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Lesson 10 – ASKING FOR and

Lesson 10 – Asking for and Giving Directions

In the course of their work, businesspeople

often travel to other people’s offices or businesses. And,
from time to time they need to find they way around
places they have never been.

Lesson 10 – Asking for and Giving Directions
Useful Expressions
Asking for Directions

Excuse me . . .
** This is always the most polite way to begin your request for directions**

Would/Could you tell me how to get to . . . Anderson Construction?

How do I find . . . suite 305?
What is the best way to get to . . . business office?
Would/Could you direct me to . . . Ms. Sumidata’s office?
Which way do I go to get to . . . the Nobunaga Building?

Don’t forget to say “Thank

you” after someone has given
you assistance.

Lesson 10 – Asking for and Giving Directions
Useful Expressions

Giving Directions

Go straight Make a U turn Turn left Turn right

Continue on (keep going) Follow this hall . . . road . . . path
Take the elevator It’s about 150 meters
It’s next to . . . across from . . . opposite . . . beside . . . between (two things)
Cross the . . . street . . . road . . . park . . . lobby . . . intersection . . .
Go past the . . . Walk along… Drive along…
It’s on . . . the left . . . the right . . . the third floor . . . the corner

Lesson 10 – Asking for and Giving Directions
Go straight Go to Behind
Right Left Beside
On your right On your left Next to
Across from In front of On the corner of

Lesson 10 – Asking for and Giving Directions

Practice the dialogue. Take turns reading the lines.

Dialogue 1
A: Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to ABC Building?
B: Sure. Go straight down this street for two blocks. Turn left
when you get to Maple Street. Stay on Maple for half a block. It's
on the left hand side.

Dialogue 2
A: Excuse me, would you please tell the best way to the DFG
B: Certainly, drive along Second Avenue to River Street and turn
left. Keep going on River Street and you’ll see the courthouse on
the right, between the XYZ Building and the post office.

Lesson 10 – Asking for and Giving Directions
Study the map. Exercise

Lesson 10 – Asking for and Giving Directions
Activity 1. Using the map on the previous page, direct your teacher to
the locations below. The teacher should carefully trace the directions
he is given to see if he really gets where he was told to go.

1. People’s Park
2. Building 47 (top right corner of the map)
3. Building 49 (bottom left of the map)
4. Little Acorn Park (bottom of the map)
5. Pardott Gardens (top right of the map)
6. Building 42 (top left of the map)

Activity 1I. The teacher will provide 3 more locations for the student
to direct him to. Carefully trace the directions you are given to see if
you really get where you were told to go.

Lesson 10 – Asking for and Giving Directions
Sets of Instructions

Giving directions usually consists of two sets of instructions.

First Set
Say “Go to” and tell the listener what street, building, office number, etc – or –
how far they need to go.

Second Set
Say “Then” and tell the listener what to do when they get there. (turn left,
turn right, it’s on the left, etc.)

Giving even very complicated directions is just a repetition of these two steps.

Lesson 10 – Asking for and Giving Directions
Useful Tips

Asking for Directions

 Make sure to ask the person giving directions to repeat and / or slow down.
 In order to help out, repeat each direction the person gives. This will help
both you remember the names of streets, turns, etc., as well as help the person
giving directions provide clear instructions.

Giving Directions

 Make visual notes while the person describes the route.

 Once the person has given you directions, repeat the entire set of directions
again. Here's an example:
Take 2nd right
Go 300 yards
Take 1st left at the stop sign
Go 100 yards the shop is on your left.

The End

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