Am Jetstream Pre-Int Unit 8 Lesson 2

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(/) Jennifer GUEVARA 

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Level 3A | JHKT-A7UJ

Am Jetstream Pre-int | Cyber Homework

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Unit 8 Lesson 2

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Deadline:  2021-10-20, 03:00 pm


20 / 20 points (100%)


4 / 4 exercises (100%)


Grammar – make / let / help

2021-10-18, 05:28 pm
5 / 5 points (100%)


A What do you do when you are stressed?

B I listen to music. It helps me relax.

A I eat chocolate when I'm upset. It makes me feel better.

B Really? I usually watch a movie or read a book when I'm upset.

A Do you have a car?

B No, I don't. My sister lets me drive hers.

A I can't come to Seattle with you.

B Why not?
A The thought of flying in a plane makes me nervous.

A You should exercise more. It will help you to lose weight.

B I know, but I'm lazy.

Listening – Public Speaking Disasters (1)

2021-10-18, 05:29 pm
5 / 5 points (100%)

Leah is worried about losing her memory stick. FALSE

If she forgets something in her presentation, she should wait. TRUE

Leah shouldn’t be afraid to ask the audience for help. TRUE

Losing her laptop is Leah’s worst nightmare. FALSE

Marcus advises her to use as many slides as possible. FALSE

Listening – Public Speaking Disasters (2)
2021-10-18, 05:31 pm
4 / 4 points (100%)

Leah is worried that somebody will steal her laptop.

Leah is going to save her presentation on her flash drive.

If Leah can't use her laptop, she can use Marcus's (somebody else's) laptop.

Leah is worried that her mind will go blank.

It's important to practice her presentation.

Vocabulary – Presentations
2021-10-18, 05:32 pm
6 / 6 points (100%)

I don't want people to know about this. I'm embarrassed about it.

You can't help feeling anxious. Giving a presentation makes everybody feel nervous.

He thought his presentation was perfect. He was over-confident about it.

I have painful memories of being made fun of in school.

They criticized me for making my speech too long.

It's good to be a little nervous. It keeps you on your toes.

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