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Módulo 7-10

Los verbos modales

Formulará oraciones con verbos modales en sus tres formas afirmativa, negativa
e interrogativa.

Característica Verbo modal Ejemplo

Potencialidad Can The mice can/could/ are able to run
Could into the hole
can`t/couldn`t aren’t able to
Be(am, is, are) able to
Was/were able to Can/ could/ the mice run ………?
Are/were the mice able to run ………?
Will be able to
Is/are going to be able to

Autorización may I may watch T.V. for an hour

I may not watch T.V for an hour.
May you watch ……..?

Deber o must You must stop at the red light

necesidad mustn’t stop
have to Must you stop…..?

had to You have to stop at the red light

don’t have to stop
have /has got to Do you have to stop………..?

am/is/are going to have to You have got to stop at the red light.
haven’t got to stop
will have to Have you got to stop………?

Conveniencia Should She should stay in bed and rest

shouldn’t stay
ought to Should she stay………….?

had better She ought to stay in bed and rest

ought not to stay
Ought she to stay………...?
She had better stay in bed and rest
had better not stay
Had she better stay………..?

Costumbre o would John would eat lunch at noon every

habito en el day
pasado wouldn’t eat
used to Would he eat………...?

John used to eat lunch at noon every

didn’t use to eat
Did he use to eat………..?

Preferencia would rather The baby would rather have milk

would rather not
Would the baby rather ……...?

2.-Oraciones interrogativas con Question Words:

 Si se trata de un complemento o circunstancia.

Pronombre Interrogativo +can/could/may/ must/ should/ would+ sujeto +infinitivo

verbal + complemento?


What should they buy? A new car

What could you see with the binoculars? Two ships

Pronombre Interrogativo +had/would/has/do/will/did/was/ought+sujeto+

better/rather/got to/have to/use to/able to /to+ infinitivo verbal +complemento?

When was he able to win the contest? Last spring

Where would Ann and you rather sing? At the Metropolitan Opera

How ought they to open the boxes? Carefully

Whom has the doctor got to operate on? Mrs Simpson

 Si se trata del sujeto

Who/ what +can + infinitivo verbal + complemento ?

ought to
had better
used to
would rather
has got to
is able to
has to


Who can play the piano? My sister can play the piano

Who may go to the party? John

What could arrive in today’s mail? An invitation to Ann’s


Who might finish the dress quickly? Mary

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