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Actividad de aprendizaje 2

Evidencia 2: Workshop “Products and services”

La lectura es una de las habilidades más utilizadas en el mundo, pero a la vez es la menos
motivante, dado que en ocasiones hay textos muy extensos y con vocabulario complejo
que dificulta su comprensión y le resta interés al texto; afortunadamente existen nuevos
métodos que facilitan obtener la información necesaria y con ello aumentar el léxico

En este orden de ideas y con la finalidad de cumplir con el propósito de esta evidencia,
consulte el material complementario denominado Integration of products and services.

Luego de esta consulta, resuelva el siguiente taller sobre comprensión lectora:

1. Find the main idea of paragraphs 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, and 12, and write them in a paragraph.

Paragraph1: The modern economy is based on 3 factors, they are digital revolution,
international competition and cultural and structural trends, which generate new jobs
and technology innovations.

Paragraph2: creation and innovation have to be together, is important the innovation but
it has to get a great expectation to costumers granting them satisfaction.

Paragraph9: Enterprises must adapt to change of the economy, in the present all
process is performing digitally; companies must develop innovative products and
services which allow their production and selling in digital way.

Paragraph10: Europe has a slow process in adaptation of new technology to productive

process, that means a disadvantage in front of global market. On the other hand, EE.
UU quickly deploys digital process in the manufacturing of products and services.

Paragraph11: In the present, cars are technologically developed used software which
allow automation it allows too production of parts or modules and deliver them in the
factory points

Paragraph12: In the future, cars will have been equipped with electronic mechanism that
will allow the interaction between drivers and cars; they will be a source of
entertainment, it allows driver work and enjoy at the same time

2. Write a summary of ten lines from the text.

Europe has a slow process about innovation and digitization in their products and
services, which means a disadvantage in front global market; however, Europe has
human and technology potential to bring about the digitization on their process.
Europe is known for the high quality of their products, but to get in at market it has
innovate, it must have balance between innovation and quality this going to generate a
recognize in the market.
European companies can lead globally by operating at the intersection of products and
services. An example could be as well: medical technology, smart cities, the circular
economy, ‘learning’ home appliances, and intelligent transport systems.
In addition, they are development new policy which allow bring up to Europe at top
global market.

3. Choose a paragraph and translate it with your own words.

El costo de las partes electrónicas de cada vehículo se espera que aumente del
20% en 2004 al 40% este año, las estimaciones de Boston Consulting group, con
un carro clásico Premium contiene 100 microprocesadores y corriendo en 100m
líneas de código de software. En el futuro, un carro probablemente será una
combinación de oficina móvil y fuente de entretenimiento. El vehículo
interactuara sin problema e interactuar datos con los dispositivos electrónicos del
conductor, y posiblemente como con el fabricador o compañía de seguros si el
conductor quiere documentar conducción segura.

4. Choose ten words from the text and organize them alphabetically. Look for the meaning
of each word.
Devices: dispositivos
Seamlessly: sin problemas
ncreasingly: cada vez mas
Investment: inversión
Framework: marco de referencia
Reshoring: reubicación
Growth: crecimiento
Ponders: reflexiona
Overriding: primordial
Rationale: razón fundamental

5. Match the term with the corresponding meaning.

a Client d Things created by projects.

b Solution e A series of tasks to be done in a specified sequence.
c Engagement a A customer.
d Project b Products and services that solve a client’s problem.
e Deliverable c An agreement between client-service provider.

Desarrolle esta evidencia con la herramienta de su preferencia y envíe el archivo al

instructor a través de la plataforma virtual de aprendizaje.

Pasos para enviar evidencia:

1. Clic en el título de la evidencia.

2. Clic en Examinar mi equipo y buscar el archivo previamente guardado.
3. Dejar un comentario al instructor (opcional).
4. Clic en Enviar.

Nota: esta evidencia es de carácter individual. Recuerde revisar la guía de aprendizaje

con el fin de verificar que ha realizado todas las evidencias propuestas, saber cómo
desarrollarlas y entregarlas correctamente.

Criterios de evaluación

 Puede extraer información adecuada y precisa, y tomar nota de una conversación,

programa, clase, etc.; referido a su profesión.

 Puede completar frases basado en información leída previamente en un texto.

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