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2 Video 1: Advertising Market

Cuizon, Rosefel Ann T. BSHM-O701

Answer the following questions:

1. Why is advertising to children more of an issue than advertising to adults?

In the evolution of the business industry, an advertising company has a pervasive issue when it
comes to persuaded children due to their content in propaganda. Advertising producers came up with
their strategy marketing to manipulate children, because kids kept on that parents to buy the product,
also called nag in their parents. So, it includes the whole family for them to earn profit and revenue.
In a contradiction of the parent’s part, advertisement is a pervasive influence on children. They are
worried, not for the product itself that is featured in the advertisement but because of the content,
and how the kids respond and develop their ideas from what they saw.

Some content of propaganda that utilized children is not good for their health and psychological
minds. It is more issue, for the reason that children in their stage are more sensitive, tilt their curiosity,
and in stationary of developing their ideas and perspectives. It affects children’s when curiosity is
invaded by their wants and made them obsessed and brought the chaotic problem to the parents and
the family, when once they influenced by the product after they saw from the commercials on

The extensive challenges faced by children from watching advertisements even anywhere on
devices or on social media are unhealthy foods and drinks, even the play toys that may contain harmful
chemicals. And it is difficult for parents to take away what children saw when they want to have it. So
in return parents blame the advertisement company. However, when it comes to adults, propaganda
is more lessen issue than children in a fact that adults weigh things when it comes to decisions and is
not easily influenced by advertisements.

Hence, it should be more careful and be on proper etiquette by producing advertisement

especially when it comes to psychological health involve of the children. I conclude, that parents
should take the responsibility letting kids watching television and educate them by distinguishing
wants and need in consuming.
2 Video 1: Advertising Market

2. Is encouraging children to nag their parents an appropriate way of reaching an adult target
market? How is it different to the Tremor Program?

In some other parts, it is advisable to discourage this kind of strategic marketing in earning
profit in business management, because for me it’s not appropriate, to use kids to nag their
parents in a way of reaching an adult target market. It affects the children’s attitude once they
manipulate the advertisement, it is when they saw a product from propaganda on television and
they want it to have instantly. Perhaps, it can cause a chaotic problem to the family by disciplining
kids in their developing stage of consuming products.

On the contrary, in the side of the business world, it is essential for the company of having
this kind of marketing strategy, it helps enlarge their profit. Like for example, I’m a
businesswoman, by targeting the children is like I’m targeting the whole family, this is because
aside from parents can able to purchase the product you can count here as well their unties and
uncle, even the godparents. But the negative side here is when children become obsessed to
consume by their wants and needs by the product they want to purchase by asking their parents.

Tremor program is a sort of seeking a project to develop business it’s like a networking
business, that recruits numbers of an individual especially to the youth generation, dealing a
specific product, in return of points and quota, or other benefits. It is a corporation that
collaborates other company that works in vice versa.

The difference between this program from ‘’children's target market’’ is that children are easy
to manipulate and influence by the advertisement, while this tremor program is practicing youth
to advertising the product, it is a techniques targeted the young adult to develop their business.
Additionally, the difference here is a young adult is aware of the world of advertisement, and
children are still depending on what they saw when decided things.



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