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Dxx: TFT screen

SDxx: SDCard reader
D_xx: Touch controller
F_xx: Flash (Não usado)


OBS: ‘*’Quer dizer que foi usado um resistor de 10k em série, como mostra no esquema do shield no PDF (Nesse shield foi
adaptado um RTC).

OBS: Comentário de um usuário: ”But it you build your own shield anyway, I'd suggest you try using bigger resistors.
In another thread, someone said using 27k instead of 10k was OK. It reduces the risks /useless consumption by three. If I were
you, I'd even try with 47k.”

Shield/TFT Arduino MEGA pins (section)

DB8 to DB15 * 22 to Digital 29 (Digital) - 16-bit data for screen

DB7 to DB0 * 30 to Digital 37 (Digital) - 16-bit data for screen
RS, WR, CS, RST * 38, 39, 40, 41 (Digital) - Screen control signals
RD 3.3V (Power)
LED-A, VCC, GND 3.3V, 5V, GND (Power) - Power

SD_OUT | MISO 50 (Digital) - SD Card reader
SD_CLK | MOSI 51 (Digital) - SD Card reader
SD_IN | SCK 52 (Digital) - SD Card reader
SD_CS | CS 53 (Digital) - SD Card reader

D_CLK * 6 (PWM -also digital) - Touch controller

D_CS * 5 (PWM -also digital) - Touch controller
D_IN * 4 (PWM -also digital) - Touch controller
D_OUT * 3 (PWM -also digital) - Touch controller
D_IRQ 2 (PWM -also digital) - Touch controller
Pinos do Shield para Arduino Mega:

Problemas que podem ocorrer:

Tela do LCD fica branca:

 Ligação errada dos pinos;

 Se estiver usando protoboard: mau contato nas DB’s. Recomendado usar um Shield.

Touch não funciona

 Se estiver usando protoboard: mau contato mas D’s. Recomendado usar um Shield;
 Verificar D_IRQ;
 Resetar o arduino.

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