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Volume 2, Issue 1-2021, Pg. No. __-__

Literature Review




Mental health contains our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It influences
how we think, feel, and act (world health organization). It also helps ascertain how we manage
stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from
childhood and adolescence through adulthood, mental health is very important in every
individual and it is one of the most issued during this time of pandemic. This literature review
aims to identify the quarantine and lockdown during Covid-19 impact on mental health. The fear
of anxiety really rises when the pandemic started and it became worse during quarantine and
lockdown. Numerous preceding investigations have recommended that mental health issues have
shown a rapid increase in student's during the covid-19 epidemic lockdown. A Qualitative
approach was used to follow the purpose of the research in order to see the general picture in the
psychological states of people during the pandemic. This literature review used a survey method
to identify the impact of covid-19 on mental health.

Keywords: 5-7 keywords of your literature review


Since the virus spread all over the world and became a pandemic many things have been
changed and been affected, including our ability to try the items we were used accustomed to
before this pandemic came. Due to this, health protocols have been implemented strictly to
minimize the spread of the virus, and one amongst the protocols is that the community
quarantine which stopped us to go out in our houses.

As more and more people are forced to stay at home in self-isolation to prevent the further flow
of the virus to its critical level, mental health problems have been affected." The psychological
state of an individual that contributes toward the community health varies from person to person
and depends on his background and professional and social standing." ( Tiago, 2020 ). Professor
Tiago Correia highlighted in his editorial as the health system worldwide is assembling
exclusively to fight the COVID-19 outbreak, which can drastically affect the management of
other diseases including mental health problems, which usually exacerbate during the pandemic.

Quarantine and self-isolation can most likely harm one's mental health. A review published
within The Lancet said that the separation from loved ones, loss of freedom, boredom, and
uncertainly can cause a deterioration in an individual's mental health status. The pandemic has
enforced some people to work and expose themselves to the virus, while others have been
benefited from working from home. At the start of the pandemic, some people enjoyed more
relaxed lockdown measures, while others felt safer through strict self-isolation. Still, overall, the
mental effects of lockdown did not disappoint to appear. People reported feeling far more
agitated, beyond stressed, more restless, and more sleepless.

The main objective of this literature review is to understand the impact of quarantine and
lockdown imposed for the reason of the disastrous novel coronavirus known as (Covid-19) in the
mental health of the adults and students of Grade 12 STEM Strand. Particularly, it seeks to
assess the awareness regarding the psychological problem arising amid of pandemic and to
identify the efficient ways of helping the people in the new normal.

This literature review conceptualized the covid19-outbreak has had adverse psychological
effects in children with special needs, the psychological state and problem on their caregivers
during this pandemic has yet to be reported. The mental health and the difference in perceived
strain during the covid19 outbreak. The covid19 pandemic, also mentions as the coronavirus
pandemic is an ongoing pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019(covid 19) caused by severe acute
respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2(SARS-COV-2). The prevalence of depression, anxiety, and
stress symptoms were found observed during the outbreak next to a perception of it being a poor
medium rehabilitation were at greater risk. Poor psychological state whereas a negative
perception of homecare therapy was strongly associated with higher psychological symptoms.

According to Mowbray, H.(2020) first, people's emotional responses are likely to include
extreme fear and uncertainty, and negative social behaviors will often be driven by fear and
distorted perceptions of risk. Second, special determinations should be directed to vulnerable
populations including (1) Infected and sick patients, their families and colleagues, (2)
Individuals and their relationships with the community,(3) individuals with preexisting medical
conditions (4) healthcare providers, especially nurses and doctors who work directly with sick or
quarantined people.

According to Purgato et all.,(2018). Community psychological interventions and support

might have some effects in reducing PTSD symptoms, depressive and anxiety symptoms in
adults during these stressful events, more evidence-based research is needed, particularly on the
impact of these interventions in children and adolescents in excess of longer periods of follow-
up. This study recognized a high prevalence of depression and significant change displayed
during the covid-19 outbreak.


Research Design

This literature being review has found out that most of the articles utilized qualitative
research design, to see the general picture in the psychological states of people during this
pandemic. The qualitative study emphasizes collecting and analyzing non-numerical data to
understand concepts, opinions, or experiences, which is suitable for all literature being reviewed.

Research Participant/Research Locale

The respondents of the works of literature were based on the elderly and the students of
grade 12 STEM strand were selected, who experienced having psychological effects during this
pandemic, the literature being reviewed was conducted internationally and locally due to the lack
of study conducted on a specific area or country. The study focuses on the psychological effect
of the elderly and students during the quarantine and lockdown in the COVID-19 outbreak, the
study will not cover other problems that are not applicable in a psychological matter.

Data Collection

In-depth research was used to gather detailed information on the thoughts, feelings, and
assumptions that people have had during this time of the pandemic. This literature review
gathers all the detailed information that has the same case of this study to elaborate more on
relevant topics and further explore them in-depth. The research approach that was followed for
the research was the qualitative approach. According to this approach, the involves collecting
and analyzing non-numerical data such as articles and documents to understand concepts,
opinions, data sources, or experience. In data gathering, all of the 20 studies used the survey

Statistical Treatment

The statistical treatment that was commonly adopted by the articles being reviewed was
descriptive statistics to analyze the nature of the data collected. It describes that the data
collected says how Quarantine and lockdown during Covid-19 had an impact on Mental health.

The purpose of this research is to gain more information and to know the impact of this
epidemic on mental health.


The main objective of this literature review is to understand the impact of quarantine and
lockdown imposed for the reason of the disastrous novel coronavirus known as Covid-19 on the
mental health of the elderly and students of Grade 12 STEM Strand. Particularly, it seeks to
assist the awareness regarding the psychological problem arising amid of pandemic and to
identify the efficient ways of helping the people in the new normal.

Impact of quarantine and lockdown in psychological of the students

As a result, the current situation of covid-19 has affected mental health, especially in some
aspects. According to Muhammad Aqeel(2020), several previous investigations have suggested
that mental health issues have shown a rapid increase in student's during the covid-19 epidemic
lockdown. Besides, a few studies have proposed that psychological problems, including anxiety,
depression, mood swings have shown increased mental health issues in students because of the
exposes to the Covid-19 epidemic. The finding demonstrated that the chances of experiencing
anxiety symptoms were more in comparison to depression disorder symptoms. People who were
staying alone experienced the highest anxiety levels compared to those staying with family and
friends. As it is, those staying by themself are usually away from their loved ones and the sudden
threat to their safety and security during this pandemic could have made these people feel
lonelier and posed challenges from multiple angles.

Impact of quarantine and lockdown in psychological in the elderly

On other hand, Adults who are 65 years and older and those with existing health risk
factors are at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19, with that
being said the new pandemic for which people had no experience in dealing has brought fear on
the population, particularly for older people because they are considered at higher risk for the
disease. According to (Avasthi and Grover, 2018), this has led them to be housebound, venturing
out only when extremely necessary. It is not easy to deal with prolonged confinement, and
amidst mandated isolation, seniors may experience depressive symptoms, loneliness, pessimism,
deterioration in cognition, and disruption in sleeping patterns. These are consistent with the
psychological reactions of anxiety, stress, agitation, and loneliness in a pandemic outbreak. A
survey showed that 31.1% of the elderly amidst the Covid-19 pandemic in china showed
significant depression and anxiety (Qiu et al., 2020). The disruption of essential day-to-day
activities for older individuals can pose a negative impact on the elderly's cognitive weakening,
leading to poorer mental health, low quality of life (Santini et al., 2020)

As covid-19 imposing threat both on physical and mental health since the outbreak, most
of the respondents had stress, anxiety, depression and in from mild to extremely severe,
Additionally, fear of infection, financial uncertainty, insufficient food supply, and limited or no
recreational activity had significant association with stress, anxiety, depression, and post-
traumatic symptoms. To prevent the rapid spread of covid-19 infection people are bound to be
home quarantined for the protection of the community, self-quarantined can also cause
additional stress and challenge the mental health of citizens, participant gender was
100%consistent and, relationship status was also highly consistent.



The literature review concludes that coronavirus disease continues to spread across the
world, the occurrence of psychological symptoms that the Covid 19 pandemic seems to

negatively affect the mental health with the prevalence and levels of anxiety and stress being
increased, and depression symptoms remaining unaltered, the indirect relationships between
social support and mental health, due to the Covid 19 pandemic children report experiencing
post-traumatic stress disorder, a sense of fear and anxiety around the globe. Mental health
implications for children adolescents pre-existing mental health condition, being underprivileged
or being quarantined due to Covid 19 infect others and the fear to be infected

The finding shows that the life of the elder get harder than before since the pandemic
started, their normal lives of walking, exercising, and meeting with their friend got stopped, and
the more they stayed inside, the more they feel ill not because of physical sickness but mentally,
in conclusion, the older people and the students who have a hard time dealing with this
pandemic are the ones who are the most effective in psychological states.


Based on the findings and conclusions presented above, the following recommendation is
suggested. The authors recommend that there should have more study on how the pandemic
affect the students here in our country the Philippines. Based on the researcher’s when finding a
journal for this literature review, there is still a lack of research in the field of psychological
matter during the Covid 19 outbreak. Thus there are still some complications about treating
mental health that we are facing still, It should have given further attentiveness. Based on the
author's observations in their surroundings, facilities of hospitals and doctors for people who
have mental problems are still underprovided in secluded places. For the parents who have
children studying till now, they should be kept informed in the life of their children especially
now that the new normal of school learning is considerably harder than the face to face learning.


The authors express their heartfelt gratitude to those who are in one way help in
completing this literature review. The success of this literature review required the help of
various individuals without them this literature would not have met the objectives of the study.

First, to our Almighty God, for the gift of wisdom and knowledge and for giving us the courage
for the accomplishment of this study.

And lastly, to our members who work hard to complete this literature with these people this
study will not be completed, thank you and God bless us all.


Aqeel, M., Shuja, K. H., Abbas, J., Rehna, T., &Ziapour, A. (2020). The Influence of Illness
Perception, Anxiety and Depression Disorders on Students Mental Health during COVID-19
Outbreak in Pakistan: A Web-Based Cross-Sectional Survey.

Buenaventura, R. D., Ho, J. B., &Lapid, M. I. (2020). COVID-19 and mental health of older
adults in the Philippines: a perspective from a developing country. International
psychogeriatrics, 32(10), 1129-1133.

Chen, N., Zhou, M., Dong, X., Qu, J., Gong, F., Han, Y., Qiu, Y., Wang, J., Liu, Y., Wei, Y.,
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395, 507–513.

Fiorillo, A., Sampogna, G., Giallonardo, V., Del Vecchio, V., Luciano, M., Albert, U., . . .
Volpe, U. (2020). Effects of the lockdown on the mental health of the general population during
the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy: Results from the COMET collaborative network. European
Psychiatry, 63(1), E87. doi:10.1192/j.eurpsy.2020.89

Kazmi, S. S. H., Hasan, K., Talib, S., &Saxena, S. (2020). COVID-19 and lockdown: a study on
the impact on mental health. Available at SSRN 3577515.

Khattar, A., Jain, P. R., &Quadri, S. M. K. (2020, May). Effects of the disastrous pandemic
COVID 19 on learning styles, activities and mental health of young Indian students-a machine
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Mucci, F., Mucci, N., &Diolaiuti, F. (2020). Lockdown and isolation: psychological aspects of
COVID-19 pandemic in the general population. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 17(2), 63-64.

O'Connor, R., Wetherall, K., Cleare, S., McClelland, H., Melson, A., Niedzwiedz, C., . . . Robb,
K. (2020). Mental health and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: Longitudinal analyses
of adults in the UK COVID-19 Mental Health & Wellbeing study. The British Journal of
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Peisah, C., Byrnes, A., Doron, I. I., Dark, M., & Quinn, G. (2020). Advocacy for the human
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professionals. International Psychogeriatrics, 32(10), 1199-1204.

Sood, S. (2020). Psychological effects of the Coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic. Research &
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 Figure 1: Research Paradigm.

Input Process Output

Planning Action Result

 Demographic  Data  Measurement

profile of the gathering  To explore the impact of
respondents.  Online Quarantine and lockdown
survey during Covid-19 outbreak on
 Online mental health
interview  To determine the different
mental health problems
encountered by the

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