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East Delta University

Continuous assessment -1
On Chapter- 02
Understanding the Supply Chain

Course Title: Supply Chain Management

Course Code: MBA - SCM- 659.1

Question Set –A
General Guidelines

1. All the questions compulsory

2. Read all the questions very carefully before answering. Write to the point answers
3. Pls. mention Id / Name who is contributing more answering individual Question
4. Plagiarism must be avoided , Marks indicate in right column
5. You can answer your Question in an extensive upon your understanding as group discussion
6. Assessment / Evaluation Marks- 10 that would be evaluated by me as whole

Q 1
 Are Supply Chain , Supply Chain Management , Supply Management Same ? Explain according to your
own Understanding ..

 How Company getting Competitive Advantage through Supply Chain .. Explain with Industry example

 “ Supply Chain is a modern integrated operational lever ( tools) for business Excellency” Explain in
extensive way

 Why is Supply Chain Management So Important and Considered as a Life Blood of any Organization /
SCM is cardio-vascular system of a benchmarked organization – Explain , Why ?

Please Browse your brain and Explain

Explain according to own Understanding Vis-a- viz Class Lectures and Group Discussion
Pls. share industry or Set practical example.

Q 2
 Explain Traditional Push and Pull Supply Chain, Do you believe – “ Does an Industry have both Strategy in
their Supply Chain Strategy” – Explain Why

 “There is a person at the end of our Supply chain” – Who and Why ? “ Why Supply Chain Focus on the
Expectations/ Demand of the End Customers” – What is logical reason behind it – Explain

 Discuss on Value Chain , How Supply Chain Converted into Value Chain , Explain Briefly according to
your own knowledge… What is your own understanding on Customer Retention through Value delivery , ie
Customer Value

Please Browse your brain and Explain

Explain according to own Understanding Vis-a- viz Class Lectures and Group Discussion
Pls. share industry or Set practical example.

 “As the economy changes, as competition becomes more global, it is no longer company vs. company but
supply chain vs. supply chain” Explain according to Your own Understanding ,focusing on Bangladesh
3 Context

 Explain 3rd Principle of Supply Chain- Listen to signals of market demand and plan accordingly…Why
Do Nokia Fail in Android Smart Phone technology Why in Bangladesh Aromatic Soap / Keya declined but
Lux Still retaining “ Customer” since Long

 What would be Great benefit if Supply Chain Converted into Value Chain …Why Giant / Global
Multinational Company Practicing Value Chain Management ..

Please Browse your brain and Explain

Explain according to own Understanding Vis-a- viz Class Lectures and Group Discussion
Pls. share industry or Set practical example.

Q 4
 Discuss Ultimate Goal of Supply Chain Management and Discuss Main types of Competitive Advantage
with Industry example

 Discuss Supply Chain Macro Process , How it is interrelated with each other, SRM & CRM both are playing
important role in Supply Chain excellency – How. Explain

 Discuss Stages of Supply Chain , How you explain Supply Chain Managing function from Demand to
Delivery ( D2D) explain

Please Browse your brain and Explain

Explain according to own Understanding Vis-a- viz Class Lectures and Group Discussion
Pls. share industry or Set practical example.

Q 5

 Explain First Principle of Supply Chain First Principle -01 : Segment Customers based on service
needs ..Why and How Giant / Global Multinational Company Practicing this first Principle of Andersen
Consulting Firm ..

 Explain / Breakdown the Definition of Supply Chain Management - According to Your own Understanding
, Setting a suitable Example ( Flexibility given to you to have the opportunity let me understanding your
insights )

 “Monitor Customer Value Over time” – Why and give the explanation in Supply Chain Context
Answer according to your group discussion

Please Browse your brain and Explain

Explain according to own Understanding Vis-a- viz Class Lectures and Group Discussion
Pls. share industry or Set practical example.

Happy Understanding

Thank You

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