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1.) Essential Facts about One Person Corporation (OPC) in the Philippines. Give example.

 It is now possible to register a company in the Philippines, not needing, the other four
shareholders or a board of directors.
 Foreign investors can also set up OPCs in the Philippines. But they are still subject to the
Philippines Foreign Investment Negative List, and the industry they choose must allow
full foreign ownership.
 OPC is limited to the extent of the shareholder's assets, unlike in sole proprietorship
where there is no difference between the owner and the corporation and the owner is
financially responsible for all debts and losses.
 The corporate name of an OPC must indicate the suffix ‘OPC’ either below or at the end
of its name.
 It is beneficial for micro, small, and medium-sized businesses.
 Natural persons who are licensed to exercise a profession are not allowed to operate as
an OPC.
 OPCs are not allowed for banks, financial institutions, and other financial entities.
 There is no minimum capital requirement for setting up a One Person Corporation. But
they are still subject to the minimum capital requirement and the Foreign Investment
Negative List

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