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1. The school is thought highly innovative in that it implements a system of continuous    
   to determine grades. 2. One could hear the sounds of lively 
     coming from
the room where the philosophy class was being held. 3. My brother, who wants to join the clergy, has just
entered a        ). 4. It was inevitable that the         would be
well-attended as it was being given by the renowned professor. 5. There¶s no way I¶ll be able to come. I
have to hand in a two thousand word   ! "   on the Russian Revolution by Monday
afternoon. 6. Stephen was caught! !       from his fellow student¶s test paper and
was expelled. 7. For tomorrow, please read this short original    # # ! from Dickens¶ Hard
Times and be prepared to discuss it in class. 8. If you¶re really interested in applying ask the University to
send you a  ! !    for the upcoming year.

$% ! 

"        $


First class/ Master¶s learning
Higher/first-rate degree
Correspondence/refresher schooling
Compulsory/formal certificate
Post graduate/2-year fees
Long-distance/accelerated diploma
Tuition/registration course
School-leaving/medical education

   !       $

1. ______________________________ ___ learning has proved highly popular in remote parts of Australia
and Canada. 2. In the UK _____________________________ _____ schooling lasts up until the age of
sixteen. 3. Nowadays, a __________________________ ____ certificate does not necessarily guarantee
someone a place in the job market. 4. Please forward the £100 ______________________ _____ fee along
with your application. 5. Stella already has a Bachelor of Art but she is now working towards attaining a
___________________________ ___ degree. 6. My father opened a bank account for me on the day I was
born to ensure that I would receive a ________________________________ _ education. 7. Now that I¶ve
got the job abroad, I think I had better take a _______________________________ ___ course in Spanish. 8.
It will take him at least a year to earn a _____________________________ __ diploma in child psychology.


1. John¶s excuse for not doing his homework was that he had been too tired, but the teacher


this as nonsense. 2. Gable¶s theory !
a lot of interest
from the scientific community. 3. The !! '    '!  '
 of new technology is bound to
revolutionise the function of the classroom. 4. Writing is generally considered a more  ' '

 '  task than reading.



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 ! " 



1 be the teacher¶s a p¶s and q¶s
2 mind one¶s b one, two, three
3 learn something c the grade
4 be as easy as d pet
5 be of the e the back of one¶s hand
6 know something like f old school
7 pass with g by heart
8 make h flying colours

     !      $

1. Now Johnny, if you¶re coming to see your sister in the school play you¶re to be quiet and
_______________________ ____. 2. I can remember as a child, the difficult time I had learning my
multiplication tables___________________________ __. 3. Don¶t mind your father. He
___________________________ _ and believes that some jobs are just not meant to be done by a man. 4.
The children jeered their classmate in the school yard with the cruel chant of
³Suzy______________________________ ____´. 5. Everybody here is fine and Steve has just finished his
finals which he_____________________________ ___. 6. If you don¶t study harder there is no way that you
will _____________________ ____________. 7. I¶ve been studying this list of historical dates for hours and
I _______________________________ ___. 8. There¶s nothing to geometry, it __________________ ___.

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