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Asu- a medical man

Karst-limestone landscape, characterized by cave

Anchovy-small silvery fish
Laconic- using few words
Bouffant- describes a woman's hairstyle in which hair is
backcombed or teased Lethargy-tiredness

Bequeath-leave somebody something in will Melancholy-feeling or causing sadness

Clepsydra- describes a woman's hairstyle in which hair is Nomad-somebody who wanders from place to place
backcombed or teased
Nonchalant-calm and unconcerned about things
Cryonics-the study or practice of freezing a newly dead
body in the hope of restoring it to life later Obelisk- stone pillar

Cryoprotectant- a substance use to protect the tissue from Oncologist- who study cancer
Penchant- a strong liking
Cacophony-unpleasant noise
Pendulum- rod controlling clock
Dabble- to have a casual or superficial interest in
something Panorama- picture with wide view
Quiver- to shake rapidly with small movements
Daub- to put or spread a semiliquid substance
Ratty- messy
Dangled-hang loosely
Sybarite-somebody seeking sensual gratification
Drastically- to a very great and unusually very worrying
degree Slouch- to walk or sit in lazy way

Etching- creation of cut design Stalactite-conical pillar hanging in cave

Einsteinium-synthetic radioactive element Scythe- tool for mowing and reaping

Evocative- stimulating memories of the past Trudged- to walk with slow heavy weary steps

Frets- ornament or border with geometric pattern Tulle-a thin netted or rayon fabric

Gouge- to cut or scoop a hole or groove in something Tousle- to make hair tangled or ruffled

Gnats- small two-winged biting flies Vitrification- the process of converting materials to glass

Gurney- a wheeled stretcher for transporting patients Verge- to descend toward the horizon

Hooligan- young vandal or criminal Whiz- to hum, to move quickly, to throw something

Hinges- moveable joint of metal or plastic Wreckage- remains after destruction

Iridescent- having rainbow colors that appear to move and Wattle- stakes interwoven with branches
Yowl-to cry out mournfully or as an expression of pain
Insatiable-always wanting more and impossible to satisfy

Incandescent- emitting light as a consequence of being


Jolted- to shake or jerk violently

Jowl- the skin that covers your lower jaw

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