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Environics Analytics Quiz

Event Marketing Analytics SEA285 SBB

Based on presentation by Vito De


By- Hiten Ladkani

Student ID: 128961208
Date: 30 July, 2021

Marketing Analytics Summer 2021


QUIZ (Tot.: 5 pts)

Individual assignment: Guest speaker Environics

Guest speaker:
Vito De Filippis, VP, Account Management
Environics Analytics

TASK: Answer to the 4 following questions (5 pts):

1. What is (describe/define) geodemographic segmentation? What are the 3 ideas that this
approach is based on? List the 3 ideas, describe/explain. (1.5 pts.)
ANS: Geodemographic segmentation is one of the segmentation types used to define
target market. Environics specializes in this type of segmentation, wherein geographic
codes (postal codes) are used as unique indicators to summarize and combine large
amounts of data. Usually, this data is a description of the demographics, psychographics
and lifestyle of people living in that geographic region. This means that if we consider the
4Ps of marketing that we have been using, so according to this segmentation our place
will become an indicator of the price, product and promotion that will be most relevant to
our target market that belongs to those postal codes.
The Geodemographic segmentation is based on 3 ideas:

1.1.1. Attributes of persons/households that are close together are similar than those
that are far away. This is based on positive spatial correlation, and it indicates that
we can group people living in the nearby postal codes together because they
share the same characteristics.
1.1.2. Knowing a person’s neighborhood helps make good inferences about the person.
This is applicable in a small spatial scale. So Environics has developed named
segments that have defined demographics, psychographics, and lifestyle, these
can be associated with appropriate postal codes and helps us know the data on the
neighborhood. Once we know how that specific region spends their time, spends
their money and who are they, we can make conclusions on the person living in
that region.
1.1.3. Privacy is critical, so one can use small area attributes as reasonable estimates
of people characteristics. There are strict privacy rules in Canada pertaining to
using public data and since there have been issues globally regarding privacy
concerns, Environics respects that and in that view doesn’t use or collect any
individual’s data. All the data that Environics has is collected by partnering with
various data sources like Canada Post, Statistics Canada etc. Once they have the
data on geographic regions, they identify clusters and develop segments that can
be associated with specific region. In this way a possible estimate of people’s
characteristics living in that region is made.

Marketing Analytics Summer 2021


2. What is PRIZM5? How does it work? What are the questions it helps to answer – list and
explain at least one of them. (1.5 pts.)
ANS: PRIZM5 is Canada’s leading segmentation system, developed by Environics
Analytics. It is used to understanding customer segments and markets by capturing
demographics, psychographics and lifestyle shared in a particular geographic region and
then combining them into defined segments so users can compile it with their own
customer data. PRIZM5 has 67 such segments in total. The questions it can help one to
answer are:

1.1.1. Which PRIZM segments are found in my trade area? This can help companies
identify what is their target market and what are their characteristics. Helps in
develop targeted messaging for those segments once they know their attributes.
1.1.2. Where do I have my emerging opportunities and who are my best customers?
1.1.3. What are appropriate channels that can be used to reach target markets?
1.1.4. Have my target market characteristics or attributes changed after a critical event.
If yes then how?

3. Describe one of the case studies presented today’s. Discuss 3 key learning insights from
this case (1.5 pts.)
ANS: I would consider the case study of MLSE. They had approach with a problem – Who else
they could target? Based on the research Environics team provided solutions as follows – 1.
Increased partnership revenue 2. Improved fan experience 3. Research and Analytics further.
Environics did not just straightaway provided the solutions after the research , they provided
actionable insights to MLSE which their team could use further for their marketing strategies,
tweak their customer profile and analyse further to have deep understanding of their prospects
in the market. Another great thing about this case study was that even media consumption
habits of customers were also understood from the segments. For alignment with best partners,
they used the ticket buyers data from the MLSE and the PRIZM5 segments to combine and
create data points that further aid in creating target groups for the client.
4. From your perspective, what is the main takeaway from today’s presentation and
discussion? (0.5 pt.)
ANS: For me, it will be that just plotting data and giving inferences is simply not good enough
from marketing perspective. You need to have actionable insights that you can use to work on
further creating your own market and this may even help you to create a new market for your
product or brand, a blue ocean strategy. Another thing is the privacy concerns, there are so
many restrictions on collecting individual user data and it handicaps the whole process, in that
view Environics Analytics PRIZM5 is currently the best approach because you have the
segments ready at your disposal and all you have to do is research and match them with your
customer data to find out who is your target customer and how they are existing.

Marketing Analytics Summer 2021



This is an individual assignment.
Report: Maximum two pages (+ cover page), 1000 words.
Font: Arial, Size 11

ONLY PDF format and on-time assignments will be accepted:

This assignment is due on Friday, July 30th, before 1:00 PM.

Upload your report in the identified assignment section of BB.


You will be evaluated on:

• Complete the assignment as outlined, answer all the questions.
• The credibility and clarity of your report, well-articulated descriptions.
• The quality, professionalism of the report, no spelling errors, respect of the
framework provided.

Marketing Analytics Summer 2021

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