy
Ÿ ‘Margin Call’ triggered due to losses at an institution and leads to further increased ‘margin calls’.

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Market Risk
Investment losses due to change in market policies

Interest Rate Risk Foreign Exchange Risk Commodity Price Risk Equity Price Risk
Increase in market interest rate Losses due to open/ Price volatility of commodities
Fi Volatility of stock prices
leads to devaluation of fixed importantaly hedged positions due to concentration of
income security in particular foreign currency specific commodities with few
denominated assets and market players
1) Gap Risk Ÿ Imperfect correlations in the Ÿ Lack of liquidity 1) General Market Risk
movement of currency prices Ÿ Sudden price jumps
Ÿ Fluctuations in international
interest rates
Ÿ Losses due to sensitivity of that
Risk arising in the balance sheet
due to different sensitivity of
asset and liabilities to changes of
interest rates
portion of stock price to unique
factors of the entity (e.g: line of
business,strategic weakness)
Ÿ Can be diversified

2) Trading Risk 2) Specific Risk or

Idiosyncratic Risk
Ÿ Curve risk:
No hedge against a change in Ÿ Losses due to sensitivity of periodic
the shape of yield curve value to changes in broad stock market
Ÿ Basis risk: indices
Unhedged / partially hedged Ÿ Cannot be eliminated through
portfolios due to imperfect diversification
correlation Ÿ Also known as systematic risk

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Credit Risk
Loss from the failure of the counterparty to fulfill it’s contractual obligation or from the

increased risk of default during the term of the transaction

Transactional Risk

1. Default risk 2.Bankruptcy risk 3. Downgrade risk 4. Settlement risk

Non payment of Liquidation collateral Decrease in credit In derivative
interest / principal value insufficient to worthiness of a transaction the losing
recover full loss on counterparty to a party refuses to pay
default transaction winning party
Loan portfolio risk
1.Concentration risk 2.Correlation risk 3.Portfolio maturity risk 4.Liquidity risk
Lack of diversification Default at same time Loans maturing at same time Less cash inflow due to
maturity risk

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LO 1.6: Risk Classes
Liquidity Risk
Funding Liquidity Risk: Ÿ Loss when an entity is unable to
a)Pay down/refinance its debt
b)Satisfy any cash obligations counter party
c)Fund any capital withdrawal.

Trading Liquidity Risk: Ÿ Loss when an entity is unable to buy/sell a security at

the market price due to absence (temporary) of a
counter party.

Operational Risk

Ÿ Are all the non financial problems

Ÿ Includes natural disasters, technology, risk, fraud, human error, inaccurate valuation of
complicated derivatives, incompetent management, etc.

Legal and Regulatory Risk

Ÿ Classified as operational risk in Basel II

Ÿ In derivative market, legal risk are only apparent when a counter party or an investor
losses money on transaction and decides to sue the provider firm to avoid meeting its

position. ee
Ÿ Regulatory Risk is a loss due to impact of change in tax laws on the market value of a

Business Risk
Financial loss due to decreased revenues and or the increased cost

Strategic Risk Reputation Risk


Loss incurred due to Ÿ Belief that an enterprise can and fulfill its
promises to counter parties and creditors. Eg.
Ÿ Failure of a new business investment Lehman Bros. collapse
Ÿ Unsuccessful change in business strategy. Ÿ Belief that an entity is a fair dealer and
ethical practices.
Ÿ Social media risk

6 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Corporate risk management :A Primer

LO 2.1 Hedging risk exposures Watch video with important
testable concepts here

Modigliani & miller argued that value of firm will remain constant despite any attempt
to hedge risk exposures
Ÿ Due to unreasonable assumptions above argument is considered weak

Hedging Risk

Advantages Disadvantages

Ÿ Lowers the cost of capital

Ÿ More debt can be borrowed at cheaper
rate and with fewer conditions &
restrictions ,thus increasing the Ÿ Distracts management
investment opportunities Ÿ Un-monitored risk management
Ÿ Stability in earning strategy could be more fatal
Ÿ It controls the financial performance of Ÿ Compliance cost

board of directors.
Operational improvement
Cheaper than purchasing insurance
Allows tax saving
Practice it is not true
the firm ,to meet the requirement of its Ÿ Due to difference between accounting
earnings and cashflows

LO 2.2&2.3 Hedging decisions

The role of Board Of Directors

Step 1: Determining and defining the ‘Risk Appetite’ in 3 ways


a) Classifying risks as i.Tolerable (to be left unhedged)

ii.Intolerable (to be hedged)
b) Quantity stating the value of tolerable risk ( using VaR)
c) Using stress testing to articulate their Risk appetite

Ÿ Board faces a key dilemma when setting the Risk appetite due to potential conflict between
debtholders and shareholders

Ÿ Both accounting and economic profits can not be hedged simultaneously. Thus ,there is a trade off
between the two.

Step 2: ª Objectives / goals must be stated clearly and not in the form of slogans , such as
“maximum profit at minimum risk”.
Step 3: ª Gitorias for evaluating the achievement of objectives must be set in advance
Step 4: ª Clarify its objectives in terms of hedging accounting or economic profit
Step 5: ª Time horizon to achieve the goals must be definitive
Step 6: ª Define risk limits to allow management to operate within the zone of prices and rates
7 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Defines risk appetite
Board of Drectors

Maps risk as A,B & C

Management Step 3
Cash flow
Currency risk

Step 1 Timing of
inflows &
Balance sheet outflows of
foreign currency
Effect on asset
and liability in Step 2
currency. Income statement

Effect on sales & expenses in different

A - Insurable risk
B - Hedgable risk
C - Non - insecurable & non - hedgable risk

LO 2.4 ee
Hedging operational and financial risks

Foreign currency risks -

Hedge B.S, I.S and cash flow statement using a) Currency put option b) Forward

Hedging risk of a firm

Operational risk Financial risk

Cost (production) and revenue (Sales) Effect on balance sheet hedge

hedging ‘Income statement’ ‘Balance sheet’

Pricing risk Interest rate risk

Use futures/forwards Use interest rate swaps


Static vs. Dynamic Hedging Strategies

Ÿ Static hedging strategy is a simple process in which the risky investment position is
initially determined and an appropriate hedging vehicle is used to match that position as
close as possible and for as long as required.

Ÿ In contrast, a dynamic hedging strategy is a more complex process that recognizes that
the attributes of the underlying risky position may change with time. Assuming it is
desired to maintain the initial risky position, there will be additional transaction costs
required to do so. 8 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 2.5 Risk management instruments

Ÿ Exchange-traded instruments cover only certain underlying assets and are quite standardized
(e.g., maturities and strike prices) in order to promote liquidity in the marketplace.
Ÿ OTC instruments are privately traded between a bank and a firm and thus can be customized to
suit the firm’s risk management needs.
Ÿ In exchange for the customization, OTC instruments are less liquid and more difficult to price
than exchange-traded instruments.
Ÿ In addition, there is credit risk by either of the counterparties (e.g., default risk) that would
generally not exist with exchange-traded instruments.

r ee

9 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Corporate Governance and

Risk Management Watch video with important
testable concepts here

LO 3.1 Best practices in corporate governance

Corporate governance Ÿ Board of directors should be comprised of majority of independent
Ÿ All members should posses a basic knowledge of the firm’s business
and industry, even if they are outside of the industry if someone who
lack knowledge should be provided some supplemental training prior
to joining board

1.The board should be watching out for the interests of the shareholders & other stakeholders.
2. The compensation committee within the board should design management compensation
plans so they are congruent with corporate goals in addition to minimizing or reducing agency
3.The board should maintain its independence from management.
4.The chief executive officer (CEO) would not also be the chairman of the
board because there is already an inherent conflict with the CEO being on both the
management team and the board of directors.

5.The board should consider the introduction of a chief risk officer (CRO).
6.The CRO would technically be a member of management but would attend board meetings.
7.The CRO’s objective would be to link the corporate governance duties to the firm’s risk
management objectives.
8. CRO could report to the board and/or the management team, depending on the specific
nature of the CRO role within the firm.

Risk Management Economic performance is more important than accounting performance

Ethics committee is responsible for monitoring duties to ensure that those
standards are upheld.
Compensation should be determined based on performance on a risk-adjusted


The board should be prepared to pose probing and relevant questions to

management and other staff in the context of professional skepticism.

Risk committee members need to understand the technical risk issues (e.g.,
risk appetite, relevant time period) in order to ask appropriate questions
and make informed decisions.
Risk committee should be separate from the audit committee given the

different knowledge base and skills required in each area.

LO 3.2 & 3.4 Risk governance

Risk advisory director

Ÿ A board member Ÿ Also meets senior management on regular

Ÿ Risk specialist basis
Ÿ However, it may be useful to have at least on Ÿ Act as liason between board and management
member on both committees to ensure that the Ÿ Educates members on best practices in both
committees are working toward same corporate corporate governance and risk management
10 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Risk management committee
è Risk management committee (within the board) is responsible for identifying, measuring,
and monitoring financial risks (i.e., credit, market, liquidity).
è Responsible for approving credit facilities that are above certain limits or within limits but
above a specific threshold.
è Monitors the composition of the bank’s lending and investment portfolios in light of the
current economic environment in terms of credit, market, and liquidity risk to determine if
any changes in the portfolio composition are required.
è Risk management committee opens line of communication with the external audit,
internal audit, and management teams.

Compensation Committee

Ÿ Exists because of agency risk

Ÿ There could be the absence of any
Ÿ The compensation committee is independent
guaranteed bonuses or a cap could be
of management.
implemented on bonuses.
Ÿ Its role is to discuss and approve the
Ÿ Committee may consider introducing
remuneration of key management personnel.
elements of downside risk with management
Ÿ Committee should avoid designing
compensation plans with bonuses based on
Ÿ It is not a perfect solution because there is
short-term profits or revenues given the
still potential for management to take
relative ease in which management may
excessive risks; their upside potential is
manipulate those amounts.
theoretically unlimited based on the stock
Ÿ Stock-based compensation is a potential

solution to align management and
shareholder interests

LO 3.3
ee price increase but their downside potential is
limited if the stock becomes worthless

Risk appetite and Business strategy

A firm’s risk appetite reflects its tolerance to accept risk
ª There must be a logical relationship between firm’s risk appetite and business strategy
ª To make sure that a firm’s risk management plan aligns risk appetite with business decisions, the
firm should rely on its risk infrastructure while taking into account incentive compensation plans. An
appropriate infrastructure should be in place to allow the firm to identify, evaluate, and manage all
relevant risks. The results of incentive compensation plans should also be monitored to ensure that
the firm’s risk-adjusted return on capital meets the long-term expectations of stakeholders.

LO 3.5 Interdependence of Functional units

ª The various functional units within a firm are dependent on one another when it comes to risk
management and reporting. All transactions must be recorded correctly and in the appropriate
period in order to ensure the accuracy of the periodic profit and loss (P&L) statements.
ª Using an investment bank, consider five separate units: (1) senior management, (2) risk
management, (3) trading room management, (4) operations, and (5) finance.

11 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Senior Management Trading Room Management

• Approves business • Establishes and manages
plans and targets risk exposure
• Sets risk tolerance • Ensures timely, accurate,
• Establishes policy and complete deal capture
• Ensures performance • Signs off on official P&L

Interdependence Operations
Risk Management
• Develops risk policies • Books and settles trades
• Monitors compliance to • Reconciles front- and
limits back-office positions
• Manages risk committee • Prepares and decomposes
process daily P&L
• Vets models and • Provides independent
spreadsheets mark to market
• Provides independent • Supports business need
view on risk
• Supports business need

ee Finance
•Develops valuation and
finance policy
• Ensures integrity of P&L
• Manages business
planning process
• Supports business need

LO 3.6 Audit committee

ª Audit committee responsible for accuracy of the firm’s financial statements and regulatory
reporting requirements.
ª It monitors the underlying systems in place regarding financial reporting, regulatory
compliance, internal controls, and risk management
ª Also largely meant to be independent of management but it should work with management
and communicate frequently to ensure that any issues arising are addressed and resolved
ª Audit committee in terms of meeting minimum (or higher) standards in areas such as legal,

compliance, and risk management

12 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

What is ERM?
Watch video with important
LO 4.1 Enterprise risk management testable concepts here

One risk type can affect another, and risks (or their hedges) can be offsetting if viewed from
the perspective of the entire company

Treating each primary risk type in isolation ignores these interdependencies and can result in
inefficient and costly overhedging of risks at the firm level

various functional units responsible for evaluating and measuring risks may all use different
methodologies and formats in their risk measurements.

Define ERM: “Risk is the variable that can cause deviation from an expected
outcome. ERM is a comprehensive and integrated framework for
managing key risks in order to achieve business objective, minimize
unexpected earnings volatility, and maximize firm value.”

LO 4.2 ERM benefits and costs

1.Integration of Risk Organization:Increased 2.Integration of Risk Transfer: Better Risk

Organizational Effectiveness Reporting

An effective ERM strategy aggregates these
risks under a centralized risk management
(CRO) is often created, which reports to the
company’s chief executive officer (CEO)
and/or the board, while the various risk
management units report to the CRO
Ÿ ERM enables the company to take a holistic
view of all risks and risk hedges used in order
to hedge only those undesirable residual
risks that still remain after factoring in
diversification across risks
Ÿ Risks are categorized under a risk dashboard
of key risks, which includes an enterprise
level description of key exposures, total
losses, policy exceptions, and even early
warning indicators

3.Integration of Business Processes: Improved

Business Performance
Ÿ ERM can optimize business performance through
business decisions, including capital allocation,
product development and pricing, and efficient
allocation of resources which results in reduced
risk and only takes on the most profitable risks
(i.e., maintains only those risks whose cost is less
than the benefit of the corresponding project)

Ÿ Cost of risk < benefit of corrosponding business

LO 4.3 The chief risk officer

Responsibilities: Ÿ The CRO is responsible for all risks facing a company, including market, credit,
operational, and liquidity risks,and specifically responsible for developing and
implementing an ERM strategy
Ÿ Reporting to the CRO typically are the heads of the various risk functions, including
the heads of credit, market, operational, and insurance risks
Ÿ Also measuring and quantifying risks and setting risk limits, developing the requisite
risk systems, and communicating a clear vision of the firm’s risk profile to the board
and to key stakeholders 13 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Ÿ CRO typically reports to the CEO or the chief financial officer (CFO); however, the role is
placed somewhere between the CEO/CFO and the board
Ÿ An ideal CRO possesses five critical skills: (1) leadership, (2) power of persuasion, (3)
ability to protect the firm’s assets, (4) technical skills to understand all risks, and (5)
consulting skills to educate the board and business functions on risk management.

LO 4.4 ERM framework components

1. Corporate governance Ÿ Adequately control risks

Ÿ A successful corporate governance framework requires that senior
management and the board adequately define the firm’s risk appetite
and risk and loss tolerance levels
Ÿ Management should remain committed to risk initiatives and ensures
that the firm has the required risk management skills and
organizational structure to successfully implement the ERM program
2. Line management Ÿ Management of activities that relate directly to producing a firm’s
products and services.
Ÿ It integrates business strategy into corporate risk policy, assesses the
relevant risks, and incorporates them into pricing and profitability
Ÿ Managers should include the cost of risk capital and expected losses
in decisions about product pricing or investment returns.

3. Portfolio management Ÿ Provides a holistic view of the firm’s risks if these risks are viewed as
individual components of the aggregate risks facing the firm
Ÿ Active portfolio management aggregates risk exposures and allows
for diversification of risks (partly through offsetting risk positions)
and prudent monitoring of risk concentrations against preset limits

4. Risk transfer Ÿ Risk transfer reduces or transfers out risks that are either undesirable
risks or are desirable but considered concentrated (i.e., excessive
Ÿ Natural hedges within the portfolio could also be incorporated into
the risk transfer process to reduce hedging and insurance costs, even
in the absence of third-party protection.

5. Risk analytics Ÿ Quantifies risk exposures for use in risk analysis, measurement, and

Ÿ Risk analytics can be used to calculate the cost-effective way of
reducing risk exposures, useful in evaluating the cost of managing
risks in-house or externally as long as the cost of managing them
externally is cheaper. The analysis and quantification of various risks
can ultimately increase shareholder value, boosting (NPV) and
economic value added (EVA).

6. Data technology

and resources Ÿ It improves the quality of data used in evaluating risks.

7. Stakeholder Ÿ It facilitates communicating a firm’s internal risk management

management process to external stakeholders, including shareholders, creditors,
regulators, and the public

14 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Risk Management, Governance,

Culture, and Risk taking in Banks
LO 5.1 Optimal level of risk Watch video with important
testable concepts here

Methods to determine O.L.R exposure Ÿ Targeting a certain i. Default probability

ii.Specific credit rating
Ÿ Sensitivity analysis or scenario analysis

Ÿ Targeting a certain default probability or targeting specific credit rating

Ÿ Bank should not always aim to earn highest credit rating possible
Ÿ Earning AAA rating likely involve large opportunity cost as bank would have to forego risky
projects that could otherwise earn high profits

LO 5.2 Risk - taking implications

Ÿ Optimal level of risk depends on specific focus of the bank’s activities, it differs among banks
For example, a bank that is focused on deposits, relationship lending customers or both
would usually set the level of risk lower and target a higher credit rating in order to satisfy
it’s customers desire for safety

counterparty to deal with
The same would occur if the bank is a frequent counterparty in long term derivatives
transactions; the other counterparties would want to ensure bank is safe & reliable

A bank that is focused more on transactional activities would usually set the level of risk
higher and target a lower credit rating
Ÿ Overall, banks need to take on an optimal amount of risk in order to maximize shareholder
value while satisfying constrains imposed by bank regulators
Bank value as a function of bank risk measure by the banks’s credit rating

Value of
(Self deposit banks)

(Transactional activities)

Credit rating

15 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 5.3 How Risk management add or destroy value of bank

Ÿ If incremental changes in risk taken do not result in much change in the value
of a bank, then investing in risk management is destroying the bank’s value
due to the fixed cost of having a risk management department.

Ÿ However, if taking on incremental risk would otherwise result in excessive total

risk and a significant decrease in the bank’s value, then there is added value in
having risk management policies to prevent the bank from taking on excessive

LO 5.4 Risk management challenges and limitations

Limitations of Hedging

Risk measurement Risk taker

technology incentive
limitation limitation

Ÿ Real - time risk measures

do not exist for entire
banks although they do
exist for certain banking
In theory, hedging would
reduce risk perfectly if a
bank was able to measure its
risk perfectly. However in
Some risk takers within bank
(e.g. Traders) are motivated
to maximize their
compensation by taking
practice, many risks are
excessive risks that may
Ÿ Additionally, risk nearly or entirely impossible
ultimately reduce the value
measures are far from to hedge e.g - correlation
of bank
perfect and can result in risk
inaccurate computations

Role of risk management within Bank

ª Ideally, effective risk management would require that the risk management
function within a bank be independent of the activities of its business lines.
However, it is not possible for risk management merely to have a verification
ª There must be a separation between the manager to whom the risk manager

reports and the manager of the business line that he is monitoring. However, if
the risk manager aspires to work in that business line in the future, then there
may be a problem with independence.
ª Another key point is that if the risk management process is viewed as a form of
internal policing, then the necessary dialogue between risk managers and
business unit managers will not exist. Specifically, it will be difficult for risk
managers to obtain information

16 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Challenges & limitations of using VaR in setting limits

Firmwide VaR does not include / assess:

i.Non-interest income for banbks
ii.Operational risk
iii.Interest rate risk
iv.Unexpected changes in interest rate and credit spread (Credit VaR)
v.Funding liquidity risk

Other Challenges:
i.Adding up risks that follow a non-normal distribution
ii.Insufficient data to establish correlation between risks

LO 5.5 Impact of Bank governance on Risk profile and Bank’s performance

Risk Profile Bank’s performance

Governance No evidence No evidence

CRO’s higher status Lower risk No impact

Higher CRO centrality Lower voaltility Higher performance

r variable
Monitoring of loan
decisions eeLower default
Centrality variable: CRO compensation as a % of CEO compensation

17 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Financial Disasters
Watch video with important
LO 6.1 Misleading Reporting Cases testable concepts here

Chase Manhattan & Drysdale Securities

è In 1976, Drysdale obtained Ÿ Chase failed to detect the

$300 million in unsecured unauthorized positions: Chase
borrowing but only had $20 did not believe the firm’s capital
million in capital was a risk.
è Lost money on positions, Could Ÿ Inexperienced managers
not repay loans. Drysdale went Ÿ Did not correctly interpret
bankrupt. borrowing agreements that made
è Reputational damage to Chase Chase responsible for payments
(and stock price impact) due.

Ÿ More precise methods required to compute collateral value

Ÿ Need process control: new products should receive prior approval “risk function”

Kidder Peabody
Between 1992 and 1994, Joseph Jett exploited an accounting-type glitch in order to
book about $350 million in false profits (government bonds)

of artificial profits ee
Ÿ System did not account for present value (PV) forward transactions: allowed booking

Ÿ Management did not react to visible suspicions

Investigate a stream of large unexpected profits

Ÿ In 1994, Lesson lost $296 million through his trading activities , but reported a profit
of $46 million to management. His trading supposedly involved two main strategies -
selling straddles on the Nikkei 225 and arbitraging price differences on Nikkei 225

futures contracts that were trading on different exchanges (Long short strategy)

Ÿ In an effort to recover those losses, he abondoned the hedged position in the long
short futures arbitrage strategy, and initiated a speculative long-long futures position
on both exchanges in hope of profiting from an increase in Nikkei 225

Sumitomo :
Ÿ Yasuo Hamanaka, lead copper trader at Sumitomo, attempted to corner the copper market

in a classic market manipulation strategy

Ÿ He essentially established a dominant long position in futures contract and simultaneously
purchased large quantities of physical copper
Ÿ His unusually low degree of supervision and broad powers allowed him to implement this
fraudulent trading strategy without detection, until the Commodity Trading Commission(CFTC)
began an investing of market manipulation in December 1995.

18 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Ÿ Market risk – Leeson was short straddles on Ÿ Credit risk – Management of counterparty risk
Nikkei 225. Hoped index would trade in narrow & reporting of specific instrument exposures
range; planned to pocket premiums. However, to counterparties would have been an
after Kobe earthquake (1/1995): additional signal
1. Sent index into a tailspin.
Ÿ 2. Earthquake increased volatility (adds value
to both calls and puts) which “exploded” the
short put options

Allied Irish Bank :

John Rusnak, a currency option trader, entered into massive unauthorized trades
from 1997 to 2002, producing losses of $691 million.
– Was supposed to run small arbitrage
– But was disguising large naked positions

Ÿ Similar to Leeson (internal deception)

Ÿ Achieved by inventing imaginary trades
Ÿ However, Rusnak did not have advantage of Leeson of also
running the back - office

Long Term Capital Management (LTCM)

Ÿ From 1994 to 1998, renowned quants produced spectacular returns with relative value (“arbitrage”-
type) trades

Ÿ Model risk #1: Models assumed normal

Ÿ In Summer 1998, series of unexpected and extreme events (e.g., Russian rouble devaluation led to
flight to quality) – New York Fed coordinated a private bailout ($3.65 billion equity investment)

Transparency and disclosure
Marking to market. “Conflict between
hedging strategies and cash
Ÿ Model risk #2: Extrapolation of
historical returns. Did not anticipate Ÿ Transaction types: pairs trading, risk
once-in-a-lifetime event arbitrage, and bets on overall market
Ÿ Diversification: Risk models did not

handle correlations that spiked during a Ÿ Liquidity squeeze: Asian crisis → Brazil
crisis event devalued its currency → Flight to quality
→ Spreads increase → Value of LTCM
Ÿ Funding liquidity risk: When firm lost ~ collateral drops → LTCM liquidates to
half its value in sudden plunge, lack of meet margin calls
equity capital created a cash flow crisis
Ÿ Insufficient risk management:
Ÿ Market risk: Extreme leverage combined “underestimated the likelihood that
with concentrated market risk—LTCM liquidity, credit and volatility spreads

had a balance sheet leverage of 28-to-1 would move in a similar fashion

simultaneously across markets”


ŸMGRM wrote (sold) long-term forward contracts to sell gas/oil – Hedged with long
positions in short-term futures (stack and-roll hedge)
Ÿ As spot oil prices dropped, oil futures curve shifted to contango – In 1993, creditors
rescued with a $1.9 billion package

19 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Key Factors - 1. First factor was that the market shifted to contango (i.e., the futures price
is greater than the spot price).
– Greatly increased the cost of the stack-and-roll hedge.
– Led to cash flow (liquidity) problems

2. Second factor was German accounting methods required Metallgesellschaft

to show futures losses (i.e., from hedge) but could not recognize unrealized
gains from the forward.
– These reported losses triggered margin calls and a panic, which
led to credit rating downgrades.

Banker’s Trust (BT)

Ÿ To reducing their funding expenses, Proctor &

Gamble (P&G) and Gibson Greetings bought
complex derivative products offered by BT è Complex derivatives
Ÿ Due to losses (e.g., P&G lost >$100 million in è Evidence of some intent to deceive
1994), customers sued BT – Claimed they were (Discovery evidence)
exploited because they were not sophisticated
enough to understand their risks

Bankers trust scandal
JP Morgan, Citi group, And Enron

Enron scandal : Questionable accounting practices

Disguise size of borrowings
One practice accounted for borrowed amounts as oil futures contracts
Ÿ Enron collected cash by selling oil futures for delivery and in return agreed to buy back
delivered oil at fixed prices
Ÿ Thus no oil was actually delivered, so the agreement was essentially a loan where
company paid cash at later date to receive cash at the beginning of agreement
Ÿ Advantage for company was that they did not have to account for these transactions as
loans on its financial statements

Ÿ JP Morgan chase And Citi group were main counterparties in these transactions
Ÿ They declared that they shared no role in determining how the transactions were
accounted for on Enron’s financial statements
Ÿ According to JP Morgan And Citi group transactions were correctly reported
Ÿ Later it was revealed that, investment banks fully understood Enron’s intent when
entering into those loan-type transactions.

20 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Deciphering the liquidity and credit crunch


The main causes for the Liquidity Crisis were : Watch video with important
testable concepts here
A. Securitization and
B. The methods of asset and liability maturity management employed by the banks

LO 7.1 Key factors leading to Housing Bubble

Cheap credit Decline in lending standards

Ÿ Fed adopted low interest rate policy Ÿ Originate to distribute model transferred
default risk to investors
Ÿ High demand for US securities by
countries experiencing trade surpluses

LO 7.2 Banking industry trends & liquidity squeeze

Risk Transference through

Liquidity Squeeze

Asset Liability maturity

asset securitization mismatch
When the underlying
mortgages or loans 1.Short-term Funding Instruments Long term
declined in value due to (Money Market Funds) defaulting Assets:
defaults, the structured

Ÿ Commercial Paper and example MBSs and

products faced significant Ÿ Repo Market Funded other securitised
losses products

Trigger for
Banks sponsored SIVs
liquidity squeses
2.Banks (Structured Investment
Granting credit line Vehicles)
(Liquidity backdrop)

Spread of Credit Risk

Trigger for liquidity squeses Funding Liquidity Risk (FLR)

T1. Increase in sub-prime mortgage defaults

T2. Rating downgrades of sub-prime deals
Triggers for the Liquidity Crises
T3. Decline in prices of mortgages related securities
T4. Increases the systematic risk

21 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 7.3 How CDO is created?
Collateralized debt obligation (CDO) is a “structured” product that banks can use
to unburden themselves of risk

CDO might be thought of as a three-step process

1. Form a diversified portfolio

2. Slice the portfolio into tranches - Most junior tranche offers a high interest rate but
receives cash flows only after all other tranches have been paid( sometimes referred to as
the “equity tranche” or “toxic waste. The highest-rated tranche, called the “super senior”
tranche (often rated AAA), is the safest tranche and the first tranche to be paid out;
however, it pays investors a relatively low interest rate

3. Sell tranches to investors - Most senior tranches are sold to institutions that desire or
require instruments with high credit ratings, such as pension funds. The lowest rated
(equity) tranches are (in theory, at least) retained by the CDO issuer to give that bank
incentive to monitor the loan. In practice, CDO issuers do not always hold onto this “toxic

LO 7.4 Credit default swaps.

LO 7.5
Holder of a bond or CDO tranche use a CDS to protect against a default.
Holding both credit instruments plus CDS protection on the same instrument
has a very low risk position.

Growth of Securitization and Structured Products

Rapid growth of Securitised Products

Ÿ Originating institutions were able to Offer lower interest rates on mortgages.

Ÿ Help overcome investment regulatory hurdles faced by institutional investors


(e.g - Investing only in AAA rated bonds)

Ÿ Provides regulatory and weighting arbitrage opportunities to the originating


Ÿ Were given high ratings based on faulty over optimism (Rating agencies
received higher fees)

ª Consequences of Easier credit availability due to decrease in lending standards

their increased use -
Banks only face “Pipeline Risk” leading to poor lending standards

Formation of credit bubble due to:

(a) Expansion of credit
(b) Poor lending standards.
Credit Risk remained within the banking system as banks themselves
were the buyers of the structured products

22 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 7.6 Consequences of Financial Crisis

Increase in delinquency and foreclosures

Decrease in Housing Prices

Increase in Prices of CDS

Due to decrease in the ratings of securitised and structured products by

the three main rating agencies (June and July 2007)

Decrease in sale of commercial paper in the market

Commercial Paper was a major vehicle for SIVs to roll over their short term debt for
funding their investment in Long Term Instruments (ABS)

LO 7.7

Margin/Haircut Funding Risk

r ee
Funding liquidity and Market liquidity
Funding liquidity risk refers to the possibility that an institution will not be able
to settle its obligations when they are due.

Rollover Risk Redemption Risk

A risk that arises when a The risk that investors may not The risk that depositors will
decline in the collateral value of be able to roll over short-term withdraw funds from banks, or
an asset results in an increase debt to finance the purchase of that investors will redeem their

in margin requirement, an asset. shares (e.g., from mutual

requiring additional equity funds).

Market Liquidity
ease or difficulty of selling an asset to raise money.

Bid ask spread Market depth Market resiliency

The loss that would be The number of units of an asset The length of time it will take
sustained by a trader who sells a trader can buy or sell at the an asset to regain its price
an asset and then immediately current market quote (bid and after the price has fallen
buys it back. ask prices). temporarily.

Higher the spread lower Greater the market depth Stronger the market
the market liquidity. higher market liquidity. reselience highr the market
23 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Funding Liquidity vs. Market Liquidity

Funding Liquidity Market Liquidity

Ÿ If Funding Liquidity increases, it is easier

to obtain against an asset Ÿ If it increases it’s easier to sell an asset
Ÿ FL= Issuing Debt, Equity, or any other Ÿ Refers to transfer of asset with its entire
Financial Contract against a cash flow cash flow.
generated by an asset.

Interaction of FL and ML can trigger sudden disappearance of liquidity, creating a financial disaster
Example :
Original value of asset = 100, original margin = 10% ($10), reduced value of asset = 95

Loss spiral Margin spiral

Loss in equity = 5 Loss in equity = 5

Balance equity = 5 (10 - 5) Balance equity = 5 (10 - 5)
Firm will sell asset worth $45 to maintain
margin ratio (95 -45 = 50)
(50 X 10% = 5)
ee Lets say margin ratio went upto 20%
Allowable asset in portfolio = 5/20% = 25
(50 X 10% = 5)

Firm will sell assets worth 70 (95-70) = 25

Conclusion : Marginal spiral results in lower overall position value and lower borrowing amount
Loss Spiral : Lower the market liquidity greater and stronger the loss spiral Loss
spiral refers to the forced sale of an asset by a leveraged investor to

maintain margin or leverage ratio requirements.

Margin Spiral : Margin spiral refers to the forced sale of an asset as a result of an
increase in required margin, or a decline in the permitted leverage ratio.

LO 7.8 Network Risk

Increase in counter party Credit Web of contracting parties to
Leads to
Risk seek additional protection &

(particularly in an environment of liquidity

Market Stress)

Ÿ Centralised clearing house

Network risk can be mitigated with Ÿ Full Information
Ÿ Multilateral risk netting arrangements

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Gettting up to Speed on the Financial Crisis

A One - Weekend - Reader’s Guide
Reasons For Financial Crisis 07-09 Watch video with important
testable concepts here

An interconnected
Relaxed lending Easy access to Inflated housing
banking & global
practices credit prices
financial system

LO 8.1& 8.2 Financial Crisis Overview

Key Terms Related to the Financial Crisis

Asset-backed commercial Nonfinancial firms with high credit ratings raise capital by issuing short-
paper (ABCP): term debt. ABCP is the bundling of longer-term debt from mortgages,
credit card receivables, and other loans. When ABCP reaches its maturity
date, it is rolled over and bundled into new ABCP.

Bank run or “run”: When depositors withdraw cash from a bank thinking the bank is about to fail

Shadow bank: Is a financial institution other than a regulated depository institution e.g -
private equity funds, investment banks, hedge funds, mortgage lenders, and
insurance companies

Institutional investor making a short-term deposit of cash with a

agreements (repos): shadow bank that in turn pays the investor interest on the cash (called
the repo rate).
Haircut: Amount of collateral in a repo agreement in relation to a deposit.

Financial Market Participants and Market Conditions

è The main financial market participants in the financial crisis were institutional investors
è Cash held by investors was larger than could be invested through a regular depository bank
è U.S. Treasuries were in short supply due to large holdings from foreign investors
è Shadow banks acted as financial intermediaries, providing institutional investors with a way to
turn their cash into an investment by issuing repos and ABCP as a substitute for U.S. Treasuries
è Major contributing factor in the financial crisis was the bundling of subprime mortgages into
mortgage-backed securities (MBSs) as well as asset-backed securities (ABSs) in the form of ABCP.

è When housing prices declined and homeowners defaulted on their mortgage loans, it reduced
the value and prices of ABCP (which held mortgages).
è When it came time for the shadow bank to reissue ABCP, institutional investors were not willing
to finance the reissue with continued deposits
è This issue resulted in a bank run on the shadow bank and the start of a liquidity crisis.
è During the same time period of 2007 and 2008, MMFs contained a high percentage of ABCP.
è Liquidity crisis continued to spread into repo agreements with average haircut going from near zero
at the beginning of 2007 to 25% by September of 2008 at the announcement of the bankruptcy
Lehman Brothers, each 1% increase in the haircut translating into a $ 10 billion withdrawal of
liquidity from the financial markets.
è The main trigger of financial crisis as described by Former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke,
was the prospect of losses on subprime mortgages 25 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 8.3 Lehman Brothers Failure
Fall in Repos


Run on MMF

Financial disaster
Bank run on (Collapse of
shadow bank Lehman brothers)
September 2008
Default on
mortgages (due to Fall in prices
overvalued of ABCP
housing prices)

Start of Spread of
liquidity crisis liquidity crisis

LO 8.4 Previous Financial Crises

A banking crisis can be characterized by
(1) A run on banks that leads to a merger, takeover by the government, or closure

of a financial institution
2) A merger, takeover, government assistance, or closure of a financial
institution that spreads to other financial institutions

ª Study by Schularick and Taylor showed that an increase in credit in the form of bank loans
is a strong predictor of a financial crisis
ª An acceleration in economy-wide leverage in the form of external debt (debt
borrowed from foreign lenders) and domestic government debt precedes a bank
crisis, and these bank crises lead to sovereign debt crises.
ª The increased borrowing by households was linked to reduced lending standards and
lenders willing to lend more as housing prices increased— using the house as collateral as
it became more valuable.

ª A separate study done by Reinhart and Rogoff of five major bank crises in
developed countries from 1977 to 1992 showed significant increases in housing prices
just before the bank crises followed by significant declines in economic activity afterward
ª Another phenomenon that played a significant role in the recent financial crisis was the large
amount of institutional cash pools created in the decade before the crisis. These cash pools
created the demand in part for the ABSs, MBSs, CDOs, et cetera
ª The conclusion of these studies is that the financial crisis of 2007—2009 was not unique
and followed a pattern of increased public and private debt, increased credit supply, and

increased housing prices preceding and leading to the crisis.

LO 8.5 Panic Periods

Ÿ The two main panic periods of the financial crisis were August 2007 and September 2008
through October 2008
Ÿ Holders of ABCP, namely MMFs, experienced a decrease in value of their assets. At the time,
MMFs were thought to be a safe haven by investors

26 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Ÿ By the end of 2007, approximately 40% of shadow banks issuing ABCP were experiencing
runs and having difficulty reissuing ABCP. This resulted in a reduction in the issuance of
ABCP by $350 billion, which negatively impacted the balance sheets of those shadow banks

Ÿ With the decrease in value of ABCP, the first runs on shadow banks occurred in August 2007
Ÿ By the end of 2007, approximately 40% of shadow banks issuing ABCP were experiencing runs and
having difficulty reissuing ABCP. This resulted in a reduction in the issuance of ABCP by $350 billion,
which negatively impacted the balance sheets of those shadow banks
Ÿ Since MMFs at the time included a large portion of ABCP in their portfolios, the run onthe
shadow banks spread to MMFs
Ÿ With the value of ABCP decreasing in the typical MMF portfolio, the MMFs were in turn bailed out
bytheir sponsors (banks or mutual fund families that managed MMFs). The bailouts were necessary to
maintain the net asset value of $1 per share in the MMFs.
Ÿ The second panic period started when Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy, which caused a major
shock to MMFs

Ÿ In addition, during the time from July 2007 to the eve of Lehman Brothers filing for bankruptcy,
haircuts on repo agreements rose from near zero to just over 25% along with downgrades of MBSs.
The rise in haircuts caused other nonmortgage-related short-term debt to fall in value
Ÿ Lehman’s failure caused a run on a particular MMF called Reserve Primary, which
contained commercial paper issued by Lehman

LO 8.6
r 1

Interest rate change

Government Policy Responses

Central Bank—Monetary Policy and Liquidity Support

Liquidity support

Reduction of Reserve requirements, longer

interest rates funding terms,
more auctions, and/or

higher credit lines

2 Government— Financial Sector Stabilization Measures

Recapitalization Asset purchases

Ÿ Capital injection (common Ÿ Asset purchases (individual assets,

stock/preferred equity) bank by bank)

Ÿ Capital injection (subordinated debt) Ÿ Asset purchases (individual “bad bank”)

Ÿ Provisions of liquidity in context of bad
asset purchases/removal
Ÿ On-balance-sheet “ring-fencing” with
toxic assets kept in the bank
Ÿ Off-balance-sheet “ring-fencing” with
toxic assets moved to a “bad bank”
Ÿ Asset guarantees

Liability guarantees

Ÿ Debt guarantee (new liabilities) Ÿ Enhancement of depositor protection

Ÿ Government lending to an individual institution Ÿ Debt guarantee (all liabilities) 27 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
To determine success of various actions taken, IMF used several indices and spread
ª Economic Stress Index : Composite of confidence measures from businesses and
consumers, non financial firm stock prices and credit spreads
ª Financial Stress Index : Composite of stock prices, spreads and bank credit

IMF - indicators used to measure impact of,

A. Interest rate cuts : ESI & FSI
B. Liquidity Support : Interbank spreads & FSI
C. Recapitalization, liability guarantee & asset purchase : Interbank spreads & FSI

To determine the success of the actions taken, the IMF used several
different indices and spread measures.
To measure the impact of interest rate cuts, they used the economic
stress index (ESI) and the financial stress index (FSI)

Ÿ Interest Rate Cuts Impact of interest rate cuts with the result being no short-term impact on
the ESI and only a limited positive effect on the FSI, conclusion was that
the central bank actions were anticipated.

Liquidity Support Effect of liquidity support was measured using the FSI and
interbank spreads. During the pre-Lehman period, a strong positive effect
was indicated by both measures
In the later measurement periods, the results were indeterminate, which
was thought to be due to liquidity support actions being anticipated
Recapitalization When the FSI was used to measure the effects of recapitalization,
the result was not as strong,due to the broader nature of the FSI and
the benefit of recapitalization going mostly to bondholders
Ÿ Liability Guarantees Both the FSI and CDS index were used to
and Asset Purchases measure the effectiveness of these measures
Most effective tool:

1.Pre-Lehman period: Liquidity support to stabilize interbank markets

1.Later Period: Recapitalization

28 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 8.7 Global Effects on Firms and the Economy

Ivashina and Scharfstein Rocholl, and Steffen Campello, Graham, and Harvey

Ÿ Syndicated loans Ÿ Focused on consumer loans, Ÿ Effects of the crisis in 2008

specifically how the U.S. on nonfinancial firms in North
Ÿ Lending to corporation crisis affected lending in America, Europe, and Asia
Ÿ The findings showed Ÿ Resources grouped into two
lending volume in fourth Ÿ The prevalence of loan categories - Constrained and
quarter of 2008 was 79% applications being rejected unconstrained
lower than at the peak of became more pronounced
lending boom in second with mortgage applications Ÿ Constrained firms reduced the
quarter of 2007 than consumer loans, once number of employees
again concluding a reduced
Ÿ A curious finding of study supply of bank loans Ÿ Constrained firms cited
was that as syndicated problems with their lines of
lending was down, credit
commercial and industrial
lending from regulated
banks was up because
borrowers were simply
accessing their credit
lines that had been
negotiated before crisis
r ee Ÿ Constrained firms bypassed
attractive investments

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Risk Management Failures :

What Are They and When Do They Happen?

LO 9.1 The Role of Risk Management Watch video with important

testable concepts here

Risk management involves assessing, communicating, monitoring, and managing risks.

Ÿ Focuses on the output of a particular risk metric

Ÿ Usually evaluates several risk metrics (e.g., duration, beta)
Ÿ Risk management should recognize that large losses arepossible and develop
contingency plans.

LO 9.2 & Incorrectly Measuring and Managing Risk

Risk management can fail Ÿ Mismeasurement can Failing to take known and
if the firm does not - occur when management unknown risks into account
measure risks correctly, does not understand the can take three forms:
recognize some risk,
communicate risks to top
management, monitor and
manage risks, and use
appropriate metrics.
distribution of returns of a
single position
Ÿ It also occur when
managers must use
subjective probabilities for
rare and extreme events.
Ÿ The subjective
probabilities can be biased
(1) ignore a risk that is
(2) failure to incorporate a
risk into risk models
(3) not finding all risks

from firm politics.

Senior managers must Risk managers must
understand the results of recognize how risk

risk management in order characteristics change over

for it to be meaningful. time. Many securities have
Unless senior managers complex relationships with
have the correct market variables. Having an
information to make adequate incentive structure
decisions, risk management and firm-wide culture can
is pointless. help with the risk monitoring
and managing process.

LO 9.4 The role of Risk Metrics

Ÿ Risk metrics such as VaR are usually too narrow in scope. E.g - VaR usually assumes independent
losses across periods of time
Ÿ It generally fails to capture the effect of a firm’s actions on the overall market and behavior
patterns such as predatory trading

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The Standard Capital Asset Pricing Model

LO 10.1 The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM )
& 10.2 There are three major steps in deriving the CAPM Watch video with important
testable concepts here

1. Recognize that since investors are only compensated for bearing systematic risk,
beta is appropriate measure of risk

2. Since arbitrage prevents mispricing of assets relative to systematic risk (beta), an

individual asset’s expected return is a linear function of its beta.

3. Equation for CAPM is:

E(Ri) = RF + [E(RM) - RF]βi

Variance of Equally
+ n n- 1
2 covariance of
weighted portfolio =
2 n σ i cov all pairings of
(σ p) the assets in
the portfolio

Approaches Average

zero as n ↑

Investors face no transaction costs.

variances of
all assets in

Several assumptions underlying the CAPM

Ÿ Assets are infinitely divisible.

Ÿ No taxes.
Ÿ Investors buy and sell decisions have no effect on asset prices.
Ÿ Investors’ utility functions are based solely on expected portfolio return and risk.
Ÿ Unlimited short-selling

Ÿ Single period is the same for all investors.

Ÿ All investors have the same forecasts of expected returns, variances, and covariances.
Ÿ All assets are marketable.

LO 10.3 The Capital Market Line (CML)


(CML) expresses the

expected return of a
portfolio as a linear
function of its standard E(RM)
deviation, the market A
portfolio’s return and C Market Portfolio, M
standard deviation, and B
risk-free rate RF

31 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Slope of CML Equation :
SR = E(RC) = RF + [ E(RM) - RF
]σ C

Ÿ The CML is useful for computing the expected return for an efficient (diversified)
portfolio; however, it cannot compute the expected return for inefficient portfolios or
individual securities. The CAPM must be used to compute the expected return for any
inefficient portfolio or individual security.

LO 10.4 Calculating Expected Return Using the CAPM

The expected return for an asset calculated using the CAPM given the risk-free rate,
the market risk premium, and an asset’s systematic risk.

LO 10.5 Beta

Beta is calculated By: βi =

Additional Resources -
Population variance
Portfolio beta is the weighted average of the asset betas in a portfolio.

Sample variance

∑ (x-μ)2 ∑ (x-x)2
n n-1

Covariance Correlation
µ It is a measure of how two assets move µ Standardized measure of covariance
µ Measures strength of linear relationship
µ Covariance of return with itself is its between two random variables
µ Does not have a unit

µ Expressed in terms of square units

µ r = Cov(x,y)
µ Cov(x,y) = ∑(X-X) (Y-Y) σx x σy
µ Range = -1 to +1
µ Cov(x,y) = r x σx x σy
µ r = 1 means perfectly +ve relation
µ Range = -∞ to +∞ µ r = 0 means no relation
µ r = -1 means perfectly -ve relation

32 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Risk aversion and its implications for portfolio selection

Risk-averse Risk-neutral Risk-seeking/loving

investor investor investor

An investor that simply Such investor has no An investor that prefers

dislikes risk preference regarding risk more risk to less

Given two He would be indifferent Given two

investments that have between two such investments that have
equal expected returns, investments equal expected returns,
a risk-averse investor a risk-loving investor
will choose the one will choose the one
with less risk with more risk

a risk averse investor will hold very risky assets if he feels that the extra
return he expects to earn is adequate compensation for the additional risk

Portfolio standard deviation

√(W1σ1)2 + (W2σ2)2 + 2W1σ1W2σ2 x r ee Or √(W1σ1)2 + (W2σ2)2 + 2W1W2 x Cov(x,y)

Portfolio risk when r = -1, 0, 1

When r = -1, When r = 0, When r = 1,

Sdp = (W1σ1) - (W2σ2) Sdp= √(W1σ1)2 + (W2σ2)2 Sdp = (W1σ1) + (W2σ2)
Sdp = Lowest Sdp = Highest

Portfolio risk falls as the correlation between the assets’ returns decreases.
As long as r < 1, there is some benefit of diversification

33 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
E(R) E(R) E(R)

} Inefficient

σ σ σ
Minimum Global minimum
Efficient frontier
variance frontier variance portfolio

Each point on MVF shows lowest Each point on EF shows lowest The portfolio on the efficient
risk (variance/standard risk (variance/standard frontier that has the least risk is
deviation) for given level of deviation) for given level of the global minimum-variance
returns returns portfolio
Each point on EF shows highest
returns for given level of risk
(variance/standard deviation)

Id3 Id2 Id1
Optimal portfolio, given an investor’s utility and the capital allocation line

Allocation Line

Id3 Id2 Id1



σ σ σ

An investor will always choose the Possible combinations of risk-free X is the optimal portfolio i.e.
highest indifference curve (Id3) assets and risky assets is referred one that maximizes the
to as the capital allocation line investor’s expected utility

More risk-averse investor will have steeper indifference curves, reflecting

a higher risk aversion coefficient

Implications of combining a risk-free

asset with a portfolio of risky assets

For risk-free assets Standard deviation (σ) = 0

Correlation (r) with risky assets = 0
σp with risky asset σp = W1σ1
and risk-free asset

34 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Capital allocation line and capital market line

E(R) E(R)
Capital Capital
CML is same as CAL except
Allocation Line Market Line
that CML assumes
homogeneous expectations Efficient
of investors (i.e. investors
have same estimates of risk,
return, and correlations with RFR RFR
other risky assets)
σ σ
X - Optimal risky portfolio or
Market portfolio
Lending portfolio
E(R) for CAL E(R) = RFR + Sharpe ratio of risky asset X σp Borrowing portfolio

E(R) for CML E(R) = RFR + Sharpe ratio of market X σp

Systematic risk Unsystematic risk


The risk that remains and cannot be
diversified away is called systematic

Arises due to changes in economy

Also called as nondiversifiable risk

or market risk

The risk that is eliminated by
diversification is called unsystematic

Also called as unique, diversifiable or

firm specific risk

ª Unsystematic risk is not compensated

ª Firms that are highly correlated in equilibrium because it can be
with market returns have high eliminated for free through
systematic risk diversification

ª It is measured by beta (β)


The required return on an individual security will depend only on its systematic risk
Total risk = Systematic risk + Unsystematic risk

Return generating models


A return generating model is an equation that estimates the

expected return of an investment, based on a security’s exposure to
one or more macroeconomic, fundamental, or statistical factors

Multifactor model - E(R) = RFR + E(Factor 1) β1 + E(Factor 2) β2 + .... + E(Factor k) βk

Single-factor model - E(R) = RFR + (Rm – RFR) x β

35 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Covariance (x,y) r x σx x σy σ
Beta = = 2 = r σ

Variance (y) σ y y

In practice, asset betas are estimated by regressing returns on the asset on those of the market index

return on
Regression line is referred to as
Security characteristic line
Slope = Cov (x,y)

RFR Excess
return on

Security Market Line (SML) and

Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)

SML is same as CML except E(R) This relation between beta

that SML has beta (β) on x-axis

SML is used for security


ee Security
Market Line

Market portfolio
(systematic risk) and expected
return is known as CAPM

E(R) for SML

Kce = RFR + (Rm - RFR) x β

Assumptions Investors are Investor that dislikes risk.
of CAPM risk averse
Utility maximizing Investors choose the portfolio, based on their individual preferences,

investors with the risk and return combination that maximizes their utility
Frictionless markets No taxes, transaction costs etc.
One-period horizon All investors have same time horizon
Homogeneous All investors have same expectations for assets’ expected
expectations returns, their standard deviation and correlations between them
Divisible assets All investments are infinitely divisible
Competitive markets Investors take the market price as given and no investor can influence

prices with their trades

36 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Excess return
E(R) Impossible
on stock

Possible Correctly valued

Excess return
σ on market

Measures of risk adjusted returns

Sharpe ratio Treynor ratio Jensen’s Alpha M² ratio

Systematic risk Total risk
Total risk Systematic risk (Beta) (Standard deviation)
(Standard deviation) (Beta)
Actual return Sharpe ratio of
Rp - RFR Rp - RFR (Expected return) - portfolio x σm -
σ β Required return Market Risk
(CAPM) Premium
r ee
Sharpe ratio & M2 ratio produce same rankings
If M2 ratio > 0, then Sharpe ratiop > Sharpe ratiom
If M2 ratio < 0, then Sharpe ratiop < Sharpe ratiom

37 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Applying the CAPM to Performance Measurement:

Single-Index Performance Measurement Indicators
LO 11.1 Measures of Performance
Watch video with important
Three commonly used risk/return measures are: testable concepts here

1 Treynor measure of a portfolio = [ βP ]
2 Sharpe measure of a portfolio = [ σP ]

3 Jensen measure of a portfolio = αP = E(RP) - {RF + [E(RM)-RF]βP}

LO 11.2

A portfolio with low diversification may have a higher Treynor measure, a higher alpha,
but a lower Sharpe measure than another portfolio.
Alpha can be modified by the use of other reference portfolios

Tracking error, the information ratio, and the Sortino ratio

Ÿ Tracking error is the standard deviation of alpha over time.
Ÿ Information ratio is the average alpha over time divided by the tracking error

Ÿ Sortino ratio should be used when there is more focus on the likelihood of loss:

E(RP) - Rmin
Sortino ratio =
√ MSDmin

Ÿ MSDminis a semi-variance that only measures the variability of the portfolio’s return
observations below Rmin

38 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Arbitrage Pricing Theory

Watch video with important

LO 12.1 The Multifactor Model of Risk and Return testable concepts here

Active return: Return on portfolio (Rp) − Return on benchmark (RB)

Active risk: SD of active return
Aka tracking error or tracking risk
Active return
Information ratio:
Active risk

Types of multifactor models

Macroeconomic Fundamental Statistical

factor models factor models factor models

Factors are firm-specific and

Factors are surprises in stated as returns (not
macroeconomic variables surprises)

Interest rates, credit spread,
inflation risk, and cyclical risk

Actual value − Estimated value

Intercept ‘E(Ra)’ is derived -

ee Factors:
P/E ratio, P/B ratio, market
cap, financial leverage

Betas are standardized

Standardized beta:
(Actual value − Mean value)/σ
Statistical methods are applied
to historical returns to
determine factors that explain
the observed returns

Analysis models: Factors are
portfolios that explain
covariance in returns
from APT model
Standardization allows us to
Principal component models:
Equation: use fundamental factors
Factors are portfolios that
Ra = E(Ra) + β1F1 + β2F2+ .... + measured in different units in
explain variance in returns
βnFn + ε the same factor model

ε: Firm-specific surprise Intercept is not interpreted as

the expected return

LO 12.2 Expected return of an asset using a single-factor and

a multifactor model
Ÿ The equation for a K -factor model is:

R = E(R)+β1F1+β2F2+........+BkFk+ e

ª Return equals its expected value if none of the macro factors deviate from their expected
values and if the firm-specific return equals zero
ª If macro factor Fj deviates from its expected value, then Fj is nonzero
ª If the firm experiences a nonfactor related surprise, then the firm-specific component, e, will
be nonzero
ª Used to calculate the expected return after new macroeconomic and/or firm-specific
information is released.

39 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 12.3 Well -Diversified Portfolios
Ÿ Risk reduction benefits achieved through diversification come from reducing
nonsystematic risk.
Ÿ Expected return on a well-diversified portfolio is determined by systematic risk as
measured by beta

The Single-Factor Security Market Line



ee 1

SML is analogous to the capital asset pricing model (CAPM).


Systematic risk is measured as the exposure of the asset to a well-diversified market index
Ÿ Index portfolio can be any well-diversified portfolio thought to be highly correlated with the
systematic factor that affects the returns of assets.
Ÿ Equation for the single-factor SML :
E(Rp) = RF + βp[E(RM) — RF]


RF - risk-free rate,
M - observable welldiversified market index
βp- beta of any portfolio,
P- relative to the market index.

LO 12.4 Hedging Exposures to Multiple Factors

è A multifactor model can be used to hedge away multiple factor risks


è Investor can create factor portfolios, with beta equal to one for a single risk
factor, and betas equal to zero on the remaining risk factors

è Factor portfolios can be used to hedge multiple risk factors by combining the
original portfolio with offsetting positions in the factor portfolios

40 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 12.5 Arbitrage Pricing Theory
Arbitrage pricing theory describes expected returns as a linear function of exposures to
common (i.e., macroeconomic) risk factors
E(Ri) = RF + βi1RP1 + β i2RP2 +...+ βikRPK
Rpj is the risk premium associated with risk factor j.
The CAPM is a special case of the APT where there is only one priced risk factor (market risk).

The Fama-French Three-Factor Model

Ÿ It describes returns as a linear function of the market index return, firm size, and
book-to-market factors
Ÿ The firm size factor, SMB, equals the difference in returns between portfolios of
small and big firms
Ÿ The book-to-market factor, HML, equals the difference in returns between
portfolios of high and low book-to-market firms

r ee

41 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Principles for Effective Risk Data Aggregation

and Risk Reporting

LO 13.1 Benefits of Risk Data Aggregation Watch video with important

testable concepts here

Ÿ An increased ability to anticipate problems. Aggregated data allows risk managers to

understand risks holistically. It is easier to see problems on the horizon when risks are
viewed as a whole rather than in isolation.

Ÿ In times of financial stress, effective risk data aggregation enhances a bank’s ability to
identify routes to return to financial health. For example, a bank may be better able to
identify a suitable merger partner in order to restore the bank’s financial viability.

Ÿ Improved resolvability in the event of bank stress or failure. Regulatory authorities should
have access to aggregated risk data to resolve issues related to the health and viability of
banks. This is especially important for global systemically important banks (G-SIBs).

Ÿ By strengthening a bank’s risk function, the bank is better able to make strategic
decisions, increase efficiency, reduce the chance of loss, and ultimately increase

Principles of Effective Risk Data Aggregation

Governance Data & IT infrastructure Data aggregation Reporting

P 1.Governance P 2.Data architecture P 3.Accuracy & integrity P 7.Accuracy

& infrastructure P 4.Completeness P 8.Comprehensiveness

P 5.Timeliness P 9.Clarity & usefullness
P 6.Adoptibility P 10.Frequency
P 11.Distribution

LO 13.2 Governance
Principle 1- Governance :

A bank’s risk data aggregation capabilities and risk reporting

practices should be subject to strong governance arrangements consistent with the other
principles and guidance established by the Basel Committee

42 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Data aggregation and risk reporting practices

Ÿ Fully documented.
Ÿ Independently reviewed and validated by individuals with expertise in information
technology (IT) and data and risk reporting functions.
Ÿ Considered when the firm undergoes new initiatives, including new product
development, acquisitions, and/or divestitures. As part of an acquisition, the bank
should assess the risk data aggregation and reporting capabilities of the target firm
and explicitly evaluate those capabilities when deciding whether to make the
acquisition. In addition, a time frame should be established to integrate the risk
data aggregation and reporting processes of the two firms.
Ÿ Unaffected by the bank’s structure. Specifically, decisions regarding data
aggregation and reporting should be independent of the bank’s physical location or
geographical presence and/or legal organization.
Ÿ A priority of senior management, who should support risk data aggregation and
reporting processes with financial and human resources. Senior management
should include risk data aggregation and reporting in strategic IT planning and
ensure that the implementation of these processes is not impeded.
Ÿ Supported by the board of directors, which should remain aware of the bank’s
implementation of and compliance with the key governance principles set out by
the Basel Committee.

LO 13.3 ee
Data Architecture and IT Infrastructure

Principle 2 — Data Architecture and Infrastructure:

A bank should design, build and maintain data architecture and IT infrastructure which fully
supports its risk data aggregation capabilities and risk reporting practices not only in
normal times but also during times of stress or crisis, while still meeting the other Principles
Ÿ Risk data aggregation and reporting practices should be a part of the bank’s planning
processes and subject to business impact analysis.
Ÿ Banks establish integrated data classifications and architecture across the banking
group. Multiple data models may be used as long as there are robust automated

reconciliation measures in place. Data architecture should include information on data

characteristics (metadata) and naming conventions for legal entities, counterparties,
customers, and account data.
Ÿ Accountability, roles, responsibilities, and ownership should be defined relative to the

LO 13.4 Risk Data Aggregation Capabilities


Principle 3— Accuracy and Integrity:

Data should be aggregated on a largely automated basis so as to minimize the probability of errors.
(Limited workarounds are okay)

43 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

• Data aggregation and reporting should be accurate and reliable.

• Controls applied to risk data should be as robust as those surrounding accounting data.
• To ensure the quality of the data, effective controls should be in place when the bank relies
on manual processes and desktop applications such as spreadsheets and databases.
• Data should be reconciled with other bank data, including accounting data, to ensure its
• A bank should endeavor to have a single authoritative source for risk data for each specific
type of risk.
• Risk personnel should have access to risk data to effectively aggregate, validate, reconcile,
and report the data in risk reports.
• Data should be defined consistently across the bank.
• While data should be aggregated on a largely automated basis to reduce the risk of errors,
human intervention is appropriate when professional judgments are required. There should be
balance between manual and automated risk management systems. (Manual workaround)
• Bank supervisors expect banks to document manual and automated risk data aggregation
systems and explain when there are manual workarounds, why the workarounds are critical
to data accuracy, and propose actions to minimize the impact of manual workarounds.

Principle 4— Completeness
Ÿ Both on- and off-balance sheet risks should be aggregated.
Ÿ Risk measures and aggregation methods should be clear and specific enough that senior
r ee
managers and the board of directors can properly assess risk exposures. However, not all
risks need to be expressed in the same metric.
Ÿ Bank risk data should be complete. If risk data is not complete, the bank should identify
and explain areas of incompleteness to bank supervisors.
Ÿ Data should be available by business line, legal entity, asset type, region etc.

44 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Principle 5 — Timeliness Principle 6— Adaptability

ª Data aggregation capabilities should be

adaptable and flexible. Adaptable data
makes it easier for managers and the
board of directors to conduct stress tests
and scenario analysis. Data should be
available for ad hoc data requests to
Ÿ Bank supervisors will review the timeliness assess emerging risks. Adaptability
and specific frequency requirements of includes:
bank risk data in normal and stress/crisis è Aggregation processes should be flexible
periods. and should allow bank managers to
Ÿ Systems should be in place to produce assess risks quickly for decision-making
aggregated risk data quickly in purposes.
stress/crisis situations for all critical risks. è Data should be customizable (e.g.,
Critical risks include, but are not limited to: anomalies, dashboards, and key
è Aggregated credit exposures to large takeaways) and should allow the user to
corporate borrowers. investigate specific risks in greater detail.
è Counterparty credit risk exposures, è It should be possible to include new
including derivatives. aspects of the business or outside factors
è Trading exposures, positions, and that influence overall bank risk in the risk
operating limits.

Market concentrations by region and
Liquidity risk indicators.
Time-critical operational risk indicators.

data aggregation process.
Regulatory changes should be
incorporated in risk data aggregation.
A bank should be able to pull out specifics
from aggregated risk data. For example, a
bank should be able to aggregate risks of
a certain country or region. Credit risk
exposures (e.g., corporate, bank,
sovereign and retail exposures) for a
specific country should be readily
accessible. Data regarding risks across
geographic areas or business lines should
be available

Ÿ The principles of integrity, completeness, timeliness, and adaptability. A bank may choose to
put one principle ahead of another

LO 13.5 Effective risk reporting practices

Principle 7 — Accuracy

Ÿ Risk reports should be accurate and precise. Senior managers and board members shoul be able
to use the reports to make critical decisions about bank risks.

Ÿ To ensure the accuracy of risk reports the bank should:

ª Define the processes used to create risk reports.
ª Create reasonableness checks of the data.
ª Include descriptions of mathematical and logical relationships in the data that should be verified.
ª Create error reports that identify, report, and explain weaknesses or errors in the data.
Ÿ The bank should ensure the reliability, accuracy, and timeliness of risk approximation (e.g.,
scenario analysis, sensitivity analysis, stress testing, and other risk modeling approaches).
Ÿ The board of directors and senior managers should establish precision and accurate requirements
for regular and stress/crisis risk reports. The reports should include information on positions and
exposures in the market. The criticality of decisions made using the data should be clearly stated.
Ÿ Bank supervisors expect banks to impose accuracy requirements on risk data (both regular and
stress/crisis) commensurate with and analogous to accounting materiality. For example, if an
omission influences risk decision-making, then it is deemed material
45 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Principle 8— Comprehensive
Ÿ Reports should contain position and risk exposure information for all relevant risks,
such as credit risk, liquidity risk, market risk, and operational risk. The report should
also include detailed information for specific risks. For example, credit risk reports
should include information on the country, region, sector, industry, and/or single name
exposures. Risk related measures such as the bank’s regulatory capital should also be
included in risk reports.
Ÿ Risk reports should be forward-looking and should include forecasts and stress tests.
The bank’s risk appetite/tolerance should be discussed in the context of emerging risks.
Recommendations for reducing risk should be included where appropriate. Senior
managers and the board of the directors should gain a sense of the bank’s future capital
and risk profiles from reports.
Ÿ Bank supervisors should be satisfied that the bank’s risk reporting is sufficient in terms
of coverage, analysis, and comparability across institutions. A risk report should include,
but not be limited to, information regarding:
è Credit risk. è Regulatory capital.
è Market risk. è Liquidity projections.
è Liquidity risk. è Capital projections.
è Operational risk. è Risk concentrations.
è Results of stress tests. è Funding plans
è Capital adequacy.

Principle 9— Clarity and usefulness Principle 10— Frequency

• Reports be tailored to the end user (e.g.,

the board, senior managers, and risk
committee members) and should assist them
with sound risk management and decision-
ee • The frequency of reports will vary
depending on the recipient (e.g., the board,
senior managers, and risk committee
members), the type of risk, and the purpose
of the report. The bank should periodically
• Reports will include: test whether reports can be accurately
è Risk data. produced in the established time frame both
è Risk analysis. in normal and stress/crisis periods.
è Interpretation of risks. • In stress/crisis periods, liquidity, credit,
è Qualitative explanations of risks and market risk reports may be required
•Aggregation increases as the report moves immediately in order to react to the

up in the organizational hierarchy i.e. senior mounting risks.

mangers and to the board. There is a greater
need of qualitative interpretation and
explanation as aggregation increases

Principle 11— Distribution


Reports should be disseminated in a timely

fashion while maintaining confidentiality
where required. Supervisors expect banks to
confirm that recipients receive reports in a
timely manner.

46 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

GARP Code of Conduct

Watch video with important
LO 14.1 The Code of Conduct testable concepts here

1. Professional Integrity and Ethical Conduct

1.1. shall act professionally, ethically and with integrity in all dealings with employers, existing
or potential clients, the public, and other practitioners in the financial services industry.
1.2. shall exercise reasonable judgment in the provision of risk services while maintaining
independence of thought and direction. GARP Members must not offer, solicit, or accept any
gift, benefit, compensation, or consideration that could be reasonably expected to compromise
their own or another’s independence and objectivity.
1.3. must take reasonable precautions to ensure that the Member’s services are not used for
improper, fraudulent or illegal purposes.
1.4. shall not knowingly misrepresent details relating to analysis, recommendations, actions,
or other professional activities.
1.3. shall not engage in any professional conduct involving dishonesty or deception or engage
in any act that reflects negatively on their integrity, character, trustworthiness, or professional
ability or on the risk management profession.
1.6. shall not engage in any conduct or commit any act that compromises the integrity of
r ee
GARP, the FRM® designation, or the integrity or validity of the examinations leading to the
award of the right to use the FRM designation or any other credentials that may be offered by
1.7. shall be mindful of cultural differences regarding ethical behavior and customs, and avoid
any actions that are, or may have the appearance of being unethical according to local
customs. If there appears to be a conflict or overlap of standards, the GARP Member should
always seek to apply the highest standard.

2. Conflict of Interest 3. Confidentiality

2.1. act fairly in all situations and must fully

3.1. shall not make use of confidential

disclose any actual or potential conflict to all

information for inappropriate purposes and
affected parties.
unless having received prior consent shall
2.2. make full and fair disclosure of all
maintain the confidentiality of their work,
matters that could reasonably be expected to
their employer or client.
impair independence and objectivity or
3.2. must not use confidential information for
interfere with respective duties to their
personal benefit
employer, clients, and prospective clients.

4. Fundamental Responsibilities :

4.1. comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations (including this Code) governing the
GARP Members’ professional activities and shall not knowingly participate or assist in any violation
of such laws, rules, or regulations.

4.2. have ethical responsibilities and cannot outsource or delegate those responsibilities to others.

4.3. understand the needs and complexity of their employer or client, and should provide
appropriate and suitable risk management services and advice.

4.4. be diligent about not overstating the accuracy or certainty of results or conclusions.

4.5. clearly disclose the relevant limits of their specific knowledge and expertise concerning risk
assessment, industry practices, and applicable laws and regulations. 47 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

5. Best Practices
5.1. execute all services with diligence and perform all work in a manner that is independent
from interested parties. GARP Members should collect, analyze and distribute risk information
with the highest level of professional objectivity.
5.2. be familiar with current generally accepted risk management practices and shall clearly
indicate any departure from their use.
5.3. ensure that communications include factual data and do not contain false information.
5.4. make a distinction between fact and opinion in the presentation of analysis and

LO 14.2 Violations of the Code of Conduct

Ÿ All GARP Members are expected to act in accordance with the GARP Code of Conduct as
well as any local laws and regulations that pertain to the risk management profession. If the
Code and certain laws conflict, then laws and regulations will take priority.

Ÿ Violations of the Code of Conduct may result in temporary suspension or permanent

removal from GARP membership. In addition, violations could lead to a revocation of the
right to use the FRM designation. Sanctions would be issued after a formal investigation is
conducted by GARP.
r ee

Book 2 - Quantitative

Notice : Unless otherwise stated, copyright and all intellectual property rights in all the course
material(s) provided, is the property of FinTree Education Private Limited. Any copying, duplication
of the course material either directly and/or indirectly for use other than for the purpose provided
shall tantamount to infringement and shall strongly defended and pursued, to the fullest extent
permitted by law.

The unauthorized duplication of these notes is a violation of global copyright laws. Your assistance
in pursuing potential violators of this law is greatly appreciated. If any violation comes to your
notice, get in touch with us at
Financial Modelling

What is Financial Modelling?

l Financial Modelling involves modelling Financial Data for Decision Making
l Financial Modelling Skills are applied to variety of scenarios like Equity
Research, Mergers and Acquisition, Project Finance etc.
l Financial Modelling Certification at FinTree equips candidates to develop a
model from scratch without using ready-made templates

What is the Course

We have dividend Financial Modelling Course
into Four Parts:

Part I: A d v a n c e E x c e l Tr a i n i n g
Part II: Building Financial Model
Part III: Forecasting
Part IV: Valuation

What is duration of the Course?

l The duration of one batch is roughly three months. The Certification is
provided by FinTree after the completion of the batch.
l For classroom, we operate on a club Membership model, wherein, in the
same fees, candidate are allowed to (and encourages to) attend three more
(1+3) subsequent batches. Every batch we pick up models from different
sectors and that provides deeper understanding to the participants.
l Online course validity: 1 year

To know more, visit

FinTree 50 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Watch video with important
LO 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5 & 15.6 testable concepts here


51 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.


52 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.


53 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.


54 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.


Probability Matrix
Calculating joint probabilities using a probability matrix:
Given the following incomplete probability matrix, calculate the joint probability of a
normal economy and an increase in rates, and the unconditional probability of a good economy

Interest Rates

Increase No Increase

Good 10% X2 X3

Economy Normal X1 25% X4

Poor 10% 20% 30%

50% 50% 100%

X1 = 50% -10% - 10% = 30% X3 = 10% + 5% = 15%

X2 = 50% -25% - 20% = 5% X4 = 100% - 30% - 15% = 55%

55 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Ÿ Joint probability of normal economy & increase in rate = 30% (X1)

Ÿ Unconditional probability of a good economy = 15% (X3)

Ÿ Conditional probability that economy is good given interest rates

have increased
P (G/I) =

Ÿ Conditional probability that interest rate have decreased given

that it's a good economy
P (Ic/G) =
= 33.33%


56 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Basic Statistics
Watch video with important
LO 16.1 testable concepts here
Measures of central tendency
& 16.2

FRM Part 1

e FRM Part 1

57 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.


58 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Eg. #1

X (X - X) (X - X)2

10 -5 25

20 5 25

5 -10 100

25 10 100

60 250

X = 15 Sample SD = Population SD =
√ 250
√ 250

= =
√83.33 √62.50
= 9.128 = 7.90
Calculator shortcut:

2nd 7 X 01=10 X 02=20 X 03=5 X 04=25

2nd 8 LIN ↓ ↓ ↓ Sx = 9.12 σx = 7.910

Eg. #2

Probability X (X - X) (X - X)2 P(X - X)2

10% 10 -8 64 6.4

50% 10 -8 64 32

20% 20 2 4 0.8

20% 40 22 484 96.8



X = (10%×10) + (50%×10) + (20%×20) + (20%×40)

= 18

σx = √136 = 11.66

59 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Calculator shortcut:

2nd 7 X 01=10 Y 01=10 (not 0.10)

X 02=10 Y 02=50

X 03=20 Y 03=20

X 04=40 Y 04=20

(Tip: total of Y should be 100)

2nd 8, 2nd set and reach on 1-V

↓↓↓ σx = 11.66 (Not Sx)

LO 16.4 Covariance and correlation

Sample Sample
covariance correlation

Measures how two variables move


Measures strength of linear relationship
between two variables
Captures the linear relationship between
two variables
Standardized measure of covariance
∑ (X − X) (Y − Y)
Cov(x,y) = Cov(x,y)
n−1 r=
Sx × Sy
Cov(x,y) = r × Sx × Sy Unit = No unit
Unit = % Range = −1 to +1

Range = −∞ to +∞ r = 1 means perfectly +ve correlation


+ve covariance = Variables tend to r = 0 means no linear relationship

move together
r = −1 means perfectly −ve correlation
−ve covariance = Variables tend to
move in opposite directions

−ve covariance −ve correlation −ve slope

+ve covariance +ve correlation +ve slope


Scatter plot: Graph that shows the relationship between values of two variables

Limitations to correlation analysis

Nonlinear relationship Outliers Spurious correlation

Measures only linear Extremely large or small Appearance of causal linear

relationships, not non linear values may influence the relationship but no economic
ones estimate of correlation relationship exists
60 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Eg. #1
X Y → enter data (2nd 7)
10 5 → enter stat function (2nd 8)
→ ↓ ↓ σx (STO 1)
15 5
→ ↓ ↓ σy (STO 2)
20 10
→ ↓ ↓ r (STO 3)
20 10

LIN mode:

COV (X,Y) = σx × σy × r (X,Y) = 9.375 or COV (X,Y) = Sx × Sy × r (X,Y) = 12.5

(Population) (Sample)

Eg. #2
Calculate covariance.

Y = 10 Y = 12 Y = 25

X = 10 0.20 - -

X = 15 - 0.60 -

X = 20 - - 0.20

COV (X,Y) = ∑ PXY - ∑ PX × ∑ PY

= 228 - 14.2 ×15 = 15

Y = 10 Y = 12 Y = 25 Y = 10 Y = 12 Y = 25 Y = 10 Y = 12 Y = 25

X = 10 0.20 - - X = 10 0.20 - - X = 10 0.20 - -


X = 15 - 0.60 - X = 15 - 0.60 - X = 15 - 0.60 -

X = 20 - - 0.20 X = 20 - - 0.20 X = 20 - - 0.20

= 10×20% (+) 12×60% ×15 (+) 25×20% ×20 = 10×20% (+) 12×60% (+) 25×20% = 10×20% (+) 60% ×15 (+) 20% ×20

= 228 = 14.2 = 15

61 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Interpretation of scatter plot

Perfect positive Less than perfect Zero correlation

correlation positive correlation
Ƿ = +1 Ƿ = +0.7 Ƿ=0

x x x

Perfect negative Less than perfect

correlation negative correlation
Y Ƿ = -1 Y Ƿ = -0.7

x x

LO 16.6 Skewness and kurtosis
& 16.7

62 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.


Eg. #1 Calculate mean, var, skew and kurtosis

X f(x)
(20) 10%

(8) 15%

5 45%

10 25%

20 5%
63 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

X f(x) X.f(x) (x-μ)2 f(x) (x-μ)3. f(x) (x-μ)4. f(x)

(20) 10% (2) 50.9 (1147) 25857

(8) 15% (1.2) 16.7 (176) 1858

5 45% 2.25 2.7 6.6 16

10 25% 2.5 13.9 103 770

20 5% 1 15.2 266 4636

99.3 (947) 33182

Mean = 2.55 Var = 99.3 σ = 9.96

947 99182
Skewness = = -0.95 Kurtosis = = 3.37
9.963 9.964

LO 16.8 Best linear unbiased estimator
Point estimates are used to estimate Population parameters

Sample mean Population mean

a.k.a Estimator

Desirable properties for estimator:

Œ Unbiased → Expected value X = μ

 Efficient → Lowest covarience
Ž Unbiased → as n → Accuracy

 Linear (for regressions)

64 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Watch video with important
testable concepts here

Difference between parametric and non-parametric distribution

Parametric Non - Parametric

Ÿ Such as normal distribution Ÿ Such as historical distribution

Ÿ Makes restrictive assumption Ÿ Fit the data perfectly

Ÿ Easier to draw conclusions about data Ÿ Without generalizing data, difficult to

derive conclusion
Ÿ Can be described by using
mathematical function Ÿ Can not be described by using
predetermined mathematical function

LO 17.1 The Uniform distribution

A Continuous uniform Range that span between same lower limit (a) and upper limit (b)

distribution - which serve as the parameter of distribution.
Properties - Ÿ For all a<x1<x2<b
Ÿ P(X<a or X>b)=0
Ÿ P(x<X1<x2)=(x2-x1)/(b-a)
Eg. #1
Mean and Variance of uniform distribution are
X is uniformly distributed between 3 & 11. Calculate
the probability that X will be between 5 & 7. 2
a+b (b - a )
Solution: E ( x) = Va r ( x ) =
= 0.25 2 12

65 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.


B Bernoulli Distribution Binomial distribution

ª A binomial random variable is defined as

ª Only has two possible outcomes
no of successes in a given trials, where the
ª Outcomes can be defined as Success or
outcome can be either Success or Failure
ª Probability of success (p) is constant for
ª The probability of success (p) denoted with
each trial and trials are independent
1 and probability of failure (1-p) ,denoted
ª A binomial random variable for which no of
with 0.
trials is 1 is called Bernoulli distribution
66 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Eg. #2
Compute the probability of drawing 2 black beans from a bowl of black and white beans if the
probability of selecting a black bean in any given attempt is 0.4. You will draw 6 beans from the
2 4
Solution: 6C * ( 0 .4 ) * ( 0 .6 )
= 3 1 .1 0 4 %


C Expected value and variance of a Binomial variable

Formula of expected value

Expected value of x = E(x) = np

which means we perform n trials and the probability of
successes on each trial is p.

Formula of variance

Variance of x = np (1 - p) = npv

V = 1-p is the probability of failure

67 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Poisson distribution
Introduction - It has real world applications
e.g- No of defects in production process or no of calls per hour arriving at 911 emergency

Formula :
where : x refers to the no of successes per unit
x γ

P( X = x) = ëe
refers to the average or expected no of successes per unit
Both, mean 2 variance of poisson one equal to the parameter.

Normal Distribution Properties

Eg. #3
On average, 911 emergency switchboards receive 2
5 incoming calls per min. What is the probability Ÿ X is normally distributed with mean ì and ó
that in 2 minutes exactly 20 phone calls will be variance.
received, assuming the arrival of calls follows a Ÿ Skewness=0
Poisson distribution. Ÿ Mean=Mode=Median
Ÿ Kurtosis=3
Solution: 20 10 Ÿ A linear combination of normally
P(X=20)= 10 e = 0 .18668 = 18 .668 % distributed independent random variable is
20! also normally distributed.

Confidence Interval - Range of value around expected outcome within which the actual
outcome is to be some specified % of time.
Example - A 95% confidence interval is a range that we expect random
variation to be in 95% of time

Standard normal distribution

Eg. #4
The average return of mutual fund is 12% per A normal distribution that has been standardized has a

year and the standard deviation of annual is mean of zero and standard deviation of 1 (i.e. N ~ 0,1)
20%. If returns are approximately normal,
what is the 99% confidence interval for the Standardization in the process of converting
mutual fund return next year. observation value for random variable to it’s Z value

Solution: Formula :
12±2.58*(20)= -39.6% to 63.6% z = Observation-Population mean
Standard deviation =
x - μì
Expressed as P(-39.6% ≤ R ≤ 63.6)=99%

Calculate probability using Z - Value

Ÿ The values in the Z- Table are probability of observing the Z-Value in less that the given
value Z [ i.e. P(Z< z) ]
Ÿ Numbers in the first column are Z value
Ÿ Columns to the right gives probability for Z values with 2 decimal places
Ÿ To find probability that standard normal distribution variance will be less than 1.66 ( for
Ÿ Table value is 95.15%
Ÿ Probability that random variable will be zero that - 1.66 is 1-0.9515 = 0.0485 = 4.85%
Ÿ Is also the probability that variance will be greater than +1.66
68 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.


D Lognormal distribution - Ÿ Generated by the function ex where x is normally distributed.

Ÿ Logarithms of lognormally distributed random variable are normally distributed

69 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 17.2 & 17.3 Central limit theoram

è States that for random samples of size n from a population with a mean μ and finite
variable σ , the sample distribution of sample mean x approaches a normal
probability distribution with mean as sample size becomes large
è Possible because when sample size is large ,the sums of independent and identically
distributed random variable will be normally distributed
è Useful because normal distribution is easy to apply to hypothesis testing and to the
construction of confidence interval.
è Specific inferences about the population mean can be made from sample mean as
long as sample size is sufficiently large (which usually means n ≥ 30)

Properties - Ÿ If Sample size n is sufficiently large(n>30),sampling

- distribution of the sample means
will be approximately normal.
Ÿ Mean of the population and mean of the distribution of all possible sample means are
equal. 2

Ÿ Variance of the distribution of the sample mean is . óσ


Student’s T - Distribution

Introduction - Ÿ A bell shaped probability distribution that is symmetrical about

it’s mean.
Ÿ Useful when constructing CI based on small samples (n<30)
from population with unknown variance and normal distribution.
ª Symmetrical
Properties of Student’s ª Defined by single parameter, degrees of freedom.
T distribution ª More probability in the tails than the normal distribution.
ª As degrees of freedom gets larger, shape of t-distribution
approaches a standard normal distribution

CHI - Squared Distribution


Ÿ Asymmetrical
Bounded below by zero
Ÿ Approaches normal distribution as D.O.F increase.

F - Distribution - Ÿ Used when the hypothesis is concerned with the equality of variances of two
Ÿ Assumes that the population from which samples are drawn are normally

distributed and that samples are independent.

Ÿ F-Distribution is right-skewed and truncated at zero on the left hand-side.

Ÿ Formula:
s 1
s 2

Properties - Ÿ Approaches normal distribution as no. of observations increases.

Ÿ A random variable’s t-value squared ( t ) with n-1 d.o.f is F- distributed.
Ÿ Relationship between the F- and Chi-Squared distributions such that:
Ÿ F= as the # of observations in denominator is ∞
# of observations in numerator
70 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Mixture Distribution

Ÿ Contain element of both parametric and non-parametric distribution

Ÿ Distribution used as inputs are parametric while weights are non-parametric
Ÿ More use of inputs ,more closely the mixture distribution will follow actual data
Ÿ By this it’s easy to see how skewness and kurtosis can be altered
Ÿ Skewness can be changed by combining distribution with different means and kurtosis is
changed by combining distribution with different variances.
Ÿ By combining distribution with different means mixture distribution with multiple modes
can be created
Ÿ Risk models can be improved by incorporating the potential for low frequency, high-severity


71 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Bayesian Analysis
Watch video with important
testable concepts here
LO 18.1 Introduction

Baye’s Theorem: Update a given set of prior probability for a given event in response to the arrival of
new information.

Formula: P(B/A) × P(A)

Ÿ Another way of expressing Baye’s Theorem: P(A/B)=
Ÿ Joint Probability of both events A & B is determined by:
(I) P(AB)= P(B/A)×P(B)
(ii) P(AB)=P(A/B)×P(A) respectively.

Conditional Probability: Probability of one random event occurring given that

another event has already occurred.

Unconditional Probability: Random event not contingent on any additional

Information or events occurring.

Bond A

No default Default
No default 80% 7% 87%
Bond B
Default 8% 5% 13%

88% 12% 100%

Ÿ Unconditional probability default A = 12%


Ÿ Unconditional probability default B = 13%

Ÿ Joint probability of both bonds defaulting = 5%

Ÿ Joint probability of no default = 80%

Ÿ Two event for each bonds must sum to 100%


Probability of No default = 88% 87%

Probability of default = 12% 13%
100% 100%

Ÿ If the probability of defaults were independent, then probability of both the bonds
defaulting would be = 12% × 13%
= 1.56%
Ÿ Notice, actual probability (based on matrix) for both bond defaulting (5%) is quite
higher than 1.56%
72 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Ÿ This is due to the high default correlation
Ÿ An independent probability matrix would have assumed r =0
Ÿ Conditional probability of default of A when B has already defaulted

Joint probability (A
Unconditional probability (B)

= = 53.86%

Note: If two events are highly correlated, conditional probability > unconditional Probability.


Ÿ Draw conclusion from sample data

Ÿ Used with larger sample size
Ÿ Based on prior belief regarding Ÿ Easy to implement and understand
probability of an event occurring

Ÿ It involves drawing conclusions
Ÿ Used when the sample size is small from sample data based on the
Ÿ Cumbersome frequency of that data
Ÿ Frequentist approach is simply
based on the observed frequency
of positive events occuring

Baye’s theorem examples

Eg. #1
Suppose you are an equity analyst for ABC Insurance Company. You manage an equity fund of funds

and use historical data to categorize the managers as excellent or average. Excellent managers are
expected to outperform the market 80% of the time. Average managers are expected to outperform
the market only 60% of the time.

Assume that the probabilities of managers outperforming the markets for any given year is
independent of their performance in prior years ABC Insurance Company has found that only 30% of
all fund managers are excellent managers and the remaining 70% are average managers.

A) A new fund manager to the portfolio started three years ago and outperformed the market all three
years. What is the probability that the new managers was an excellent managers when she first

started managing portfolio three years ago?

B) What are the probabilities that the new manager is an excellent or average manager today?(Given
that she Out Performed the markets for 3 years.)

C) What is the probability that the new manager will beat the market next year, given that the new
manager outperformed the market the last three years.?

73 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Solution: 12.2%
O = 20%

19.2% O = 20%

O = 20%
= 30%
ent O = 20%

Fund Manager
70% O = 60







re %





Year 1 9.07%

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

A) A new fund manager to the portfolio started three years ago and outperformed the market all
three years. What is the probability that the new managers was an excellent managers when she first
started managing portfolio three years ago?
è 30%

B) What are the probabilities that the new manager is an excellent or average manager today? (Given
that she Out Performed the markets for 3 years.)
è Manager is outperforming in two scenarios, being excellent and average.
Total probability of outperforming = 15.3% + 15.1% = 30.4%

C) What is the probability that the new manager will beat the market next year, given that the new
manager outperformed the market the last three years?
è We will use the updated probabilities
= 50.32% × 80% + (1- 50.32%)× 60%
≈ 70% 74 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Suppose now that we add another possible outcome where a manager is below average. The prior
belief regarding the probabilities of a manager outperforming the market are 70% for an excellent
manager, 40% for an average manager, and 10% for a below average manager. Furthermore, there
is a 10% probability that a manager is excellent, a 60% probability that a manager is average, and a
30% probability that a manager is below average. Solve using Bayes’ Theorem.

Solution: 2.4%
O = 30%
O = 30%

O = 30%

10 O = 30%

n t=
e O = 40%
E xc O = 40% 3.8%
O = 40%
Fund O = 40% 24% 9.6%
Manager Oc Oc =
Oc =6 = 60
= 60 %
60 0% %

nT O






Year 1



Year 2 0.003%

Year 3

Year 4 75 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Hypothesis Testing And

Confidence Intervals Watch video with important
testable concepts here



76 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

LO 19.1 Sample mean and sample variance

77 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.


LO 19.2 Confidence Interval

Point estimate ± (reliability factor ×standard error)


78 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.


79 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

LO 19.3 Hypothesis Testing


LO 19.4 One-tailed and two-tailed tests of hypothesis


80 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.


81 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

LO 19.5 Hypothesis tests with specific level of confidence


Interpretation: at least 75% observations lie within ± 2 SD of mean

82 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 19.6 Backtesting
Ÿ It involves comparing expected outcomes against actual data
Ÿ If we apply 95% confidence interval, we expect event to exceed the confidence interval
with a 5% probability
Ÿ Risk managers to backtest their value at risk (VaR) model
Ÿ When VaR measure is exceeded during a given testing period it is known as exception
or an exceedance
Ÿ After backtesting, if number of exceptions if greater than expected, the risk manager
may be underestimating actual risk
Ÿ There is high probability that an exception will occur after the previous period had an
Ÿ VaR exceptions tend to be higher (lower) when market volatility is high (low)
Ÿ This may be result of a VaR model failing to quickly react to changes in risk levels


83 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Linear Regression with One

Regressor Watch video with important
testable concepts here

LO 20.1 Regression Analysis

Linear Process
Representation of relationship with linear equation where one dependent variable explained
by one or more independent variable.

Regression Analysis: Measure changes in one variable, i.e. dependent or explained variable
explained by changes in independent or explanatory variable.
Scatter Plot : Ÿ Visual representation of relation between dependent and a given
independent variable.
Ÿ Indicate positive relationship.

Dependent variable Independent variable

Aka response variable Aka the regressor

Variable you are seeking to Variable you are using to explain
explain changes in the dependent variable

Also referred to as explained Also referred to as explanatory

variable/endogenous variable/exogenous
variable/predicted variable variable/predicting variable

Rp = RFR + β (Rm − RFR) line

Dependent Slope


Intercept Independent
variable variable

LO 20.2 Population regression function

Population Regression Error Term



ª Denoted as ei
ª Consists of parameter called ªDifference between Y and its corresponding
Regression coefficient. conditional expectation.
ª Simple two variance function: ª A. K. A Noise component.
E(Return/Lockup ª Provides another way of expressing population
Period)=B0+B1+(Lockup period) regression function: Yi=b0+b1*Xi+eihg
ª E(Yi/Xi)=B0+B1*(Xi) ª Represents effects from independent variable
not included in the model.

84 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Independent variable

y = a + bx + ε

Dependent Slope

Intercept Error term

Ÿ Intercept coefficient - is the expected value of y if X = 0

Ÿ Slope coefficient, which is the expected change in y for a unit change in X
Ÿ There is a dispersion of X-values around each conditional expected value. The difference
between each y and its corresponding conditional expectations (i.e, the line that fits the
data) is the error term or noise component denoted £i

LO 20.3 Sample regression function

Sample Regression Function

Ÿ Represents the relation based on sample of population
Ÿ slope and coefficient is different from population regression function
Ÿ Represented as Yi=b0+b1+Xi+ei

ª The sample regression function is an equation that represents a relationship between the y and
X variable(s) that is based only on the information in a sample of the population

Ÿ Properties of Regression:
ª Relates to Independent variable
ª Independent variable enters into equation without transform such as square root or logarithm.

ª Dependent variable is a linear function of parameters, but doesn't require linearity in variables.

Note: Linear Regression model assumes that the equation is linear

in parameter, it may or may not be linear in variations.

LO 20.4 Properties of regression

Ÿ Under certain, basic assumptions, we can use a linear regression to estimate the

population regression function. The term “linear” has implications for both the
independent variable and the coefficients

Ÿ If it is the case that the relationship between the dependent variable and an
independent variable is non-linear, then an analyst would do that transformation first
and then enter the transformed value into the linear equation

Ÿ Therefore, when we refer to a linear regression model we generally assume that the
equation is linear in the parameters; it may or may not be linear in the variables

85 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 20.5 Ordinary least squares regression

Ÿ Ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation is a process that estimates the population
parameters Bi with corresponding values for bi that minimize the squared residuals
(i.e., error terms). Recall the expression ei - Yi - (b0 + b1 x Xi); the OLS sample
coefficients are those that:

minimize ∑ei2 = ∑ [Yi - (b0 + b1 × Xi)]2

Ÿ The estimated slope coefficient (b1) for the regression line describes the change in
Y for a one unit change in X. It can be positive, negative, or zero, depending on the
relationship between the regression variables. The slope term is calculated as:
_ _
∑( Xi _ X)( Yi _ Y ) Cov( X, Y )

b1 = i =1
_ =
∑ ( Xi _ X)
n 2
Var ( X)
i =1

Ÿ The intercept term (b0) is the line’s intersection with the Y-axis at X = 0. It can be
positive, negative, or zero. A property of the least squares method is that the intercept
term may be expressed as:
_ _
b0 = Y -b1X

_ = mean of Y
X = mean of X

The intercept equation highlights the fact that the regression line passes through a
point with coordinates equal to the mean of the independent and dependent variables
(i.e., the point, X,Y).

LO 20.6 Assumptions Underlying Linear Regression

Ÿ Expected value of the error term is zero

Ÿ All (X, Y) observations are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.)

Ÿ A linear relationship exists between the dependent and independent variable

Ÿ The independent variable is uncorrelated with the error terms
Ÿ Variance of error term is constant
Ÿ No serial correlation of the error terms exists
Ÿ The error term is normally distributed.

LO 20.7,20.8 Properties of OLS estimator


Ÿ OLS estimated coefficients are unbiased, consistent, and (under special conditions)

Ÿ Since OLS estimators are derived from random samples, these estimators are also
random variables because they vary from one sample to the next.

Ÿ Therefore, OLS estimators will have their own probability distributions (i.e., sampling

Ÿ These sampling distributions allow us to estimate population parameters, such as the

population mean, the population regression intercept term, and the population
regression slope coefficient.
86 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 20.7 OLS regression results
& 20.8
Ÿ The sum of squared residuals (SSR), sometimes denoted SSE, for sum of squared errors
Ÿ The coefficient of determination, represented by R2, is a measure of the “goodness of
fit” of the regression. It is interpreted as a percentage of variation in the dependent
variable explained by the independent variable

Total Sum of squares = Explained sum of + Sum of squared

squares residuals
_ _ _
Ó _
∑ (Y i Y ) = ^
∑ (Y
Ó Y ) + ∑Ó(Y i
_Y )^ 2


Ÿ Components of total variation

Unexplained error

} Ó∑(Y _ Y )
^ 2

Y^i = b0 + b1 Xi i _

e _
Ó _
∑ (Y i Y )
_ } Ó∑ ( Y Y ) ^
Explained error


Ÿ Coefficient of determination can be calculated as,

_ ^
∑ (Yi Y )

∑ (Yi _ Y )
^ 2

R2 = =
_ 2
R =1- =1- _
TSS ∑ (Yi Y )
Ó _
∑ (Yi Y )

In a simple two-variable regression, the square root of R2 is the correlation

coefficient (r) between Xi and Yi. If the relationship is positive, then:
r = √R2

Ÿ The standard error of the regression (SER) measures the degree of

variability of the actual Y-values relative to the estimated Y-values from a
regression equation. The SER gauges the “fit” of the regression line. The
smaller the standard error, the better the fit.

Ÿ SER will be low (relative to total variability) if the relationship is very

strong and high if the relationship is weak. 87 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Regression with A Single Regressor

Watch video with important
testable concepts here

LO 21.1 Calculate the confidence interval for the regression coefficient

b1 ± (tc × SE)

Slope Standard error of

regression coefficient

Critical value (t-value)

DoF = n − 2

Eg.1 b1 = 0.48 SE = 0.35 n = 42 Calculate 90% confidence interval

Confidence interval: 0.48 ± (1.684 × 0.35) −0.109 to 1.069

Eg.2 Estimated slope coefficient is 0.82 and Standard Error is 0.30.Sample had 38 observations.
Calculate 95% confidence Interval.

Confidence interval: 0.82 ± (2.03 × 0.30) 0.211 to 1.429

LO 21.3
Hypothesis test for significance of regression coefficients
Eg. b1 = 0.48 SE = 0.35 n = 42 Confidence interval = 90% Perform a test of significance

^ ^
Step 1: Define hypothesis H0: b1 = 0, Ha: b1 ≠ 0

Sample stat. − HV 0.48 − 0

Step 2: Calculate test statistic 1.371

Std. error 0.35

Step 3: Calculate critical values t-distribution, DoF = 40

−1.684 1.684
Since calculated test statistic lies inside the range, conclusion is ‘Failed to reject the null hypothesis’
Slope is not significantly different from zero


Estimated slope coefficient is 0.82 and Standard Error

0.82 - 0
is 0.30.Sample had 38 observations. Determine if the t= = 2.73
estimated slope coefficient is significantly different 0.30
than zero at 5% level of significance. Critical two tailed T-value is 2.03
Reject the Null hypothesis (because 2.46>2.03)

88 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 21.2 P Values

Reject Candidate to be
FTR rejected only if
Think of some they are taller or
person who does equal to P-Value
not like tall people

5 ft. 3.8 ft. 4 ft. 6 ft. 4.5 ft. 5 ft.

Significance level
P-value is the lowest level of significance at which null hypothesis is rejected

Predicting dependent variable

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Y = b0 + b1 X1 + b2 X2 + …. + bk Xk

Intercept Forecasted
value (x)

Predicted Slope
value (y)

Eg. Forecasted return (x) = 12% Intercept = −4% Slope = 0.75 Standard error = 2.68
n = 32 Calculate predicted value (y) and 95% confidence interval

Predicted value Confidence interval

^ ^ ^ Y ± (tc × SE)
Y = b0 + b1 × Xp
5 ± (2.042 × 2.68)
Y = −4 + 0.75 × 12 = 5%

−0.472 to 10.472

Dummy variables

Y = b0 + b1 X1 + b2 X2 + …. + bk Xk + ε

Intercept Independent


Dependent Slope Error

variable term

Dummy variables: Independent variables that are binary in nature (i.e. in the form of yes/no)

They are qualitative variables

Values: If true = 1, if false = 0

Use n – 1 dummy variables in the model

89 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Smallest level of significance for which null hypothesis is rejected.

Predicted Values Ÿ Values of the dependent variable based on estimated regression coefficients
and prediction about the value of the independent variable.
Ÿ Simple regression Predicted Value is
Ÿ Example: yˆ = b 0 + b1 Xp

Predicting the dependent variable

WPO =-2.1+(0.72)(S&P500)
a)Calculate the predicted value ^
WPO excess returns if forecasted S&P 500 excess returns are 20%

Answer: a) ^
WPO= 2.1%±(0.72)(20%)
b) D.O.F = 36
tc= 2.03
WPO+(tc*sf)= 12.3%±(2.03*3.25)=5.0725% to 18.9%

Dummy Variables ª There are occasions when the independent variable is binary nature i.e.

“on” or “off”.Variables in this category are called dummy variables.
ª Quantify the impact of qualitative events.

LO 21.4 What is Heteroskedascticity?

Homoskedastic Heteroskedastic

Residuals are constant Residuals are not constant


Conditional Unconditional

ü Related to the level of ü Not related to the level of

Independent variable. Independent variable
ü Increases or Decreases as value ü doesn’t change with changes in
of independent variable the value of Independent
changes. variable.
ü Create significant problem for ü causes no major problem with
statistical inference regression.

90 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Effect of Heteroskedasticity on Regression Analysis
è Standard errors are usually unreliable estimates.
è Coefficient estimates aren’t affected
è If standard errors are too small, but coefficient estimates aren’t affected, t-
statistics is too large and null hypothesis of no statistical significance is rejected
too often.
è Vice Versa if the standard errors are too large.

Detecting Heteroskedasticity
With Residual Plot




There is presence of heteroskedasticity as the variation in regression residual increases
as the independent variable increases.

Correcting Heteroskedasticity
Calculate Robust Standard Errors
Ÿ That calculate t-statistics using original regression coefficients.

LO 21.5
Gauss - Markov theorem
& 21.6
States that if Linear Regression Model assumptions are true and regression errors
display homoskedasticity then OLS estimators have following properties:

è Minimum Variance
è Based on Linear Functions
è Unbiased
è OLS estimate of the variance of errors is Unbiased

Limitations of è Not hold when error term are heteroskedastic .

the Theorem : è Alternative Estimators which aren’t Linear or Unbiased, sometimes
more efficient than OLS estimators.

LO 21.7 Conditions to hold T-statistic when Sample Size is small :

ª Error terms must be Homoskedastic.
ª Must be Normally distributed.

Note: With Large Sample size, differences between the t-distribution and the Standard Normal
Distribution can be ignored.

91 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Linear Regression with multiple regressor

LO 22.1 Omitted variable bias Watch video with important
testable concepts here

Conditions Ÿ Omitted Variable is correlated with the movement of the Independent

Ÿ Omitted Variable is a determinant of the Dependent Variable.

Addressing Bias Ÿ Divide data into groups and examine one factor at a time keeping
others constant.
Ÿ Multiple Regression can achieve that.

LO 22.2

Simple Regression Multiple Regression

Ÿ Analysis with one Independent Ÿ Analysis with more than one

Variable. Independent variable.
Ÿ Quantify the influence of one Ÿ Quantify the influence of two or

Independent Variable on more Independent Variable on
Dependent Variable. Dependent Variable

LO 22.3
OLS estimators in Multiple Regression Methodology

Ÿ Estimate Intercept and slope coefficient such that sum of squared error term is minimized.
Ÿ Estimators of these coefficients are OLS estimators.

Slope Coefficient in Multiple Regression: Change in Dependent Variable for one

unit change in the Independent Variable keeping other Independent variables constant.
Hence the reason for slope coefficient being called Partial Coefficients.

LO 22.4 Describe Homoskedasticity and Heteroskedacticity

Heteroskedasticity Homoskedasticity
Means the dispersion of Condition that the variance of
error term varies over the error term is constant for
sample. all independent variables.

LO 22.6 Standard error of regression

ª Measure the uncertainty about accuracy of predicted value of Dependent

ª Is the Standard Deviation of error terms in regression.
ª Specified as,
n n n 2
2 SSR ∑ [Yi - (b 0 + biXi )] ∑( Yi- Yi ) ∑ ei
SER= se
n- k-1
= i =1

= i =1

= i =1

n- k- 1
ª Gauges the “fit” of Regression Line.
ª Smaller the standard error better the fit.

92 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Coefficient of Determination
Ÿ Test the effectiveness of all the Independent Variable in explaining Dependent variables.
total variation - unexplained variation TSS - SSR Explained variation ESS
Ÿ Calculated as = = =
total variation TSS total variation TSS

Adjusted R2

Ÿ R2 is not a reliable measure of explanatory power as it increases when Independent

Variables are added more.
Ÿ Referred to as problem of overestimating Regression.
Ÿ To overcome, Adjusted R is used

Ÿ Calculated as : 2
R a =1 - ( n n- K- 1- 1) ×(1 - R ) 2

Ÿ Note: (I) R2a < R2

(ii) Adding Independent variable increases R2 but can either increase or
decrease the R2a
(iii) R2a is < 0 if R2 is low enough.


Assumptions of multiple regression
Linear relationship between Dependent and Independent variable.
è Independent variables aren’t random and no exact linear relation between two or more
independent variables
è Expected value of error term is zero.
è Variance of error term is constant for all observations
è Error term of for one observation isn’t correlated with another observation
è Error term is normally distributed.

LO22.8 Multicollinearity

Ÿ Two or more Independent variable are highly correlated with each other.

Ÿ Distorts standard error & coefficient error of regression

Ÿ Create problems when conducting t-tests.

Ÿ Am important consideration when performing multiple regression with dummy variables

is the choice of the number of dummy variables to include in the model.

Ÿ Whenever we want to distinguish between n classes, we must use n - 1 dummy variables.

Ÿ In general, if every observation is linked to only one class, all dummy variables are
included as regressors, and an intercept term exists, then the regression will exhibit
perfect multicollinearity.

Ÿ This problem is known as the dummy variable trap.

Ÿ This issue can be avoided by excluding one of the dummy variables from the regression
equation (i.e., n - 1 dummy variables). With this approach, the intercept term will
represent the omitted class.

93 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.


Perfect Multicollinearity Imperfect Multicollinearity

Arises when two or more

One Independent variable is Independent variable are highly
perfect Linear combination of other correlated, but less than perfectly
Independent variable. correlated.

Effects of Multicollinearity
Committing type II error i.e. incorrectly conclude that a variable is not statistically significant

Detecting Correcting

Ÿ Present where T test indicate that

no individual coefficient is
significantly different than zero,
while R2 is high To omit one or more of the
Ÿ High correlation among independent variable through standard
independent variable suggest sign procedures like stepwise regression
of multicollinearity but low
correlation doesn’t indicate that
multicollinearity is not present.

94 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Hypothesis Tests and Confidence

Intervals in Multiple Regression
LO 23.1 Statistical significance of a regression coeffiicient Watch video with important
testable concepts here

The future 10-year real earnings growth in the S&P 500(EG10) can be explained by the
trailing dividend payout ratio of the stocks in the index (PR) and the yield curve
slope(YCS). Test the statistical significance of the independent variable PR in the real
earnings growth at 10% significance level. Assume that the number of observation 43.

Coefficient Standard Error

Intercept -12% 1.285%

PR 0.30 0.023

YCS 0.12 0.290


Step 1 : Hypothesis Step 2 : Test statistics Step 3 : Critical value

Outside the range ⸫ reject

H0 : bPR = 0 0.30 - 0
-1.684 +1.684
Ha : bPR ≠ 0 = 13.04

10%, two tailed

Dof = 43-2-1
= 40

Student’s T- Distribution

95 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

5 ft. 3.8 ft. 4 ft. 6 ft. 4.5 ft. 5 ft.

Significance level

P-value is the lowest level of significance at which null hypothesis is rejected

Interpreting P values : Ÿ P values < Significance Level, Null hypothesis rejected.

Ÿ P values > Significance Level, Null hypothesis can’t be rejected.

Two Tail test

Test the null hypothesis that PR is equal to 0.15 versus the alternative that it is not equal to
0.15.Using 1% significance level.

Step 1: Ho: PRB1 = 0.15
Ha:PRB1 ≠ 0.15
Step 2: T-statistics =
= 6.5217

Step 3: Since T-statistics is very large therefore, Reject the null hypothesis.

One Tail test

Test the null hypothesis that the intercept term is less than or equal to -15.0% versus the
alternative that it is greater than -15.0% using a 5% significance level.


Step 1: Ho Bo≤-15%
Ha Bo≥-15%

Step 2: t-statistics
= 2.33%

96 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Step 3:
The sign of alternate hypothesis can be used to understand direction of rejection area

Ha : B0 > -15
→ right direction
→ reject on right hand side of critical value
→ right tailed test

2.33 (test stat) ⸫ Reject null


Rejection area

Student’s T- Distribution


Confidence Interval for Regression coefficient

Calculate the 95% confidence interval for the estimated coefficient for the independent variable PR in
the real earnings growth example.

Solution: B1± (tcv*S.E) = 0.30±2.02*0.023)

= 0.253 to 0.346

Predicted Value for Dependent Variable

Calculate the predicted 10-year real earnings growth for the S&P 500, assuming the payout ratio of the
index is 60%.The slope of yield curve is currently 2%.

٨ ٨ ٨

(Eg10) = B0+B1(PR)+B2(YCS)
= -12%+0.3(60%)+0.12(2%)
= 6.24%

97 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 23.2, 23.3 Joint hypothesis testing
& 23.5
Joint Hypothesis ª Joint hypothesis tests two or more coefficients at the same time
ª A Robust method for applying joint hypothesis testing, especially when
independent variables are correlated, is known as F- Statistic

F-Statistic ü Test that at least one Independent Variable explains variation of Dependent
ü Always one-tailed test when testing hypothesis that all regression coefficients
are simultaneously zero.(Rejection in tail)

A regression is run of monthly value stock returns on six Independent variables over 60 months.
The total sum of squares is 480 and the sum of squared residuals is 150.Test the null hypothesis
at the 2.5% significance level that all the six independent variables are equal to zero.

F test

Step 1 : Hypothesis Step 2 : Test statistics Step 3 : Critical value

Ÿ Mean explained error Ÿ Numerator Dof
H0 : B 1 = B 2 = B 3 = B 4 =K=6
= B5 = B6 = 0 150
6 Ÿ Denominator Dof
Ha : at least one = 25 = n – k - 1= 53
(Closet is 60)
Bj ≠ 0 Ÿ Mean unexplained error
⸫ Reject
= 6.22
Ÿ F= = 4.015
6 Rejection area

F-Table at 2.5%

Ÿ Therefore, we can reject the null hypothesis and conclude that at least one of the six
independent variables is significantly different than zero.
98 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Specification Refers how slope coefficient and other statistics for Independent Variable
Bias are different in simple regression compared to the same variables included
in multiple regression.

LO 23.4 Hypothesis test of single Restriction involving Multiple coefficients

ü Test restriction stated in null.
ü Transforms regression and uses null hypothesis as an assumption to simplify
regression model.

LO 23.6 Model misspecification

Omitted Variable Bias result if,

Ÿ It is a determinant of Dependent variable.

Ÿ It is correlated with at least one Independent variable.

2 2
LO 23.7 R and adjusted R

When computing both the R2 and the adjusted R2, there are a few pitfalls to
acknowledge, which could lead to invalid conclusions

1. If adding an additional independent variable to the regression improves the R2, this
variable is not necessary statistically significant.

2 . The R2 measure may be spurious, meaning that the independent variables may show
a high R2; however, they are not the exact cause of the movement in the dependent

3. If the R2 is high, we cannot assume that we have found all relevant independent
variables. Omitted variables may still exist, which would improve the regression results


4. The R2 measure does not provide evidence that the most or least appropriate
independent variables have been selected. Many factors go into finding the most robust
regression model, including omitted variable analysis, economic theory, and the quality
of data being used to generate the model

Restricted vs. Unrestricted Least Square Models


Restricted - è Imposes value on one or more coefficients to analyze if

restriction is significant
2 2 2
è R is called restricted R or R r
Unrestricted - è Includes both Independent variables.
2 2
è Unrestricted R or R r

F-Stat to test restriction is significant or not,

Ÿ Known as Homoskedasticity - only F-Stat

(SSRur - SSRr)/m
Ÿ Alternative Formula is F =
SSRur/(n - Kur - 1)
Ÿ If error terms aren’t homoskedastic, Heteroskedastic-robust F-Stat is applied.
99 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Modeling And Forecasting Trend

LO 24.1 Time series Watch video with important
testable concepts here

Time series: Ÿ Set of observations on a variable’s outcomes in different time periods

Ÿ Used to explain the past and make predictions about the future

1 Linear Trend Model 2 Non-Linear Trend Model

= Yt = B0 + B1 (t)

x x

20t - 0.2 (t)2 Y = 200 - 5(t) + 0.1(t)2

Second term negative First term negative

3 Exponential Trend

4 Log-Linear Trend Model
LN (Yt) = LN (B0)+ B1 t
Positive Negative

x x

0.04 × t
Y=S×e Y = - S × e- 0.4 × t

Linear trend models Log-linear trend models

Dependent variable changes at a constant Dependent variable changes at an

rate with time exponential rate with time

Has a straight line Has a curve

Upward-sloping line: Convex curve:

+ve trend +ve trend

Downward-sloping line: Concave curve:

−ve trend −ve trend

Equation: Equation:
yt = b0 + b1t + εt ln yt = b0 + b1t + εt

Used for financial time series

100 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 24.2 Ordinary Least Square Regression

Ÿ Estimate the coefficients in a trend line.

Ÿ β + βâ̂ 1(t )
Calculated as = ŷ = â̂

Ÿ Period 2 = ŷ 2 = â̂
β0 + â̂β1 (2)
Ÿ Similarly, in period 3 = ŷ 3 = βâ̂ 0 + βâ̂ 1 (3)
Ÿ This means ŷ increases by the value of β
â̂ 1 each period

Selecting the Correct Trend Model

Linear trend model: Ÿ Appropriate when the data points are equally distributed above and
below the regression line.
Ÿ Variable grows by constant amount

Log-linear trend model: Ÿ Appropriate when the residuals from linear trend model are serially
correlated (Autocorrelated).
Ÿ Variable grows at constant rate

Linear Trend Model

e Log-Linear Trend Model

y y

x x

Ÿ Exhibits exponential growth along with Ÿ Plot of the natural logs of original data and
linear trend model. representative log-linear line.
Ÿ Doesn’t fit the transformed data better. Ÿ Fits the transformed data better ,thus
Ÿ When variance increases overtime by yields more accurate forecasts..
constant amount, this model is more Ÿ Appropriate when variable grows at a
appropriate constant rate.

Limitation of trend models is that they are not useful if the error terms are serially correlated

101 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 24.3 Model selection criteria

Mean Squared Error Model Selection

Ÿ Statistical Measure computed as Ÿ Most important criteria in forecasting data.

Ÿ Based on in-sample data Ÿ Selecting best model based on highest R2 or
Ÿ Model with small MSE will also have smallest smallest MSE is not effective in producing good
sum of squared residuals and largest R2. out-of-sample models.
Ÿ Closely related with R Ÿ Hence, better methodology is to find model with
T smallest out-of-sample, one-step ahead MSE.
∑ et
t =1

S2 Measure - Unbiased estimator of MSE because it corrects for degrees of freedom.

Data mining
Ÿ Risk of over-fitting the in-sample data.
Ÿ Problem with data mining is regression model explains in sample data well but poor job
of forecasting out-of-sample data.
Ÿ Thus, important to adjust number of variables or parameters.

Ÿ Best model is selected based on smallest unbiased MSE or S that ranks model the same
way as Adjusted R
2 2
Ÿ Model with highest R will have smallest S
S2 Akaike Information Criterion Schwartz Information Criterion


∑e 2
t 2K ∑e 2
t K ∑e 2
2 T t =1 ( )
T t =1
( ) t =1
S =[ ] AIC = e SIC = T

Penalty factors for S , AIC, and SIC

SIC > AIC > S2


Penalty Factor

1.5 AIC









T 102 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
è S2 penalty factor is the flattest line with slow increase as k/T increases
è AIC penalty factor increases at a slightly higher rate than the S2 penalty factor
è SIC penalty factor increases exponentially at an increasing rate and has the highest penalty factor

Penalty Factors


2K K
T ( ) ( )

e T T T

Consistency Asymptotic Efficiency

Used to compare different selection Ÿ Property that chooses regression model

criteria with one-step-ahead forecast error
variance closest to the variance of true

Two conditions required, model

Ÿ When the true model or data generating Ÿ AIC is asymptotically efficient but SIC is
process (DGP) is one of the defined not
regression models, the probability of
selecting true model approaches one as Ÿ SIC is best selection criteria because it is
sample size increases. consistent and has the highest penalty
Ÿ When DGP is not one of the defined
regression models being considered, Ÿ S2 adjusts for DOF, but adjustment is too
probability of selecting the best small for consistency
approximation model approaches one
as sample size increases. Ÿ With large sample sizes AIC tends to

select models that have too many

variables or parameters

Ÿ Consistency - SIC
Efficiency - AIC

103 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Modeling and Forecasting Seasonality

LO 25.1 Sources of Seasonality
Pattern that tends to repeat from year to year. Watch video with important
testable concepts here

Stochastic Seasonality Deterministic Seasonality

Annual changes are approximate. Annual changes are exact.

Ÿ Approaches for modeling and forecasting Time Series impacted by seasonality

1 Seasonally Adjusted Time Series Ÿ Remove seasonal variation from the data.
Ÿ Used in macroeconomic forecasting.
Ÿ Measure the Non-seasonal Fluctuations of a variable.
Ÿ Inappropriate in business forecasting.

2 Regression Analysis Ÿ ”Pure” seasonal dummy model

represents seasonal factors


yt = ∑ γ iDi , t + εt
i =1
represents dummy variable

Ÿ If all are equal, time series shows absence of seasonality and seasonal
dummy variables can be dropped.
Ÿ Alternative to including dummy variable is to include an intercept and
then s-1 dummy variable
s -1

yt = β 0 + ∑βiDi , t + εt
i =1

Ÿ S-1 Dummy variables are used to avoid the problem of multicollinearity.


LO 25.2 Modeling seasonality with regression analysis

& 25.3
Calendar Effect - 1.Holiday Variations (HDV)

2.Trading-Day-Variations (TDV)

Ÿ Pure seasonal dummy model:


yt = ∑ γ iDi , t + εt
i =1

Ÿ Adding a trend, the model is:


yt = β 1(t ) + ∑ γ i( Di , t ) + εt
i =1

104 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Ÿ Allowing for HDV and TDV expands:

s v1 HDV v2 TDV
∑ γ i( Di , t ) + Ó
yt + h = β 1( T ) + Ó ∑δ ( HDVi , t ) + Ó
∑δ (TDVi , t ) + εt
i i
i =1 i =1 i =1

Ÿ h-step-ahead point forecast:

s v1 HDV v2 TDV
∑ δi
∑ γ i( Di , T + h ) + Ó
yt + h = β 1(T + h ) + Ó ∑δ
( HDVi , T + h ) + Ó (TDVi , T + h ) + εT + h
i =1 i =1 i =1


105 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Characterizing Cycles
Watch video with important
testable concepts here
Covariance Stationary Covariance Structure
Relationship among past and present Covariance among the values of a time series at
values remain stable over time its various lags or displacements ( ) τ
Autocovariance Function
Ÿ Covariance between current Autoregression
value of time series and its value Linear regression of a time series against its
periods in the past is covariance own past values
Ÿ τ
Autocovariances for all makes
autocovariance function.
Ÿ If time series is covariance τ Partial Autocorrelation Function
stationary, this function is stable Ÿ Regression coefficients that results from
over time. autoregression is partial autocorrelation.
Ÿ To convert autocovariance Ÿ It makes up partial autocorrelation function
function to Autocorrelation for all lags
Ÿ Which gives autocorrelation for
each scaled between +1 and -1 Note
Autocovariance of each τ Ÿ Autocorrelation approaches zero as gets large
Always the case for covariance stationary.

Variance of Time Series

LO 26.1 Properties for Time Series to be covariance stationary

Mean must be Variance must be finite covariance structure
stable over time. and stable overtime. must be stable over time

LO 26.3

Models that aren’t Covariance stationary

Ÿ If time series is not Covariance Stationary then identify and isolate an

underlying, covariance stationary aspect of time series.

Ÿ However, a nonstationary series can be transformed to appear

covariance stationary by using transformed data, such as growth rates

Modeled in two ways

Dealing separately with

properties like trend and Apply transformation to the
seasonality and modeling series in ways like first
time series after filtering differences, logarithmic
out these properties. scaling, etc.

106 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 26.4 & 26.5 White noise
Ÿ Broadly speaking, white noise indicates random data with no pattern (and autocorrrelation)
⸫ White noise data can’t be modeled (with time series)

White noise process

Zero mean white Independent white Normal white noise

noise noise
(Weak white noise) (Strong white noise)

Zero mean ✔ ✔ ✔
Constant var ✔ ✔ ✔
No serial correl ✔ ✔ ✔
Serial independence - ✔ ✔
Normally distributed - - ✔

ª Not all Independent White Noise processes are normally distributed, but all Normal
White Noise processes are Independent White Noise.
ª Gaussian means Normally Distributed.
ª Autocorrelation or Partial Autocorrelation Function for perfectly serially uncorrelated
process show zeroes for all its displacement (beyond zero)

Unconditional Mean & Variance Conditional Mean & Variance

Zero and constant variance. Not Constant.

LO 26.6 Lag operator

yt= value of time series at time t

yt-1 = value one period earlier
yt-1=Lyt Similarly,


yt-2=Lyt-1 Lmyt=yt-m

107 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 26.7,
26.8 & 26.9 Wold’s theoram

Holds that a covariance stationary

Ÿ Applied to any covariance stationary series.
process is modeled as an infinite
Ÿ Known as General Linear Process.
distributed lag of white noise process.

ε terms are referred to

as innovation

Ÿ Wold’s Theorem is not effective if it requires

an infinite series of past innovations.
Ÿ Result from a good forecast of Ÿ However, can be approximated with ratio of
covariance stationary process. rational distributed lags which have finite
Ÿ Not necessarily be independent. number of terms.
Ÿ Have conditional relation with past Ÿ Using this, an approximation will have as
innovation many as two rational distributed lags in the
Ÿ Conditional mean changes over time ratio.

LO 26.10
Estimating Correlations
& 26.11
Sample Autocorrelation Function: ü Set of sample autocorrelations for a time series
ü a.k.a correlogram

Sample Partial Autocorrelation: Results when the linear regression of time series is

Determining whether Time Series is a White Noise


ü By displaying its autocorrelation

and partial autocorrelation Test stat for this
function with bands ± 2 T hypothesis is
ü By testing the hypothesis where
autorcorrelation are jointly equal
to zero

Test stat useful with small samples is

108 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Modeling Cycles: MA, AR AND ARMA

LO 27.1 Moving average
Watch video with important
testable concepts here

A moving average process is a linear regression of the current values of a time series against
both the current and previous unobserved white noise terms, which are random rocks

First Order Moving Average

Ÿ The first moving average [MA(1)] process has a mean of zero and constant
variance and can be defined as:
Ÿ Considered first order because it only has one lagged error term.
Ÿ Short-term memory.
Ÿ One key feature is autocorrelation (Ƿ) cutoff.
ρ1 =
1+ θ
Ÿ Autocorrelation will be zero beyond first lagged error term.
Ÿ Moving Average has both current random shock and lagged unobservable shock.
Ÿ To incorporate observable shocks in MA, autoregressive representation is used.

LO 27.2 MA (q) process

Ÿ yt = ε t + θ 1 ε t 1 + ..... + θ q ε t q

Ÿ Captures complex patterns in detail, that provides for more robust
Ÿ Lengthens the memory from one period to the qth period.
Ÿ Experiences autocorrelation cutoff after the qth lagged error term.

LO 27.3 First - order autoregressive process [AR(1)]

Ÿ When a moving average is inverted it becomes an autoregressive representation.


Ÿ [AR(1)] process have a mean of zero and constant variance.

Ÿ Specified as variable regressed against itself in lagged error form.
yt = φ yt 1 + ε t

Ÿ For [AR(1)] process to be covariance stationary, the absolute value of coefficient on

lagged operator must be less than one.
Ÿ To estimate autoregressive parameters accurate estimation of autocovariance of data
series is required.
Ÿ The significance is that for Autoregressive process, Autocorrelation decays very gradually.

LO 27.4 AR(p) process

Ÿ It expands the AR(1) process to the pth observation.

yt = φ1yt - 1 + φ2 yt - 2 + .... + φpyt - p + ε t
Ÿ Covariance stationary if, φ < 1

109 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

AR(p) & AR (1)

Similarity Differences

Ÿ AR(1) only evidences oscillations in

its autocorrelations when the
Both exhibits the same decay in coefficient is negative
autocorrelations. Ÿ AR(p) naturally oscillate as it has
multiple coefficients interacting
with each other.

LO 27.5 Autoregressive moving average process (ARMA)

Ÿ More complex
yt = φ yt - 1 + ε t + θ ε t - 1
Ÿ Merges the concepts of AR and MA process.

Ÿ φ < 1 must be observed for ARMA to be covariance stationary.

Ÿ Decays gradually.
LO 27.6 Application of AR and ARMA process

ª If autocorrelation decay gradually then either AR or ARMA process should be considered.

ª Should be considered especially if periodic spikes are noticed in autocorrelation.
ª Test various models using regression results.

110 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Watch video with important

LO 28.1 Volatility, Variance, And Implied Volatility testable concepts here

Volatility Variance Implied Volatility

Ÿ Represented as standard Ÿ Is a square root of volatility Ÿ Computed from an option

deviation of variable’s Ÿ Increase in linear fashion pricing model.
continuously. compounded over time. Ÿ Reverse calculation
return. Ÿ Computed using Historical
Ÿ Increase with square of Data.
Ÿ Computed using Historical

LO 28.2 Power law

Ÿ The Power Law states that when X large, the value of a variable V has the following

property: P(V > X) = K × X -α
Ÿ It’s an alternative approach to assuming Normal Distribution.
Ÿ Taking logarithm of both sides of the equation, Regression analysis is performed to
determine the Power Law, K and α
Ÿ ln [P(V > X] = ln (K) - α ln(X)
Ÿ The law suggest that extreme movements have a very low probability of occurring,
but this probability is higher than the one indicated by the normal distribution.

Eg. #1
K=15 and α =7.
Calculate probability that this variable is greater than value of 2 and 4.



LO 28.3 Weighing schemes in estimating volatility

If we assume the mean return is zero, which would be true when the mean is small
compared to variability, we obtain the maximum likelihood estimator of variance

Assume zero
n 2

σ2n = ∑ (μ n-μ)
i =1

σ2n = 1n ∑ μ
i =1

è Weight of each observation = n = equal

è i.e this approach assumes that past observations & current observations have equal
influence of estimated volatility

111 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

è This approach will clearly not work when volatility regime has changed For example:


Current regime

Past regime

è Alternate approach could be to weight recent observations more (ARCH, GARCH, EWMA
è Autoregressive conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH)
(Fancy name, simple concept !)

σ2n = r v +∑ α μ
i =1

σ2n = w + ∑ α μ

VL = Long run variance

= r + ∑α = 1

è Therefore the volatility estimate is a function of a long-run variation level and a series
of squared return observations, whose influence declines the older the observation is in
the tome series of the data.

2 m
Ÿ Weighting schemes represented as: α = ∑ α i un i
i =1
Ÿ Frequently used model is an Autoregressive Conditional heteroskedasticity model, ARCH(m)

Ÿ Equtions:
m m
2 2 2 2
óσn = γ vL + ∑ α i u
n -1 With γ + ∑α i so that óσn = ω + Ó
∑ α i un
i =1
i =1

LO 28.4 & 28.8 Exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA)

Ÿ Specific case of the general weighting model.
Ÿ Main difference is, weights are assumed to decline exponentially back through time.
σ = λ σ n-1 + (1 - λ) un2 -1

Ÿ Where λ Ranges between zero and one

Ÿ Example:
Decay Factor 0.82, Daily Volatility 2% and stock market return is 1%. New estimate of
volatility using EWMA model?

Solution: σ2n = 0.82(0.02)2+(1-0.82) × (0.01) 2

= √0.00036

= 1.86%
Ÿ Benefit is, it requires few data points.

LO 28.5 & 28.6 GARCH(1,1) Model

ª Incorporates the most recent estimates of variance and squared return.

ª σ n2 = ω+ α un2 -1 + β σ n2 -1
α = weighting on previous period’s return
β = weighting on previous volatility estimate
ω = weighted long-run variance = ϒVL

VL= long-run average variance = ω

1- α - β
α + β +ϒ = 1
α + β < 1 for stability so that ϒ is not negative

ª EWMA is a special case of GARCH(1,1).

ª Implicit assumption that variance tends to revert to a long-term average level

Example :

The parameters of a generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (GARCH)

(1,1) model are ω = 0.000005, α = 0.04, β= 0.92
If daily volatility is estimated to be 2% and today’s stock market return is 1%.
What is the new estimate of volatility using the GARCH(1,1) model, and what is the
implied long-run volatility level?

σ = ω + α un2 -1 + β σn2 -1
n 2 2
= 0.000005+0.05(0.01) +0.92*(0.02)
= 0.000378
= 1.994%
ω 0.000005
= = = 0.0001
(1 - α - β ) (1 - 0.05 - 0.90)

= 0.0001 = 1% = Long-run volatility

113 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

LO 28.7 Mean Reversion

Rate at which volatility persistence of one means

Higher the persistence there is no reversion and
revert to its long-term longer time to revert to
value following large with each change in
mean following a shock. volatility, new level is
shockfit margin

Ÿ Sum of α+β is called persistence.

Maximum Likelihood Ÿ Maximize the likelihood that the observed data will occur in a sample.
Estimator : Ÿ GARCH models are estimated using this technique.

LOS 28.9 GARCH Models perform in volatility forecasting
Very good at modeling volatility clustering when periods of high volatility
tends to be followed by other periods of high volatility and periods of low

volatility tends to be followed by subsequent periods of low volatility.

114 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Correlation and Copulas

Watch video with important
LO 29.1 Correlation and covariance testable concepts here

Ÿ Co-movements of assets over time and measure strength between linear

relationships of two variables.
Ÿ Measures the same relationship. cov( X, Y )
Ÿ Correlation is mathematically determined by: ρ X , Y =
σ XσY
Ÿ Correlation of zero doesn’t imply the non-dependency between two variables.

Ÿ Covariance is calculated by: cov(X, Y) = ρ X, Y × σ X σ Y

LO 29.2 EWMA and GARCH Models

Ÿ Designed to vary the weight given to more recent observations:
An EWMA model with λ=0.95 to update correlation and covariance rates. The correlation estimate
for two variables X and Y on day n-1 is 0.8. In addition, the estimated standard deviations on day
n-1 for variables X and Y are 1.3% and 1.8% respectively. Also the percentage change on day n-1
for variables X and Y are 1% and 2%. What is the updated estimate of covariance rate and
correlation between X and Y on day n?


Given λ=0.95 rn-1=0.8 xn-1=1%

yn-1=2% σx(n-1)=1.3% σy(n-1)=1.8%
Cov(n-1)= 0.8*1.3%*1.8%=0.0001872

a) Using EWMA
Covn= λCovn-1 +(1-λ)Xn-1*Yn-1
= 0.00018784

b)Correlation (rn)= Covn


Using EWMA for σxn& σxn
σ xn=λ(σ x(n-1))+(1-λ)x n-1
2 2 2

Therefore, rn=0.80634j

GARCH (1,1) Model

GARCH(1,1) model
Covn= 0.000002+0.14xn-1yn-1+0.76covn-1 Solution:
This implies α=0.14,ẞ=0.76 and ω=0.000002.
The analyst also determines that the estimate of Covn = 0.000002+(0.14*0.022)+(0.76*0.000324)
covariance on day n-1 is 0.000324 and the most = 0.000002+0.000056+0.000246
recent returns on X and Y are both 0.02. = 0.000304
What is the updated estimate of covariance?

115 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 29.3 Consistency conditions to covariance
Ÿ Necessary condition for Variance-Covariance Matrix to be internally
consistent (A. K. A positive-semidefinite):

ùω T ÙΩùω ≥ 0
Ÿ Another method for testing consistency is to evaluate:

ρ 2 +ñ
ñ ρ2 + ñ
ρ2 2ñρ12ñρ13ñρ23≤1
12 13 23

LO 29.4 Procedure of generating samples

Independent samples are Samples are then generated.

obtained from univariate First sample of X variable is Conditional Sample of Y
standardized normal same as random sample from a variables is determined as
distribution. univariate standardized normal

LO 29.5

One factor model
Properties Advantages

Ÿ Every Ui has standard normal

Ÿ Constant is between -1 and +1
Ÿ Covariance matrix is semi

Ÿ F and Zi have standard normal

distributions and are positive-semidefinite.
uncorrelated with each other. Ÿ No. of correlations between
Ÿ Every Zi is uncorrelated with variables is greatly reduced.
each other.
Ÿ All correlations between Ui and
Uj result from their dependence
common factor, F.

CAPM: Well-known one factor model

Systematic Non-Systematic
Component Component

Ÿ Measured by Ÿ A. K. A Idiosyncratic Component

Ÿ correlated with market Ÿ Independent of the return on
portfolio return. other stocks and market.

116 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 29.6 Marginal distributions of two variables

If Normal : Then Joint distribution of variable is bivariate normal.

If Not Normal : Then Copula is necessary to define correlation between two variables.

Copula : Ÿ Creates a joint probability distribution between two or more variables while
maintaining their individual marginal distributions.
Ÿ Accomplished by mapping marginal distribution to a new known distribution
Ÿ Done based on percentiles.

Key Property of Preservation of the original marginal distributions while defining a correlation
Copula Correlation : between them.

LO 29.8 Types of Copula

One-Factor Copula
T Distribution

Similar to the Gaussian copula but variables

Where F and Zi standard normal are mapped to distributions that have

distribution. bivariate Student’s t-distibution rather than
a normal distribution.
Multivariate Copula Gaussian Copula

Define a correlation structure for Maps the marginal distribution of each

more than two variables. variable to the standard normal

LO 29.7 Tail dependance

Ÿ Greater Tail dependence in a bivariate Student’s T-distribution than in a bivariate normal

distribution i.e., more common for two variables to have the same tail values at the same
time using bivariate Student’s t-distribution.
Ÿ Student’s t-copula is better than Gaussian copula in describing correlation structure of

assets that historically have extreme outliers in the distribution tails at the same time.

117 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Simulation Methods
Watch video with important
LO 30.1 Monte carlo simulation testable concepts here

Specify the data Generate random inputs that are assumed

generating process (DGP) to follow a specific probability.

Estimate an unknown Generate scenarios or trials based

variable or parameter. on randomly generated samples.

Save the estimate

from step 2

Allow for data analysis related to properties of the

probability distribution of the output variables

Go back to step 1 and
repeat this process N times
LO 30.3 Techniques to reduce Monte carlo standard error

Antithetic Variates Control Variates

Reduce the error by rerunning the


simulation using a complement set of the
original set of random variables.
ª Results in negative covariance between
original random draws and their Involves replacing a variable having
complements. unknown properties with variable having
ª Thus its use causes the error terms to be known properties.
independent for two sets, resulting in
negative covariance term in the variance

ª Monte Carlo sampling error must always

be smaller using this approach

LO 30.5 Benefits of reusing sets of random numbers

Benefits : Reduces the estimate variability across experiment.

Examples of Reusing sets : Ÿ Dickey-Fuller Test: Determine whether a time series is covariance stationary.
Ÿ Different experiments with options using time series data.

118 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 30.6 Bootstrapping Method
Draws random return data from a sample of historical data


Ÿ No assumptions are made regarding the true distribution of the parameters estimate.
Ÿ Inclusion of outliers will produce a distribution with fatter tails than the normal
distribution allowing for a realistic view of actual return data.

LO 30.8 Situations where Bootstrapping method is ineffective

è Outlier
è Non-Independent Data.

è Major Advantage of bootstrapping approach over traditional approaches is that it
doesn’t require any assumptions of the probability distribution of the sampled data
è To overcome the problem of autocorrelation, Moving Block Boostrap technique is used

LO 30.9 Disadvantage of simulation approaches

ª High computation costs.

ª Results are imprecise.
ª Results are difficult to replicate.
ª Results are experiment-specific.

Book 3 - Financial
Markets and Products

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LO 31.1 Risks faced by banks Watch video with important
testable concepts here

The major risks faced by a bank include the following

• Credit risk from defaults on loans or by counterparties.

• Market risk from declines in the value of trading book assets.
• Operational risk from external events or failure of internal controls


Commercial Banks Investment Banks

(Take deposits & (Assist in capital

make loans) raising &
corporate finance)


Serve individual &

small business

Serve corporate &


LO 31.2 Regulatory Vs Economic Capital

Regulatory capital - Ÿ Amount of capital that regulators require a bank to hold
Ÿ Includes equity, or Tier 1 capital, and long-term subordinated
debt, or Tier 2 capital

Economic capital- Ÿ Amount of capital a bank believes it needs to hold based on

its own models
Ÿ Regulatory capital is typically greater than economic capital

LO 31.3 How deposit insurance gives rise to Moral hazard

Ÿ To increase public confidence in the banking system and prevent runs on banks, most

countries have established systems of deposit insurance. These systems are funded by
insurance premiums paid by banks.
Ÿ Moral hazard - Observed phenomenon that insured parties take greater risks than they
would normally take if they were not insured. In the banking context, with deposit
insurance in place, the moral hazard arises when depositors pay less attention to banks’
financial health than they otherwise would. This allows banks to offer higher interest
rates on deposits and make higher-risk loans with the funds they attract. Losses on such
loans contributed to increased bank failures in the United States in the 1980s and 2000s.
Ÿ One way of mitigating moral hazard is by making insurance premiums risk-based. For
example, in recent years, poorly-capitalized banks have been required to pay higher
deposit insurance premiums than well-capitalized banks.

122 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 31.4 Investment banking financing arrangements

Ÿ Private placement - Securities are sold directly to qualified investors

Ÿ Public offering - Securities are sold to the investing public

Investment banking arrangements

Private Placements Public Offering

Ÿ Securities are sold directly

to qualified investors

Firm Best effort

Commitment Basis

Purchase entire
issue from company

Sells to public at a
higher price (earns
Ÿ Agrees to distribute
without commitments

ª An IPO price can be discovered using dutch auction process.

LO 31.5 Potential conflict of Interest

ª Bank’s task of selling newly issued stocks and bonds may conflict with a securities
unit’s duties to act in the best interests of its clients and recommend actions
ª Bank regulators generally require these activities to be kept separate, by
preventing firms from engaging in more than one of these activities or by requiring
Chinese walls between these units of a bank.
ª Another clear conflict of interest among banking departments involves material non
public information. A commercial banking or investment banking division may
acquire non public information about company when negotiating a loan or

arranging a securities issuance

LO 31.6 Banking book Vs Trading book

Ÿ Banking book - loans made by a bank

Ÿ Balance sheet value of a loan includes the principal amount to be repaid and accrued interest,
unless the loan becomes nonperforming, in which case the value does not include accrued interest

Ÿ Trading book - Assets and liabilities related to a bank’s trading activities, they are marked to
market daily based on actual market prices when they exist or on estimated prices when necessary

123 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 31.7 Originate-to-distribute model

Ÿ Originate-to-distribute model involves banks making loans and selling them to other parties,
many of which pool the loans and issue securities backed by their cash flows.
Ÿ This model frees up capital for the originating banks and may increase liquidity in sectors of
the loan market. However, it led to decreased lending standards and lower credit quality

r ee

124 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Insurance Companies And Pension Plans

LO 32.1 Categories of Insurance Companies

Risks facing insurance companies, Watch video with important

testable concepts here

1) insufficient funds to satisfy policyholders’ claims

2) poor return on investments
3) liquidity risk of investments
4) credit risk
5) operational risk.

Insurance Companies

Life Property &

Health insurance
Insurance casualty insurance


Coverage for fixed

time period
Whole life

Coverage for life

Property Casualty

Coverage property Ÿ Covers third party

loss such as fire liability for injuries
sustained while on
policyholder premises
Ÿ Subject to long tail risk
Ÿ Risk of a legitimate
claim being submitted
years after insurance
coverage has ended

e.g. existence of cancer

causing substance

LO 32.2 Mortality Tables

Mortality tables : Used to compute life insurance premiums. It includes information related to
the probability of an individual dying within the next year, the probability of an individual
surviving to a specific age, and the remaining life expectancy of an individual of a specific age

125 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Partial hypothetical probability table

Prob. of death Survival Life

Age within one year probability expectency

30 - 97% 48

31 2.06% 95% 39

95% = 97% × (1 - 2.06%)

Probability of Probability of Probability of

surviving till surviving till 30 not dying in
31st year years 31st year

Example: Ÿ Interest rate = 3% p.a SA

Ÿ Premiums paid annually at the beginning of the year

1000000 term contract for 60 year old male
Assume, payouts occur halfway throughout the year
Calculate breakeven premium for a two year term plan

Prob. of death
within one year

60 0.011197 0.86112 21.48

61 0.012009 0.85147 20.72

62 0.012867 0.84125 19.97


Step 1: Expected payout first year

Payout is in middle of the



× 0.011197 Prob. of dying in year 60

@ 1.5% for 1 period

126 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Step 2: Expected payout second year


0 1
Prob. of not dying last year
× (1-0.011197)
× 0.012009 Prob. of dying this year

@ 1.5% for 3 periods

Step 3: Total PV of payout

= 11031.5 + 11355.81
Step 4:
= 22386.8

Calculate the breakeven premium to mater PV inflow = PV of outflow

Lets assume premium received is X. Premium is paid at the beginning of the year

Time Premium Prob. of Prob. of PV

received receiving premium adjusted value

0 x 1005 x x

1 x (1-0.011197) 0.9888x 0.9888x

2 (1.015)2


⸫ X + 0.9888X

2 = 22386.8
(1.015) Should be same as
PV inflows
= 1.030225X + 0.9888X = 23063.44

⸫ X = 11423.05

127 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 32.3 P&C Insurance Ratios

Ÿ The loss ratio for a given year is percentage of previous versus

premiums generated, usually between 60 - 80% and increasing over
Ÿ The expense ratio for a given year is the percentage of expenses versus
premiums generated, usually between 23 -30% and decreasing over
Ÿ Loss ratio + expense ratio = combined ratio
Ÿ Combined ratio + dividends = combined ratio after dividends
Ÿ Combined ratio after dividends — investment income = operating ratio

LO 32.4 Moral hazard and Adverse selection

Moral hazard - Risk to the insurance company Adverse selection - Unable to differentiate
that having insurance will lead the policyholder between a good risk and a bad risk
to act more recklessly than if the policyholder
did not have insurance Methods to mitigate adverse selection - Greater
initial due diligence and ongoing due diligence
Methods to mitigate moral hazard - Deductibles,
coinsurance, and policy limits

LO 32.5
Mortality risk Vs Longevity risk

Mortality risk = Risk of policyholders dying earlier than expected. For the
insurance company, the risk of losses increases due to early insurance payout

Ÿ Longevity risk = Risk of policyholders living longer than expected, risk of losses
for insurance company increases due to the longer-than expected annuity
payout period

Ÿ Longevity risk is bad for the annuity business but good for the life insurance
business, and mortality risk is bad for the life insurance business but good for
the annuity business

Ÿ There is a natural hedge (or offset) for insurance companies that deal with both
life insurance products and annuity product

LO 32.6 Capital requirements for insurance companies


Life insurance

Equity &

Equity capital 10% Investments 80%

Policy reserves 85%

Subordinated 5% Other assets 20%

long term debt
128 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

P & C insurance

Equity &

Equity capital 35% Investments 80%

Policy reserves 50%

Uncovered 10% Other assets 20%


Subordinated 5%
long term debt

Corporate bonds Highly liquid bonds

Ÿ Under an asset-liability management Ÿ Shorter maturities than those used by life

approach, the life insurance company
attempts to equate asset duration with
liability duration. ee
Comprise the bulk of the investments, so
there is credit risk assumed
insurance companies

On the liability side, the unearned

premiums represent prepaid insurance
contracts whereby amounts are received
but the coverage applies to future time
periods; unearned premiums do not
Ÿ Policy reserves represent the present generally exist for life insurance
value of the future payouts as determined companies
by actuaries
Ÿ More equity capital for a P&C insurance
Ÿ Risk is that the policy reserves are set too company than for a life insurance
low if life insurance policyholders die too company, due to the highly unpredictable

soon or annuity holders live too long nature of claims (both timing and
amount) for P&C insurance contracts.

LO 32.7 Guaranty system

For insurance companies in US, every insurer must be a member of the guaranty

association in the state(s) in which it operates

If insurance company becomes insolvent in a state, then each of the other insurance
companies must contribute an amount to the state guaranty fund based on the amount of
premium income it earns

Guaranty system for banks in the US is a permanent fund to protect depositors that consists
of amounts remitted by banks to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

Insurance companies regulated at state level only (and banks are regulated at federal level

129 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 32.8 Pension Funds

è In Defined contribution plan both

è Defined benefit plans explicitly state the
employer and employee contributions
amount of the pension an employee will
being invested in one or more investment
receive upon retirement.
options selected by the employee
è Calculated as a fixed percentage times the
è Virtually no risk borne by the employer
number of years of employment times the
annual salary for a specific period of time
è Risk of underperformance of the plan’s
investments is borne solely by the
è Significant risk borne by the employer

r ee

130 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Mutual Funds And Hedge Funds

LO 33.1 Type of Mutual Funds Watch video with important
testable concepts here

Open-end mutual Close-end mutual Exchange traded

funds funds funds (ETFs)

Ÿ Transact at the Ÿ Transact Ÿ Transact

next available net throughout trading throughout trading
asset value (NAV) day day

Ÿ Shares redeemed Ÿ Shares can not be Ÿ Shares trade at NAV

directly redeemed
Ÿ Usually have lowest
internal fees

Ÿ Closed-end funds tend to invest in niche areas like specific emerging markets, while open-end
mutual funds tend to invest in broader areas
Ÿ Open-end fund investors have poor price visibility. Since shares are transacted at an unknown price,
investors cannot use stop orders or limit orders.
Ÿ Purchase of shares in an open-end mutual fund will increase the number of shares outstanding

because new shares are created, but a closed -end fund’s number of shares remain static
Ÿ Closed-end fund investors cannot simply redeem their shares from the fund company. They must
find another investor to buy shares
Ÿ It is very common for a closed-end fund to trade at either a discount or a premium to its actual NAV.
LO 33.2 Net Asset Value

Total assets - Liabilities

Total shares outstanding

Ÿ Recall that the NAV for an open-end mutual fund is only calculated after the close of
trading on any given day, while the NAV for an closed-end mutual fund and exchange

traded funds is calculated continuously throughout the day.

LO 33.3 Hedge Funds

Ÿ Hedge funds are only marketed to wealthy and sophisticated investors

Ÿ They escape certain regulatory oversight, which avoid allowing investors to redeem
shares at any time

Ÿ Permitted to use leverage and short selling

Ÿ Uses lock-up periods to prevent investor withdrawals at the wrong time for the fund

LO 33.4 Hedge fund expected return and Fees structure

Hedge funds use 2% and 20% incentive fee structure

They earn management fees for investment results relative to a given hurdle rate

Investors are partially protected with the use of high-water marks and clawback clauses
131 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 33.5 Hedge Fund Strategies
Long/short equity funds : Take both long and short positions
Diversifying or hedging across sectors or market capitalizations
and have directional exposure

Dedicated Short : Take net short positions in equities

Returns are negatively correlated with equities

Distressed hedge funds : Invest across the capital structure of firms that are under financial
or operational distress or are in the middle of bankruptcy

Merger arbitrage funds: Bet on spreads related to proposed merger and acquisitions

Convertible arbitrage funds: Profit from the purchase of convertible securities and shorting of
corresponding stock

Fixed income arbitrage funds: Obtain profits by exploiting inefficiencies and price anomalies
between related fixed income securities
Emerging market funds: Invest in currencies, debt, equities, and other instruments in
countries with emerging markets
Global macro managers: Large bets on directional movements in interest rates, commodities,

exchange rates, and stock indices
Managed futures funds: Attempt to predict future movements in commodity prices based
on - technical analysis or fundamental analysis
LO 33.6 Hedge fund performance and measurement bias

Backfill bias - arises when the database is backfilled with the fund’s previous returns
Measurement bias - indicates that not all hedge fund report their performance to
index providers. Participation in hedge fund indices is voluntary.

If the fund had good performance, then they will report their results to the index

vendor. If they did not have good results, then they simply do not report their
results to the index.

132 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Introduction (Options, Futures And other Derivatives)
LO 34.1 Derivative Markets

ª Over-the-counter (OTC) market is used for large trades Watch video with important
testable concepts here

ª Typical OTC trade is conducted over the phone

ª The OTC market has more credit risk

ª Exchanges are organized to eliminate credit risk

LO 34.2 Basics of Derivative Securities

Call option - Right to Put option - Right to sell

buy a specified a fixed number of shares
number of shares

A forward contract -
Agreement to buy or sell
an asset at a pre
selected future time for
a certain price
Futures contract - More
formalized, legally
binding agreement to
buy or sell a commodity
or financial asset

LO 34.3 Option and Forward Payoff

Payoff on a call option Payoff on a put option Payoff to a long position

in a forward contract
CallT = max (0, ST — X) PutT = max (0, X — ST)
Payoff = ST — K

ST = spot price at maturity , X = strike price of option , K = delivery price

LO 34.4 Hedging Strategies


Ÿ Hedgers use derivatives to control or eliminate a financial exposure.

Ÿ Futures lock in the price of the underlying and do not allow for any upside potential

Ÿ Options hedge negative price movements and allow for upside potential

LO 34.5 Speculative Strategies

è Speculators use derivatives to make bets

è Futures require initial margin requirement
è Futures contracts can result in large gains or large losses
133 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 34.6 Arbitrage Opppurtunities

Ÿ Arbitrageurs seek to earn a riskless profit through manipulation of mispriced securities

Ÿ It is earned by entering into equivalent offsetting positions in one or more markets

Ÿ It do not last long as the act of arbitrage brings prices back into equilibrium quickly

r ee

134 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Mechanics of Futures Markets

Watch video with important
LO 35.1 Features of Future contract testable concepts here

Ÿ A long (short) futures position obligates the owner to buy (sell)

Ÿ Most futures positions are reversed (or closed out) as opposed to satisfying the contract
by making (or taking) delivery
Ÿ Open interest is the total number of long positions in a given futures contract. It also
equals the total number of short positions in a futures contract. An open interest of 200
would imply that there are 200 short positions in existence and 200 long positions in
Ÿ Daily price limits - The exchange sets the maximum price movement for a contract during
a day. For example, wheat cannot move more than $0.20 from its close the preceding
day, for a daily price limit of $1,000.
Ÿ When a contract moves down by its daily price limit, it is said to be limit down. When the
contract moves up by its price limit, it is said to be limit up
Ÿ Position limits - The exchange sets a maximum number of contracts that a speculator
may hold in order to prevent speculators from having an undue influence on the market.
Such limits do not apply to hedgers.

LO 35.2

Futures/Spot convergence

Spot price of a commodity is the price for immediate delivery

Futures price is the price today for delivery at some future point in time

Basis is the difference between the spot price and the futures price, as the
maturity date nears, the basis converges toward zero.
Ÿ Arbitrage will force the spot and futures prices to be the same at expiration

LO 35.3

Operation of Margins

Ÿ Initial margin is the necessary collateral to trade the futures

Ÿ Maintenance margin is the minimum collateral amount required
to retain trading privileges
Ÿ Variation margin is the collateral amount that must be deposited
to replenish the margin account back to the initial margin
Ÿ Gains and losses due to changes in futures prices are computed
at the end of each trading day known as marking to market

LO 35.4 Clearinghouse
Ÿ It maintains an orderly and liquid market by acting as the counterparty

Ÿ In (OTC) markets, clearinghouse also becomes the counterparty to both parties in an OTC transaction

135 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 35.5 Central counterparties in Over-the-counter transactions
& 35.6
Ÿ Over-the-counter (OTC) market - good deal of credit risk
Ÿ Clearinghouse for standard OTC transactions are referred as central counterparties
(CCPs). They operate in similar fashion to clearinghouse on futures exchanges.
Ÿ After two parties (X and Y) negotiate an OTC agreement, it is submitted to the
clearinghouse for acceptance. Assuming the transaction is accepted, the
clearinghouse will become the counterparty to both parties X and Y. Thus, the
clearinghouse assumes the credit risk of both parties in an OTC transaction
Ÿ This risk is managed by requiring the parties to post initial margin and any variation
margins on a daily basis
Ÿ Arguments for the use of clearinghouses in OTC markets include: (1) collateralized
positions with reserve and margins (2) reduction of financial system credit risk, and
(3) increased transparency of OTC trades
Ÿ Historically, OTC markets have functioned as a series of bilateral agreements
between parties, this process known as bilateral clearing.
Ÿ If CCP was instead used for every OTC transaction, each market participant would
only deal with a central clearing party. However, because only some OTC
transactions are currently required to use CCPs, in practice the current OTC market
is a mix of both bilateral agreements and transactions that use centralized clearing
r Ÿ

No Netting
This collateralization is basically marked to market feature for the OTC market
where any loss is settled in cash at the end of trading day.

Counterparty Risk Exposures

Bilateral Netting Multilateral Netting


2 3 3 3
5 6 CCP
0 0

Y 4 Z Y Z Y Z

Ÿ Clearly both the bilateral and multilateral netting frameworks significantly reduce risk exposures
compared to the netting framework. However, the biggest advantage of a CCP is the ability to
mitigate systematic risk through multilateral netting.
Ÿ Figure 1 implies that systematic risk exposures are reduces more under multilateral netting than
bilateral netting.
Ÿ However, the reduction in risk exposures for the multilateral netting framework as opposed to the
bilateral framework are only possible if a relatively small number of CCPs clear a relatively large
number of transaction.

136 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 35.7 &
Normal and Inverted Futures Market

Ÿ Closing period: Futures settlement price is an average of the prices of the trades
during the last period of trading

Ÿ It is used to make margin calculations at the end of each trading day

Ÿ Increasing settlement prices indicate normal market, while decreasing indicate an

inverted market

Ÿ A position may also be settled through an exchange for physicals. Here you find a
trader with an opposite position to your own and deliver the goods and settle up
between yourselves, off the floor of the exchange (i.e. an ex-pit transaction)

LO 35.9 Delivery Process

ª Short can terminate the futures contract by delivering the goods

ª Long pays price to short to accepts this delivery known as the delivery process

LO 35.10
ª In a cash-settlement contract, delivery is not an option

Types of Orders
Market order: Buy or sell at the best price available
Limit order: Buy or sell away from the current market price
Stop-loss order: Prevent losses or to protect profits
Stop-limit order: Combination of a stop and limit order
Market-if-touched order: Become market orders once a specified price is reached

LO 35.11 Comparison of Forward and Future Contract

Ÿ Both allow for a transaction to take place at a future date at a price agreed upon today

Ÿ Difference between the two is that forward contracts are private, customized
contracts, while futures trade on an organized exchange and are highly standardized

137 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Hedging strategies using futures

LO36.1 Define and differentiate between short hedge and long hedge
Watch video with important
testable concepts here
Short Hedge Long Hedge

It is appropriate when It is appropriate when

1) A long position on the underlying. 1)A short position on the underlying
2) Expect prices to decline. 2)Expect prices to rise.
Ÿ Short future realises the profit Ÿ Long future realizes the profit
Ÿ user locks in a future selling price Ÿ User locks in future purchasing price.

LO36.2 Arguments for and against hedging

Hedging leads to less uncertainty regarding future profitability.


Leads to less profitability if the asset being hedged ends up increasing in value.
Questionable benefit that accrues to shareholder

Define the basis and explain the various sources of basis risk, and
explain how basis risk arise when hedging futures

FORMULA : Basis = Spot - Future

ª Difference in underlying

ª Difference in maturity

Strengthening of Basis Weakening of Basis

ª Spot increases faster rate than ª Spot decreases at faster rate than
future future.
ª Future decreases at faster rate ª Future increases at faster rate

than spot than spot

ª Interruption in the convergence of futures and spot prices
ª changes in the cost and carry
ª Imperfect matching between the cash asset and the hedge asset.

138 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Hedge Ratio

Optimal Hedge Ratio Hedge Effectiveness Calculated as

Minimum variance Higher R2 is better ª Perfect Hedge is = 1.

Hedge ratio ª Optimal Hedge not
CovS,F necessarily = 1

LO36.5 & Optimal number of future contracts and tailing the hedge adjustment
Optimal Number of Futures

Size of the position Dollar Value

Quantity of Asset Value of Asset
N*= HR × N*=HR ×
Quantity of Future Value of Future

Tailing the Hedge

ee β Adjustment

Allows for the impact of Use of stock Index Futures to

daily settlement. change stock portfolio’s beta
Ÿ Multiply the N* optimal Ÿ N*= β× Va/Vf
Hedge ratio by (S/F) Ÿ N*=(β*-β)×Va/Vf

LO36.7 Rolling a Hedge Forward

ª As maturity date approaches, hedger must close out

the existing position and replace it with another
contract at later maturity. This is known as rolling
the hedge forward.

ª Rolling a hedge forward, hedgers are not only

exposed to basis risk of original hedge but also to the
basis risk of new position. This is rollover risk.

139 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Interest Rates
LO 37.1 Types of Rates Watch video with important
testable concepts here

Treasury Rates LIBOR Repo Rates

Ÿ Credit risk exists here Ÿ Implied rate on

Ÿ Considered RFR Ÿ Better reflects trader’s repurchase agreement
Ÿ No credit Risk opportunity cost of Ÿ Existence of credit
capital. risk.

LO 37.2 &37.3 Compounding

Example: Convert 10% annual compounding to semiannual, monthly, weekly (52 Weeks)
& continuous compounding

9.531 9.76%

Continuous Semi annual

9.539 9.56
Weekly Monthly

Calculator keys on TI BA II:

C/Y Nominal

2nd - 2 ( to enter I conv)

2nd CLR WRK (to clear memory)
2 9.76
- enter 10 at nominal ↓
- keep C/Y as 1 ↓ 12 9.56
- press CPT at effective, you would get 10! 52 9.539
- now don't change eff tab, change C/Y & CPT nominal 9999999.. 9.531
(Approx. for continuous)

140 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.



141 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.


LO 37.4
Spot Rates and Bond Pricing
ª Spot Rates or Zero Rates are computed from coupon
bonds using bootstrapping.
ª Forward Rates computed from spot or Zero rates.
ª Construction of spot curves and Forward Rate curves.

Spot Rates and Bond Pricing

Spot Rates or Zero Rate Bond Pricing YTM = IRR = Bond Yield

Ÿ ZCB yields Ÿ PV of its cash flows Ÿ Single Discount rate

when each is discounted that equates the P.V. of
Ÿ Appropriate discount at the appropriate Spot a bond to its mkt. price.
rate for a single cash rate for its maturity

flow at a particular
time or maturity

Par Rates ª Rate of which the price of a bond equal to its par value
ª In this case when Bond is trading at par Coupon Rate= Bond’s yiels/YTM

142 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

LO 37.5

143 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Derive forwards interest rates from set of spot rates

Ÿ CASE I: Upward sloping Spot Curve CASE II: Downward sloping Spot Curve

Ÿ Corresponding Forward Rate curve is Ÿ Corresponding Forward Rate curve is

upward sloping downward sloping
Ÿ Lies above the spot curve. Ÿ Lies below the spot curve

LO 37.6 Effect of inflation on capital budgeting analysis

Characteristics of US LIBOR:
ª It is a rate at which one bank lends another bank
ª For short term
ª Currency is USD
ª Issued out of US
ª It is an add-on rate
ª Different LIBOR exist for different maturities
ª 360 day convention is used

30 60
1 × 3 FRA:

60 90
2 × 5 FRA:
90 90
3 × 6 FRA:
60 120
2 × 6 FRA:

3 Price and value of forward rate agreement (FRA)

Eg. FRA: 4 × 5 Nominal amount: $ 10,000,000 Position: Short


LIBOR (today) LIBOR (after 90 days)

30 day 300 bps 30 day 370 bps
60 day 320 bps 60 day 380 bps
90 day 360 bps 90 day 450 bps
120 day 390 bps 120 day 520 bps
150 day 400 bps 150 day 580 bps

144 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Price of the FRA

Formula Logic Magic


) 1 + (0.04 × 150/360)
1 + (0.039 × 120/360)
) × 360/30
4 × 150/360

150 days

3.9 × 120/360 = 1.3% 0.37%

120 days

4 × 150/360 = 1.67%

150 days
$100 $101.67

3.9 × 120/360 = 1.3%

120 days
$100 $101.3

Rate for 30 days:

PV = −101.3 FV = 101.67 N = 1
CPT I/Y = 0.362%


0.362 ð 30 days 0.37 ð 30 days
4.34% ð 360 days 4.44% ð 360 days

Price of new FRA (after 90 days)

30 days
120 days 30 days

Day 90

) 1 + (0.038 × 60/360)

−1 × 360/30 = 3.89%
1 + (0.037 × 30/360)

Value of the FRA

10,000,000 × (4.34% − 3.89%) × (30/360)
= $3,726.4
1 + (0.038) × 60/360)

145 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 37.8 Convexity

LO 37.9 Calculate the change in a bond’s price given its duration, its convexity
and a change in interest rates

Ÿ Percentage change in price due to convexity.

Ÿ Amount of price change not explained by Duration.

Ÿ For option Free bond, convexity is always positive.

Ÿ Convexity effect = 0.5 × convexity × y2
Ÿ It decreases the drop in price (due to increase in yields) & adds to the rise
in price (due to fall in yields).

LO 37.10 Compare and contrast the major theories of the term structure of interest

ª Forward Rates are good predictors of Expected future spot raetes.
ª Fails to explain all future spot rates expectations.


ª Bond market is segmented based on maturity.
ª Demand in each maturity range define the rates in that maturity.


ª Most depositor prefer short term liquid deposit.
ª Long term rates are increased by adding premium.
146 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Determination of Forward And Future Prices

LO 38.1 Differentiate between investment nd consumption asset
Watch video with important
Investment asset is held Consumption asset is testable concepts here

for the purpose of held for the purpose of

investing. consumption.
Eg: Stocks and Bonds Eg: Oil and Natural gas

LO 38.2 Short Selling and Short Squeeze

Ÿ Short Sales are orders to sell securities that the seller does not own. Also known as
shorting and is possible with investment assets.

Ÿ For a short sale: seller (1) simultaneously borrows and sells securities through broker,
(2) must return the securities at the request of lender or when short sale is closed out,
and (3) must keep portion of the proceeds of short sale on deposit with broker

Ÿ Short seller may be forced to close his position if the broker runs out of his securities to
borrow. This is known as short squeeze.


LO 38.3, 38.4
Rules for short selling: Short seller
(1)must pay all dividends due to the lender of security
(2)Must deposit collateral to guarantee eventual repurchase of agreement

Forward and futures contracts

& 38.9

Ÿ Trade on organized
exchanges. Ÿ Do not trade on an
Ÿ Highly standardized.
Ÿ Customized contracts.
Ÿ Clearinghouse is the
Ÿ Contracts with the
counterparty to all future
contracts. originating counterparty.
Ÿ Not regulated.
Ÿ Government regulates
future markets.

Forward commitments

Forwards Futures Swaps

è No arbitrage forward/futures price = Spot × (1 + RFR)n

è Value of forward/futures at initiation is zero
è Two fundamental rules for arbitrage:
Investmment = 0
Exposure to market risk = 0 147 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Eg. Spot price: $100 RFR: 10% Maturity: 1 year

S = 100 S = 130 Long = 110

0 0.6 1

Price of the contract (0.6): 130 × (1+10%)0.4 = $135.05

Value of the contract at expiration (1): 135 − 110 = $25.05

Value of the contract today (0.6): = $24.11

Pricing and valuation of forward and fututres

1 Price and value of forward and futures (with dividend)

Eg. Spot price: $625 RFR: 8% CC Maturity: 6 months Spot rate in month 2 = $630
Expected dividends: $10 (Month 1), $20 (Month 3)

S = 625 D = 10 D = 20

0 1
ee 3 6


Price of the contract (Long): 619.76

S = 630 D = 20

0 2 3 6

Price of the new contract (Short): 626.62

Value in month 6 (626.67 − 619.76) : 6.86

−0.08 × 4/12
Value in month 2 (6.91 × e ): 6.67

2 Price and value of forward and futures (continuous dividend yield)

Eg. #1 Spot index: $2,700 RFR: 10% Dividend yield: 2% CC Maturity: 6 months

Continuously compounded rate: LN (1.1) = 9.53%

Price of the contract: 2700 × e(9.53% − 2%) × 6/12 = 2803.59

148 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Eg. #2 Spot index: ₹8,780 RFR: 6.9% CC Dividend yield: 1.8% CC Maturity: 40 days
Spot index on day 10: ₹8,900

S = ₹8,780 S = ₹8,900

0 10 40

Price of the contract (Short): 8780 × e(6.9% − 1.8%) × 40/365 = 8829.2

Price of the new contract (Long): 8900 × e(6.9% − 1.8%) × 30/365 = 8937.4
Value of the contract (Day 40): 8829.2 − 8937.8= (108.18)
Value of the contract (Day 10): 8900 × e(6.9%) × 30/365 = (107.56)

Characteristics of US LIBOR:
ª It is a rate at which one bank lends another bank
ª For short term
ª Currency is USD
ª Issued out of US
ª It is an add-on rate
ª Different LIBOR exist for different maturities
ª 360 day convention is used

1 × 3 FRA:

2 × 5 FRA:

3 × 6 FRA:


ee 60



60 120
2 × 6 FRA:
3 Price and value of forward rate agreement (FRA)

Eg. FRA: 4 × 5 Nominal amount: $ 10,000,000 Position: Short

LIBOR (today) LIBOR (after 90 days)
30 day 300 bps 30 day 370 bps
60 day 320 bps 60 day 380 bps
90 day 360 bps 90 day 450 bps
120 day 390 bps 120 day 520 bps

150 day 400 bps 150 day 580 bps

149 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Price of the FRA

Formula Logic Magic


) 1 + (0.04 × 150/360)
1 + (0.039 × 120/360)
) × 360/30
4 × 150/360

150 days

3.9 × 120/360 = 1.3% 0.37%

120 days

4 × 150/360 = 1.67%

150 days
$100 $101.67

3.9 × 120/360 = 1.3%

120 days
$100 $101.3

Rate for 30 days:

PV = −101.3 FV = 101.67 N = 1
CPT I/Y = 0.362%

0.362 ð 30 days
4.34% ð 360 days

Price of new FRA (after 90 days)

0.37 ð 30 days
4.44% ð 360 days

30 days
120 days 30 days

Day 90

) 1 + (0.038 × 60/360)

−1 × 360/30 = 3.89%
1 + (0.037 × 30/360)

Value of the FRA

10,000,000 × (4.34% − 3.89%) × (30/360)
= $3,726.4
1 + (0.038) × 60/360)

4 Price and value of currency forward contracts

Eg. Spot price: ₹66.505/$ Interest rates: India = 7% USA = 2%

Position: Long Investment: $1,000,000 Maturity: 6 months
After 2 months: Spot price: ₹68.15/$ Interest rates: India = 6.9% USA = 1.5%

150 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.


Price of the contract: 66.505 ×

) )
= ₹68.1155


Price of the new contract: 68.15 ×

) )
= ₹69.3377

1,000,000 × 1.2223
Value of the contract: = ₹1,195,342.94

5 Price of cheapest-to-deliver bond futures

Eg. Full price: $1,020 Maturity: 1.4 years Coupon: 12% semi-annual RFR: 10% semi-annual
Conversion factor: 1.17

S = 1,020 C = 60 C = 60

0 0.5 1 1.4
1,020 × 1.05 60 × 1.050.9/0.5 60 × 1.05 0.4/0.5

Accrued interest (60 × 0.4/0.5):

Future price: 993.1
Conversion factor: 1.17
Quoted future price (993.1/1.17): 848

LO 38.6 Currency Basics

Exchange rate Price of one unit of currency in terms of another
Spot exchange rate Exchange rate for immediate delivery

Forward exchange rate Exchange rate for a transaction to be done in future


$3 Price currency
€ Base currency

€ - Depreciated $2 $3 $4 € - Appreciated
$ - Appreciated € € € $ - Depreciated

151 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Eg. ZAR 52 ZAR 57
$ $
Closing value Opening value
% Appreciation: − 1 % Depreciation: − 1
Opening value Closing value

$ - Appreciated: −1 = 9.62%
ZAR - Depreciated: −1 = 8.77%

Forward premium/discount for a given currency

Eg. #1 Bid/Ask: Spot $/€ = 1.1820/1.1824 Forward points (3 months) = −15.2/−14.6

3 month forward bid rate = 1.1820 − = 1.1804

3 month forward ask rate = 1.1824 − = 1.1809

Eg. #2 Spot rate MXN/USD = 19.26 Forward rate MXN/USD = 18.35

Calculate forward premium/discount

USD discount:

MXN premium:

-1 = -4.72%

-1 = 4.95%

Forward contract: Any exchange rate transaction that has a settlement date longer than T + 2
Forward premium/discount = Forward rate – Spot rate

Mark-to-market value of a forward contract


Mark-to-market: Profit/loss that is realizable from closing out a position

Eg. Forward contract: 1 mln GBP Rate: 1.3000 USD/GBP Term: 6 months
Spot rate after 90 days: 1.3100/1.3105 90-day forward points : +120/+125 90-day LIBOR: 4%

All-in three-month forward rate: 1.3100 + (120/10,000) = 1.3220

CF at the settlement date: (1.3220 − 1.300) × 1,000,000 = USD 22,000


USD 220,000
Mark-to-market value: = USD 21,785.34
1 + 0.04 × (90/360)

152 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

International parity conditions

International Fischer relationship (precise)

1 + Nominal interest rate = (1 + Real interest rate) × (1 + Expected inflation)

Determining forward rate

USA India
2% ₹50 10%
$1mln ₹50mln

$1mln 10%
+ 2% int.

₹55mln 55 ₹55mln
$1.02mln 53.92
53.92 1.02

(1 + Int. rate)n
Forward rate = S ×
(1 + Int. rate)n

Forward rate = 50 ×

= 53.92
(1 + 10%)1
(1 + 2%)1

Interest rate parity

Int. rate (India) = 20%

Int. rate (USA) = 10%
(1 + Int. rate)n
F = S × = ₹54.54

₹50 (1 + Int. rate)n

spot rate = 50 ×
= ₹54.54

Real int.
Inflation rate
rate = 4%
(1 + 20%)
India = = 15.38%
(1 + 4%)

(1 + 10%)
USA = = 5.76%
(1 + 4%)

Covered interest
Forced by arbitrage. It is always true
rate parity

Uncovered interest
Not forced by arbitrage. It may not be true
rate parity

153 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Eg. Spot rate: $1.2/€ 1-year forward rate: $1.3/€

USD interest rate: 9% Euro interest rate: 7% Determine if an arbitrage opportunity exists

Forward rate 1 + USD int. rate

Spot rate 1 + Euro int. rate

Forward rate
× 1 + Euro int. rate Vs 1 + USD int. rate
Spot rate
× 1 + 7% Vs 1 + 9%

1.1591 Vs 1.09

Invest Borrow

Cash And Carry & Reverse Cash and Carry Arbitrage

r Ÿ
Cash & Carry Arbitrage
Sell the forward.

Buy the asset with the

borrowed funds.
Ÿ Forward overvalued
ee Ÿ
Reverse Cash & Carry
Short sell the asset.
Lend out the proceeds.
Buy the forwards.
Forward undervalued

LO 38. 7 &
ª F0= (S0-I)ert : I Cash flow from Underlying Asset
ª F0= S0e(r-q)T : q= Dividend continuous compounding

ª Value of forward at inception is Zero

Ÿ Pricing of future or forward uses cost of carry model.
Ÿ Currency Future uses IRP = F0=S0e(rdc-rfc)

LO 38. 10 Delivery options in the Future Market


When convenience yield> Cost of carry

Ÿ Short will delay the delivery.

When Cost of carry > convenience yield

Ÿ Short will deliver early.

154 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 38. 11 Futures and Expected Futures Market & Contango and
& 38.12 Backwardation

Expectation Model


ª F0< E(ST) ª F0> E(ST)
ª Exhibits positive ª Exhibits negative
systematic Risk. Systematic Risk.

Cost of carry model

Ÿ Future prices are below Ÿ Future Prices are above
current spot prices current spot prices.
Ÿ Convenience yield must Ÿ Cost of carry must be more
be more than cost of carry than convenience yield.


155 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Interest Rate Futures

LO 39.1 Day Convention
Watch video with important
testable concepts here

Ÿ US T- Bonds= ACT/ACT
Ÿ US Corporate & Municipal Bonds = 30/360
Ÿ US T- Bills = ACT/360
Ÿ Accrued Interest = Coupon × # of days since last coupon payment
# of days in coupon period

LO 39.2 Quotations for T-Bonds

ª T-Bonds are percentage of par ª Cash Price = Quoted Price +Accrued Interest
ª Full Price a.k.a Transaction cost, Invoice,
ª T-Bond prices are quoted relative to $100 par
Dirty Price, Cash Price
amount in dollars and 32nds
ª Quoted Price a.k.a Clean Price and Flat Price
ª Example: 95-05
95.15625% of par

LO 39.3

Quotations for T-Bills and other Money Market Instruments

Uses Discount rate basis and an actual/360 day count

Given: I)Cash price ‘Y’
ii)Days to maturity = n
iii)Future Value = 100

Ÿ T-Bill quoted as
T-Bill Discount Rate= n × (100-Y)

LO 39.4, 39.5 & Treasury Bond Futures


ª Conversion Factor determines the price received by short on contract.

ª C.F= (Discount Price Face

of Bond - Accrued Interest

ª Cash received= (QFP*CF)+A.I.

where QFP is Quoted Future Price (most recent settlement price) and CF is a bond
to be delivered

156 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Cheapest to Deliver T-Bond for short on T-Bond Futures

Ÿ Buy the Underlying Asset(T-Bond) at Cash Price= QBP+AI

Ÿ To deliver T-Bond:
à Maturity>15 years
à Non-callable within 15 Years
Ÿ Short on Future Underlying Asset= T-Bond
Ÿ $$ Received (QFP*CF)+AI

Decision on CTD T-Bond


Case I: Yield>6% Case I: Yield upward sloping

è CTD will be low coupon & long maturity. è CTD will be long maturity.

Case II: Yield<6% Case II: Yield downward sloping

è CTD will be high coupon & short maturity. è CTD will be short maturity.

LO 39.7

Treasury Bond Futures Prices

Ÿ F0=(S0-I)ert=(QFP*CF)+AI Ÿ Underlying Asset is Eurodollar Ÿ Actual Forward Rate:
Ÿ S0=Y=QBP+AI Deposit Forward Rate Implied by
Ÿ I= Discount dividend/coupon Ÿ Future Value = 1million Futures - 0.5×σ2×T1× T2
to be received in future = Ÿ Interest Rate= 90 Day LIBOR
Coupon*e-rt Ÿ QP for Eurodollar Futures=Z
Ÿ Eurodollar Future

Ÿ This contract settles in cash and
minimum price change is “one
tick”, which is a price change of
one basis point, or $25 per $1
million contract.

LO 39.10 Explain how Eurodollar futures used to extend the LIBOR zero curve
LIBOR ZERO Forward Rates Implied by Convexity-Adjusted eurodollar Futures
CURVE/SPOT CURVE : Produces LIBOR Spot Curve.

157 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 39.11 Duration-Based Hedging


à N is No. of Contracts
à P is portfolio values at Hedging Horizon
à Dp is Duration of portfolio at Hedging Horizon
à F is Future position of contract
à Duration of the Futures at Hedging Horizon

LO 39.12 Limitation of Duration

The price/yield relationship of a bond is convex, meaning it is nonlinear in shape. Duration

measures are linear approximations of this relationship.

Therefore, as the change in yield increases, the duration measures become progressively
less accurate.

Moreover, duration implies that all yields are perfectly correlated. Both of these
r ee
assumptions place limitations on the use of duration as a single risk measurement tool

158 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Watch video with important
LO 40.1 Mechanics of Interest Rate Swaps testable concepts here

Swaps Agreements to exchange a series of payments on periodic settlement dates

At each settlement date, the two payments are netted so that only one
payment is made

The length of the swap is termed as tenor

Simplest type of swap is plain vanilla interest rate swap

Plain vanilla interest rate swap

Eg. Fixed rate - 8% Floating rate - LIBOR + 2% Notional principal = 100,000

Fixed rate Fixed rate

payer receiver

Floating rate
Floating rate
Net rate
Year 1

ee Year 2


Year 3

LIBOR = 6% LIBOR = 9% LIBOR = 4%

8% 6%


Floating rate
Net amount 0 3000 2000
Will be paid by Will be paid by
B to A A to B

Some important points of Swaps

ª Swaps do not require payment at initiation by either party

ª They are custom instruments
ª They are not traded in any organized secondary market
ª They are largely unregulated.
ª There is default risk associated with swaps

ª Participants in the swaps market are generally large institutions. Individuals are rarely
participants of swap market

LO 40.2
A swap could be used to convert,

ª Fixed rate asset ↔ Floating rate asset

ª Fixed rate liability ↔ Floating rate liability

159 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 40.3 Financial Intermediaries
& 40.4
Ÿ Fee is charged to compensate the intermediary for the risk involved

Ÿ If one of the parties defaults on its swap payments, the intermediary is

responsible for making the other party whole

Ÿ Confirmations: A representative of each party signs the confirmation, ensuring

that they agree with all swap details and the steps taken in the event of default

LO 40.5 Comparative Advantage

Example : Borrowing rates for X and Y

Company Fixed borrowing Floating borrowing

Y 5.0% LIBOR + 10 bps

X 6.5% LIBOR + 100 bps

Difference: 1.5% 0.9%

Ÿ Difference of difference: 1.5% - 0.9% = 0.6% which is combined benefit of

Company X’s cost is higher by Y by:
1.5% when it borrows at fixed rate ✗
0.9% when it borrows at floating rate ✔
ee Ÿ

entering into swap

Company Y’s cost is higher by X by:

1.5% when it borrows at fixed rate ✔
0.9% when it borrows at floating rate ✗

It has comparative advantage in floating rate It has comparative advantage in fixed rate
LO 40.6 Discount Rate

Ÿ Forward rates implied by either forward rate agreements (FRAs) or the

convexity-adjusted Eurodollar futures are used to produce a LIBOR spot curve
Ÿ Swap cash flows are discounted using the corresponding spot rate from this curve
Ÿ Connection between forward rates and spot rates:

RFORWARD =R2 +(R2 - R1)
T2 - T 1

R1 =spot rate corresponding with T1 years

RFORWARD = forward rate between T1 and T2

160 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 40.7 Valuing an Interest Rate Swap with Bonds

Method 1 :
Step 1: Determine cash flows using (LIBOR / Forward rates)
Step 2: Discount the cash flows using discount rate from LIBOR spot/Zero curve

Method 2:
Bond Method
Vswap = Bfloating - Bfixed

Pricing and valuation of swaps

1 Price and value of swaps (spot rates)

Eg. Spot rates (today) Spot rates (after 6 months)

1 6% 0.5 8%
2 8% 1.5 8.5%
3 9% 2.5 9.7%
4 10% 3.5 11%

Maturity: 4 years Notional amount: $10 mln

rPrice of the swap:
1 − Z4
Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z4

Z1 = 1/(1.06)1
Z2 = 1/(1.08)2
1 − 0.683
0.9433 + 0.8573 + 0.7721 + 0.683

Z3 = 1/(1.09)3

Value of fixed coupon bond:

Z4 = 1/(1.1)4
= 9.74%

{[Coupon × (Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z4)] + (FV × Z4)}


[0.974 × (0.962 + 0.8848 + 0.7933 + 0.694)] + (10 × 0.694)

$10.18 mln
Z1 = 1/(1.08) Z2 = 1/(1.085)1.5 Z3 = 1/(1.097)2.5 Z4 = 1/(1.11)3.5

MV + Coupon 10 + 0.6
Value of floating coupon bond: = $10.1998 mln

(1 + Spot raten) (1 + 0.08)0.5

Value of the swap (fixed rate payer): Value of floating coupon bond − Value of fixed coupon bond
Value of the swap (fixed rate payer): 10.1998mln − 10.18mln = $0.0198 mln

161 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
2 Price and value of swaps (LIBOR)

Eg. LIBOR (today) LIBOR (after 30 days)

90 day 1.5% 60 day 3%
180 day 1.8% 150 day 3.3%
270 day 1.9% 240 day 4%
360 day 2.15% 330 day 4.1%

Maturity: 1 year (quarterly pay) Notional amount: $100 mln

1 − Z4 1 − 0.9789
Price of the swap: = 0.0053 × 4 = 2.13%
Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z4 0.9962 + 0.991 + 0.9859 + 0.9789

Z1 = 1/{1 + [0.015 × (90/360)]} Z2 = 1/{1 + [0.018 × (180/360)]}

Z3 = 1/{1 + [0.019 × (270/360)]} Z4 = 1/1.0215

Value of fixed coupon bond:

{[Coupon × (Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z4)] + (FV × Z4)}

{[100 × 2.13% × 90/360 × (0.995 + 0.9864 + 0.974 + 0.9606)] + (100 × 0.9606)}

$98.46 mln

Z1 = 1/{1 + [0.03 × (60/360)]} Z2 = 1/{1 + [0.033 × (150/360)]}

Z3 = 1/{1 + [0.04 × (240/360)]} Z4 = 1/{1 + [0.041 × (330/360)]}

MV + Coupon 100 + (1.5 × 90/360)

Value of floating coupon bond: = $99.87 mln

(1 + Spot rate) (1 + 0.03) × 60/360

Value of the swap (fixed rate receiver): Value of fixed coupon bond − Value of floating coupon bond
Value of the swap (fixed rate receiver): 98.46mln − 99.87mln = ($1.14 mln)

LO 40.8 Interest rate swap is equivalent to forward rate agreement when

forward contract rate equal to the swap fixed rate

Payer swap : Can be replicated by using a series of LONG off market FRAs

Receiver swap: Can be replicated by using a series of SHORT off market FRAs

Off market FRAs - FRAs that do not have value of zero at iniatiation

162 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 40.9, Currency Swaps
10, 11, 12.
Valuation of currency swap

Case - I Case - II

Pay F.C & receive Pay D.C & receive

D.C (Cash flows) F.C (Cash flows)

Vswap = BD - S0 BF Vswap = S0 BF - BD

S0 - Exchange rate given at the end of contract

BD - Domestic bond (C.F - in contact , Disc rate - Interest rate)

BF - Foreign bond (C.F - in contact , Disc rate - Interest rate)

UK LIBOR (today) US LIBOR (today)

90 day 110 bps 90 day 180 bps
180 day 130 bps 180 day 200 bps
270 day
360 day

UK LIBOR (after 30 days)

60 day 90 bps
150 bps
170 bps
270 day
360 day

60 day
220 bps
250 bps

US LIBOR (after 30 days)

190 bps
150 day 100 bps 150 day 250 bps
240 day 110 bps 240 day 300 bps
330 day 120 bps 330 day 320 bps

Maturity: 1 year (quarterly pay) Notional amount: £1 mln

Spot rate: $1.5/£ Spot rate after 30 days: $1.75/£

1 − Z4
Price of the swap (UK): = 0.42 × 4 = 1.68%
Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z4

1 − Z4
Price of the swap (US): = 0.6175 × 4 = 2.47%
Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z4

Value of USD bond:

{[Coupon × (Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z4)] + (FV × Z4)}

{[1.5mln × 2.47% × 1/4 × (0.9968 + 0.9896 + 0.9803 + 0.9715)] + (1.5mln × 0.9715)}

$1,493,733 163 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Using a currency swap

For a party paying interest in foreign

currency : The foreign principal is
Exchange of both principal and received and domestic principal is
interest in one currency for P & I in paid at the beginning of swap’s life
another currency
At the end the foreign principal is
paid and domestic principal received

LO 40.13 Swap credit risk

Ÿ Whenever one side of a swap has a positive value, the other side must be negative

Ÿ This results in increased credit risk to a party with positive value since the
likelihood of default increases as the counterpart has larger and larger payments to
make to the part with positive value
Ÿ However, the potential losses in swaps are generally much smaller than the
potential losses from defaults on debt with the same principal. This is because the
value of swaps is generally much smaller than the value of the debt

LO 40.14
Ÿ ee
Other type of Swap
In an equity swap, the return on a stock, a portfolio, or a stock index is paid each period by
one party in return for a fixed-rate or floating-rate payment. The return can be the capital
appreciation or the total return including dividends on the stock, portfolio, or index.

Value of GBP bond:

{[Coupon × (Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z4)] + (FV × Z4)}

{[1 mln × 1.68% × 90/360 × (0.9985 + 0.9958 + 0.9927 + 0.9891)] + (1 mln × 0.9891)}

£1,005,819 = $1,760,184 (1,005,819 × 1.75)

Value of the swap (USD receiver): Value of USD bond − Value of GBP bond
Value of the swap (USD receiver): 1,493,733 − 1,760,184 = ($266,450)

Price and value of equity swaps


LIBOR (today) LIBOR (after 30 days)

90 day 180 bps 60 day 190 bps
180 day 200 bps 150 day 250 bps
270 day 220 bps 240 day 300 bps
360 day 250 bps 330 day 320 bps

Maturity: 1 year (quarterly pay) Notional amount: ₹1.5 mln

Equity index today: ₹27,600 Equity index after 30 days: ₹29,300
164 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

1 − Z4
Price of the swap: = 0.6175 × 4 = 2.47%
Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z4

Value of the bond:

{[Coupon × (Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z4)] + (FV × Z4)}

{[1.5mln × 2.47% × 4 × (0.9968 + 0.9896 + 0.9803 + 0.9715)] + (1.5mln × 0.9715)}

Value of the equity index: 1.5 mln × = ₹1,592,391

Value of the swap (fixed rate payer): Value of equity index − Value of bond
Value of the swap (fixed rate payer): 1,592,391 − 1,493,733 = ₹98,658

Ÿ ee
Swaption is an option which gives the holder the right to enter into an interest rate swap.
Swaptions can be American- or European-style options
Firms may enter into commodity swap agreements where they agree to pay a fixed rate
for the multi-period delivery of a commodity and receive a corresponding floating rate
based on the average commodity spot rates at the time of delivery. Although many
commodity swaps exist, the most common use is to manage the costs of purchasing
energy resources such as oil and electricity
Ÿ A volatility swap involves the exchanging of volatility based on a notional principal. One
side of the swap pays based on a pre-specified volatility while the other side pays based
on historical volatility

165 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Mechanics Of Options Markets

Watch video with important
LO 41.1 & 41.2 Types of Options testable concepts here

Ÿ Option contracts have asymmetric payoffs. The buyer of an option has the right to exercise
Ÿ Call option gives the owner the right, but not the obligation, to buy the stock from the
seller of the option
Ÿ Put option gives the owner the right to sell a stock to the seller o f the put at a specific

FLEX options: Ÿ Exchange-traded options on equity indices and equities that allow some
alteration of the options contract specifications.
Ÿ The nonstandard terms include alteration of the strike price, different
expiration dates, or European-style (rather than the standard American-
Ÿ FLEX options were developed in order for the exchanges to better compete
with the nonstandard options that trade over the counter. The minimum
size for FLEX trades is typically 100 contracts.

ETF options: Ÿ While similar to index options, ETF options are typically American-style
options and utilize delivery of shares rather than cash at settlement

Credit event
Weekly options: Ÿ Short-term options that are created on a Thursday and have an expiration
date on the Friday of the next week.

Binary options: Ÿ Generate discontinuous payoff profiles because they pay only one price
($100) at expiration if the asset value is above the strike price

Ÿ CEBO is a specific form of credit default swap.

binary options: Ÿ The payoff in a CEBO is triggered if the reference entity suffers a qualifying
credit event (e.g., bankruptcy, missed debt payment, or debt restructuring)
prior to the option’s expiration date
Doom options: Ÿ These put options are structured to only be in the money in the event of a
large downward price movement in the underlying asset

Effect of Dividends and Stock Splits

Ÿ Options are not adjusted for cash dividends. This will have option pricing consequences
that will need to be incorporated into a valuation model. Options are adjusted for stock
splits. For example, if a stock has a 2-for-l stock split, then the strike price will be
reduced by one-half and the number of shares underlying the option will double
Ÿ Stock dividends are dealt with in the same manner. For example, if a stock pays a 25%
stock dividend, this is treated in the same manner as a 5-for-4 stock split

Underlying assets for Options

Individual Foreign Stock

Stocks Currency Indices

Ÿ American Style Ÿ European Style Ÿ European Style

Ÿ 100 shares of stock Ÿ 10000 units for Ÿ Cash settled Ÿ Black model for
in one contract other Ÿ Both OTC and valuation
exchange traded
166 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
X = Strike price
2 Options
P = Premium

Call Put

Long Short Long Short

Right to buy Obligation to sell Right to sell Obligation to buy

Pays premium Receives premium Pays premium Receives premium

profit Infinite Premium X-P Premium

Premium Infinite Premium X-P

Breakeven Breakeven
Point for call - X + P Point for put - X - P

ª Seller of the option is also called as writer

ª Premium is also referred to as price of the option

ª American options - Can be exercised at any time between purchase date and expiration date

ª European options - Can be exercised only on expiration date

ª Bermudan options - Can be exercised only on certain days. Eg. Once a month
ª At expiration, an American option and a European option on same asset with same strike
price are identical

Eg. X = 100, P = 10 Calculate Profit/Loss for long and short if,

Spot price (S) = 0, 60, 110, 150, 200 (Call) Spot price (S) = 0, 60, 90, 120, 170 (Put)

Call S = 0 60 110 150 200 Put S = 0 60 110 150 200

Profit/ Long = 10 10 0 40 90 Profit/ Long = 90 30 0 10 10

Loss Short = 10 10 0 40 90 Loss Short = 90 30 0 10 10

Maximum Loss BEP Maximum Profit BEP

Maximum Profit Maximum Loss

167 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Moneyness - It refers to whether an option is in the money or out of the money

In the money - If immediate exercise of the option generates positive

payoff, it is said the option is in the money.

Out the money - If immediate exercise of the option generates negative

payoff, it is said the option is out of the money.

At the money - If immediate exercise of the option generates neither

positive payoff nor negative payoff, it is said the option is at the money.

Call option Put option

In the money In the money
S-X>0 S-X<0

Out of the money Out of the money

S-X<0 S-X>0

At the money At the money


Eg. S = 9000
X = 8800
P = 225
Expiry - 21 days
= S - X = 200
Intrinsic value and time value
Intrinsic value(exercise value)

Time value(speculative value)

Option Premium = Time Value + Intrinsic Value
Intrinsic value is never negative
Time value can be negative if the option is deep
= P - Intrinsic Value = 25 in the market for European put options

168 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Properties Of Stock Options

LO 42.1 Factors that determine the value of an option Watch video with important
testable concepts here

Value of call Value of put

option option

Spot Ç Ç È

Strike Ç È Ç

Volatility Ç Ç Ç

Maturity Ç Ç Ç


Dividend yield Ç È Ç

LO 42.2 & 42.4

Upper & lower pricing bounds

Lowerbound Upperbound

EC Max [0, S - PVX] S

AC Max [0, S - PVX] S

EP Max [0, PVX - S] PVX

AT Max [0, X - S] X

Ÿ All else equal, the payment of dividend will reduce the lower pricing bound for a call option
Ÿ All else equal, the payment of dividend will increase the lower pricing bound for a put option

Relationship between American call & put options

Ÿ Put-call parity only holds for European options. For American options, we have an
inequality. This inequality places upper and lower bounds on the difference between the
American call and put options.

S0 - X ≤ C - P ≤ S 0 - Xe - rT

169 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 42.3 Put - call Parity

Put-call parity Synthetic equivalence for

(Works only for European option) each individual security
Sip Pepsi Be Cool S=B+C−P
S+P = B+C
Stock + Put Bond + Call

+ve sign - take long position

Protective Put Fiduciary Call −ve sign - take short position

Put-call forward parity for European options

F = S0 X (1 + RFR)n
(1 + RFR)n

Put-call parity - S + P = B + C
Put-call forward parity -

ee (1 + RFR)n

(1 + RFR)n
+P =

+P = C
(1 + RFR)n

Impact of Dividends on Early Exercise for American Calls and


Put -Call Parity

Put-call parity is adjusted for dividends in the following manner:
p + S0 = c + D + Xe-rT

Relationship between American call and put options is modified as follows:

S0 - X - D ≤ C - P ≤ S 0 - Xe - rT

170 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Trading Strategies Involving Options
LO 43.1 Covered Calls And Protective Puts
Watch video with important
ª Covered call = Long stock + Short Call testable concepts here

ª Maximum profit = X − S0 + P
ª Maximum loss = S0 − P
ª BEP = S0 − P

ª Investment objectives:
ΠIncome generation: Writing the option to earn the premium, drawback: giving up on the upside
 Improving on the market: Investor with a long stock position can potentially earn more by using
covered call strategy
Ž Target price realization: Investor with a long stock position can potentially earn more when the
stock price reaches its target

Protective put
ª Protective put = Long stock + Long put

ª Maximum profit = Unlimited

ª Maximum loss = S0 − X + P
ª BEP = S0 + P

ª Investment objective:
To protect against losses when the stock price falls (similar to buying insurance)

ª Drawback: Consistent use of this strategy would reduce portfolio returns significantly
Equivalence to long stock/short forward
Delta of call option: +ve
Delta of put option: −ve
For a non-dividendpaying stock:
Delta of call option: Between 0 and 1
Delta of put option: Between 0 and −1
Delta of long stock/short forward: 1

Covered call delta = Delta of stock – Delta of call option

Protective put delta = Delta of stock + Delta of put option
Cash-secured put = Short put + Long bond

Option strategies
Bull spread Bear spread

Call options Put options Call options Put options

Net outflow Net inflow Net inflow Net outflow

Buy (long) expensive Buy (long) cheap Buy (long) cheap Buy (long) expensive
option and sell (short) option and sell (short) option and sell (short) option and sell (short)
cheap option expensive option expensive option cheap option
171 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 43.2 Spread Strategies
Bull call spread profit/loss
When stock price is 500: 80 − 140 = (60)
(Both long and short options are out-of-the-money)

When stock price is 750: (750 − 700) + 80 − 140 = (10)

(Long option is in-the-money but short option is out-of-the-money)

When stock price is 850: (800 − 700) + 80 − 140 = 40

(Both long and short options are in-the-money)


ª Long straddle: Long call + Long put

ª Short straddle: Short call + Short put

ª Options must have same stike price, underlying asset and maturity

ª Long straddle: Used if investor expects higher future volatility

ª Short straddle: Used if investor expects the markets to be neutral

ª Long straddle:
Ÿ Maximum profit: Unlimited

Ÿ Maximum loss: Premiums of call and put
Ÿ BEPs: S0 + PremiumC and S0 − PremiumP




S0 + PremiumC S0 + PremiumC

Losses Profits

S0 − PremiumP S0 − PremiumP


Long straddle Short straddle

ª It is a combination of covered call and protective put

ª Objective: Decrease the volatility of returns

ª Zero-cost collar: Long put premium = Short call premium


ª Drawback: Giving up on the upside

ª Maximum profit: XC − S0 − PP + Pc
ª Maximum loss: S0 − XP − PP + Pc− PP
ª BEP: S0 + PP − Pc

172 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Calendar spreads
Used when two options have same strike price and underlying but different maturities

Long calender spread (net outflow): Long longer expiry + Short shorter expiry
Short calender spread (net inflow): Long shorter expiry + Short longer expiry

Objective: To take advantage of time decay

Interest rate caps and floors

Interest rate cap: A series of interest rate call options
Used by a floating rate borrower to hedge the risk of increase in
interest rates

Interest rate floor: A series of interest rate put options

Used by a floating rate lender to hedge the risk of decrease in
interest rates

Payer swap: Long interest rate cap + Short interest rate floor

Receiver swap: Short interest rate cap + Long interest rate floor

If rates increase and bond If rates decrease and bond

prices decrease prices increase

Value of call on LIBOR

Value of call on bond price

Value of put on LIBOR

Value of put on bond price


173 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Exotic Options
LO 44.1, Evaluating Exotic options Watch video with important
44.2 & 44.3 testable concepts here

Ÿ Exotic derivatives are customized to fit a specific firm need for hedging that cannot be
met by plain vanilla derivatives
Ÿ A package is defined as some combination of standard European options, forwards,
cash and underlying asset
Ÿ Bull, bear, and calendar spreads, as well as straddles and strangles are examples of
packages because packages often consist of a long position and a short position, they
can be constructed so that the initial cost to the investor is zero.

LO 44.4 Transformation of standard American option

into non-standard American option

Restrict early exercise

By introducing lock out Changes in strike price
to certain data results
period over the life of options
in a Bermudan option

LO 44.5

Exotic option payoff structure
Gap Options

Ÿ A gap option has two strike prices, X1 and X2. (X2 is sometimes referred to as the
trigger price.)
Ÿ For a gap call option, if X2 is greater than X1 and the stock price at maturity, ST, is
greater than the trigger price, X2, then the payoff for the call option will be equal to
ST— X1
Ÿ If the stock price is less than or equal to X2 , the payoff will be zero. Note that a

negative payoff can occur if the stock price is greater than X2 and X2 is less than X1
In this case, the payoff will be reduced by X2 — X1

Example -

Scenario 1 Scenario 2

X2 = 70 , X1 = 50 X2 = 40 , X1 = 50
SR = 95, Payoff = 45 SR = 95, Payoff = 45
ST = 70 or 60 or 40, Payoff is zero ST = 46, Payoff is - 4
Payoff = ST -X1 Payoff = ST -X1

Conclusion : Call option is exercised (mandatory) above X2

174 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Forward start option: Ÿ Forward start options are options that begin their existence at some
time in the future.
Ÿ Employee incentive plans commonly incorporate forward start options
Ÿ Note that when the underlying asset is a nondividend paying stock,
the value of a forward start option will be identical to the value of a
European at-the-money option with the same time to expiration as
the forward start option

Compound option: Ÿ Are options on option

Chooser option: Ÿ This interesting option allows the owner, after a certain period of time
has elapsed, to choose whether the option is call or put.

Barrier Option
1. Value of standard call = Down & out call + Down & in call
2. Value of standard put = Up & out put + Up & in put
3. Increase in volatility (Vega) does not leads to increase in the value of up & out
option i.e. Vega is -ve of knock-out option
Ÿ Up - barrier limit is above the current market value

Ÿ Down - barrier limit is below the current market value
Ÿ In - comes in existence
Ÿ Out - Cease to exist
Binary Option - payoff only one value

Cash or nothing call Asset or nothing call

Ÿ A fixed amount Q is paid if the asset Ÿ Pays the value of asset S0 , if at

ends up above the strike price expiration asset is above risk
Ÿ Value = S0e N(d1)
Ÿ Value = Qe-rT N(d2)

Ÿ q = Continuous dividend yield

Ÿ Binary options generate discontinuous payoff profiles because they pay only one price at
expiration if the asset value is above the strike price

Ÿ In the case of a cash-or-nothing call, a fixed amount, Q, is paid if the asset ends up above
the strike price. Since the Black-Scholes-Merton formula denotes N(d2) as the probability
of the asset price being above the strike price, the value of a cash-or-nothing call is equal
to Qe-rT N(d2)

Ÿ An asset-or-nothing call pays the value of the stock when the contract is initiated if the
stock price ends up above the strike price at expiration. The corresponding value for this
option is S0e-qT N(d1), where q is the continuous dividend yield.

175 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Lookback options: Ÿ Lookback options are options whose payoffs depend on the maximum
or minimum price of the underlying asset during the life of the option.
Ÿ A floating lookback call pays the difference between the expiration
price and the minimum price of the stock over the horizon of the
Ÿ This essentially allows the owner to purchase the security at its
lowest price over the option’s life. On the other hand, a floating
lookback put pays the difference between the expiration and
maximum price of the stock over the time period of the option.
Ÿ This translates into allowing the owner of the option to sell the
security at its highest price over the life of the option.
Ÿ Lookback options can also be fixed when an exercise price is
specified. A fixed lookback call has a payoff function that is identical
to a European call option. However, for this exotic option, the final
stock price (or expiration price) in the European call option payoff is
replaced by the maximum price during the option’s life.
Ÿ Similarly, a fixed lookback put has a payoff like a European put option
but replaces the final stock price with the minimum price during the
option’s life.

Shout options: Ÿ A shout option allows the owner to pick a date when he “shouts” to
the option seller, which then translates into an intrinsic value

Asian options: Ÿ Asian options have payoff profiles based on the average price of the
security over the life of the option. Average price calls and puts pay
off the difference between the average stock price and the strike
Ÿ Note that the average price will be much less volatile than the actual
price. This means that the price for an Asian average price option will
be lower than the price of a comparable standard option.
Ÿ Average strike calls and average strike puts pay off the difference
between the stock expiration price and average price, which
essentially represents the strike price in a typical intrinsic value

Exchange options: Ÿ A common use of an option to exchange one asset for another, often
called an exchange option, is to exchange one currency with another

Basket options: Ÿ Basket options are simply options to purchase or sell baskets of

LO 44.6 Volatility and Variance swaps


Ÿ A volatility swap involves the exchange of volatility based on a notional

principal. One side of the swap pays based on a pre-specified fixed volatility
while the other side pays based on realized volatility.
Ÿ Unlike the exotic options we have discussed thus far, volatility swaps are a bet
on volatility alone as opposed to a bet on volatility and the price of the
underlying asset.

176 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 44.7 Issues in Hedging exotic options

Ÿ Hedging is simpler with some exotic options than it is with plain vanilla options. Asian
options, for instance, depend on the average price of the underlying. Through time, the
uncertainty of the average value gets smaller. Hence, the option begins to become less
sensitive to changes in the value of the security because the payoff can be estimated
more accurately.
Ÿ Hedging positions in barrier and other exotic options are not so straightforward
Ÿ Dynamic options replication requires frequent trading, which makes it costly to
Ÿ As an alternative, a static options replication approach may be used to hedge positions
in exotic options


177 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Commodity Forwards And Futures Watch video with important

testable concepts here

LO 45.1 Storage costs, carry markets, lease rate, and convenience yield.

ª Forward price must be greater than the spot price to compensate for the physical and
financial storage costs.

ª Market in which a commodity is stored is a carry market.

ª Lease rate - Amount of interest a lender of a commodity requires

ª Convenience yield - Holding an excess amount of a commodity for a non-monetary


ª Since commodity forward prices are based on expected spot prices and expected spot
prices are, in turn, dependent on expected supply and demand forces, forward prices
for commodities need not to be constant from period to period

LO 45.2 Pricing commodity forward

Commodity forward price today :

(risk-free rate)T
F0,T = E(ST)e

LO 45.3 Commodity Arbitrage

Steps in a cash-and-carry arbitrage

Ÿ At the initiation:
Step 1: Borrow money at market interest rates
Step 2 : Buy underlying commodity at the spot price
Step 3 : Sell a futures contract at the current futures price

Ÿ At expiration:
Step 1: Deliver the commodity and receive the futures contract price
Step 2 : Repay the loan with interest

LO 45.4 Lease Rates

Ÿ Lease rate - Amount of return investor requires to buy and lend a commodity

Ÿ If an active lease market exists, a commodity lender can earn lease rate by
buying a commodity and immediately selling it forward.

Ÿ Market is in contango with an upward-sloping forward curve when the lease rate
is less RFR

Ÿ Market is in backwardation with a downward sloping forward curve when the

lease rate is greater than RFR
Ÿ The commodity forward price for time T an active lease market expressed as,

(r - δ)T
F0,T = S0e

Where, S0 = current spot price, r - δ = risk free rate less the lease rate 178 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 45.5 & Storage Costs
Range of arbitrage free valuation

S0e (r+⅄ -c)T ≤ F0,T ≥ S0e (r+ ⅄)T

r = rfr
⅄= storage cost (cc)
c = convenience yield

Ÿ If the owners of the commodity need the commodity for their business,
holding physical inventory of commodity creates value
Ÿ The non-monitory benefit of holding excess inventory is referred to as the
convenience yield

LO 45.7 Comparing lease rate with convenience yield

Ÿ Lease rate is equal to the convenience yield minus storage cost

Ÿ Hence, lease rate are negatively related to storage cost. This explains why
sometimes when storage costs are high, lease rates can be negative

LO 45.8 Commodity Characteristics

Gold Forward Ÿ Gold forward prices indicate presence of positive lease rates; holders of
Prices: gold (e.g. central banks) do lend it out for a free. It would make sense,
therefore, for an investor to obtain exposure to gold via long forward
contracts (synthetic gold) rather than physically buying and holding gold
(and not earning a lease payment).
Ÿ Sometimes, when the storage costs are very high, lease rates may turn
negative (holders of gold are willing to pay someone to store rather than
pay high storage costs themselves)

Corn Forward Ÿ Corn production is seasonal while its demand is relatively throughout

Prices: the year.

Ÿ This timing mismatch between production and consumption means that
corn must be stored.
Ÿ Thus storage (and interest)costs are highly relevant in corn forward
prices. Corn forward prices tend to fall around harvest and subsequently
rise (until next harvest) to reflect cost of storage
Ÿ Thus, corn forward curve increases until harvest time, drops sharply, and
then slopes upward again after harvest time is over.

Electricity Forward Ÿ Electricity is not a storable commodity. Once it is produced, it must be


Prices: used or it will likely go to waste.

Ÿ The demand for electricity is not constant and will vary with time of day,
day of the week, and season.
Ÿ Given the non-storability characteristic of electricity, its price is set by
demand and supply at a given point in time. Since arbitrage opportunities
do not exist with electricity (i.e., the inability to buy electricity during
one season and sell it during another season) futures prices on electricity
will vary much more during the trading day than financial futures.
Ÿ Futures prices primarily driven by expected spot prices in future.

179 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Natural Gas Ÿ Natural gas is an example of a commodity with constant production but
Forward Prices: seasonal demand.
Ÿ Natural gas is expensive to store, and demand in the United States peaks
during high periods of use in the winter months.
Ÿ In addition, the price of natural gas is different for various regions due to
high international transportation costs.
Ÿ Storage is at its peak in the fall just prior to the peak demand. Therefore,
the forward curve rises steadily in the fall.

Oil Forward Ÿ The physical characteristics of oil make it is easier to transport than
Prices: natural gas. Therefore, the price of oil is comparable worldwide.
Ÿ In addition, demand is high in one hemisphere when it is low in the
Ÿ Lower transportation costs and more constant worldwide demand causes
the long-run forward price to be more stable.

LO 45.9 Commodity Spread

Ÿ A commodity spread results from a commodity that is an input in the production process
of other commodities. For example, soybeans are used in the production of soybean
meal and soybean oil. A trader creates a crush spread by holding a long (short) position
in soybeans and a short (long) position in soybean meal and soybean oil.

Ÿ Similarly, oil can be refined to produce different types of petroleum products such as
heating oil, kerosene, or gasoline. This process is known as “cracking,” and thus the
difference in prices of crude oil, heating oil, and gasoline is known as a crack spread. For
example, seven gallons of crude oil may be used to produce four gallons of gasoline and
three gallons of heating oil.

Ÿ Commodity traders refer to the crack spread as 7-4-3, reflecting the seven gallons of
crude oil, four gallons of gasoline, and three gallons of heating oil. Thus, an oil refiner
could lock in the price of the crude oil input and the finished good outputs by an
appropriate crack spread reflecting the refining process. However, this is not a perfect
hedge because there are other outputs that can be produced e.g. jet fuel.

LO 45.10 Basis Risk

Ÿ Basis is the difference between the spot price (or rate) and the futures prices
(or rate)
Ÿ For commodities, as opposed to financial contracts, these specifications
introduce storage and transportation cost complexities for hedgers.

LO 45.11 Strip hedge and Stack hedge

Ÿ Strip hedge is created by buying futures contracts that match the maturity
and quantity for every month of the obligation

Ÿ Stack hedge is created by buying a futures contract with a single maturity

based on the present value of the future obligations

Ÿ Advantages of the stack hedge are the availability and liquidity of near-term
contracts and narrower bidask spreads for near-term contracts

180 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Exchanges, OTC derivatives, DPCs And SPVs

LO 46.1 Exchange Functions Watch video with important
testable concepts here

Ÿ Trading derivatives can be done bilaterally or through exchanges

Ÿ Exchange is a central market where contracts can be traded
Ÿ Three primary functions: product standardization, trading venue, and reporting services

LO 46.2 Forms of Clearing

Ÿ Clearing - Reconciling and matching contracts between counterparties, forms of clearing
include 1.Direct clearing 2.Clearing rings 3.Complete clearing
Ÿ Direct clearing is a mechanism for bilaterally reconciling commitments between two
Ÿ This type of direct clearing for OTC derivatives is typically called netting, or payment
of difference.
Ÿ Clearing ring - a mechanism to reduce counterparty exposure between three or
more exchange members. A clearing ring is voluntary for exchange members. Once
members join, however, they must accept the rules of the exchange and must
accept each other’s contracts and allow for counterparties to be substituted
Ÿ Not all exchange members would benefit from joining a clearing ring. Members that

have a single position with another counterparty would not benefit from the ring
Ÿ Complete clearing - clearing through a central counterparty (CCP). Assumes the
contractual obligations of clearing exchange members and acts as a buyer to sellers
and a seller to buyers
Ÿ Complete clearing - can be seen as an improvement to a clearing ring since it
reduces the risk of member failure and any resulting contagion effect
Ÿ Margining - Both upfront funds posted to mitigate against counterparty default (initial
margin), and daily transfer of funds to cover position gains and losses (variation margin)
Ÿ Netting - Consolidating multiple offsetting positions between counterparties into a single
Ÿ Clearing, margining, and netting are important counterparty risk mitigants

LO 46.3 Exchange traded Vs. OTC derivatives


Ÿ Benefits of OTC derivatives include customization , settlement, and documentation

Ÿ Beneficial since it reduces basis risk
Ÿ Disadvantages of OTC derivatives include counterparty risk, difficulty in unwinding
trades, and novation of contracts
Ÿ Clearing is more challenging for OTC derivatives compared to exchange-traded
Ÿ OTC derivatives trades could be cleared by CCPs

LO 46.4 Classes of OTC derivatives

Ÿ OTC derivatives comprise of five broad classes: Interest rate, foreign exchange, equity,
commodity, and credit derivative
Ÿ Interest rate derivative dominate the five classes
Ÿ Counterparty risk is particularly a concern foreign exchange derivative (including cross-currency
swap) which typically have long-dated maturities and require the exchange of notional principal
Ÿ Wrong - way risk (when the credit quality of the counterparty is inversely related to the level of
exposure to the counterparty)
Ÿ Measuring OTC derivatives exposure through gross notional value can be misleading
Ÿ As a result gross market value is often seen as more useful measure for OTC derivatives ,
including ratio of gross market value to gross notional value. The ratio is typically relatively small
ans was close to 3% (at June 2013) for interest rate, foreign exchange, and credit default swaps.181 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 46.5 Mitigating risk of OTC derivatives
It includes: special purpose vehicles (SPVs), derivatives product companies (DPCs), monolines,
and credit derivative product companies (CDPCs)

Ÿ DPCs - set up to originate derivatives

products sold to investors
Ÿ SPVs are set up by a parent firm to shield
the SPV from any financial distress Ÿ DPCs are separately capitalized and have
restrictions on their activities and margin
Ÿ It alters bankruptcy rules and transform
counterparty risk into legal risk Ÿ DPCs rating depends on:
(1) market risk minimization
(2) parent support
(3) credit risk and operational management

Ÿ Monolines provide financial guarantees, or “credit wraps” to investors


182 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Basic Principles Of Central Clearing

LO 47.1 Role of a Central Counterparty
Watch video with important
testable concepts here
Trade Execution Clearing Settlement

Ÿ Margining Ÿ Trade completed

Ÿ Payments made
Ÿ Netting Ÿ Legal obligations

Ÿ Loss mutualization is a form of insurance and refers to members contribution to a default fund
to cover future losses from member defaults
Ÿ Clearing refers to process (including margining and netting) between the period from trade
execution untill settlement
Ÿ Settlement of trade occurs when the trade completed and all payments have been made and
legal obligations satisfied
Ÿ When a central clearing member defaults, rather than closing out the trades at market value, the
CCP typically auctions off the trades to the surviving members through an auctioning process

Ÿ These criteria can be onerous, and as a result, only large banks or global financial institutions
typically become clearing members.
Ÿ Smaller entities including small banks and financial institutions and some non-financial end users
would likely not participate as direct clearing members, but would participate in the clearing
process through transacting with a member on a principal-to-principal basis, or on an agency
Ÿ These players would therefore have a bilateral relationship with clearing member but not the CCP.
Ÿ This clearing process may be similar to the clearing between the member and the CCP, with some
differences, including no default fund commitment by the non-member players.

Products : 1. Products with long history - interest rate swap

2. Products with short history - index credit default swap

3. Products that may soon centrally cleared - interest rate swaptions, CDS
4. Products that not suitable for central clearing - exotic derivatives

Type of CCPs
1. Utility Driven CCPs 2.Profit Driven CCPs

LO 47.2 Cental Clearing


Advantages Disadvantages

1. Moral hazard
1. Transparency 2. Adverse selection
2. Offsetting 3. Bifurcation
3. Loss mutualization 4. Procyclicality - essentially reflects downside of
4. Legal & operational efficiency margining. It reflects a scenario where a CCP
5. Liquidity increases margin requirements (initial) in volatile
6. Default management markets or during crisis, which may aggravate
systematic risk.
183 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 47.3 Margining
Ÿ CCPs set margin requirements based only on the risks of the members’ transactions

Ÿ For initial margin, credit quality of the member is typically not a consideration

Ÿ Members with different credit risk may be posting the same amount of initial margin

LO 47.4 Novation and Netting

Ÿ CCP is the insurer of counterparty risk

Ÿ CCP maintains a “matched book” of trades with no net market risk because all trades
are centralized

Ÿ It does have conditional credit risk from a member’s potential default

Ÿ Multilateral offsetting/ Netting - When trades are novated to a CCP, these redundant
trades become a single net obligation between each participant and the CCP

Ÿ Netting reduces total risk

Bilateral OTC Market

Novation to CCP CCP Netting

50 125 75
50 125
50 125 25 50

75 75


LO 47.5 Impact of Central Clearing

è Systemic risk in the financial markets is reduced, but can be increased at

the same time

è Risk is reduced because CCPs reduce counterparty risk by offsetting


positions - it provide transparency for the market and improve liquidity

è Members post higher initial margin during times of increased market

volatility could increase systemic risk

184 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Risk caused by CCPs

LO 48.1 Risks faced by central counterparties Watch video with important
testable concepts here

Default risk: Ÿ The default of a clearing member and its flow through effects is
the most significant risk for a CCP.
Ÿ In the event of a failed auction or an insufficient number of
bids, the CCP will be required to pass on the defaulting
member’s losses through rights of assessment, loss allocation
methods, or both
Ÿ The loss allocation methods may be considered unfair because
some of them, such as variation margin gains haircutting
(VMGH) and tear-ups, impose losses on “winning positions”
Ÿ With VMGH, members whose positions increased in value (i.e.,
they are owed variation margin) will likely not receive the full
amount for their gains (i.e., haircutting). Members who instead
owe money to the CCP will still be required to pay the full
margin amount to the CCP.
Ÿ Risk that exposure to a counterparty is negatively correlated
with the credit quality of the counterparty

Model risk: Ÿ Many models are linear in nature, which means that an initial

margin will be adjusted in proportion to the increase in the size
of the position.
Ÿ However, for large or concentrated positions, the margin may be
too low. The use of a supplement to the computation, such as a
margin multiplier, may assist in sufficient coverage of the risk
Liquidity risk: Ÿ The CCP attempts to earn the greatest return possible on the
funds it holds without incurring too much credit or liquidity risk,
thereby most commonly investing in short-term deposits, repos,
and reverse repos. Should there be a default by one or more
members, the CCP is still required to meet the obligations of the
other members.

Operational risk: Ÿ CCPs face operational risks that are common to all entities such
as business interruption due to information systems failures and
internal or external fraud.

LO 48.2 Risk to clearing members & non - members

ª Non-members face exposure from CCPs, clearing members, and other non-members

ª If CCP fails, a non-member may be able to avoid losses as its counterparty is solvent

ª Non-members losses due to defaults of CCPs and clearing members lies with the
initial margins and whether they are segregated, guaranteed, or both

ª Non-members face the risk of not being able to port their trades should the
counterparty member default

ª It is possible that clearing members are able to pass on losses to non-members

through VMGH or tear-up, which reduce the gains

ª Clearing members are unable to pass on losses resulting from default fund
utilization, rights of assessment, and forced allocation
185 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 48.3 Lessons from CCP failures

è Operational risk must be controlled to the maximum extent possible

è Variation margins should be recalculated often and collected quickly
è CCPs should have an information system that allows for automated payments
è Cross-margining linkage arrangements between CCPs
è Initial margins and default funds should be sufficiently large
è Actively monitor positions
è Must have one or more external sources of liquidity


186 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Foreign Exchange Risk

LO 49.1 Overall foreign exchange exposure Watch video with important
testable concepts here

Net currency exposure = (currency assets — currency liabilities) + (currency bought —

currency sold)

LO 49.2 Net position exposure

Net long (short) position - Bank faces the risk that the FX rate will fall (rise) in value versus the
domestic currency

LO 49.3 Potential dollar gain or loss

ª If a financial institution fails to maintain a balanced position, the institution will

exposed to variations in the FX rate

ª More volatile the FX rate, the more potential impact a net exposure (either long or
short) will have on the value of a portfolio

LO 49.4

Foreign trading activities

Financial institution’s key trading activities

Ÿ Enabling customers to participate in international commercial business transactions
Enabling customers to take positions in real and financial foreign investments
Ÿ Offsetting exposure to gain currency for hedging purposes
Ÿ Speculating on future FX rate movements

LO 49.5 Sources of profits and losses on foreign exchange trading

Ÿ Most returns on FX trading arises from speculation in currency


Ÿ Revenues are earned from market - making activities, acting as agents for
retail or wholesale customers, or a combination of both.

LO 49.6 Potential gain or loss from a foreign currency dominated investments

FC - Gain

Ÿ Net foreign currency (FC) asset

FC - Loss

FC - Loss

Ÿ Net foreign currency liability

FC - Gain

187 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 49.7 Principle methods of controlling the impact of FX exposure

On-balance-sheet hedging is achieved Off-balance-sheet hedging occurs

when a financial institution has a matched through the purchase of forwards for
maturity and foreign currency balance institutions that choose to remain
sheet unhedged on the balance sheet

Balance Sheet Hedging

On-Balance-Sheet Hedging Off-Balance-Sheet Hedging

On-balance-sheet hedging is hedge Off-balance-sheet by

achieved when and currency taking position in the forward
foreign asset-liability book market

LO 49.8 Interest rate parity

International parity conditions

International Fischer relationship (precise)
1 + Nominal interest rate = (1 + Real interest rate) × (1 + Expected inflation)

Determining forward rate

USA India
2% ₹50 10%
$1mln ₹50mln

$1mln 10%
+ 2% int.

₹55mln 55 ₹55mln
$1.02mln 53.92
53.92 1.02

(1 + Int. rate)n
Forward rate = S ×

(1 + Int. rate)n

(1 + 10%)1
Forward rate = 50 ×
(1 + 2%)1
= 53.92

188 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Interest rate parity

Int. rate (India) = 20%

Int. rate (USA) = 10%

(1 + Int. rate)n
F = S ×
(1 + Int. rate)n
= ₹54.54
spot rate = 50 ×
= ₹54.54

Real int.
Inflation rate
rate = 4%
(1 + 20%)
India = = 15.38%
(1 + 4%)
(1 + 10%)
USA = = 5.76%
(1 + 4%)

Covered interest
Forced by arbitrage. It is always true
rate parity

Uncovered interest
Not forced by arbitrage. It may not be true

rate parity

Eg. Spot rate: $1.2/€ 1-year forward rate: $1.3/€

USD interest rate: 9% Euro interest rate: 7% Determine if an arbitrage opportunity exists
Forward rate 1 + USD int. rate
Spot rate 1 + Euro int. rate

Forward rate
× 1 + Euro int. rate Vs 1 + USD int. rate
Spot rate

× 1 + 7% Vs 1 + 9%

1.1591 Vs 1.09

Invest Borrow

LO 49.9 Diversification in multicurrency asset-liability positions

& 49.10
Since interest rates and stock returns do not usually move in perfect
correlation, opportunities for potential gains can offset currency risk

Ÿ Real interest rate - Given currency’s real demand and supply for its funds

Ÿ Nominal interest rate - Compounded sum of the real interest rate and the expected
rate of inflation over an estimation horizon

189 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Corporate Bonds
LO 50.1 Bond Indenture Watch video with important
testable concepts here

Ÿ A bond indenture sets obligations of the issuer

Ÿ Trustee interprets the legal language of the indenture and works

to make sure the issuer fulfills obligations to bondholders
Ÿ The trustee would monitor the corporation’s activities to make
sure the issuer abides by the indentures covenants
Ÿ Basic goal of trustee is to protect the rights of bondholder

LO 50.2 Maturity Date

ª Bond issuer’s obligations are fulfilled on the maturity date or before

ª Bonds can be retired before that date

LO 50.3 Interest Payment Classifications

Straight-coupon bonds Zero-coupon bonds Floating-rate bonds

Pay a fixed cash coupon


Increase in value over
the life of the issue
Pay a cash amount that
varies with market rates
Ÿ Some bonds have principal in one currency and coupons in another currency

LO 50.4 Zero Coupon Bonds

Ÿ Zero-coupon bonds have low reinvestment risk


Ÿ Interest is based on the time-to maturity at issuance and the original-issue

discount - difference between the face value and the offering price

Ÿ In case of bankruptcy, bondholder has a claim only equal to the issue price
plus accrued interest to that date - not the full face value

LO 50.5 Bond Types


è Holder of a mortgage bond has the first lien on real property owned by the issuer

è Collateral trust bonds are backed by stocks and bonds

è Collateral is also called personal property

è Equipment trust certificates - mortgage bond where the trustee actually owns the
property, and property is often in the form of standardized equipment i.e. easily sold

è Debentures are unsecured debt and Owners have a claim on the company’s assets

190 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
LO 50.6 Methods For Retiring Bonds
Ÿ Call provisions allow the firm to retire debt early at a given price
Ÿ Sinking-fund provisions require the firm to buy back portions of debt
Ÿ Call provisions are generally considered detrimental to bondholders, but sinking-
fund provisions may be beneficial
Ÿ A maintenance and replacement fund helps maintain the financial health of the firm
Ÿ Cash in the fund can be used to retire debt
Ÿ Bond issuers can retire debt through a tender offer
Ÿ Offer price may either be a fixed price or variable price with a market rate such as
that on comparable treasury securities

LO 50.7 Credit Risk

Credit default risk Credit spread risk

Ÿ The difference between corporate

Indicator - credit rating bond’s yield & yield on a comparable -
maturity benchmark treasury security
Ÿ It should be noted that other factors
such as embedded options and
liquidity factors can affect this
spread; therefore, it is not only a

function of credit risk.

LO 50.8 Event Risk

Event risk - Possibility of a merger, restructuring, acquisition, can increase the risk
of the bond by changing the ability of the firm to pay off the bonds

Indenture can try to address some of these events, but some can be omitted

LO 50.9 High - Yield Bonds


High-yield bonds may be fallen angels (i.e., one-time investment grade bonds)

High-yield bonds may have coupon structures which allows to conserve cash in early years
(1) deferred-interest bonds
(2) step-up bonds
(3) payment-in-kind bonds

LO 50.10 Default Rate


Ÿ Issuer default rate - Proportion based on the number of issues that default as a
proportion of all issues

Ÿ Dollar default rate estimates the dollar amount of defaulted bonds compared to the
dollar amount of the corresponding population of bonds outstanding

LO 50.11 Recovery Rate

ª In event of default, the recovery rate refers to the amount a bondholder receives as a
proportion of the amount owed

ª Bonds with higher seniority usually have higher recovery rates 191 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Mortgages And Mortgage - Backed Securities

LO 51.1 Types Of Residential Mortgage Products Watch video with important
testable concepts here

Ÿ Key attributes of mortgages are lien status, original loan term, credit classification,
interest rate type, prepayments/prepayment penalties, and credit guarantees

Ÿ Agency MBSs are guaranteed by government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs)

Ÿ Most of the MBSs are issued by GSEs

Ÿ GSEs have restrictions on which mortgages, which opened up the private label market
for those participants willing to take on the risks inherent in non conventional
loans—jumbo loans or loans with high loan to-value ratios

Interest Rate Type

Ÿ Fixed-rate mortgages have a set rate of interest for the term of the mortgage. Payments are
constant for the term and consist of blended amounts of interest and principal
Ÿ Adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) have rate changes throughout the term of the mortgage.
The rate is usually based on a base rate (e.g., prime rate, LIBOR) plus a spread.

Ÿ The risk of default is high, especially if there are large rate increases after the first year,
thereby significantly increasing the total payment amount (due to the increase in interest)

Prepayments and Prepayment Penalties

To counteract the negative effects of prepayments, many loans contain prepayment penalties
Ÿ Soft penalties are those that may be waived on the sale of the home; hard penalties may not
be waived
LO 51.2 Fixed Rate Mortgage Payments

ª Mortgage - Loan that is collateralized with a specific piece of real property, either
residential or commercial

ª A level-payment, fixed-rate conventional mortgage has a fixed term, interest rate,

and fixed monthly payment

ª Though the term, rate, and payment are fixed, the cash flows are not known with
certainty because borrower has the right to repay all or any part of the mortgage
balance at any time

LO 51.3 Prepayment
Forms of Mortgage prepayments
(1) Increasing the frequency or amount of payments
(2) Repaying/refinancing the entire outstanding balance

Other factors that influence prepayments include seasonality, age of

mortgage pool, personal, housing prices, and refinancing burnout

192 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.
Seasonality: Ÿ The summertime is a popular time for individuals to move (and mortgages
must be paid out prior to the sale of a home)
Age of mortgage
pool: Ÿ Lower the age of the mortgage pool, the less likely the risk of prepayment

Housing prices: Ÿ Property value increases may spur an increase in prepayments caused by
borrowers wanting to take out some of the increased equity for personal
use. Property value decreases reduce the value of collateral, reduce the
ability to refinance, and, therefore, decrease the risk of prepayment

Refinancing burnout Ÿ To the extent that there has been a significant amount of prepayment or
refinancing activity in the mortgage pool in the past, the risk of
prepayment in the future decreases
Ÿ That is because presumably the only borrowers remaining in the pool are
those who were unable to refinance earlier (e.g., due to poor credit
history or insufficient property value), and those who did refinance have
been removed from the pool already

LO 51.4 Securitization Of MBS

ª Special purpose vehicle (SPV) sell the loans to a separate entity, in exchange for cash

ª An issuer purchases those mortgage assets in the SPV and issue mortgage-backed
securities to investors; the securities are backed by the mortgage loans as collateral

ª Fixed-rate pass-through securities trade in following ways:

Ÿ Specified pools market.
Ÿ To Be Announced (TBA) market

Ÿ The specified pools market identifies the number and balances of the pools prior to a trade. As
a result, the characteristics of a given pool will influence the price of a trade.
Ÿ For example, high loan-balance pools, which make better use of prepayment options, trade for
relatively lower prices.
Ÿ The TBA market, which is more liquid than specified pools, involves identifying the security and
establishing the price in a forward market. However, there is a pool allocation process whereby

the actual pools are not revealed to the seller until immediately before settlement.
Ÿ The characteristics of the pools that can be used for TBA trades are regulated to ensure
reasonable consistency.

LO 51.5 WAM, WAC, And CPR

Value of an MBS is a function of - Ÿ Weighted average maturity (WAM)
Ÿ Weighted average coupon (WAC)

Ÿ Speed of prepayments

We can convert the CPR into a monthly prepayment rate called the single monthly
mortality rate (SMM) (also referred to as constant maturity mortality) using the following
SMM = 1 - (1 - CPR)

If given the SMM rate, you can annualize the rate to solve for the CPR using the following
CPR = 1 - (1 - SMM )12

193 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

Ÿ An SMM of 10% implies that 10% of a pool’s beginning-of-month outstanding balance,

less scheduled payments, will be prepaid during the month.

Ÿ It is important for you recognize that the nonlinear relationship between CPR and
SMM implies that the SMM for 150% PSA does not equal 1.5 times the SMM for 100%

LO 51.6 Dollar Roll Transactions

Ÿ When an MBS market maker is bu ying positions for one settlement month and selling
those positions for another
Ÿ We can think of dollar roll transaction similar (vaguely) to repo transaction

Factors Causing a Dollar Roll to Trade Special:

When the price difference/drop is large enough to result in financing at less than the implied
cost of funds, then the dollar roll is trading special. It could be caused by:

Ÿ A decrease in the back month price (due to an increased number of sale/settlement

transactions on the back month date by originators)
Ÿ An increase in the front month price (due to an increased demand in the front month for
deal collateral)
Ÿ Shortages of certain securities in the market that require the dealer to suddenly purchase

the security for delivery in the front month, thereby increasing the front month price.
The earlier settlement is referenced as the “front month” and later considered “back

Think of “front month” as month as month in which asset is fronted (given) & back month
is when it is bought back.

Collateralized Mortgage Obligations

Ÿ The ability to partition and distribute the cash flows generated by a mortgage pool into
different risk packages has led to the creation of collateralized mortgage obligations
Ÿ Each CM O tranche represents a different mixture of contraction and extension risk

Planned Amortization Class Tranches

Ÿ The most common type of CM O today is the planned amortization class (PAC). A PAC
is a tranche that is amortized based on a sinking fund schedule that is established
within a range of prepayment speeds called the initial PAC collar or initial PAC bond
Ÿ It should be pointed out that the extent of prepayment risk protection provided by a
support tranche increases as its par value increases relative to its associated PAC

194 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.


Principal-only strips (PO strips) Interest-only strips (PO strips)

Ÿ Receive only the principal Ÿ Receive only the interest

payment portion of each component of each payment
mortgage payment Ÿ IO investors want prepayments
Ÿ PO strips are sold at a to be slow.
considerable discount to par Ÿ IO is that its price has a
Ÿ Higher prepayment rates result tendency to move in the same
in a faster-than-expected return direction as market rates
of principal and, thus, a higher
Ÿ Since prepayment rates increase
as mortgage rates decline, PO
prices increase when interest
rates fall

Investment Characteristics of IOs and Pos

Price $ ee
Pass-through security
Interest-only strip

Principal-only strip

Mortgage Rates (%)

LO 51.7 Prepayment Modeling


Ÿ Borrowers may prepay a mortgage due to the sale of the property or a desire to refinance
at lower prevailing rates

Ÿ Prepayments may occur when the borrower has defaulted on the mortgage or when the
borrower has cash available to make partial prepayments (curtailment)

Ÿ Given a substantial increase in property value, a borrower may take out a new mortgage
with a higher balance that not only pays off the existing mortgage but also has extra cash
for other purposes. Extracting home equity is also known as cash-out refinancing.

195 © 2019 FinTree Education Pvt. Ltd.

LO 51.8 Dynamic Valuation

Monte Carlo methodology is a simulation approach for valuing MBSs

Binomial model is not appropriate for valuing MBSs because - embedded prepayment options
and historical evolution of interest rates impacts prepayments

The following steps are required to value a mortgage security using the Monte Carlo
ª Step 1: Simulate the interest rate path and refinancing path.
ª Step 2 : Project cash flows for each interest rate path.
ª Step 3 : Calculate the present value of cash flows for each interest rate path.
ª Step 4: Calculate the theoretical value of the mortgage security.
ª Step 1: Simulate the interest rate path and refinancing path

Ÿ The dispersion of future interest rates in the simulation is determined by the volatility
Ÿ Short yield volatility is typically assumed to be greater than long yield volatility

LO 51.9 Option - Adjusted Spread

Option-adjusted spread (OAS) - Zero-volatility spread (Z - spread) -

When added to all the spot rates of all the
interest rate paths, will make the average
present value of the paths equal to the actual
observed market price plus accrued interest
spread that an investor realizes over the entire
Treasury spot rate curve, assuming the
mortgage security is held to maturity

Limitations of OAS: (1) Modeling risk associated with Monte Carlo simulations
(2) Required adjustments to interest rate paths
(3) Model assumption of a constant OAS over time
(4) Dependency on the underlying prepayment model
Ÿ OAS is determined with an iterative process. If the average theoretical value determined by the
model is higher (lower) than the MBS market value, the spread is increased (decreased)

Ÿ Option cost = zero-volatility spread — OAS

Ÿ As volatility declines, the option cost decreases, and the previously described relationship suggests
that OAS increases as volatility declines, all other things equal.

FRM® Part I JuiceNotes 2019
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