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CHAPTER 4 Genetics 49

POSITIONAL OR MODIFIER TABLE 4-2 Transferases and Their Corresponding

EFFECTS OF GENES Sugars Added by the ABH Genes

Sometimes genes can interact with each other depend- ABH Gene Transferase Sugar
ing on their location on the chromosome pair. When
two genes are located on the same chromosome, they H L-fucosyltransferase L-fucose

are said to be in cis position. If the genes are located on A N-acetylgalactosamine N-acetylgalactosamine
homologous chromosomes (paired), they are said to transferase
be in trans position. For example, C and D are genes in
the Rh system. It has been found that C exerts an effect B Galactosaminyltransferase D-galactose

on D in the cis and trans states, which results in a

weakened expression of D. Some genes can modify or
suppress the expression of other genes, although in
the transferases are known as glycosyltransferases.
most cases the exact mechanism for this action is not
These have the specific job of adding sugars to basic
understood. Genes that are known to modify or sup-
precursor substances, resulting in the expression
press include In(Lu), which suppresses the expression
of carbohydrate-based blood group antigens. There-
of Lutheran genes, and Xºr, which suppresses the con-
fore, the carbohydrate blood group differs according
version of Rh precursor into detectable Rh traits.
to the sugars added to the precursor substances.
Table 4-2 lists the transferases for which the ABO
GENE ACTION genes code. A brief discussion of the basic biochem-
istry of the blood group systems is found in the chap-
Genetic information is found in the double strands of ters dealing with each system.
DNA. The sequence of base pairs that make up the DNA
determines the particular protein that is produced.
The base pairs are arranged in codons, each composed SILENT GENES
of three base pairs. Sixty-four codons have been iden-
tified. Most of these codons code for 1 of the 21 amino In some blood group systems, as stated previously,
acids; some are known as terminator codons and certain genes are considered silent because they do
signal that the protein synthesis is complete. not produce a detectable product. Such silent alleles
The DNA, through a process called transcrip- are known as amorphs. Table 4-3 gives a list of some
tion, assembles a protein known as messenger RNA of the silent genes of interest to blood bankers and
(mRNA), which carries a code for the production the phenotypes they produce when inherited in the
of the protein to be made within a cell. RNA is simi- homozygous state.
lar to a single strand of DNA. Ribose, however, re- Sometimes genes are considered silent because
places deoxyribose, and uracil is the base instead of another gene (suppressor gene) is inhibiting the
thymine. An enzyme, RNA polymerase, allows the expression of their products. An example of this is
DNA double strands to separate. The mRNA is
formed using one of the DNA strands as a template.
The process is somewhat complicated, and the
reader is referred to genetic texts for a complete TABLE 4-3 Silent Genes
Once the mRNA is formed, it moves to the cell’s cy- Blood Group Blood Group Homozygous
toplasm, where it attaches to ribosomal RNA (rRNA). Gene System Phenotype
The rRNA reads the mRNA and attaches a third type of h ABO On or Bombay
RNA known as transfer RNA (tRNA). Each tRNA is
composed of three base pairs. This attachment contin-  Rh Rhnull
ues until a termination code is encountered. This pro- r
cess is known as translation and results in the
production of detectable proteins that differ according K0 Kell Kellnull or K0
to the sequence of amino acids forming them. This is Lu Lutheran Lu(a b)
how protein blood group traits differ. However, not all
blood group traits are protein in nature; some are Jk Kidd Jk(a b)
carbohydrate. In these cases, blood group genes work Fy Duffy Fy(ab)
to produce enzymes called transferases. Specifically,
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50 UNIT 2 Genetic and Immunologic Principles

found in the Lutheran blood group system. People who RBCs failing to react with antibody to K1). Genes are
inherit the In(Lu) gene in the homozygous state fail to written using the letter and a superscript number
express the products of Lutheran genes they may have (K1); K1 is the product of K1.
inherited because of the inhibitory effect of In(Lu). The Rh system is even more confusing for the stu-
dent of blood group systems because several different
nomenclatures are used. Chapter 10 discusses the
BLOOD GROUP NOMENCLATURE nomenclature used in this system in detail.

Some attempts have been made to standardize blood

group nomenclature, but these attempts have not been PUBLIC AND PRIVATE GENES
completely successful. For example, in typical
Mendelian genetics, dominant genes are usually capi- Certain genes and their resulting traits are found in
talized, and recessive genes are lowercase. In blood most of the population. These genes are referred to
group genetics, expression is not standardized. In the as public genes. Other genes are exceedingly rare
ABO system, for example, a person who is group A and and are sometimes referred to as private genes.
inherits an A gene from one parent and an O gene from These can be found in few people, often only in a
the other is genotypically noted as AO. Both A and O are particular race or family.
capitalized, even though A is considered dominant to O.
In the Rh system, a person who is heterozygous at the
Cc locus is genotypically noted as Cc. Although the c is BLOOD GROUP GENES AS
lowercase, it is not recessive to C but rather codominant GENETIC MARKERS
with it. Many methods are used to denote various blood
group genotypes and phenotypes. These are discussed Because blood group genes are polymorphic, they
in detail in a 1990 review article by Issit and Crookston.3 can be useful in detecting several types of genetic
Some blood group genes are denoted by single problems. Disputed parentage is perhaps the most
letters such as M, K, and I. The phenotype resulting common problem. Box 4-1 lists some of the blood
from these genes can be written using a plus symbol group systems that are commonly used in parentage
() to indicate the presence of the trait (detected by testing. The histocompatibility or human leukocyte
using antibody directed toward the trait) or a minus antigen (HLA) system and RBC enzyme studies, in
symbol () to indicate its absence. For example, RBCs addition to detection of the product of red cell genes,
reacting with anti-M, anti-K, and anti-k but not with are useful in such testing.
anti-N would be phenotypically MNKk. This By using blood group genetics, it is possible to ex-
designation is not used in the ABO system, however, clude people from parentage. Such exclusions are either
because RBCs reacting with anti-A but not with anti-B direct or indirect. In a direct exclusion, the offspring
are designated group A, not AB. possesses a trait that neither the mother nor the alleged
Sometimes the genes of a blood group system are father possess, as in the following example:
denoted by two letters with different superscripts to
differentiate the alleles. Genes of the Duffy system fall Mother AA
into this category. The letters “Fy” indicate the Duffy Father OO
system, and a superscript “a” or “b” is placed with the Child AB
Fy to indicate alleles. Phenotypes in this system are
written using the same symbols in a format that
uses pluses and minuses to indicate the presence or
absence of traits. RBCs that react with Fya and not BOX 4-1
with Fyb are phenotypically Fy(ab). This mode of
nomenclature is used in the Lutheran, Kidd, Scianna,
Blood Group Systems Commonly Used
and Gerbich systems as well.
in Paternity Testing
Numeric nomenclature has been developed for ABO
most blood group systems. In this instance, each Duffy
gene is written with a letter and a number (e.g., the HLA
Kell trait is K1). Phenotypes are written using a let- Kell
ter followed by a colon and a positive number if the Kidd
particular trait represented by the number is present MNSs
or a negative number if the trait represented by the Rh
number is absent (i.e., K: 1 would be written for

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CHAPTER 4 Genetics 51

The alleged father is directly excluded on the SUMMARY

basis that the child possesses a group B gene that he or
she could not have received from the mother or the Blood group genetics is extremely important to the
alleged father. The gene, therefore, must have been entire field of genetics. The study of inheritance in
contributed by another person. the blood group systems has added to our knowledge
Indirect exclusion refers to a case in which an off- and understanding of how traits are inherited.
spring does not possess a gene that should have been For the student of blood banking, a basic under-
inherited. In the case shown below, the child should standing of genetics is crucial. An understanding of
possess the c gene because the alleged father is ho- the production of detectable blood group traits and
mozygous and should pass c to any of his offsprings. the interaction of genes in relation to those traits is
The child, however, does not possess this gene; there- necessary to understand many basic blood banking
fore, an indirect exclusion is established. concepts. Further insight into the various blood group
Mother CC systems is presented with the discussion of each sys-
tem. The interested reader is referred to the references
Alleged father cc
for further reading.
Child CC

Review Questions
1. The normal human cell contains ____ pairs of 7. Alternate forms of a gene that can occur at a single
chromosomes. chromosome locus are referred to as
a. 12 a. traits
b. 23 b. alleles
c. 46 c. chromosomes
d. 92 d. phenotypes
2. A gamete would contain ____ chromosomes. 8. Which of the following describes the expression of most
a. 23 pairs of blood group genes?
b. 46 pairs of a. dominant
c. 23 b. recessive
d. none of the above c. codominant
3. Eggs and sperm are formed through the process of d. corecessive
a. mitosis 9. For a trait to be useful as a genetic marker, which of the
b. meiosis following is important?
c. linkage a. a simple and unequivocal pattern of inheritance
d. crossing-over b. lack of polymorphism
4. With which of the following would an anti-K showing c. regular interaction with other genes that alter its
dosage react most strongly? expression
a. a red cell of the genotype Kk d. none of the above
b. a red cell of the genotype kk 10. A gene found only in a few individuals, usually in a par-
c. a red cell of the genotype KK ticular race or family, is referred to as:
d. none of the above a. an amorphic gene
5. If the frequency of gene Y is 0.4 and the frequency of b. a public gene
gene Z is 0.5, one would expect they should occur c. a private gene
together 0.2 (20%) of the time. In actuality, they are d. a genetic aberration
found together 32% of the time. This is an example of 11. True or false? A standard nomenclature used uniformly
a. crossing-over for all blood group systems exists.
b. linkage disequilibrium 12. True or false? An individual who is group A cannot
c. polymorphism product a child who is group B.
d. linkage equilibrium 13. True or false? Genes located far apart on the chromo-
6. A gene that produces no detectable product is referred some are more likely to cross over, resulting in changed
to as genetic information.
a. an amorph 14. True or false? In a direct exclusion, the child has failed
b. a trait to inherit a gene that should have been passed by the
c. an allele alleged father.
d. a polymorph 15. True or false? Some genes can inhibit the expression of
other genes.
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52 UNIT 2 Genetic and Immunologic Principles


1. Campbell N, Reece J. Biology. 7th ed. San Francisco: Burns G. The Science of Genetics: An Introduction to Heredity.
Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company; 2004. 2nd ed. New York: Macmillan; 1972.
2. Brecher ME, ed. AABB Technical Manual. 15th ed. Issit PD. Applied Blood Group Serology. 3rd ed. Miami:
Bethesda, MD: AABB; 2005. Montgomery Scientific Publications; 1985.
3. Issit PD, Crookston MC. Blood group terminology: cur-
rent conventions. Transfusion. 1984; 24: 2.
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OBJECTIVES Hypervariable Nonspecific inflammation

Idiotype Perforin
After completion of this chapter, the reader will be able to: IgG, IgM, IgA, IgD, and IgE Phagocytosis
1. Describe cellular and humoral immunity, including clonal Immunization Plasma cell
selection theory. Immunogen Primary immune response
2. Describe the constituent cells of the immune system and Immunoglobulin Properdin pathway
their functions. Killer cell Recognition
3. Describe the interrelationship between inflammation and Leukocyte Secondary immune response
specific acquired immunity.
Light chains Self
4. Discuss the distinctive properties of antigens.
Lymphocyte Specific, acquired immunity
5. Describe structure and functions of each immunoglobulin
type. Macrophage T lymphocyte
6. Describe an antigen-antibody reaction. Memory cell Variable and constant regions
7. Explain the complement activation cascade in the classic Nonself Zeta potential
and alternate pathways.

Activation Clone T he term “immune” is derived from the Latin
word immunis, which meant “exempt from
charges” (i.e., taxes or expenses). Today, of course, im-
Alternate pathway Complement
munity refers to the body’s ability to resist infection
Anamnestic response Cytokines by pathogenic microorganisms.
Anaphylatoxin Cytotoxic T lymphocyte Much of what is known about immune function in
Antibody Disulfide bonds humans and the function of cells in the immune sys-
Antigen Epitope tem comes from concepts presented by Metchnikoff
and Ehrlich. Metchnikoff was a brilliant Russian biolo-
Antigen presentation Fc receptor gist who in 1880 first described phagocytosis and
B lymphocyte Haptens cellular immunity as he studied the role of motile cells
Cell-mediated immunity Heavy chains in starfish larvae that surrounded and engulfed a rose
Cell surface receptors T-helper cell thorn.1 Metchnikoff proposed correctly that inflamma-
tion included enzymatic digestion of intruders en-
Classic pathway Hinge region gulfed by motile cells capable of moving into tissues in
Clonal selection theory Humoral immunity a process he termed “diapedesis.”

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54 UNIT 2 Genetic and Immunologic Principles

In the early 1900s, Ehrlich stated his side-chain developed during embryonic growth, although how
theory that represented an attempt to explain the for- the recognition occurs is not completely understood.
mation of antibodies in the blood.2 It was Ehrlich’s Once immune competence is established (usually by
idea that cells in the blood had “side chains” or spe- 4 to 6 months after birth in the human), external sub-
cific receptors on their surfaces. Once the side chain stances encountered in the body by leukocytes will be
on a cell was bound by a foreign substance, the cell regarded as nonself, and an immune response may be
produced more side chains, which entered the blood triggered. In the period before immune competence is
as antibodies. established, the immune system is immature and
It is a safe assumption that Metchnikoff and Ehrlich relatively unresponsive to antigens.
were familiar with the foundation that had been laid a The response to antigenic challenge can be catego-
century earlier by the English physician Jenner, who rized into two types based upon the primary actor in
had performed and published on the first immunization the response: humoral immunity and cell-mediated
procedures. He called these procedures “vaccination” immunity. Humoral immunity may be defined as an
from the Latin vacca, meaning “cow,” because he immune response that leads to the production of anti-
injected his volunteers with cowpox as a way to immu- body. Cell-mediated immunity is conferred by acti-
nize against smallpox. vated leukocytes known as T lymphocytes, as well as
Since these pioneering discoveries, an immense another class of lymphocytes called killer cells. Most
and diverse body of information has been developed immune responses to pathogenic microorganisms in-
in the area of biology we now call immunology. It clude both a humoral and a cell-mediated component.
will be necessary to condense, simplify, and restrict Looked at another way, most immune responses
this chapter to the fundamentals of immunology that include a nonspecific inflammatory arm as well as an
are essential for the immunohematologist. These arm that includes specific, acquired immunity. When
areas of knowledge include cellular and humoral im- we speak of specific, acquired immunity, we are refer-
munity, cells of the immune system and their devel- ring to an immune response that includes antigens
opment, structure and function of antigens and binding to antibodies or structures on the surface of
antibodies and their serologic behavior, the mecha- lymphocytes very specifically, with a lock-and-key
nisms of antigen reactions and agglutination, and the type of fit. Inflammation, generated by macrophages
role of complement. and neutrophils, does not require this sort of specific
binding to destroy microorganisms. These distinc-
tions cannot be fully appreciated without some
CELLULAR AND HUMORAL IMMUNITY knowledge of the cells involved in the immune sys-
tem and their function.
The immune system has evolved to allow recovery from
infectious disease and to provide the host organism pro-
tection from infection. This system, made up of the LEUKOCYTES: CELLS OF THE
leukocytes (also known as the white blood cells) and IMMUNE SYSTEM
various organs like the spleen, lymph nodes, lymphatic
channels, and the thymus, relies on complex interac- All cellular elements of blood (red cells, leukocytes,
tions between cells located in the blood, the lymph, and and platelets) derive from a pluripotent stem cell,
in body tissues. The spleen and lymph nodes of the including those that are relevant to immune
immune system are composed of a lattice or meshwork responses. During early fetal development, these stem
of tissue. When leukocytes travel through these organs, cells migrate from the embryonic yolk sac into the fetal
the cells are trapped by the lattice formation, and effec- liver, spleen, and bone marrow. It is in these sites
tive cell–cell interaction can occur. These interactions that the lymphoid stem cells that will eventually
may lead to the production of antibodies or activated produce the specific cells of the immune system, the
cells capable of destroying pathogens, virus-infected lymphocytes, undergo additional differentiation.
cells, or cancer cells. Some of these cells migrate to and mature in the
The first step in launching a protective immune thymus and are referred to as thymus derived, or
response is the recognition that something foreign has T lymphocytes. T lymphocytes manifest cellular im-
invaded the body. The immune system must be able to munity but also play a “helper” role in humoral
distinguish self from nonself, and it relies on the immunity.
leukocytes to do so. Under certain circumstances, the Other lymphoid stem cells influenced by the fetal
foreign, nonself substance that leads to an immune liver, bone marrow, or gut-associated lymphoid tissue
response is known as “antigen,” abbreviated Ag. In (GALT) differentiate to become B lymphocytes or
humans, the ability to distinguish self from nonself is bone marrow–derived cells. The B lymphocytes
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CHAPTER 5 Basic Immunologic Principles 55

mature during immune responses and become the extends some of its cell contents to surround the parti-
antibody-producing plasma cells. cle. The cell extensions are called “pseudopodia,”
The immune response also involves three other meaning “false feet.” These cells, as well as other cells of
types of immunocompetent cells: macrophages, the immune system, are drawn to the site of infection by
K cells (killer cells), and natural killer (NK) cells. Some inflammatory chemicals called “chemotaxins.”
authors group K and NK cells into a single category, Macrophages do not bind their targets specifically.
killer cells. In other words, the macrophage does not care if it is
engulfing a virus or a fungal particle or a sliver of wood.
In fact, it is able to phagocytize all three at once!
Macrophages In addition to removing particles, pathogens,
The macrophages, neutrophils, and mast cells make up damaged white and red blood cells (RBCs), and for-
the inflammatory arm of the immune response. The eign organic matter from the blood, the macrophages
macrophage is a mononuclear cell with a nonlobulated also serve to “process” antigens and “present” the pro-
nucleus that may be found fixed in tissues (sessile), or cessed antigen to T and B cells. Once the macrophage
motile. Motile macrophages are mature forms of the phagocytoses an antibody or complement-coated par-
peripheral blood monocytes. The fixed tissue ticle, it uses proteolytic enzymes located inside the cell
macrophages include the Kupffer cells in the liver, to kill and then degrade the engulfed particle into
connective tissue histiocytes, and other fixed cells that fragments. The degraded proteins or polysaccharides
make up the so-called reticuloendothelial system. derived from the engulfed particle are displayed on
Macrophages may also be found in the lining of sinusoid the macrophage surface in combination with a self-
tissues of the spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow. protein called human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class
Functionally, the macrophage is a nonspecific, phago- II, in the process called antigen presentation. The T
cytic cell. The phagocytic macrophages engulf and de- lymphocytes of the specific, acquired side of immu-
stroy their targets, attracted to particles in the body nity now try to bind the displayed fragment in their
when these particles are “opsonized” (i.e., coated with specific (lock-and-key type) cell surface receptor. If the
either antibody or activated complement). The T lymphocyte receives a specific antigen in its recep-
macrophages find antibody- or complement-coated tor, and receives a chemical signal from the macrophage,
particles very palatable because the macrophages have or if it interacts with the appropriate molecule on the
nonspecific cell surface receptors for antibody that has surface of the macrophage, it becomes activated and
bound to its antigen. This receptor is called the Fc recep- begins generating specific, acquired immunity. These
tor. Macrophages also have a receptor for activated steps are shown in Figures 5-1 and 5-2.
complement on their surface. The engulfment of parti- In addition to this primary function, many other
cles like bacteria is performed when the macrophage functions of macrophage have been identified, among

Fc receptors
C3 receptor

1. Macrophage drawn to infection site by 2. Attachment of Ab or C opsonized bacteria to

chemotaxis. Pseudopodia. Fc receptors. C3 receptors on macrophage

3. Endocytosis. Ingestion. Vacuolization. 4. Granule release. Killing. Digestion to peptides.

FIGURE 5-1 Phagocytosis and antigen presentation.

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56 UNIT 2 Genetic and Immunologic Principles



5. HLA Class II made in the ER moves to 6. Ag presentation to the specific T-helper cell
Golgi. Bacterial peptides move to Golgi. Ag receptor. Cytokines exchanged. Specific
Combination made. immune response is launched.
FIGURE 5-2 Phagocytosis and antigen presentation, continued.

them is the ability to produce and secrete enzymes life to the thymus, where they mature under the influ-
that activate plasminogen, denature collagen, and ence of thymosin and other thymic hormones. Later
produce complement components. they move through the lymphatic system and blood-
stream to reside in the lymph nodes and spleen. Some
Lymphocytes and Specific Antigen Binding remain in the bloodstream. T lymphocytes are mor-
by Cell Surface Receptors phologically indistinguishable from B lymphocytes in
preparations made with Wright stain. To characterize
The B and T lymphocytes have cell surface receptors the T cells, supravital techniques or mitogen stimula-
capable of specifically binding a single antigen. It is the tion is required.
physical shape of these cell surface receptor proteins T cells comprise 70% to 80% of the peripheral
that allows the binding of one antigen and not an- blood lymphocyte population and are durable; they
other. Think of it this way: if you hold your hands in have an average half-life of more than 2 years, and
such a way that an orange fits snugly between them, some survive as long as 20 years. Functionally, the T
the shape that your hands form will not hold onto a cell is important in providing protection against infec-
banana very tightly. A different shape is required to tions by viruses, fungi, and, particularly, facultative
hold the banana, and that shape will not hold the microorganisms. A number of subpopulations or sub-
orange. This is an example of specific binding. Of sets in the T-lymphocyte population have now been
course, the lymphocyte cell surface receptors and an- recognized.
tibodies do not need to bind oranges or bananas, but
staphylococcal bacteria, cytomegalovirus, and the
T-Helper Lymphocytes
like. The cell surface receptor that binds the staphylo-
coccus does not fit tightly with the virus, and vice T-helper cells account for approximately 40% to 60% of
versa. All of the cell surface receptors on a single lym- the peripheral blood T-lymphocyte population. The
phocyte, and all of the antibodies made by a single T-helper cell may be distinguished from other cells
plasma cell have the same shape. Thus, all of the cell of the immune system because they carry a protein on
surface receptors on a single lymphocyte bind to only their surface called CD4. The CD4 protein assists the
one antigen. T-helper cell bind its specific surface antigen receptor to
antigen being presented by a macrophage, as shown in
Figure 5-3. The T-cell receptor is made up of two pro-
T Lymphocytes tein chains, and the presented antigen fits in the groove
The thymic-derived lymphocytes originate in the bone between these two chains. Once the T-helper cell has
marrow and are believed to migrate early in embryonic bound its specific antigen and received a signal from
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CHAPTER 5 Basic Immunologic Principles 57

HLA Class II CD4

Ag CD4+
APC T cell


Adhesion molecules,
CD28-B7 interaction


Gamma interferon
FIGURE 5-3 CD4 + T-cell activation: launching the immune response. (Source: Garratty G, ed. Red Cell Antigens
and Antibodies. Arlington, VA: American Association of Blood Banks; 1986.)

the macrophage, it amplifies the immune response by specific cell surface antigen receptor (which for the
producing proinflammatory proteins called cytokines B cell is actually antibody molecules) and has received
that act as growth factors and help to activate other a cytokine signal from the T-helper cell, it divides and
immune system cells, as shown in Figure 5-4. It is differentiates to become a plasma cell, which gushes
through the production of a mixture of cytokines that antibody for 3 to 4 days. The antibody produced by
CD4-positive T-helper cells help to activate B cells. the plasma cell has the same antigen-binding speci-
If a B cell has recognized its specific antigen using its ficity as the cell surface antigen receptor.


1. Ag presentation. TeR binding. gIF. IL-1 2. T-helper cell makes IL-2 which binds the
released. T-helper cell triggered. T cell’s IL-2 receptor. Autocrine reaction.
The T-helper cell goes on to produce
copious amounts of IL-2.

3. IL-2 + other More helper Ts

cytokines + Ag
Division of CTLs
presentation to
each cell
B cells to plasma cells.
Ab cells made.

FIGURE 5-4 CD4 + T-cell activation; launching the immune response. (Source: Garratty G, ed. Red Cell Antigens
and Antibodies. Arlington, VA: American Association of Blood Banks; 1986.)
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58 UNIT 2 Genetic and Immunologic Principles

The same
Infectious infectious
agent. Ag. agent. Ag.

# Cells/[Ab]
Primary response
IgM IgG response
All IgG
5-7 day lag period No lag
Time after exposure

FIGURE 5-5 Specific immunization and memory.

T-helper cells also play a role in the cell-mediated positive helper population, carry antigen-specific cell
immune response and participate in the graft-versus- surface receptors. The CD8 cells become activated
host reaction. The T-helper cell’s CD4 surface protein when their antigen receptor binds specifically to a tar-
is the site on the cell to which the human immuno- get, and the cell also receives a cytokine signal from
deficiency virus attaches. the T-helper cell. Once activated, the cytotoxic T lym-
The first time a T-helper cell interacts with its phocytes (CTLs) kill virus-infected cells when their
antigen, its response is relatively slow. This primary antigen receptor binds specifically to viral antigen on
immune response may take 5 to 7 days to generate anti- the surface of the infected cell. The CD8 protein stabi-
bodies and appreciable numbers of activated cells. That lizes the interaction of the antigen receptor and the
is why we often become ill during our first exposure to viral antigen by recognizing HLA class I molecules on
a pathogen; the microorganisms have about a week to the infected cell surface. Cytokines help turn on the
grow in our bodies before an immune response can CTL, which activates granules in the cytoplasm that
destroy them. The immune response we generate to our contain a protein called perforin. Perforin kills virus-
first exposure to a disease may allow us to recover, but infected cells by establishing nonspecific calcium
it usually will not prevent infection. However, as part of channels in the target cell. The rapid, uncontrolled in-
the primary immune response, our immune systems flux of calcium into the virus-infected cell poisons it,
generate memory cells, which may circulate in our preventing further virus replication. These steps
blood for years. If we are reexposed to a pathogen to are displayed in Figures 5-6 and 5-7. The cytotoxic
which we have generated memory cells in the past, suppressor T cells produce memory as part of the pri-
these cells become activated very quickly. There is very mary immune response.
little lag between exposure and immunity. These sec-
ondary immune responses may actually prevent dis-
Killer Cells
ease, and this concept is the basis of immunization or
vaccination (Fig. 5-5). All of the lymphocyte popula- Killer cells are large, granular lymphocytes that
tions can generate “memory,” but the nonspecific in- appear to have the ability to destroy tumor cells. The
flammatory cells, like the macrophages or neutrophils, nature of the antigen receptor on these cells is not
do not. well characterized, although it is known that K
cells have Fc receptors on their surfaces. Thus, the
K cell may be drawn to an antibody-coated tumor cell
Cytotoxic Suppressor T Cells
target, just as a macrophage is drawn to antibody-
A second subpopulation of T lymphocytes bears a coated particles.
surface protein called CD8. The CD8-positive T-cell
population is capable of carrying out two vastly
Natural Killer Cells
different functions. These cells can downregulate
immune responses through their suppressor function The NK cells are thought to have widespread
and can also kill virus-infected cells, tumor cells, or cytotoxic ability against a variety of virally infected
transplanted tissue through their cytotoxic capacities. and tumor cells. Their antigen receptor and method of
The CD8 cytotoxic suppressor T cells, like the CD4- killing are not well understood (Fig. 5-8).

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