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Pre-Intermediate Two Pre-Intermediate

Adults’ Department

The Iran Language Institute

The Iran Language Institute

What teachers should or should not do

The teacher should always plan for the session beforehand. Apart from mastery of the teaching
material, there are important purposes and functions to the planning of lessons:

First and foremost:

Planning enables the teacher to think clearly and specifically about the type of learning he/she
wishes to occur in a particular part of a lesson.

Planning enables the teacher to think about the structure and content of the lesson. In other words,
it enables the teacher to think about how long to devote to each activity. One of the most
important skills in teaching is that of judging how much time should be spent on each activity in
a lesson and the best pace of progress.

Planning quite considerably reduces how much thinking the teacher will have to do during the
lesson. Once the lesson is in progress, there will be much to think about in order to maintain its

The teacher should end the lesson on time, neither early nor late. Ending early can imply a lack
of concern about the worthwhileness of using all the time available.
Ending late, on the other hand, can imply that the teacher lacks the organizational skills to marshal
the activities together. This will deprive him/her of the opportunity to finish the lesson in a well-
ordered and unhurried fashion.

The teacher should maintain pace and flow of the lesson. If students' attention or interest in the
lesson seems to be on the wane, a number of possible reasons may account for this. 1) It may be
that a particular activity is being employed for too long, 2) it may be that the general pace and flow
of the lesson is either too fast or too slow.

The teacher should minimize his/her role in class and instead encourage the students to make
contributions and take more active roles.
At the same time, the teacher should avoid being monopolized by the talkative, fast-thinking, fast-
learning students, because everybody should be given a fair share of the teacher's time and

The teacher should not act as a relay-station between the student who is asking a question and
the one who is supposed to answer it. In other words, the teacher should not interfere in the
student-student interactions.

The teacher should correct the students if he/she is concerned with accuracy, i.e., pronouncing
words, repeating sentences, etc. But if the students are doing a freer activity (discussion) which
means the teacher wants them to develop fluency, then he/she should try not to correct too much.
Pre-Intermediate Two

In such a case, points that everyone or almost everyone gets wrong should be written down to be
explained later.
The teacher should encourage the students focusing on what they get right and praise them for
correct and partly correct contributions. This helps them develop a positive attitude toward the
mistakes they might make.
The teacher should never ever threaten the students with the prospect of failing the course. Use
of reward rather than punishment is strongly recommended.

The Iran Language Institute

The teacher should strive to create a warm, relaxed classroom climate free from stress, and
facilitating better learning.
The teacher should try not to lose his/her temper, and should never send a misbehaving student
out of the classroom. Instead misbehavior should be reported to the administration to
deal with.
The teacher should strictly avoid using the students' mother tongue. At the same time, the teacher
should clearly assure the students not to be afraid of the mistakes they might make.
The teacher should adapt himself/herself to the level of the students, thus facilitating effective
communication and interaction.
The teacher should be demanding when it comes to what the students are fairly expected to
do like writing questions in notebooks to mention the least.
The teacher should stand and move about rather than remain seated, because teaching is not
a sedentary job.

Pre-Intermediate Two

The Iran Language Institute

Guidelines for Teaching Pre-Intermediate Levels

The Vocabulary
A) Teaching:
Have the students close their books and notebooks and listen to you carefully as you go through
the following steps:
1. Read out each word two or three times allowing a short pause so that the students can
pick up the correct pronunciation, and recognize the syllable which receives the primary
In order not to distract the students, try to stand in the same place, and keep the eye
2. Read out each word two or three times again, and have the students repeat after you.
This should be done in chorus with individual spot checks.
N.B. After each spot check, have the class repeat after you one more time.
N.B. If an individual student fails to repeat correctly after you, do not pick on
him/her; instead invite the whole class to repeat the same word in chorus following
your model.
3. Have the students open their books to the right page and only listen as you read out the
words to them again two or three times. Depending on the level you are teaching, the
following activities should be carried out:
a. Pre-Intermediate 1 — 3
As the words are defined in English, you should also read out the definitions. Also, give the
students some additional explanations and easy synonyms/antonyms to further clarify the
meanings of the words.
4. Have the students one by one read out a few words each to make sure they have picked
up the correct pronunciation.
N.B. Upon noticing any mispronunciation or wrong stress, have all the students
repeat the mispronounced word after you in chorus.
B) Assignment
Assign the words to be learned at home. This will enable the students to better master the rest of
the material in the unit and be ready to use the words correctly if you decide to give them oral or
written sentence making quizzes.
C) Quick Vocabulary Review:
Any time you decide to teach a passage or a dialog, do a Quick Vocabulary Review by having the
students open their books to the right page and read out the words in chorus. Upon noticing any
mispronunciation, read out the mispronounced word and have all the students repeat them after

The Dialog
A) Teaching:
Have the students close their books and notebooks and listen to you carefully as you go through
the following steps:
Pre-Intermediate Two

1. Do a warm-up on the dialog, i.e., ask the students some questions related to the subject
of the dialog to create a positive mental set and draw their attention to what they are going
to listen to.
N.B. Involve as many students as possible. Do not be the sole speaker.
N.B. Do not make the warm-up your opportunity to lecture on the subject.
2. Draw stick figures or faces and put the names of the people in the dialog on the board
to create a stimulating situation for better comprehension.

The Iran Language Institute

N.B. Drawing stick figures or faces on the board, is absolutely necessary in

all levels (Basic I-Intermediate 3).
3. Tell the students to listen carefully because you are going to ask them some
comprehension questions.
Read out the dialog at normal speed while dramatizing it. Remember to point to the
figures or faces on the board.
NB. You could do a better job if you memorized the dialog before
presenting it.
4. Ask the students the general comprehension questions that you have already
prepared. Please note that these questions should be directed at all the students for short
spontaneous responses. Subsequently, you should have individual students give you long
NB. Do not make the class repeat the answers after you. This is not necessary
and the simple reason is that you are merely checking listening comprehension.
However, you yourself should repeat the individual students' full responses for
everybody to hear.
4. Have the students open their books to the right page. Read out the dialog again and
paraphrase the dialog sentences discussing the relationships between the
words concentrating on verb forms, prepositions, expressions, etc. While
paraphrasing, ask the students detailed questions on or related to
the content of the dialog, including the ones that follow it.

5. Read out each line of the dialog and have the students repeat after you a couple of times.
(Books Open)

7. Have the students practice the dialog in pairs in order to memorize it.
(Maximum 5 minutes, Books Open)

8. Ask two volunteers to recite the dialog or, if possible, personalize it, using their
own words. (Books Closed)
B) Assignments
Tell the students to memorize the dialog at home. Tell the students to make as many questions as
they can on or related to the content of the dialog in their notebooks. The questions should be of
the Yes/No, and Wh- types.
C) Checking the assignments (next session):
1. Have two of the students come to the board and act out the dialog.
2. Have some of the students ask the couple at the board a few questions from their
N.B. Pay close attention to their pronunciation and intonation.
N.B. Do not interrupt the students while they are acting out the dialog.
N.B. Never correct the students while they are at the board.
First, wait for the performance to be over, then have them take their seats.
Now before you call the next couple to the board correct the mispronunciations through choral
repetitions, and discuss the wrong structures students often use especially when they ask or
Pre-Intermediate Two

answer questions.
N.B. In your evaluation of the students' performances, reproduction of proper sound features,
i.e., pronunciation and intonation should have priority over word-for-word production;
necessary prompts should be given to help the students continue acting out the dialog if they
forget their lines.

The Iran Language Institute

3. Have two more pairs of students (maximum six people) act out the dialog at the board and
answer some other questions.
N.B. If the students still have questions to ask, have them raise their questions. If the
questions are correct, have the other students answer them. However, if the
questions are not correct, first correct them and have the concerned students record
the corrected
questions; finally have the other students answer them.
N.B. Never answer the questions yourself. If you do so, you will deny the students a
good opportunity to interact with each other.

The Passage
A) Have the students close their books and notebooks and listen to you carefully. Do a
warm-up on the passage, i.e. ask the students questions on the subject of the passage to
create a positive mental set and draw their attention to what they are going to listen to or
N.B. Involve as many students as possible. Do not be the sole speaker.
NB. Do not make the warm-up your opportunity to lecture on the subject.
Now go through the following steps:
Have the students open their books and do a silent reading. Based on the length of the
passage, give them enough time to read the passage. Reading comprehension is
practiced in the Pre-Intermediate levels.
Ask the students the general comprehension questions that you have prepared.
Please note that these questions should be directed at all the students for short
spontaneous responses.
Subsequently, you should repeat the question and have individual students give you long
NB. Do not make the class repeat the answers after you. This is not
necessary and the simple reason is that you are merely checking
comprehension. However, you yourself should repeat the individual
students' full responses for everybody to hear.
NB. Slash marking is practiced only in the Basic levels.

Have the students open their book to the right page. Read out the passage paragraph by
paragraph, and work on it by paraphrasing while asking detailed questions on or related
to the content of the paragraph read including the ones which follow the passage. Also,
have some of the students make sentences with the words you choose from the passage.

B) Assignment:
Tell the students to study the passage at home. Tell the students to make as many questions
as they can on or related to the content of the passage in their notebooks. The questions
should be of the Yes/No, and Wh-types.
C) Checking the assignments (next session):
Pre-Intermediate Two

1. Call one of the students to the board and have him/her read out the passage or a
part of it. (one student at a time)
NB. In the Pre-Intermediate Levels, have the student at the board
summarize the part he read.
2. Have some of the students ask him a few questions (not more than 4-5 questions)
from their notebooks.
NB. Pay close attention to the student's pronunciation and intonation.

The Iran Language Institute

N.B. Do not interrupt the student while he/she is reading out the passage.
N.B. Never correct the student while he/she is at the board. First wait for
the student to go through the job. Then have him/her take his/her seat.
Now before calling another student to the board correct the
mispronunciations through choral repetitions, and discuss the wrong
structures students often use especially when they ask and answer
3. Call another student to the board to read out the passage or a part of it, and answer
some other questions.
NB. If the students still have questions to ask, have them raise their
questions. If the questions are correct, have the other students answer
them. However, if the questions are not correct, first correct them and have
the concerned students record the corrected questions; finally have the
other students answer them.
N.B. Never answer the questions yourself. If you do so, you will deny the
students a good opportunity to interact with each other.

How to present the Grammar Point

Have the students close their books, and explain the grammar point by putting your
examples on the board for the class to see. Also to help students better grasp the point
elicit their examples and put them on the board. As the grammar point at hand, and the
learning style of the students might dictate, use either the Deductive or Inductive approach
or a combination of both. However, do not forget that maximum involvement of the
students is the key to more effective presentation and deeper learning.

How to Do the Spoken Drills

Following a well-organized presentation of the grammar point, do the spoken drills.
N.B. Both during the presentation and while doing the spoken drills, the students'
books should be kept closed.
1. Directed discourse: By these indirect questions, the teacher can review the grammar
point from the previous lesson in meaningful contexts.
Teacher: Ali, please ask Reza what his favorite sport is.
Ali: What is your favorite sport?
Reza: My favorite sport is soccer.
Teacher: Maryam, please ask Mina what her favorite color is.
Maryam: What is your favorite color?
Mina: My favorite color is blue.

2. Substitution drills: Such drills provide the students with a chance to practice word
choice or word replacement without having to worry about the word order.
To do a substitution drill, put the sentence on the board, underline the slot(s) to be
substituted for, and have the students repeat it after you a few times.
Then give the class 2 words to put in place of the word(s) underlined while the sentence
Pre-Intermediate Two

is still on the board.

Finally, erase the board and drill the sentence in the following way:
Give the cue and point to one student for a new sentence, then say the new sentence
and invite the whole class to repeat it after you.
a. Single slot substitution drills.
I'm putting the pens on the table.
books pencils
The Iran Language Institute

notebooks pens
b. Multiple slot substitution drills.
I read this book last year.
bought sent
week year
received read

3. Transformation drills: These drills are meant for the students to change the
grammatical function of a structure by rearranging some of its elements.
Teacher: He has studied medicine for five years. (ask a Yes/No question)
Class: Has he studied medicine for five years?
Teacher: Mary has practiced the piano since she was ten. (ask a Yes/No question)
Class: Has she practiced the piano since she was ten?
4. Expansion drills: In such drills, the students are shown how to expand a particular
sentence structure in a specific way after the teacher puts enough examples on the
board for the students to see and gives the cue.
Teacher: Well, they finally employed a secretary.
Student: I thought they had employed one before.
Teacher: I saw my English exam grade.
Student: When I went to school, I saw my English exam grade.

N.B. When the drills are to be done chorally, each time you give the cue the whole
class responds; otherwise, give the cue and point to a particular student for an
individual response, then give the correct response for reinforcement and invite
the whole class to repeat it after you.
N.B. Long or complicated patterns should be done individually.
N.B. In either individual or choral drills, if you do not hear the correct response,
say the correct sentence and invite the whole class to repeat it after you.

How to Deal with the Listening Activity

A. Pre- listening
This part serves as a warm-up to the next activity. Make sure you won't spend too much
time on this activity. The following steps are suggested for this part:
1. If there are any new words, have the students repeat them chorally a few times.
2. Give the students a few minutes to complete the task.
3. Check the students' answers. Depending on the length of the activity, one of the
following is recommended:
a. individual checks
b. choral checks followed by individual spot-checks
Pre-Intermediate Two

B. Listening
1. Play the tape/CD and have the students do the task.
N.B. Do NOT pause the tape/CD at this point.
2. Check the students' answers chorally followed by some individual spot checks.
3. Play the tape for a second time. PAUSE the tape/CD after each chunk or
sentence and have the students repeat every single chunk or sentence individually
and explain if there are any problems.

The Iran Language Institute

4. Play the tape/CD NON-STOP for the last time. If time allows, you may ask
some comprehension questions, or (Pre-Intermediate levels) have the students give
a summary of what they just listened to.
C. Follow-up
Each follow-up activity, which is practically the core of the lesson, is aimed to improve
the students' communicative abilities in a certain situation by using the words and
expressions in the previous parts. It is to be noted that the instructions of each follow-up
activity are to be closely followed and the students' performance should be monitored all
the time.
N.B. Books are open all through the different activities of the
listening task.

How to Deal with the Workbook Exercises

Exercises A-E in each unit aim to reinforce in the students the grammar points and the vocabulary
items presented in the corresponding unit. To make optimum use of these exercises, it is
recommended that you explain the objective of each exercise a session ahead, whenever needed.
You are also recommended to observe the following guidelines:
1. Have the students do the exercises of each unit only after you have covered the
corresponding unit in the Student's Book.
2. Before checking the exercises, make sure that all the students have done the related
3. Involve as many students as you can while doing the exercises.
4. Have each student read out one item individually. Make sure that all the students have
checked their answers by repeating the correct answers once more. Provide further
explanation as needed, and then call on another student to read the next time.
5. (Pre-Intermediate levels) with respect to Exercise B, i.e. vocabulary expansion through
prefixes and suffixes, encourage the students to use their dictionaries at home. Explain the
function of each prefix or suffix and have the students give further examples.

Exercise F, Communication Activity, aims to develop the students' ability to speak fluently as well as
accurately. To make optimum use of this exercise, it is to be assigned as homework so that the
students can prepare beforehand. Yet the students should be strongly advised against writing
anything to prepare for class performance as the activity focuses on "oral" production.
While working on the exercise in class, you should bear in mind the following guidelines:
1. Have the students read the given example.
2. Have the students work in pairs and make the required dialogs.
3. Monitor this activity and make sure that they speak in English.
4. Once the pairs are finished with their assigned task, have several of them present their
dialog and make the necessary corrections.
NB. Have the students work with different partners during the term.
Pre-Intermediate Two

The Iran Language Institute

Guidelines on How to Evaluate Students' Classroom Activities in Adults' Department

The following table is intended to provide insight into how teachers should uniformly grade students on
different language skills. It should prove useful for teachers at all levels of the ILI.

Percentage of
Type of Performance Approximate Definition
Number of Errors
• The student makes no or very few
errors in productive language
skills, i.e. speaking, writing and
reading aloud.
• The student understands reading
Excellent 95-100 5-10 and listening comprehension texts
• The student establishes oral
communication with the
teacher/classmates with no
serious difficulty.
• The student makes few errors in
productive language skills, i.e.
speaking, writing and reading
• The student understands reading
Good 85-94 10-15 and listening comprehension texts
with little difficulty.
• The student establishes oral
communication with the
teacher/classmates with few
• The student makes several errors
in productive language skills, i.e.
speaking, writing and reading
• The student understands reading
Acceptable 75-84 15-25 and listening comprehension texts
with some difficulty.
• The student establishes oral
communication with the
Pre-Intermediate Two

teacher/classmates with tolerable


The Iran Language Institute

• The student makes many errors in

productive language skills, i.e.
speaking, writing and reading
Poor 50-74 25-50
• The student has serious difficulty in
understanding reading and
listening comprehension texts.
• The student hardly establishes
oral communication with the
• The student makes too many
errors in productive language skills,
i.e. speaking, writing and reading
Very Poor
• The student does not understand
50 reading and listening
comprehension texts.
• The student cannot establish oral
communication with the

Pre-Intermediate Two

The Iran Language Institute

Syllabus for Pre-Intermediate Two

Introduce yourself.
Check the Registration List and Have Students Introduce themselves.
Introduce the Course and the Grading System.
A. Inform them that their final grade consists of:
1. Final Exam 20%
2. Class Activity 80%
Listening / Speaking 40%
Reading 30%
Writing 10%
B. Emphasize that the students are responsible for reading the announcements posted on the
C. Remind them of the regulations of the ILI regarding absences and tardiness.
1. Teach Vocabulary Unit l.
2. Teach Dialog Unit 1.
3. Do Unit 1 Directed Discourse and Spoken Drills 1-6.
4. Do Listening Comprehension Unit 1.
5. Assign Homework:
a. Memorization of Dialog Unit 1.
b. Writing Questions on Dialog Unit 1.
c. Learning Vocabulary Unit 1.

Warm up.
1. Call the Roll.
2. Have Some Students Recite Dialog Unit 1. (3 Pairs)
3. Teach Reading Unit 1.
4. Finish Spoken Drills Unit 1.
5. Teach Vocabulary Unit 2.
6. Assign Homework:
a. Writing Questions on Reading Unit 1.
b. Doing Workbook Exercises Unit l.
c. Learning Vocabulary Unit 2.

Warm up.
1. Call the Roll.
2. Have Some Students Read Reading Unit 1.
3. Teach Dialog Unit 2.
Pre-Intermediate Two

4. Do Workbook Exercises Unit l.

5. Do Unit 2 Directed Discourse and Spoken Drills 1-6.
6. Assign Homework:
a. Memorization of Dialog Unit 2.
b. Writing Questions on Dialog Unit 2.

The Iran Language Institute

Warm up.
1. Call the Roll.
2. Have Some Students Recite Dialog Unit 2.
3. Teach Reading Unit 2.
4. Finish Spoken Drills Unit 2.
5. Assign Homework:
a. Writing Questions on Reading Unit 2.
b. Doing Workbook Exercises Unit 2.

Warm up.
1. Call the Roll.
2. Have Some Students Read Reading Unit 2.
3. Do Listening Comprehension Unit 2.
4. Do Workbook Exercises Unit 2.
5. Teach Vocabulary Unit 3.
6. Assign Homework:
a. Learning Vocabulary Unit 3.

Warm up.
1. Call the Roll.
2. Teach Dialog Unit 3.
3. Do Listening Comprehension Unit 3.
4. Do Unit 3 Directed Discourse and Spoken Drills 1-6.
5. Assign Homework:
a. Memorization of Dialog Unit 3.
b. Writing Questions on Dialog Unit 3.

Warm up.
1. Call the Roll.
2. Have Some Students Recite Dialog Unit 3.
3. Teach Reading Unit 3.
4. Finish Spoken Drills Unit 3.
5. Teach Vocabulary Unit 4.
6. Assign Homework:
a. Writing Questions on Reading Unit 3.
b. Doing Workbook Exercises Unit 3.
c. Learning Vocabulary Unit 4.

Pre-Intermediate Two

Warm up.
1. Call the Roll.
2. Have Some Students Read Reading Unit 3.
3. Teach Dialog Unit 4.
4. Do Workbook Exercises Unit 3.
5. Do Unit 4 Directed Discourse and Spoken Drills 1-6.
6. Assign Homework:

The Iran Language Institute

a. Memorization of Dialog Unit 4.

b. Writing Questions on Dialog Unit 4.

Warm up.
1. Call the Roll.
2. Have Some Students Recite Dialog Unit 4.
3. Teach Reading Unit 4.
4. Finish Spoken Drills Unit 4.
5. Assign Homework:
a. Writing Questions on Reading Unit 4.
b. Doing Workbook Exercises Unit 4.

Warm up.
1. Call the Roll.
2. Have Some Students Read Reading Unit 4.
3. Do Listening Comprehension Unit 4.
4. Do Workbook Exercises Unit 4.
5. Teach Vocabulary Unit 5.
6. Remind the Students That They Can Work on the Mid Term Self-Test.
7. Assign Homework:
a. Learning Vocabulary Unit 5.

Warm up.
1. Call the Roll.
2. Answer the Questions on the Mid Term Self-Test If There Are Any.
3. Teach Dialog Unit 5.
4. Do Listening Comprehension Unit 5.
5. Do Unit 5 Directed Discourse and Spoken Drills 1-6.
6. Assign Homework:
a. Memorization of Dialog Unit 5.
b. Writing Questions on Dialog Unit 5.

Warm up.
1. Call the Roll.
2. Have Some Students Recite Dialog Unit 5.
3. Teach Reading Unit 5.
4. Finish Spoken Drills Unit 5.
5. Teach Vocabulary Unit 6.
6. Assign Homework:
a. Writing Questions on Reading Unit 5.
Pre-Intermediate Two

b. Doing Workbook Exercises Unit 5.

c. Learning Vocabulary Unit 6.

Warm up.
1. Call the Roll.
2. Have Some Students Read Reading Unit 5.

The Iran Language Institute

3. Teach Dialog Unit 6.

4. Do Workbook Exercises Unit 5.
5. Do Unit 6 Directed Discourse and Spoken Drills 1-6.
6. Assign Homework:
a. Memorization of Dialog Unit 6.
b. Writing Questions on Dialog Unit 6.

Warm up.
1. Call the Roll.
2. Have Some Students Recite Dialog Unit 6.
3. Teach Reading Unit 6.
4. Finish Spoken Drills Unit 6.
5. Assign Homework:
a. Writing Questions on Reading Unit 6.
b. Doing Workbook Exercises Unit 6.

Warm up.
1. Call the Roll.
2. Have Some Students Read Reading Unit 6.
3. Do Listening Comprehension Unit 6.
4. Do Workbook Exercises Unit 6.
5. Teach Vocabulary Unit 7.
6. Assign Homework:
a. Learning Vocabulary Unit 7.

Warm up.
1. Call the Roll.
2. Teach Dialog Unit 7.
3. Do Listening Comprehension Unit 7.
4. Do Unit 7 Directed Discourse and Spoken Drills 1-6.
5. Assign Homework:
a. Memorization of Dialog Unit 7.
b. Writing Questions on Dialog Unit 7.

Warm up.
1. Call the Roll.
2. Have Some Students Recite Dialog Unit 7.
3. Teach Reading Unit 7.
Pre-Intermediate Two

4. Finish Spoken Drills Unit 7.

5. Teach Vocabulary Unit 8.
6. Assign Homework:
a. Writing Questions on Reading Unit 7.
b. Doing Workbook Exercises Unit 7.
c. Learning Vocabulary Unit 8.

The Iran Language Institute

Warm up.
1. Call the Roll.
2. Have Some Students Read Reading Unit 7.
3. Teach Dialog Unit 8.
4. Do Workbook Exercises Unit 7.
5. Do Unit 8 Directed Discourse and Spoken Drills 1-6.
6. Assign Homework:
a. Memorization of Dialog Unit 8.
b. Writing Questions on Dialog Unit 8.

Warm up.
1. Call the Roll.
2. Have Some Students Recite Dialog Unit 8.
3. Teach Reading Unit 8.
4. Finish Spoken Drills Unit 8.
5. Remind the Students that They Can Work on the Remedial Tests I
6. Assign Homework:
a. Writing Questions on Reading Unit 8.
b. Doing Workbook Exercises Unit 8.

Warm up.
1. Call the Roll.
2. Have Some Students Read Reading Unit 8.
3. Do Listening Comprehension Unit 8.
4. Do Workbook Exercises Unit 8.
5. Answer the Questions on the Remedial Tests 1,2,3 If There Are Any.
6. Review Problematic Sections of the Book.
7. Remind them of the Date of the Final Exam.

Answer the students’ questions if there are any.
Pre-Intermediate Two

The Iran Language Institute

Unit 1


1. b 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. a

What ingredients go in this sandwich? Write them below.
A: Aa… What are you doing?
B: Making some sandwiches for the picnic. I love a good sandwich. But have you noticed
how hard it is to get a really good one around here?
A: What do you mean? They sell sandwiches all over.
B: Yeah, but they’re not very good. I mean for a real sandwich, the ingredients, the meat,
the cheese and stuff should be at least as thick as the bread.
A: Yeah, well, I can see that, but what are you putting in them?
B: Well, I like to start with roast beef. You put a few slices of roast beef on bread.
A: You’ve got a lot of beef there.
B: Yeah. You need lots of roast beef at the bottom. Maybe five or six slices. Think of it as
the base. It needs to be solid.
A: Well, let’s see. How about turkey?
B: Yeah, a few pieces of turkey.
A: Roast beef then turkey. You think you have enough meat? How about some vegetables
on that?
B: Yeah. Mmm. How about some sliced onions? On top of the meat you put sliced onions
and then…hmm…some tomatoes and mushrooms.
A: Onions, tomatoes, mushrooms. OK. That looks good. Maybe a few more mushrooms.
B: Yeah. A few more mushrooms. Hmm. Looks great! And on top of that a layer of cheese.
A: Yeah. Let’s put some lettuce on that cheese.
B: Right! Cheese then lettuce. Mm… Do you like mustard?
A: Mustard? Yeah.
B: OK. Let’s put on some mustard. And now the other piece of bread.
A: Wow! It looks great!
B: Now, these are sandwiches!
A: Sandwiches? Actually, they look more like mountains.
B: Yeah. Let’s eat them now. Why wait for the picnic?


Pre-Intermediate Two

1. bread 2. slices of roast beef 3. pieces of turkey

4. onion, tomato, mushroom 5. cheese


Exercise A
1. adjust the seat 2. adopt a name 3. figure out how a machine works

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4. promise to study harder 5. search a building 6. shade one’s eyes

Exercise B
1. decision 2. association 3. introductions
4. imagination 5. preparation 6. adoption

Exercise C
1. __, the 2. __, the 3. the, an/__
4. a, an, The 5. an, the, __ 6. The, the, __

Exercise D
1. the other 2. the other 3. another 4. another 5. another 6. the other

Exercise E
1. B: the Netherlands 2. B: bring you another one
3. No change 4. A: didn’t he?
5. No change 6. B: Brazilian coffee

Exercise F
Dialogs will vary.

Pre-Intermediate Two

The Iran Language Institute

Unit 2


1. a 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. b

Where do these people want to go? Listen and write your answers.
A: Could you tell me where departure gate 5 is, please?
B: Yes. Just take the escalator up to the next level and turn right. All the gates are
A: Thanks.

A: Excuse me. Where is the baggage claim area?
B: It’s downstairs. Take the escalator over there near the currency exchange. Go
down to level one. You can get your bags there.

A: Where are the restrooms, please?
B: Just go straight. They’re on the left. Just across from the check-in counters.
A: Thanks. (A baby cries.) Oh dear, I think I’d better hurry. I need to change this
baby right away.

A: Excuse me. How can I get a shuttle bus to the parking lot area for Terminal B?
B: Buses and taxis are on the next level. Just go up those stairs over there and turn
right. The shuttle comes every five minutes.
1. departure gate 5 2. baggage claim area
3. restroom 4. shuttle bus to the parking lot area


1. detect 2. ghost 3. blame 4. discussion 5. transportation 6. safety

Pre-Intermediate Two

1. adjustments 2. Equipment 3. refusal

4. Rentals 5. employment 6. retirement

1. Example 2. what to expect 3. where to go

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4. how to find somewhere to live 5. what to do 6. who to get in touch with

1. Example 2. …where Alice lives? 3. …what kind of car Tony has?

4. … what Jim Chapman does? 5. …where the library is? 6. …what yrs means?

1. B: few 2. A: what Fred’s father does? 3. No change
4. No change 5. A: little 6. B: who he was

Dialogs will vary.

Pre-Intermediate Two

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Unit 3


1. b 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. a

Listen to these reports about endangered species. As you hear each description, write the
name of the animal. Then complete the chart below.

1. This solitary animal lives in the cold areas of central Asia and moves up to the Tibetan
highlands in the summer. It feeds on animals such as deer often leaping as far as 45 feet
to catch them. It is endangered because people hunt it for its beautiful fur.

2. This animal lives in the bamboo forests of the mountains of China. It stands around 6
feet tall and weighs about 200 pounds. To support its size, it must eat almost 85 pounds
of bamboo shoots, stems and leaves a day. Because many bamboo forests have been
destroyed, and because the bamboo has a very long growth cycle, this animal is dying out
from a lack of food. Zoos are trying to breed them, but unfortunately have not been very

1. Snow leopard
- It is found in central Asia.
- It feeds on animals such as deer.
- Because people hunt it for its beautiful fur.
2. Panda
- It is found in China.
- It feeds on bamboo shoots, stems and leaves.
- Because of lack of food.


1. hunted 2. tiny 3. raise 4. damp 5. gradually 6. leaped / leapt

1. reality 2. similarity 3. safety 4. dampness 5. fertility 6. stickiness
Pre-Intermediate Two

1. said 2. tell 3. told 4. said 5. tell 6. say

1. Example

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2. The doctor told her not to go to work for a couple of days.

3. The doctor told her to have a lot of hot chicken soup.
4. The doctor told her not to eat any fried food.
5. The doctor told her to drink a lot of orange juice.
6. The doctor told her to take her medicine regularly.

1. B: not to drive 2. A: told you 3. B: she said
4. No change 5. B: never to wait 6. No change

Dialogs will vary.

Pre-Intermediate Two

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1. c 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. a

Three people are talking about unusual foods. Listen and complete the chart.
1. First Julie
A: So Julie, what’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever eaten?
B: Oh, gosh! Well, when I was in Mexico, my friends took me to a restaurant and
you know usually I start a meal with a salad but they wanted me to try a local
soup. They said it was delicious. Well, it was a soup made with garlic.
B: Garlic?
A: Yeah, with an egg in it. Garlic soup. Ugh! I didn’t like it very much.
2. Next Sang-Woo
A: Sang-Woo, what’s the most unusual thing you’ve eaten?
B: Well, once I had something very strange in Florida. I thought it would taste like
some sort of fish like a shark or something, but it actually tasted a bit like
chicken. It wasn’t bad.
A: What was it?
B: Alligator steak.
A: Oh, no!
B: Oh, no, no, no. You should try it if you get that chance.
B: Mmm…maybe not.
3. Finally Kurt
A: Kurt, what’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever eaten?
B: Well, let’s see. I was in Japan one time and it was a hot day, so I wanted some ice
cream, and I went into this ice cream shop and there was this green ice cream
and I thought it was pistachio.
A: But wasn’t it pistachio?
B: Oh, no.
A: Oh, no. Not fish ice cream, I hope.
B: Oh, no, no. Actually, it was green tea.
A: Oh, was it good?
B: Well, yes, sort of. It was different anyway.


1. garlic soup. She didn’t like it very much.
Pre-Intermediate Two

2. alligator steak. It wasn’t bad.

3. green tea ice cream. It was different.


1. argues 2. typical 3. selection 4. value 5. concern 6. omit
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1. strength 2. youth 3. boredom 4. fluency 5. truth 6. freedom

1. might 2. must 3. Could 4. mustn’t 5. might 6. must

1. Example
2. Simon and his wife don’t have to buy a car.
3. Helen has to see her doctor today.
4. Carol had to clean her room yesterday.
5. You don’t have to do the last exercise.
6. You have to get up early tomorrow morning.

1. No change 2. I had to take her
3. No, don’t have to 4. could you help me
5. No change 6. No change

1. Example 2. I mustn’t turn right.
3. I mustn’t stop. 4. I mustn’t park in this area.
5. I mustn’t make a U-turn. 6. I must go more slowly.

Pre-Intermediate Two

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Unit 5


1. c 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. a

People are talking about improving the environment. What do they do with these things?
Fill in the blanks.
1. Newspapers
A: Hey, if you’re done reading the newspaper, I’ll throw it out.
B: No, wait. I wanna recycle it.
A: Recycle the newspaper? That’s a good idea.
B: Yeah. Uh…. just put it in the closet. When we get a big pile, we’ll take it to the
recycling center.
A: OK.

2. Cups
A: Hi Bob. Do you want a cup of coffee?
B: Yeah. Just a minute. My cup’s on my desk.
A: That’s OK. We’ve got styrofoam cups.
B: No. Let me get my cup. I don’t use styrofoam cups anymore.
A: Really? Why not?
B: Well, I was reading. Did you know that foam cups never break down? They
never break down at all. They aren’t biodegradable. If I used the styrofoam cup
today, it would still be around in 500 years. So, I use my own cup.
A: Wow! I didn’t know that.

3. Bags
A: OK. With tax, that comes to 28.19.
B: 28.19. OK. Here’s 30.
A: And your change. Would you like paper bags or plastic bags?
B: Neither. I brought my own bags.
A: Your own bags?
B: Yes, I’ve got these cloth bags. I always bring my own shopping bags. Saves trees
you know.
A: Yeah. I suppose it does.
Pre-Intermediate Two

4. Plastic Bottles
A: I don’t throw away that plastic bottle. You can reuse it.
B: An old plastic bottle? What for?
A: To save water. You put some rocks in the bottle, and fill it with water. The rocks
and water make the bottle heavy. You put the bottle in the bathroom, uh… in
the toilet tank.
B: You put it in the toilet tank?
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A: Yeah, it saves water. Every time you flush the tank you save 15 to 20 percent of
the water.
B: It saves that much water? Wow!

5. An Air Pressure Gauge

A: What’s this thing?
B: That? That’s an air pressure gauge. You use it to see if there’s enough air in your
A: Oh, I’ve never seen one like this before.
B: Yeah, I’ve started checking the air pressure in my tires every couple of weeks.
Did you know that if your tires are low, your car uses a lot more gasoline?
A: Mmm. I never thought about that.
B: Yeah. So with a two-dollar air gauge, I use less gas and save money.


1. example 2. don’t use 3. paper or plastic 4. toilet 5. air pressure – gasoline


1. direct a company 2. dump the garbage
3. pollute the air 4. produce a new make of car
5. scold a child 6. waste money

1. patience 2. appearance 3. acceptance 4. Importance 5. confidence 6. reference

1. which 2. who 3. which 4. who 5. which 6. who

1. Example
2. I don’t know the names of the people whom / that you visited.
3. What’s the name of the man whose car was so beautiful?
4. The waitress who was very polite and patient served us.
5. The Red Lion is the restaurant in which / where we met for dinner.
6. This school is only for children whose first language is not English.

Pre-Intermediate Two

1. B: man who sold his car 2. No change

3. B: woman whose children 4. A: man who is talking / man talking
5. No change 6. A: the girl whose first language

1. Charles Dickens – He was the writer who wrote Oliver Twist.

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2. Charles Chaplin – He was an actor (movie director) who made a lot of comedies.
3. Razi – He was the scientist (chemist) who discovered alcohol.
4. Leonardo da Vinci – He was the painter who painted the Mona Lisa.
5. Marie Curie – She was the scientist who discovered Radium.
6. Thomas Edison – He was the inventor who invented the light bulb.

Pre-Intermediate Two

The Iran Language Institute

Unit 6


1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. a

People are talking about their vacations. Listen to their conversation and complete the
A: Hi Kenji!
B: Laura! Good to see you.
A: Yes, so, how was your vacation?
B: Great! I had a really good time. You know I went to Vancouver, didn’t you?
A: Yes, how was it? I hear Vancouver is beautiful.
B: Terrific scenery. I went to this fantastic garden.
A: Really? I didn’t know you liked gardening.
B: No, I don’t like gardening, but I love to look at gardens. It’s a lot less work.
A: That’s for sure! So, what else did you do?
B: I went to some great restaurants. The seafood there is outstanding.

A: Really?
B: Yeah. Crab, lobster. Great food! Not that expensive either. It was terrific. So how
was your vacation?
A: Well, I didn’t go anywhere special. I stayed home.
B: You just relaxed?
A: That’s right. I stayed home and did a lot of reading. Read what… 4 or 5 books. I
did go to the beach one day and went swimming, but mostly I just took it easy.
B: Oh, sounds nice.
A: It was nice! Very relaxing. But I still wish I had the money to take a trip.


- He went to Vancouver. He went to a fantastic garden and then went to some great
- Yes, he enjoyed himself.
- She stayed home and did a lot of reading. Read about 4 or 5 books. She went to the
beach one day and went swimming.
- No, she didn’t enjoy herself.
Pre-Intermediate Two


1. indicates 2. alighted 3. freeze 4. allow 5. attempt 6. injured

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1. apology 2. injury 3. wastage 4. marriage 5. usage 6. discoveries
1. Example
2. These are the keys for which you were looking.
3. Who was the man with whom I saw you in the restaurant?
4. The bed in which I slept last night was not comfortable.
5. We couldn’t go to the party to which we were invited.
6. The people to whom I talked were very friendly.

1. Example
2. The book containing a lot of interesting information is on the table.
3. The student from Egypt is talking to the teacher.
4. The man arguing with the manager is my father.
5. The students studying architecture are over there.
6. The girl at the information desk is very polite.

1. A: man standing 2. B: the girl about whom
3. B: the city in which 4. No change
5. A: The man who is shouting / The man shouting 6. No change

Dialogs will vary.

Pre-Intermediate Two

The Iran Language Institute

Unit 7


1. c 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. c

Dan is in the bank and wants to get some money. Listen to his conversation with the
bank teller and fill in the blank check.

A: Hi! May I help you?

B: Hi. I’ve just opened a checking account and I want to withdraw $40. What I need
to know is who do I make the check out to?
A: Well, since the money is for you, you make it out to cash.
B: OK. How do I do that?
A: You just write the word “cash” on this line.
B: This line here?
A: Yes, next to “pay to the order of”.
B: OK. c-a-s-h. Now I want to make this $40. There. How is this?
A: Well, you’ve written the amount in numbers, but you have to write it out in
words, too.
That goes on the second line there.
B: Oh, yeah.
A: By the way, it is a good idea to draw a line from the end of the amount to the
word “dollars” so nobody can change the amount.
B: Oh, thanks. Well, that should do it. Here you go.
A: You forgot to sign your name. There, in the bottom right hand corner.
B: Woops, sorry! Uh-uh, here…here you go.
A: The date.
B: Ha?
A: The date. You forgot it. It goes in the top right hand corner.
B: Oh, right. OK. That should do it.
A: Not quite. You have to endorse the check.
B: Huh?
A: You know, sign your name on the back of it?
Pre-Intermediate Two

B: Oh yeah. I always forget that. I’ve already signed the front of the check and I
don’t see why I have to sign the back, too. OK. Am I done?
A: Yes. That’s 10, 20, 30, 35, 40 dollars.
B: Thanks a lot. Have a good day.
A: You, too. Next …

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July / 7 / 1999
Pay to the order of cash
Forty _________________ Dollar



1. finance 2. purpose 3. profit 4. exchange 5. interest 6. resource

1. quieten 2. realized 3. emphasize 4. worsen 5. flatten 6. apologize

1. I ask 2. there are 3. it’s 4. won’t cost 5. share 6. I’ll ask

1. Example
2. If Cathy fails her driving test, she can take it again.
3. If Nick arrives a bit early, he can help Tom get things ready.
4. If the party goes on all night, no one will want to do any work tomorrow.
5. If Emma misses the train, she can get the next one.
6. If Matthew enters the race, he’ll probably win it.

1. A: don’t tell me 2. No change 3. A: Where should /will we go
4. No change 5. A: if you get the money 6. No change

Dialogs will vary.
Pre-Intermediate Two

The Iran Language Institute

Unit 8


1. a 2. c 3. b 4. B 5. b

Listen to the conversations and fill the chart.
A: Have you met Raj, the student from India?
B: No, I haven’t.
A: Well, he seems really nice, but there’s one thing I noticed. He moves his head
from side to side when you talk to him. You know, like this.
B: Maybe it means he doesn’t understand you.
A: No, I don’t think so.
B: Or it could mean he doesn’t agree with you.
C: Actually, people from India sometimes move their heads from side to side when
they agree with what you’re saying.
A: Oh, so that’s what it means!

A: So, how are things at school, Raj?
B: Oh, pretty good actually.
A: Do you find it easy to communicate with people?
B: Most of the time. Though there are some things I find a bit unusual. For
example, the way that people end a conversation. You know, they’ll say things
like “Hey, let’s get together soon.” At first, I thought they were inviting me to do
something, but then I realized it’s just a way of saying goodbye. It’s not really an
invitation at all. It takes a bit of getting used to.


1. Move their heads from side to side when they agree with what you are saying.
2. Say “Hey, let’s get together soon” for saying goodbye.
Pre-Intermediate Two


1. confidence 2. challenges 3. superior 4. interpret 5. a clue 6. posture

1. variety 2. an argument 3. reflection 4. safety 5. omissions 6. detection

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1. doesn’t leave – will miss 2. works – will pass
3. rains – will go 4. does not practice – will not improve
5. don’t send – will come 6. rains – will not go

1. Example
2. If we don’t leave the party now, we will miss the last bus.
3. If you touch the dog, it will bite you.
4. If we don’t stand under a tree, we will get wet.
5. If we walk to the city center, we will get tired.
6. If we don’t hurry, we will be late.

1. No change 2. A: will you go 3. A: If you are free
4. A: if he is sick 5. No change 6. B: don’t complain

Dialogs will vary.

Pre-Intermediate Two

The Iran Language Institute

In the Name of God

Class Observation Form
Basic, Elementary, and Pre-Intermediate Levels

Teacher’s Name: ___________________________ Observer’s Name____________________

Level: ____________________________________ Branch: ____________________________

Session: _______________ Time: ___________ Date: ______________________________

1. Teaching
1.1. The Vocabulary (Unit ______): (from ______ to ______)

– reading out for listening:

– reading out for repetition: choral & spot checks:

– reading out from the book:

– explanations:

– assignment:

– Comments:
Pre-Intermediate Two

1.2. The Dialog (Unit ______): (from ______ to ______)

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– warm-up (Getting Ready: Basic Levels):

– putting the faces/stick figures on the board:

– presentation and dramatization:

– asking some general comprehension questions (not the ones following the Dialog):

– slash marking (Basic – Elementary Levels):

– paraphrasing & asking detailed questions:

– practicing:

– Talking More (Basic Levels):

– assignments: memorizing the Dialog and writing questions on it in notebooks:


1.3. How to Deal with Grammar (Unit ______): (from ______ to ______)

– directed discourse:

– presenting/reviewing the grammar point, and drilling (choral + individual):

Pre-Intermediate Two

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1.4. The Passage (Unit ______): (from ______ to ______)

– warm-up (Getting Started: Basic Levels):

– reading out (Basic – Elementary Levels):

– silent reading (Pre-Intermediate Levels):

– asking some general comprehension questions (not the ones following the Passage):

– slash marking (Basic – Elementary Levels):

– paraphrasing & asking detailed questions:

– checking the multiple choice items:

– reading out the Passage for repetition (Basic Levels):

– Thinking More (Basic Levels):

– assignments: studying the Passage and writing questions on it in notebooks:

– Comments:
Pre-Intermediate Two

2. Checking
2.1. The Vocabulary (Unit ______): (from ______ to ______)

– students reading out the words chorally:

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– correcting mispronunciations through choral repetitions:

– Comments:

2.2. The Dialog (Unit ______): (from ______ to ______)

– couples performing the Dialog:

– comprehension questions by classmates:

– correcting mispronunciations & structural mistakes:

– students asking each other the questions they have written (from notebooks):

– Comments:

2.3. The Passage (Unit ______): (from ______ to ______)

– individual students reading out portions or the whole Passage (one student at a time):

– giving summaries of the portions read (Pre-Intermediate Levels):

Pre-Intermediate Two

– comprehension questions on the portion read by classmates:

– correcting mispronunciations and structural mistakes:

The Iran Language Institute

– students asking each other the questions they have written (from notebooks):

– Comments:

2.4. The written work (Unit ______): (from ______ to ______)

– exercises of the textbook / workbook:

– sentences made by students: (Basic Levels)

– correcting mispronunciations & structural mistakes:

– Comments:

3. How to Deal with Listening (Unit ______): (from ______ to ______)

– pre-listening (Warming Up: Basic Levels):

– listening:

– follow-up (Your Turn to Talk: Basic Levels):

– Comments:
Pre-Intermediate Two

The Iran Language Institute

4. Teacher’s Professional Qualities

Command of English:

– accuracy of speech & structure:

– accuracy of pronunciation & intonation:

– fluency:

– accuracy of writing:

– Comments:

Mastery over the Teaching Material:

– following the recommended methodology:

– using appropriate question techniques:

– capability to impart knowledge:

– adaptation to the level of the students:

– preparation & lesson planning:

– Comments:
Pre-Intermediate Two

The Iran Language Institute

5. Teacher’s Personal Qualities

– punctuality:

– dress code:

– poise & bearing:

– self-confidence:

– enthusiasm & liveliness:

– creativity & spontaneity:

– Comments:

6. Student-Teacher Relationship
– rapport:

– encouraging participation:

– Comments:

7. Class Management
Pre-Intermediate Two

– use of the board:

– pace & use of time:

The Iran Language Institute

– maintaining order:

– following the syllabus:

– Comments:

8. Students’ Behavior and Attitude

– punctuality:

– interest:

– readiness:

– participation:

– discipline:

– Comments:

Pre-Intermediate Two

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Observer’s Overall Comments & Recommendations:

Teacher’s Comments:

Pre-Intermediate Two

Observer’s Signature: Teacher’s Signature:

The Iran Language Institute

Pre-Intermediate Two


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