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Videogames’ evolution

Over the years, video games have revolutionized the world, and you will wonder,
how can that be possible? As the answer is quite simple, many years ago video
games were seen as something of children, things that young boys did to entertain
themselves and have fun, children playing video games on their consoles, games
like Mario Bros, Sonic, Contra and others. But over the years, video games have
evolved, they were no longer simple arcade games, but now they could be played
on small machines at home (better known as consoles), which was something that
revolutionized, most of their audience certainly were children, but there were also
adults who enjoyed playing those games, and the more years the games were
improving, from going to a specific place to play to being able to play anywhere
using a smartphone.
Video games were once seen as children's things, but now everything has
changed, now most people play video games, went from striking out people playing
video games as "children's" people, and themselves as part of that world. People
who enjoy playing and usually spend hours playing are known as gamers, very
strongly criticized before mostly by the press, now gamers are everywhere, many
people have joined to the gaming world.
Why did gaming revolutionize the world? Once they were only a means of
entertainment, however, video games have now become so important that there
are related or directly dedicated works. Works like that of content creators who are
mostly related to video games, who work playing and streaming across multiple
streaming platforms, and to entertain and expand their community, these platforms
generate economic revenue for them.
However, that is not all, video games can also be seen as sports, it's a fact that
special skills are required to be one of the best players in a video game, so most
famous video games have their e-sports, these are usually qualifying tournaments
where you get the best of the game. The most famous e-sports video game is
undoubtedly League of Legends, which runs these tournaments each year and is
distributed around $4 million to the winning teams. There are other video games
that also have their tournaments like: Counter Strike, Overwatch, Dota, Brawlhalla,
FIFA, etc… where the winners also get their reward.
The world of video games seems infinite and it is clear that every day, small
businesses focused on the smaller public that are now multi-million dollar and
respected companies worldwide. This is how video games evolved and continue to
do so, they are no longer limited to young audiences, so much diversity is targeted
to the entire audience. It is no longer just a means of entertainment, it is something
deeper and in what you can professionalize.
Ricardo Parra
Enmanuel Camacho

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