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CBSE Affiliation No:1030260
Near Saraswati Colony
Dist: Barwani, Madhya Pradesh (INDIA)


Roll No: -10090
This is to certify that the project titled
Submitted by
was carried out under
the guidance and supervision of
During the academic year

physics Teacher Sign Principal Sign

It would be my utmost pleasure to express by sincere thanks to my Physics Teacher
Mr. SHOMESH SHARMA is providing a helping hand in this project.

His valuable guidance, support and supervision all through this project are
responsible for attaining its present form. His valuable advice and suggestions for
the corrections, modifications and improvements did enhance the perfection in
performing my job well.

I am obliged to Mr. S K Singh our principal for providing the best of facilities and
the environment to bring out our innovations and spirit of inquiry through this

I express my deep senses of gratitude to the School Management for providing well
equipped Laboratories and constant inspirational support during my education in
this institution.

I would also like to thank my parents as they encourage to put forward my project
and whose blessings and wishes have gone away long in the completion of this
task. Last but not least, I would like thank all My Friends and Batch mates, without
their prompt support my efforts would have been in vain.

-Sakshi Rathore

The sun appears about two minutes before the actual sunrice
and this phenomenon is known as advance sunrice the sun
remains visible about two minutes after the actual sunset and
this phenomenon is known as as delayed sunset . the advance
sunrice and delayed sunset happen due to atmospheric
refraction .
Sunrice mean rising of the sub above the sun horizon and
sunset means setting of sun below the horizon . the digram
given below shows the actual positin [A] and the apparent
position [B] of the sun relative to the horizon .
Have we ever wondered that we actually see the sunrise
about 2 minutes and before the sun is actually at that
perceived position? Did we ever know that the sunset that we
actually see is of a sun that has already set? So why do these
different perceptions occur? It is just because of a
phenomenon which is termed as refraction of light.
What is refraction of light if we Simply put a light  ray that
‘bends’ when it travels from one medium to another.
Depending on the density of the various medium the speed of
the light which is travelling ray keeps varying and this causes
it to speeded up or slow down therefore bending in the
process takes place.
So how is this light refraction connected to our advanced
sunrise and the delayed sunset? Imagine the situation or the
journey of light rays from the sun. At first we shall see the
journey of light is through vacuum and then through the
atmosphere of the earth and then it is finally seen by us. At
first the vacuum which is present will act as a rarer medium
and the earth’s atmosphere with all its temperature changes
or winds and different gases will be denser in that medium in
comparison to the same.
During the process of sunrise the light rays bend due to our
atmosphere and we see the sun early even though the sun is
just below the horizon. Similarly at the time of sunset due to
the same bending of light rays we can see the apparent
position of the sun which is not the actual position.
By summing up all details which are due to refraction we can
see or observe that the sun rises about two minutes before
it’s actual time and sunset around two minutes later. even
though it has already now moved from its initial position.


In physics the process of refraction is the change in direction

of a wave which is passing from one medium to another
medium or from a gradual change in the medium. How
much a wave is refracted is determined by the changes in
wave speed and the initial direction of the wave which is
propagating relative to the direction of change in speed.
Refraction of light can be seen in many places in our day to
day life. It makes objects under a water surface appear
closer and clearer than they really are. It is the thing on
which  the optical lenses are based on, allowing for
instruments such as cameras, glasses, microscope, binoculars
and the human eye. Refraction is also responsible for some
opticles which are natural phenomena including mirages and

Atmospheric reflaction

The air's refractive index depends on the air density and

thus vary with temperature of air and pressure as well. Since
the pressure is lower than expected at higher altitudes, the
refractive index that RI is also lower causes light rays to
refract towards the surface of earth when traveling long
distances through the atmosphere. This whole process shifts
the apparent positions of stars slightly when they are close to
the horizon and makes the sun visible before it actually rises
above the horizon during a sunrise.
Temperature that varies in the air can also be the cause of
refraction of light. This can be seen as a haze of heat when
cool and hot air is mixed over a fire in engine exhaust, or
when opening a window on a very cold day. This makes
objects viewed through the air which is mixed air and which
appear to shimmer or move around randomly as the cold or
hot air moves. This effect is also widely visible from normal
variations in air temperature during a day which is sunny
day when using high magnification telephoto lenses and is
often limiting the quality of the image quality in these cases. 
In a similar way the turbulence of atmosphere gives rapidly
varying distortions in the images of astronomical telescopes
limiting the resolution of terrestrial telescopes but by not
using adaptive optics or other techniques for overcoming
these atmospheric distortions or the disorders.


The temperature of air variations which are close to the

surface can give rise to other optical phenomena for example
such as mirages and Fata Morgana. This makes the road
appear reflecting in nature by giving an illusion of water
covering the road.
It is a clinical test in which a phoropter may be used by the
appropriate eye care professional to determine the reflective
error of the eye and the best corrective lenses to be
Facts about sunrice and sunset
1. Sunrice occur even before the sun makes it to the
horizon .
Happen because of the earth’s atmosphere that effectively
refracts the sun’s rays, allowing us to see the sun early .

2. Sunlight is white in color .

As sunlight reaches the earth’s atmosphere , it mixes with
other gas molecules and travels through water dropleyes ,
resulting in change in color .

3. the timing of the sunrice and sunset varies

throughtout the year.
The exact instant the sunrises and sets varies with the
season .also, sun takes different path across the sky at
different speeds each day.

4. The east cape witnesses the first sunrice each day

There are various places on the east cape that allow you to
look at the earth’s first sunrice

5. The sun loses its color as it begins to disapper .

The wavelength begins to change into green and yellow
shades and eventully orange and red .

6. Before we witness a sunset , it’s actually gone

We see the sky is just the reflaction of the sun .

7. Pollution enhances the color of sunsets and sunrice

If the pollution level is high , the sky looks hazy and sunset
look murky.

8. Red sky in morning is a real warning

It is true . it is believed that the air is clear , and the
weather in west will be pleasant in the moening .

9. The golden hour is more vibrant in deserts and

islands .
This is becuse aie pollution is low in these areas .
Sunsets are brighter after a rainstorm .
Rainstorm clear up the sky and take away with them a lot of
air pollutant.




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