06 - Borkar Afiya Ayub - Professional Communication and Ethics - Assign6

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Assignment No.

Name: Borkar Afiya Ayub

Class: TE IT

Roll No .: 06

Sub: Professional Communication &

Ethics -II
Technical Paper Writing

Q. 1 Find out a technical paper written in IEEE format. Paraphrase the same in
around 400-500 words.

Data Science: Fundamental Principles

We all live in the world where we collect large amount of data. Traditional methods
and techniques are no longer use to handle such huge amount of data. In this new
era of computers and new software technology we use new way of processing the
data. Data science is new emerging multidisciplinary field that combines classical
traditional disciplines like statistics and mathematics using computer science.

The goals of this paper are:

(1) To present a short summary of the history and definition of the data science.
(2) To elaborate similarities and differences between Business Intelligence and
Data Science.
(3) To gain the benefits and applications of Data Science.

1. Definition (Introduction):

We have seen all the definitions of Data Science from many scientists and people
what is common in that definition is that Data Science is a multidisciplinary field
that deals with data processing, analysis and extraction of useful information.

2. History:

Data Science Journal began to publish in 2002 and in 2008 “Data Scientist”
became a buzzword, mostly by DJ Patil and Jeff Hammer bacher (Foote, 2016).
In 2011, new concept of Data Lakes was introduced. Data Lakes store
information using a non-relational database (NoSQL) and does not pre-
categorize the data like Data Warehouse. Data science works much more with
data lakes than with data warehouse.

3. Difference Between BI and Data Science:

Business Intelligence works with structured data while Data Science works with
dynamic unstructured data. BI analyses past data for current situation and Data
science analyses past data for future predictions. In this way BI is a part of Data
Science and is more complex as compared to BI.
4. Data Science Life Cycle:

Data Science Life Cycle consist of 5 main phases. First, Data Discovery, which
involves retrieving data from various sources and this data may be structured or
unstructured where structured data can be easily organized while unstructured is
quite complex to organized. Second Phase, Data Preparation in which collected
data is transformed into a prespecified format. Third Phase, Data Modelling in
which various mathematical models are build and measured. Fourth Phase, Data
Operationalize where information is gathered and outcomes are obtained based
on initial requirements and also results and findings are presented to decision

5. Applications:

Application of Data Science is very vast and numerous. The most common used
of this is in finance, genetics, banking, medicine, business and transportation for
solving problems like fraud detection, online advertising and much more. Many
companies have focused heir business on data. Principles and techniques of
data science are also applied to general customer relationship management to
analyse customer behavior in order to reduce attrition and to increase expected
customer value. Another application of data science is in conversational agents,
they use Speech Recognition system to understand users, to convert human
speech into textual data and to provide an appropriate response. There more
applications in machine learnings also and in many more and are still rising.

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