Illuminati 2 Deceit and Seduction

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{LLM INZT 2 Deceit and Seduction Bola R eA staged and managed by those who hold Pen Sega) Set (UK Minister of Defense) Henry Makow Reader Reviews of the First Volume of Illuminati (From Amazon) “I have spent many hours on researching this topic, and Makow has been one of the best sources for information to date. The accuracy and clarity of his writings is remarkable. It’s time we found out the truth about the world, the way it’s run, and where it’s headed. It may bea harsh dose of reality, but “the truth will set us free.” Ken (Hong Kong) “Very informative book! Henry Makow provides an enlightening glimpse at forces and pow- ers that are playing havoc in our world today. He exposes/documents the occult and esoteric “powers-that-be” which for decades, in the cloak of secret societies, have planned for the disintegration of our Christian based society.” Alfred (San Diego) “Henry Makow has put together a collection of profound facts regarding who rules the world. Reading this book will change your outlook and perspective on politics and the deception of voting. Many will find his work offensive; I consider it genius.” G. Evans, (Southeast Asia) This book cuts through all the BS and tells it the way it is. I'm sure there's a campaign to smear the book and the author. If you want to know what's really going on, buy this book. Jack (Huntington Beach) As the author is Jewish, he can get away with putting some truths out there that others would get branded anti-Semite for doing. It has some horrible truths in it, but it’s better to be aware of the Synogogue of Satan than perish for lack of knowledge. EP (Las Vegas) “A refreshingly welcome aspect of “Illuminati” is in Henry's concise sharp edged writing style, and also in the extensive documentation Dr. Makow provides within the text. It’s so jam-packed with hard hitting facts.... John Conner uction HENRY MAKOW Ph.D. SILAS GREEN ILLUMINATI 2 Deceit and Seduction All Rights Reserved © 2010 by Henry Makow PhD No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher. For information: Silas Green PO Box 26041 676 Portage Ave. Winnipeg MB. Canada R3G OMO ISBN 1-4505-5311-7 Printed in the USA wae DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF PHILIP JONES (1957-2009) He UPHELD Human Dicnity & FREEDOM Philip liked this quotation: “The most dangerous revolutions are not those which tear everything down, and cause the streets to run with blood, but those which leave everything standing, while cunningly emptying it of any significance.” —Kierkegaard eae Table of Contents 7 Overture 9 Deceit and Seduction — Introduction Book One — Freemasons and Other Shills 25 Illuminati Founded the US to Advance NWO. 28 Freemasons Stage Political Theatre 31. Freemasonry is Based on the Cabala 34 The Boule - The Black “Skull and Bones” 37 Boy Scouts - Model of Masonic Subversion? 40 Is the Pope a Catholic? 44 The lluminati “Christian” Impostor 46 Bill Gates; Satanist in Sheep's Clothes? 49. Was Michael Jackson an Illuminati Sex Slave? 52 Kevin Annett Rips the Mask from Power 55 When Pedophile Judges Fear Exposure 58 Defector Says Illuminati Sacrifice Children 62 Bohemian Grove: Illuminati Meet for Satanic Rituals 65 Australian Adept Unveiled World Satanic Control 68 Liberals are Unwitting Shills for Communism and Satanism 72 Vm Not on Putin's Bandwagon 75 Crazed MI-5 & MI-6 Wreak Havoc for the Illuminati Book Two — Social Engineering and Cultural Subversion 79 Rockefeller Insider Said in 1969: Travel Will be Made Difficult 82. Psychological Warfare Against Society 86 Bankers Were Behind the Counter Culture 88 The CIA Was Behind Drug Culture 91 Liberal Jews, Sex and the New Satanic Order 93. Porn ~ Watching Bruised, Drugged Prostitutes 96 Rock Music's Satanic Message 99 F--K Mom for Mother's Day—NBC's “Saturday Night Live” 102. America’s Media-Driven Descent Into Depravity 104 Our Leaders Are Sex Addicts 107 Is Pedophilia the Next Frontier? 109. “Times of London” Touts Sibling Incest 112 Charlotte Roche's Mental Breakdown (and Ours) 115. Human Rights- A Higher Form of Discrimination 117. The Truth About “Diversity” 121. Canada Pimps Its Girls to Big Pharma 123 Movie “Avatar,” the Illuminati and The Raelian Connection Book Three — Judaism, Zionism and Communism 127 131 134 cere 140 142 145 148 151 154 158 161 164 167 170 173 ee 178 Is Lucifer the God of Judaism? Jews Defined by Occult Ideology, Not Nation/Race Jews Always Exercised Great Power Marranos ~ The Orignal Crypto Jews Old Testament Believer Was Ostracized by Jews Michael Hoffman's “Judaism Discovered From Its Own Texts” Jews Must Face the “Dark Side” of Judaism Incest Survivor Exposed Illuminati Satanists Robert Edmundson “Testified Against the Jews” Henry Klein - Anti Zionist Martyr Hitler Was a Godsend for Istael Zionism Means Never Saying You're Sorry Zionists Endorse Anti-Semitism NWO : Front for Cabalist Jewish Tyranny USSR - Illuminati Experiment Was A “Social Catastrophe” Will “Lean Years” Lead to Communism? Obama's Jewish Grandfather Obama's Slip Showed His Real Colors Book Four — Hidden History 181 185 188 190 193 195 197 200 204 207 210 213 216 219 223 225 228 231 235 Catholics Unveiled Masonic Jewish Plot in 1936 Why the Bankers Love the Left England’s Jewish Aristocracy The Dreyfus Affair Was A Rothschild Psy-Op Illuminati Bankers Instigated World War One Was The “Spanish Flu” Epidemic Man-made? The British Agent at Hitler's Ear Martin Bormann was Rothschild Agent — Damning Evidence Did Hitler Betray Rudolf Hess (and Germany)? Were Illuminati Jews Responsible for the Holocaust? Did A Nazi Jew Design the Holocaust? Stalin's Complicity in “Operation Barbarossa” Was the Polish Holocaust Also a Hoax? Katyn: The Story of Heroism Hollywood Won't Tell Hiroshima and the Cold War “Soviet” Agents Designed IMF, World Bank & United Nations The Profumo Affair Exposed Masonic Control Che! The West’s Fatal Embrace of Communism, Taliban Still Working for the CIA? Book Five — Feminism, Homosexuality & How Heterosexuality Works oe 242 244 247 249 252 255 258 260 263 266 Feminism and the “Making of a Slave” Men Are Being Kicked in the Teeth “Women’s Day” - Old Soviet Propaganda Ploy Gun to Our Head? Sex Liberation and Satanism It’s OK to Say “That’s So Gay!” Few Gays Opt to Marry A Homosexual’s Quest for Self-Knowledge Domestic Violence Hysteria is Political Homosexual Adoption is Child Abuse Men Who Get Women Possessiveness is Part of Marriage Book Six — Ina Lighter Vein 270 272 274 276 278 Epilogue 280 283 Sensible Son Bad Dog - A Paranoid Fantasy? On Turning Sixty How's Your Inner Beggar? Our Love Affair With God Why Rockefeller Created Canadian & Quebec Nationalism Mluminati Playbook: The Phony Opposition Overture I can clearly remember my reaction at age 19 to a student production of Jean Paul Sartre's play “No Exit.” I couldn’t understand why Existentialism was all the rage at university. Thad always had an intuition of an inherent moral order in the universe which governs human life, Existentialist plays like “No Exit” promoted the subversive notion that hu- man life was inherently absurd and man must invent his own relative meaning. I didn’t know that it was “subversive” then. I never imagined the university was engaged in social engineering. | couldn’t conceive that denying God was part of a long-term satanic agenda that had consumed Western civilization like a cancer. “We must introduce into their education all those principles which have so brilliantly broken up their order.” (Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 16) Back in the 1960's. we were made crazy by the media. This hasn't abated. A cultural breakdown is taking place in slow motion. Iwas quite lost and confused. Meaning and identity eluded me. But I found a Canadian novelist whose work implied universal design. I devoted my Master's thesis to learning where Frederick Philip Grove found his vision of inherent moral order and purpose. DYSFUNCTIONAL Nevertheless, until age 50, I was dysfunctional and often depressed because I took my cues from popular music, TV, movies, newspapers, magazines as well as cultural icons. Often these cues were subtle. I noticed myself assuming the attitudes of TV announc- ers, Often their intonation was a clue to the attitude I would assume. For a long time, I held CNN's view of “defenders of family values.” [ thought they were right-wing kooks. (Now, I'm one.) The liberal media gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. All was right in the world; our leaders were looking out for us. In my personal life, I sublimated my religious zeal (love of God) into romantic love, and squandered my best decades in the popular cult of beautiful women/sex. Thad imbibed a needy codependence in matters of mating and marriage. I put women, sex and love on a pedestal. At the same time, women were being taught to divert their ambitions from marriage/family to careers. It was a recipe for disaster.

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